- Chuck norris vs JP
- Alien vs predator
- Light Ray vs. Jack of Hearts
- Quasar vs. Firestorm
- Jack Of Hearts Vs. Vision
- Pre Crisis Superman vs
- Firestorm Vs Jack Of Hearts
- Tasmanian Devil/DC vs Carlos Lobo
- Galactus Vs Celestial
- Lunatik,Mangog & Gog/Marvel vs JLA
- Galactus Vs Darkseed
- The Most Recent Drax the Destroyer vs The Orginal Drax the Destroyer
- Overlord/Savage Dragon & Savage Dragon vs Dr Doom & She Hulk
- Bannerless Hulk vs. Immortal Hercules
- Every Street Level Hero Vs Superman & Thor
- Ronan the Accuser vs. Aquaman
- Captain America vs. Scalphunter
- Namor vs. Ironman
- Namor vs. Thing
- Hulk vs. Shatterstar
- Quasar and Mangog decide to take over the Earth.
- Alpha Flight Vs The Inhumans
- Juggernaut(classic) Vs Alpha Flight
- Thanos Vs Lunatik
- Which team smashes who???
- Superman-Green Lantern-Martian Manhunter vs Siver Surfer-Gladiator-Thor
- War Hulk vs Silver Age Mangog
- Omega vs Doomsday
- Chuck norris vs M.R.T vs JP vs Bruce lee
- This team vs Eternity
- Batman and Agent Zero vs The Punisher and Wolverine
- havok verse cyclops
- atlas vs ahab, and deathlok
- Black Cat vs Asbestos Lady
- Agent Zero vs. Luke Cage
- Kurse vs. Tyrant
- Sasquatch vs. Metallo
- Aquaman and Hawkman: Armwrestle
- Shaman Nate Grey vs. King Thor
- Nightwing vs Hawkeye
- Dr.Doom vs the Doom Patrol
- Volcana,Quicksand & Arclight vs Wonder Woman
- Superman vs. Shaman
- Aquaman vs Orka & Tiger Shark
- Spawn vs. Galactus
- Superman vs. Namor/Aquaman
- Doctor Doom vs Cable
- Pre Crisis Superman Superman with the sword of Superman vs God
- Bronze Tiger,Conner Hawke vs Lady Shiva, Batman
- Bronze tiger vs Shang Chi
- Thor vs Darkseid
- Robin(tim drake),Nightwing,richard Dragon vs Captain America,Iron Fist,Jason Todd
- Wolfsbane vs. Spider-man
- Thor (616) vs Ultimate Colosus
- Manbat vs Spider-man
- Psylock vs. Polaris
- Tim Drake versus Gambit
- Superman Vs Seth(marvel)
- Green Lantern+Silver Surfer vs Superman+Thor
- Onslaught vs. Dr. Fate
- Silver Surfer runs the gauntlet
- War Hulk & Trion Juggernaut vs The Strongest Version of Doomsday
- Thor vs Green Lantern
- royal rumble
- Just for The Kahn........Galactus vs The Walrus!
- Despero vs. Odin
- Who wileds more RAW Power ?
- Older Batman Beyond Vs Current Batman
- A non supes/wolvie/galactus VS
- X-Men vs Godstorm
- Desak vs God Stalker
- Firestar,Nova/Richard Rider & Rage vs Cyborg,Steel I & Batman
- Exodus,Stryfe & Magneto vs Despero
- Speedball vs. Captain America
- Hellion vs. Ironman
- Gladiator vs. Quasar
- caaptain america vs iron man
- hulk ,juggernaut vs thing and brimstone love
- Alex Mack vs. Kitty Pride
- Batman vs. Hawkman
- the battle of the comicverses
- Spider-man vs Fire Fly
- Namor vs Firelord
- Batman's butler vs The Avenger's butler
- Ultimate Hulk vs Ultimate Juggernaut
- Superman Vs Desak(marvel)
- Ultimate Iron Man vs Ultimate Juggernaut
- Green Goblin Vs. The Terminator
- Mangog vs. Kurse. vs. Doomsday vs. Bannerless Hulk vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Supermans Villains vs Marvel Characters
- Radius vs Juggernaut
- gambit,beast nightcrawler,mr. sinister,juggernaut vs apoclypse,toad,omega red,wolv
- Doomsday vs. Drax the Destroyer
- The Collective vs. Alpha Flight
- doomsday vs gladiator
- gladiator vs classic juggernaut
- Despero vs. X-Men
- Rage vs Grey Hulk vs Atom Smasher
- Power Girl vs. Silver Surfer
- Quasar vs. Genis-Vell
- D{bloodlust} vs ALUCARD
- Alpha Flight vs Marvel team
- Bannerless Hulk vs Current Darkseid
- Hydroman vs Namor in the ocean
- D{vampire hunter D blodlust} vs Blade and vampirella
- Green Goblin vs Ghost Rider
- Live Wire vs Atlas
- storm vs. static shock
- Doom vs Lex in his Battle Armor
- superman vs. darth vader reply
- Movie Doctor Doom VS Movie X-Men, Spider-Man & Green Goblin
- Temugin vs. Batman H2H only!(no weapons)
- Nexus VS. Silver Surfer
- Alpha Flight vs. Alpha Flight
- Dr. Doom Vs. Lex Luthor in a "friendly" game of chess
- Solomon Grundy Vs. The Grey Hulk
- Batman Vs. Conan
- The Thunderbolts vs The JLA
- Darkseid with antilife equation lose in the MU
- Iron Man w/EXTREMIS armor vs. Aquaman w/ the hand implant
- pics
- flash vs wonder woman
- Power Girl vs Ms Marvel
- Ultimates vs. Alpha Flight
- New Avengers vs the Ultimates
- Supergirl (current), Superboy Prime,Superman&Lobo vs.Gladiator,Savage Hulk&Darkseid
- alien queen vs jaugernaut
- Cosmic alien quen vs grey fox vs JP VS Armandavalles
- Spider Man Runs the Gauntlet
- Namor vs Super girl
- Gamora vs Wonder Woman H2H only (no weapons or godwave)
- Captain America vs. Deathstroke H2H(no weapons at all)
- Batman and Predator vs Agent Zero and The Punisher
- Ultimus vs Wonder Woman
- Who is Lucifer on Marvel?
