- team marvel vs team dc(two teams enter one team leaves).
- Onslaught vs Defenders
- Movie starscream vs Normal Ironman
- Hourman vs. the Fury
- MORG/WOL VS JLA 13 members
- morg/WOL vs thanos and darkseid
- Megatron and Ironhide vs Optimus Prime and Blackout
- SBP vs Lobo
- Lobo vs. Black Adam
- Cosmic Mr. Mind vs. MJJ 616
- Desak vs Thanos
- Rumble/Frenzy vs Spiderman
- Neutron vs Luke Cage,Beast & Ch'od
- Kurse vs Team
- Fanboy 5 VS X-Men +!!!!!!!
- Midgard Serpent runs the gauntlet
- Superman vs The Sentry/Gladiator
- What two semi-popular top tiers could current Superman...........?
- Lone Ranger and Tonto vs Punisher
- Thanos
- 4 vs. 4 (evenly matched powerhouses)
- Biting contest
- Batman runs a short gauntlet
- eating contest
- elektra vs chunli
- Superman Prime vs Super Sonic
- Comic Poker
- Pre-retcon Beyonder vs Lucifer with Michaelīs power
- Reed Richards VS Brainiac
- Ellie May Clampet VS Laverne DeFazio
- Thanos w/IG vs Michael and Lucifer
- Symbiote Possessed Wolverine Vs Namor
- h/p doomsday/shaggy man(general) vs tyrant(depowered)
- Aquaman vs. Crystal
- tyrant(depowered) vs gog(kingdom)
- Sinestro corps vs marvel 2
- Fanboy 5 + Vs. Team BRICK +!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Fanboy 5 VS. Thanos!!!!!!!!!
- Fanboy 5 Vs. Fantastic 4 +!!!!!!!!!
- Thanos (with prep) vs Spectre
- Sundipped Krypto runs the gauntlet
- Rogue War
- thanos and odin vs darkseid and shazam
- Trigon vs. Thanos
- Anti-Monitor vs. Thanos w/e the IG
- Aquaman v. Sub Mariner
- Aquaman vs F4
- Void vs War Hulk
- Sinestro corps vs team marvel
- Thundercats vs Silverhawks
- cyborg superman vs hulk
- Team vs ???
- Captain America and Ozymandias (The Watchmen) vs. Deathstroke
- Superman vs. DC Earth
- Clone SuperBoy (Tactile Telekenisis) Vs. Superboy (young clark Kent)
- Quantum Zealot vs. The Black Celestial
- Green Lantern Corp vs 7200 Superskrulls
- Death-Stalker vs Batman
- Mad Jim Jaspers vs. The Hunger and The Rot
- Solaris and The Sun Eater vs. Galactus and Odin
- Thanos/Destroyer/The HE vs. H/P Doomsday/The General/Cyborg
- Pagan,Lunatik & Indestructible vs SuperSkrull,Ronan & Blastaar
- superman vs marvel zombie earth
- Captain America vs. Arcade
- Human Torch vs. Banshee
- Galvatron(most powerful) vs Ronan
- Cloak vs. Silver Surfer
- Azmodus vs. Mephisto
- Spider-man vs Bone Claw Wolverine
- Thanos with the IG vs. MJJ
- KC Gog vs. Thanos
- Superman vs. Thanos w/Twist
- kurse vs mangog vs tryant vs asgardain destroyer
- Quanchi vs Thanos
- Ketch vs Johnny (both as Ghostrider)
- Iron Fist & Batman vs Karate Kid & Black Panther
- Darkseid and Highfather vs. Zom
- Superboy Prime vs Marvel Earth
- Justice League Type Villians Teams square Off
- Battle of the Cosmics 5v5 and The Realities of DC and marvel may not Survive
- Mageddon vs. Marvel Earth
- Sundip Superman vs Sundip Sentry
- Saint of Killers vs The Fury.
- TMNT vs Thundercats
- Mantis vs. Thanos
- Thanos vs Shazam
- Starscream and Megatron vs Air Force/Army
- Buffy vs Blade!!!!!!!!
