- Dr Fate as Kent vs Classic Dr Strange
- Thor amped with the power gem vs Hank amped with rings
- Iron Man vs Steel
- Parallax vs. Thanos
- King Thor vs. Silver Surfer
- Pc omega vs mangog.
- King Thor vs JLA Big 5
- Battle of the Egos!
- Ch'od & Raza Longknife vs Savage Dragon
- Silver Surfer (Current) vs. (Kingdom Come) Captain Marvel
- Brainiac 13 vs Thor
- Classic Dr. Strange vs. the Spectre!
- The Phoenix vs The Silver Surfer
- Movie Iron Man/Iron Monger vs movie Starscream/Devastator
- Underworld vs. Deadpool
- Cable (FP) vs Cap Atom
- Doomsday vs The Fantastic 4
- Immortal weapons vs Maurauders
- Thor (pg) vs Morg (wol)
- Tyrant vs. In-betweener
- Odin vs. Dormammu
- Daredevil vs. Black Panther
- KC Superman vs. Coldcast and Major Disaster
- Nite Owl vs. Batman
- Major Disaster vs. Superman....
- Current Silver Surfer,Current Firelord & Morg/Full Power vs Thanos/pre annihilation
- Hound & Sentinals VS Ironmen
- Classic Beyonder VS Living Tribunal
- Cable vs. Iron Man (Ground Battle)
- Bloodscream vs. Deadpool
- Jenny Quantum v Darkseid
- captain marvell vs nova(rider)
- Superman & Lobo vs WWH & 8th Day Juggernaut
- GLC vs Marvel Gods
- Marvel Zombies & Annihilation Wave vs Imperiax Prime
- H2H Punisher vs Bullseye
- ghost rider vs. spawn
- beyonder vs imperiex
- Gorilla Grodd VS Juggernaut
- violator vs. deadpool
- Rachael vs. Captain Britain
- Iron Man vs. Wonder Woman
- Doomsdays vs Team
- The Darkness vs Wonder Girl
- sentinal(alan scott)/takion vs pc mongul/pc validus
- Alan Scott vs Thanos
- Sundipped Clark (Smallville) vs Superman
- PC Supes vs Thor w/PG
- Son Of Vulcan VS Miss Martian
- Sinestro VS Mongul
- titans vs. avengers
- PC Validus Vs Silver Sufer
- Yuga Khan vs Thanos
- Revolver Ocelot vs. Nick Fury
- Green Lantern(Kyle) vs Mikhail Rasputin,Holocaust & Shadow King
- Spider-Man(Parker) vs Spider-Man(Reilly)
- Guardian IV vs. Vulcan
- Human Torch vs. Flash (Wally)
- Spider-Man vs. Spawn
- thor superman king hyperion orion silver surfer and hal jordan vs. magog and thanos
- X-man VS Vulcan
- Alan Scott VS Thor
- Some matches
- dare devil vs galactus
- Jean Grey vs. Pete Wisdom
- Hyperstorm vs Korvac
- urthmane vs dos doomsday
- Iron Man vs (Movie) Spawn
- Team Green Lantern VS Team yellow lantern
- Punisher vs Bullseye
- Vargas vs Wolverine
- Wolverine vs. Absorbing Man
- Batman (Batman Begins) vs. Deredevil (Daredevil Movie)
- Spider-Man vs. Gambit
- Living Tribunal
- Strong Guy vs The Thing
- sphinx vs thanos
- Class 100 Boxing Tournament
- Durok the Demolisher,Iron Monger & Arsenal vs Current Ultron
- popeye vs superman boxing match
- Wesley Gibson/The Killer Vs. Punisher
- Deathstroke vs. Wolverine
- Agent X vs. Gambit
- Gamora/Moondragon vs. Wonder Woman
- PC Darkseid-Superman vs Thanos-Silver Surfer
- ghost rider vs. carnage
- Genis Vell And Silver surfer vs Infinity Man and Sentry
- Thor VS Doomsday
- Flash,silver Surfer,jenny Quantum Vs. Thor,hal Jordan, Majestic
- Who Can Defeat Charles Xavier!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
- Wildcat vs Killer Croc
- how good... is the "new Movie Hulk" ?
- Original Abomination vs. Immortal Hercules
- a big hello again..to all my friends here :-)
- Create an Amalgam
- Superadaptoid vs. OMAC vs. The Fury
- Vulcan vs. Nova
- Thanos vs Sentry
- Scarlet Witch vs. Black Cat
- Team Talisman vs Phantom Stranger
- Sodam Yat GL VS Adam Warlock
- Iron Spider vs Nightstalkers
- batman vs night thrasher(dwayne taylor)
- Dormammu vs. Mephisto
- Gamora vs. Moon Dragon
- Wolverine vs. First Age Spawn
- Sasquatch vs Super Skrull
- Sentry And Flash Vs. Sinestro And Hulk From World War
- Movie Batman vs 30 Days of Night
- Green Arrow(Ollie Queen) Vs Hawkeye 616( Clint Barton
- Original Abomination VS Hulk Killer Humanoid VS Classic Juggernaut VS Wendigo
- Hal Jordan-flash-jonn Vs. Superman-wonderwoman-captain Marvel
- Superman AS vs Silver Surfer
- Batman vs Gambit
- Gambit vs Moonknight
- Team vs Mangog/most powerful
- Apollo vs Ultimate Thor
- superman prime/hp doomsday vs depowered tyrant/mangog
- Captain Universe Spidey vs Vulcan
- Bedlam (Exemplar) Vs Jean Grey (No Phoenix)
- Sentry vs. Classic Hal Jordan
- Mephisto vs. Odin
- batman vs reed richards(both have prep)
- Create a Marvel Earth Team to Beat...
