- Blue Beetle Vs Nova (Sam)
- Toad vs. White Rabbit
- Phantom vs. Ka-Zar and Zabu
- Beerus vs World Forger
- Blight vs. Dark Phoenix
- Abraxas vs. Imperiex
- Mister Fantastic vs. Wisdom
- Mxy vs Multi-Eternity & Living Tribunal
- Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck vs Doctor Manhattan & Mxy
- Phoenix vs. Shaper of Worlds
- Jason Voorhees & Freddie Kruger vs Thor
- Gorilla Grodd vs. Northstar
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vs the seven ( the boys)
- Harley Quinn Vs Lady Bullseye
- Bane vs. US Agent
- Nabu & Upside down Man vs Doctor Strange & Shuma Gorath
- Chthon & Atum vs Witching Hour Wonder Woman & Hecate
- Dream of the Endless vs Lifebringer Galalctus
- Prodigy vs. Venom
- Random vs. Carnage
- Wiccan vs. Sentry
- Ms America Vs Power Girl
- Maximum Carnage in Gotham
- Carnage vs Omega Red
- Darkest Knight and Perpetua vs Beyonder & Multi-Eternity
- Sleepless Knights Vs Quiet Council of Krakoa
- DoS Doomsday vs Jane Thor
- Lord Chaos vs. Death
- Injustice Superman & General Zod Vs Count Nefaria & Gladiator
- Dotor Manhattan vs Mad Jim Jaspers
- Maestro Hulk & Quasar vs Kingdom Come Superman & Flashpoint Aquaman
- Savage Hulk runs the DC gauntlet
- If kmc is Gotham
- Gorilla Grodd Vs Sugar Man
- Marvel Girl vs. Juggernaut
- Gambit vs. Armor
- Warpath vs. Venom
- Deathstroke vs Batman
- Phoenix vs. Chthon
- The Justice Battalion Vs The Defenders
- Who has the better Durability?
- Venom vs. Mystique
- Spider-Man vs. Armor
- Mister Fantastic vs. Gambit
- Black Canary Vs White Tiger
- Batroc Vs Flamingo
- Exodus vs. Morgan le Fay
- Banshee vs. Deadpool
- The Avengers Vs DC's Looney Tune League
- Classic Spectre vs Classic Odin
- Heralds of Galactus Vs DC's Heralds
- Doom vs Constatine (5 minute prep for both)
- Phoenix Namor vs. Dark Sentry
- Blue Beetle Vs War Machine
- Run around the world the fastest
- Falcon vs. Lizard
- Wolverine vs. Fixer
- Sage vs. Toxin
- Beast Vs Black Manta
- Gaea vs. Horus
- Quicksilver vs. Random
- Pre-Crisis Fatal Five vs Phoenix Five
- Which regular human being in comics could beat bruce wayne in h2h combat
- Which charater is more powerful on screen than in books
- Jonathan Kent vs Hulk
- Hit Monkey vs Detective Chimp
- Hercules vs. Cloak
- Jubilee vs. Hit-Monkey
- Gladiator vs Drax the Destroyer (Brute form)
- Wiccan vs. Anomaly
- Colossus vs. Sasquatch
- Quicksilver vs. Sunfire
- The Mandalorian vs Bullseye and Deadpool
- Mon-El and Lobo vs Adam Warlock and Vulcan
- Shang Chi vs Batman
- Luke Skywalker runs the X-Men gauntlet
- brainiac vs iron man
- Offenders vs Superman
- Rogue vs. Maggot
- weakest DC character who can beat the Phoenix?
- Meggan vs. Sauron
- Pixie vs. Carnage
- Who in marvel can defeat dream of the endless
- Apocalypse trying to take out this justice league team
- Which character has best matter manipulation feat?
- Street Team vs Dracula
- Supergirl runs the herald gauntlet
- You try to kill superman
- weakest dc character that can defeat silver surfer
- Kong & Godzilla Vs Orrgo & Fin Fang Foom
- Zeus vs. Stranger
- Gambit vs. Valkyrie
- Godzilla (IDW) Marvel Monster gauntlet
- Pre-Crisis Composite Superman Vs Silver Surfer
- Genis Vell vs Eradicator
- Doctor Light runs the female gauntlet
- Golden Wonder Woman vs Old King Thor w Phoenix Force
- Bling vs. Rhino
- Gambit vs. Sauron
- Punisher vs. Mad Thinker
- War Machine vs. Pyro
- Sersi vs Impossible Man
- The Hulk Below All vs Superboy-Prime
- Machine Man vs. Cyber
- Polaris vs. Hyperion
- Superboy Prime & The Legion of Doom vs Sentry & The Avengers
- Rampage (DC) vs Savage She-Hulk
- Konvikt vs First Born
- Haxx Lantern Team vs. Doctor Manhattan
- An Avatar of Darkseid is after you
- Omega Sentinel vs. Spiral
- Enchantress vs. Tomorrow Man
- Venom vs. Mastermind
- The Beyonders Vs Quantum Mechanics
- Marvel's Omega Mutants Vs DC's Most Powerful Lanterns
- Who in marvel is powerful enough to beat COIE Anti Monitor
- JLA vs Gojo
- Hulk vs. Druid
- Trinary vs. Nimrod
- Marvel Girl vs. Midgard Serpent
- M vs. Clea
- Solaris vs Ego and Mogo
- City Boy & Jack Hawksmoor Vs Black Tom & Madison Jeffries
- Doctor Nemesis vs. Piledriver
- Korvac vs Gog (DC)
- Dracula (DC) Vs Werewolf By Night
- Green Lantern Corps vs Alternate Universe Omega Mutants
- Guardian vs. Quark
- What characters have you changed your opinion on the most?