- Infinity-Man vs Darkseid
- Darkseid vs Yuga Khan
- DOS Doomsday vs Pagan & Classic Abomination
- Superman/Batman story line 8-13, Marvel twist.
- Bane vs. Lady Shiva
- Thanos with IG vs Spectre(Hal Jordan)
- Iron Spider-Man vs Luke Cage,Iron Fist & Daredevil
- Namor vs Luke Cage
- General Zod vs Darkseid
- Source Wall vs Phantom Zone
- Doomsday runs a city gauntlet!!
- Big Barda vs Wolverine
- DC vs. Marvel- Rumble in the Grand Canyon
- Saint of Killers & Jesse Custer vs Mr Immortal & Emperor Charon/Lawbringers
- Marshel Law vs Daredevil
- Doomsday vs Thanos
- Jason Vs. Leatherface
- Hulk with The Gem Of Cytorrak vs. Flash with the Power Gem
- She Hulk/IronMan/Wonder MAN vs. Donna Troy/Cyborg/Star Fire
- The Ray/Firestorm/Zuriel vs. Binary/Mar-Vell/Absorbing Man
- The A-Team vs Batman
- Imperiex vs. The Time Trapper
- Loki vs. Adam Warlock
- Ikaris vs. Gladiator
- Infinites vs Havok/Nexus vs Le Bete Noir
- the one vs spiderman
- Sentry vs Le Bete Noir
- Superman runs the Gauntlet with a twist
- Galactus vs Omega (creation of Thanos)
- Runner vs Super-Adaptoid,Current Iron Man & World War Hulk
- Earth's being conqured!
- Drax (current) vs. Gamora
- Karma vs. Dr. Doom
- Warpath vs. Hercules
- Loki vs. Mayham
- Hulkling & Iron Lad vs Ronin the Accuser
- Classic Super Skrull vs Team
- Warrior Madness Thor w/Power Gem vs. Sundipped Superman
- Megatron vs Master Chief
- Vulcan vs JLA
- Ronan vs. Magneto
- Imperiez vs anti-monitor vs krona
- Daredevil vs. Bullseye?
- ronan the acusser vs kurse
- Ultra-Man vs Morg/Full Power
- Logan(bone) vs Mikey TMNT
- Wasp vs Superman
- Daredevil & Punisher vs. Elektra & Black Widow
- preus and superman vs morg WOL
- tyrant (dp) vs team
- Transformers vs New Avengers
- Titanium Man vs Dreadnought,Mandroid & Guardsman
- Classic Ion vs Hyperstorm,Full Potential Franklin & Cosmic Cube Thanos
- Arishem vs. FP Tyrant
- Phalanx Invade Wraithworld and the Dark Nebula
- Deadpool vs Cyblade
- SuperPunisher vs. DC Earth
- The Ultimates vs Iron Man
- Movie: Megatron, Optimus Prime and Blackout vs Hulk
- Fascination with pink ribbon?
- Who is the more powerful couple ?
- Captain America runs TMNT
- thanos vs wendigo (h2h)
- Blade vs Captian America
- Thanos vs. High Evolutionary
- Blackbolt vs. The Destroyer
- Thinker vs. Hulk
- Underworld vs
- Shazam Vs Odin
- Dark Star, Cerise vs. Invisible Woman
- Brainiac vs Thor
- wendigo and abomination run a team gauntlet
- Joker vs Lex Luthor twist
- Marvel Hero's vs CannonHulk
- Master Yoda VS Wolverine and Spiderman and Captain America
- Batman vs Venom!!!!!
- Judge Dredd,Punisher & Paladin vs Hellboy
- Nightwing vs. Red Arrow
- Melee!
- Wraith vs Namor
- Vishanti vs ???