- Absorbing Man vs Ultron
- BATMAN vs THE LIZARD(conners)
- Dr. Light vs Aleta
- Black Adam vs The Forgotton One
- Classic Wonder Man vs Martian Manhunter in a hand to hand battle
- Multiple Man vs. Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew)
- Scourge of the Underworld vs Criminals of Gotham
- Ultron vs Black adam
- team supes vs team hulks
- Madame Hydra (Viper) vs. Huntress
- Kingpin vs. Wildcat (fist fight)
- Black Adam and Hal Jordan vs. Magneto and Doomsday
- Marvel's martial artist vs. DC's martial artist
- ultron vs garokk
- Helix,Random & Cannonball vs Death Metal
- Huge Battle Royal
- ultron vs. carnage
- War Machine/Geo-Force vs Coldcast/Radioactive Man
- Jenny Sparks vs. Wonder Woman
- Cannonball vs. Thing
- Thanos vs. Gog and friends
- Ultimate Thor vs CLOR
- Liandra (Fallen Angel) vs Spawn (1st Age)
- Cable vs Aquaman
- Wonderwoman vs WWH( fist fight)
- Major Disaster vs. Coldcast
- Major Disaster vs. Red Star
- orion w/astro force vs morg w/wol
- War of Words
- Joker and Lex Luthor vs The X-men
- Lex Luthor vs The Joker
- Grandmaster vs a Watcher vs Thanos
- DC Villains vs Galactus
- Beta Ray Bill vs Martian Manhunter
- Movie Juggernaut Vs Movie Thing
- Captain America vs. Cable
- Odin/Ymir/Surtur vs Galactus
- Thor (current) vs Infinity Man
- Major Disaster (JLE) vs. new teams
- Xavier takes on the top TP users
- Professor X with the Mind Gem vs Martian Manhunter
- Wolverine vs Wild Child
- silver samari w/ black blade vs. puma
- Overmind & Uni-Mind vs Ego & Stranger
- Big O vs GUndam wing
- the silver surfer vs wonder man (the ressurected wonderman)
- Odin vs Superman(sundipped)
- Esper Lass vs. Top Telepaths
- Saturn Girl/Queen VS Top Telepaths
- Wildcat vs. Wild Child
- Elektra vs. Moondragon
- Superman vs Mephisto
- Wolverine vs Gambit with a twist
- batman vs scorpion (Carmilla Black)
- mikhail rasputin vs (current) iceman
- Captain America & Batman vs Elektra & Lady Shiva
- Kanto/Master Assassin vs Deathstroke
- Apollo vs Kon-El
- Insane people fight
- Team vs Marvel Earth
- Race wars
- Iron Man vs PITT
- dr fate(kent nelson) vs shuma gorath
- Ultimate Thor vs. Ultimate Namor
- 500 Parademons & 500 Punisher vs Classic Juggernaut
- classic molecule man/lucifer vs emperor joker/classic beyonder
- bullseye vs. red hood
- Spider-Man vs. Steel
- Wildcat II vs. Sabretooth
- Shining Knight vs. Captain America
- Blade runs a mini guantlet
- Gentle Vs Strong Guy
- Ultron vs Steel
- hybrid vs toxin
- Wildcat vs Punisher (no weapons!)
- Coldcast vs. Hyperion
- Colossus vs. Ironclad
- Red Star vs. Superman
- Thanos vs Darkseid(the final time before final crisis)
- Rank the following people (Willpower)
- Swamp Thing vs. Spawn
- Random vs Midnighter
- Jack Hawksmoor vs "The Cloverfield"
- Superman 1M Runs the Psionic Gauntlet. ROUND 2
- lady spiral vs lady death strike
- collosus vs omega red
- WMA Tournament 08'
- SuperMEN vs SilverSurfer
- Nick Fury vs. Frank Castle
- tyrant/morg/thor vs mangog/thanos/annihilus
- Terrax vs SuperMAN
- Movie Daredevil vs Movie Elektra
- Movie Magneto vs Movie Silver Surfer
- Wonder woman with full equipment vs Silver surfer
- Thor vs. Black Alice
- Dio Brando versus Spiderman
- Human torch & The Thing VS Dynamo 5
- Eradicator vs Fury
- Thor w/ Odinforce vs Depowered Tyrant
- Eradicator VS Nimrob
- Classic Wonder Man,Immortal Hercules & Classic Hyperion vs Supreme
- Classic Cable vs Batman,Spider-Man & Captain America
- Batgirl (Cassandra Cain's) Ultimatum
- jabba the hut vs mojo
- warmachine with the alien war ware vs warmachine with his current suit
- orion/black adam vs hercules(immortal)/hulk
- thing vs namor
- Superman w/Spear of Destiny vs Gog (The Kingdom)
- defenders vs odin
- gladiator vs apocalypse
- Warblade vs Spider-Man
- Bane vs origional Thing
- PITT vs DOS Doomsday
- Midnighter vs Psylocke
- Man of Miracles vs Anti-Man of Miracles team
- Psylocke vs Nightwing H2H
- Henshaw vs Doomsday vs Brainiac
- Hawkman (Carter Hall) vs Marvel Ares
- black heart vs the walker
- Thing vs Toxin
- Cyclops vs Colossus
- Alpha Flight vs Lobo
- sealab 2021 captain murphy vs archie
- moderators vs my thread
- Solar vs Jean Grey Easch at their most amped