- Punisher vs. Sentinels
- Marv vs Hartigan
- Wonder Woman v Sinestro
- savage dragon + majestic+union vs superman+hal jordan [GL]+aquaman
- Darkseid vs. Uatu
- spiderman vs 50 aliens vs kong 05
- Tv Teen Titans VS Spiderman , Wolverine and Captain America.
- 50 aliens vs 50 preds vs 50 jedis vs wonder woman 30 amazon warriors
- batman vs nightwing and robin and batgirl and all other robins
- Manchester Black vs. Prof. Xavier
- Mantis vs Batgirl
- N’Astirh vs Orion
- Lobo Vs The Inhumans
- Karnak Vs Bullseye
- Nimrod,Proteus & X-Man vs Onslaught
- The Runner vs Sundipped Superman
- Cosmic alien queen vs the athuority
- Spider-Man vs She Hulk
- Despero vs. Sentinel
- Supergirl Vs Hulk
- batman vs wolverine hand to hand...no gadgets or claws
- Moon Knight, Daredevil and Black Panther vs. Batman, Green Arrow and Nightwing
- The Society vs. the X-Men
- JP vs
- The Blob Vs. The Beast
- What strength class is this punch?
- Orion v Magneto
- Superhero vs. trumps - who is coolest?
- Superhero v Snap
- Explanations for Power Usage VS. Blind Faith
- Supergirl vs Thor
- Who is the strongest?
- The League vs Team Loki
- Trivia Game for the Smartasses
- 5 Aliens,5 Predators & the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs Deathstroke & Deadpool
- Deadpool,Deathstroke & Batman vs Gun Runner
- AoA vs 616 Marvel Universe
- Superman vs Hulk, Spiderman, Ironman
- The JLA vs some Marvel teams
- Lady Deathstrike vs. Grey Hulk
- Ironman and War Machine against Onslaught
- Intergalactic Race!!
- Superman vs Aliens
- The Black Panther vs Batman
- teenage mutant ninja turtle vs batman and spiderman
- gog wars domsday vs mindless hulk
- Zauriel vs. Thor... ?
- Ulik vs. Blastaar vs. Kalibak
- Spider-man vs Luke Cage both curent powers?
- Apoclalypse vs Fing Fang Foom!!!
- V vs Ozymadians
- Stop Posting Galactus Vs Superman Threads!
- Who are the most powerful teams currentley in marvel and Dc
- Silver Surfer Vs Infinity-man
- The legendary predator vs galactus
- Chuck norris vs bruce lee
- Mysticism vs Sorcery - which has more control over magic?
- Batman and The Punisher vs Wolverine
- Avengers vs Alpha Flight
- Destroyer Arnour imbued with many consciousnesses vs Celestials
- Current Super People vs Galactus
- Alpha Flight vs. JLA!
- Silver Surfer vs. Rachel Summers
- Cyber,Omega Red & Classic Wendigo vs Captain Marvel
- Punisher vs. Nick Fury
- Steal someone's powers!
- Etrigan vs Loki
- Orion,Capt.Marvel vs Black Adam,Gladitaor
- Orion vs Etrigan
- Radioactive Man vs. Aquaman
- Batman & Gambit/AOA vs Bullseye & Killer Kroc
- Ultimate Avengers Movie
- Adult Kon-el vs Black Zero
- Hand-to-hand FFA
- Battle Royale! Sentry, Superman, Hyperion, and Gladiator
- Spider-man vs Green Arrow Hawk Eye and Bulls Eye
- Galactus versus My Hangover
- Spider-Phoenix vs Jean Grey Phoenix
- Captain Planet vs Magneto,Storm & Juggernaut
- Superboy Vs Thanos
- Who are the most powerful teams currentley in marvel.
- Dark Phoenix vs JLA with 30 minutes prep
- Iron Man vs Vision
- juggernaut (video) vs nimrod
- Galactus and Dark Phoenix vs........
- In-betweener vs. Darkseid
- Tom Strong VERSUS Batman
- Etrigan vs Darkseid
- Savage Hulk vs
- Thanos vs Ion with a twist
- Thunderstrike vs Ultimate Thor
- Can this team take down Exitar
- Black Bolt vs. Hercules (Immortal)
- Black Bolt vs. Morg
- Apocalypse vs Brainiac
- Zauriel vs. Wonder Woman
- Apoclalypse 100 of prep and his 4 horsemen vs Galactus & heralds
- Woner woman vs..
- Martial Arts Ben Grimm VS. The Big Boys
- Wonder-Girl vs. Spider-Girl
- Earthquake VS. Hulk
- X-Men vs. Alpha Flight
- Zauriel vs. Iron Man
- Captain Boomerang II vs. Captain America
- The Astonishing X-Men vs The New Avengers
- Doc Samson vs. Mr. Hyde
- Booster Gold vs. Wendigo
- Namor vs Spiderman's villians
- Superboy Prime vs Remaining Dc heroes
- Wonder Man vs. Kalibak
- Orion vs. Apocalypse
- Exitar the Exterminator vs. Robin
- JLA vs. the Defenders
- Adult Kon-El vs. Thanos