- Gog(Kingdom) vs Thanos
- Baron Zemo VS Thor
- Ronan the Accuser vs. Doctor Doom
- gog(kingdom) vs young darkseid and old darkseid
- Cyttorak vs Tanaraq
- Sinestro Corps vs. GLI
- Quintessence vs Sinsetro Corp
- Captian America runs Arkham Asylum Gaunlet
- Ikaris runs a gauntlet
- Swordsmen vs Bruenor Battlehammer
- Miracleman vs. Ikaris
- Every Superhero Ever In One Place
- Iceman VS Blackbolt
- This team vs SC
- Moses Magnum vs Batman
- Can galactus eat Ego?
- Who in the DC U can.
- Killercroc vs Daredevil
- Anti-Monitor vs Anti-Life Etinity vs Mxyzptlk vs Spectre
- Wonderwoman/Superman/Lobo/WW Hulk/Silver Surfer run the Gauntlet
- Batman vs Apocalypse
- Ares 2 fights
- M vs. Black Queen
- Classic Ion and Parallax vs. Anti-Monitor
- Stranger vs. Phoenix
- Final Conflict: Wonder Man vs. Ultron
- dr.strange/reed vs thanos/doom
- Ripclaw vs Deathstroke
- Ronan vs. Ares (w/ Gaunlets of Ares)
- Marvel Hero's vs Highest-Level Hulk
- Detective vs Detective
- Kyle,Hal,Kilowog,Alan(Sentinel),Stewart,Sinestro vs Thanos
- Herald of Galactus vs Sinestro Corps
- SBP vs Quasar
- THE FUBAR 4 Vs Team Magic!!!!!!!!
- Vampires Team VS Supersoldiers Team
- Ironclad vs Aquaman
- Elvis-Quasar vs GL-GUy Gardner vs Doc Spectrum vs Freedom Ring
- Skrull team vs Superman & Gladiator Hulk
- (DoV) Spectre vs. (BCS) Galactus
- Killer Croc/Vermin/Lizard Vs. Bane/Kraven
- Havok w/Nexus vs. Abraxas
- Blackout and Iron Hide vs Starscream and Bumble Bee
- Namor and Aquaman vs Wonder Woman
- Resurrection Man Vs. Molecule Man
- Jaimie Braddock, Galactus w/IG, Spectre and White Pheonix vs LT,MJJ, Parralax and Mxy
- Power vs. Versatility
- Sub-Mariner vs. Aquaman.(Swim Race)
- Superboy Prime vs. Takion
- Werehulk vs. Zombie Hulk
- Spiderman, Venom(Brock), and Carnage Vs... Captain America, Wolverine,Bats and Gambit
- Pre-Crisis Mongul Vs Thanos
- Iron Juggernaut's gauntlet
- Ironman runs the gauntlet
- Thing runs the gauntlet
- Hulk runs the gauntlet
- Krypto vs The Rhino
- Superman vs Thanos (feat war)
- Captain Mar-Vell vs Wonder Woman
- Team Gladiator vs JLA best Power Lineup
- Optimus Prime and Megatron run the Gauntlet
- Gladiator vs Captain Mar-Vell
- JLA starting Line up vs Galactus after he has eaten Ego
- The Brood/Queen vs Authority
- galactus and his creations/enemies vs asgard and its enemies
- Mouse vs Dog
- Thing(Rise of the Surfer) vs Savage Dragon
- Movie Fantastic 4 vs. Movie Decepticons
- Iron man vs Krypto
- Ressurection Man/Amazo#27/DS with Prep Vs. Asgard and all of thier asgardian enemies
- What Godzilla Monsters Can Beat Movie Superman?
- Resurrection Man 1 Million vs Super-Adaptoid,Helix & Nimrod
- Annihilation Team vs. Asgardian Enemies
- mad jim jaspers w/fury vs team
- Superman,Gladiator & Squardon Sinister Hyperion vs Thor,Beta Ray Bill & Atlas
- Thor Vs He-Man
- superskrull vs gladaitor
- minions vs mercenaries
- vishanti vs ???
- Jamie Braddock White Phoenix Galactus & Classic Darkseid vs LIVING TRIBUNAL