- Luna vs. Controller
- Santa Clause (DC) Vs Dracula (Marvel)
- Wonder Woman ( without bracelets) vs Green Scar Hulk
- New Sun (Gambit) vs Monarch
- Sodom Yat (Ion) vs Red Son
- Morg vs Larfleeze
- Venom vs. Malice
- Arclight Vs Shocker
- Avengers Inc. Vs DC's New Big 7
- X-23 vs. Baron Zemo
- Superman's Villains vs Thor's Villains
- Birds of Prey Vs Heroes For Hire
- Gentle vs. Hela
- Who is the most powerful character the flash can beat
- Marrina vs. Kurse
- Phoenix vs. Impossible Man
- Pixie vs. Hulkling
- Sun-Chained-In-Ink Vs Sunspot
- Wonder Woman (Dead Earth; bracelets.off and max power), vs Superman (Mainstream)
- Rogue vs. Morgan le Fay
- Phantom vs. Wizard
- Wolverine vs. Mr. Negative
- Phoenix vs. Ultron
- Viper vs. Sentinel
- Waller's New Team Vs Thunderbolts
- Luna vs. Morg
- Poison Ivy Vs Doctor Octopus
- Daredevil vs. Tigra
- Mr. Mxy vs. Marvel cosmic team
- Sublime vs. High Evolutionary
- Protege vs. Emperor Joker
- Amethyst vs She-Ra
- Imperiex-Prime vs Brainiac God
- John Stewart Vs Ikaris
- Chaos King vs Brainiac God
- Vishanti vs. Oblivion
- Sandman Vs Mister Negative
- Machine Man vs. Omega Red
- Pixie vs. Luke Cage
- Wild Dog Vs Night Thrasher
- Tyrant vs Brainiac God
- Venom vs. Karnak
- Hyperion vs. Crystal
- Power Girl Vs Namor
- Folded Man Vs Vector
- Gambit vs. Griffin
- Rogue vs. Ms. America
- Mary Marvel Vs Ms America
- Iceman vs. Stonewall
- DC's Santa Clause Vs Grey Hulk
- Multiple Man vs. Bling
- Colleen Wing Vs Harley Quinn
- Pixie vs. Mister Hyde
- Android Torch vs. Viper
- DC'S New Soldiers Vs Marvel Streets
- Box vs. Spiral
- Wonder Man vs. Shaman
- Knull vs First of the Fallen
- Zom Vs Nabu
- Pyro vs. Hydro-Man
- Lord Vyndktvx Vs Loki
- Wolverine vs. Hussar
- The Upside Down Man Vs Shuma-Gorath
- Sphinx vs Garthan Saal (Supernova)
- Cannonball vs. Klaw
- Annihilus vs. Zatanna
- Jonathan Kent vs. Skaar
- Odin vs. Korvac
- Mordru Vs Agamotto
- Batman (with Metron's chair) vs Dr. Doom
- Karma vs. Carnage
- Korvac Vs Pariah (Dark Crisis)
- Bishop vs. Cannonball
- Mirage vs. Juggernaut
- Spider-Woman vs. Mandrill
- Superboy Prime vs Death Seed Sentry.
- Which writer wanks a character the most?
- Lockheed vs. Pyro
- X-Man vs. Dormammu
- Hyperion vs. Stardust
- Insane Genis Vs White Lantern Kyle
- Darkseid Parademon vs Galactus Punisher
- OWAW Hippolyta vs. Green Scar
- Pay for your characters
- Limbo vs. Marvel Zombies
- Nightcrawler vs. Songbird
- Jamie Braddock Vs Dharma
- Luke Cage vs. Carnage
- Rogue vs. Super Skrull
- Max Faraday Vs Mad Jim Jaspers
- What's wrong with Invincible characters durability?
- Raven vs Superboy Prime
- Who can beat Cosmic Comic Spider-Man?
- Onslaught Vs Hourman 1M
- Scarab vs Symbiote
- Bloody Mary (Final Crisis) vs Malice
- Thanos W/ Infinity Gauntlet Vs Synnar the Demiurge
- Starfox vs. Marrina
- Most powerful phantom zoner
- Spectre (Hal) Vs Phoenix (Jean)
- Infinites vs Beyonders
- Storm vs. Armor
- Spider-Man vs. Karnak
- Peak Volthoom Vs Marquis of Death
- Supreme Intelligence vs. Death
- Loki vs. Clea
- Blade vs. Guardian
- Northstar vs. Sabretooth
- Forge vs. Wendigo
- Chaos King vs Mandrakk the Dark Monitor
- Doctor Manhattan vs Molecule Man
- Banshee vs. Drax the Destroyer
- Nightcrawler vs. Crimson Dynamo
- Puck vs. Crimson Commando
- Multiple Man vs. Puppet Master
- Beast vs. Reptile
- Spider-Man vs. Spike
- Darkest Knight Vs HOM Scarlet Witch
- Weakest Marvel or DC character that can repeat this...
- Franklin Richards Vs Tim Hunter
- Genis-Vell gone nuts vs Hal Jordan gone nuts