- Silver Surfer vs Fantastic Four
- Galactus vs
- Apollo vs. Majestic
- Golden Oldie run's the Gauntlet
- Captain America vs. Gideon
- Pitt Gauntlet with a twist…
- Who can....
- Dr. Light and Raven and Superboy and WonderGirl vs Thor
- Drax the Destroyer-Power Gem vs Hulk's most powerful incarnation
- Eradicator vs Superman
- Doomsday and Captain Marvel(DC) versus Classic Juggernaut and Count Nefaria
- Wendigo vs Gladiator in a fist fight
- mr Sinister vs Red skull
- wonder twins vs morph and Mystique
- Runner with Space Gem & Power Gem runs the Gauntlet
- Dr Light vs Storm
- Super-Skrull vs. Mephisto
- Cable Vs Ghost Rider
- Hulks Respect Thread feats vs Wonder Womans Respect thread feats
- Predator Warrior & Kraven the Hunter vs Mister Freeze & Green Goblin
- Majestic, Superman, Eradicator vs. Darkseid & Thanos
- Rama Kushna v.s. Lucifer Morningstar
- Defeat My Team
- Superman (No Super Speed) vs Iron Man *Shifty*
- cable vs blade
- Batman vs Blade vs Judge Dredd: Who's the most fearsome?
- Apocalypse vs Terrax
- Maddox versus Captain America
- superman vs thor in....
- Ulik & Maul vs Wendigo & Kurse
- Super Adaptoid vs Ultron
- Champion VS Mangog
- Dr. Light & Magneto vs Brainiac 13, as seen in The Insiders
- Magneto vs Dr. Light
- Doomsday and Juggernaut vs Hulk and Superman
- Aunt May runs the Gauntlet
- Captain America and Batman vs Deathstroke
- Superman (vs) Ego The living Planet
- Superman (vs) Ego The Living Planet
- abomination vs wendigo
- colossus vs abomination
- Punisher vs. Wolverine
- Dr. Midnight vs. Mr. Terrific
- Wolverine and Beast vs. A team of Werewolves (10) vs. Wendigo and Hulk
- Rhino vs. Armadillo
- Magni vs Warrior Madness Thor
- The Mask vs Thor, Superman and Shazam
- Deathlok (Collins) vs Thing
- Ryu (Street Fighter) Vs. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) [Video]
- Deathstroke vs. Midnighter
- What if????
- Exitar vs
- Surtur & Ymir vs X-Men & Avengers
- Exitar....Who do you think can beat him?
- Thor, Juggernaut, Gladiator and Hulk vs Superman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter
- YOUR Team
- Rouge, Gambit , Iceman vs Captian Atom , Nightshade and lobo
- Spiders vs. Bats
- Reptyle Prime runs the JLA gauntlet
- Batman runs the Obscure characters gauntlet
- Ironman runs the Gaunlet
- Electra And Daredevil Vs Batman And Wonderwomen
- Atum the God Eater goes on ramage who will it take to stop him?
- Daredevil And Electra Vs Batman And Wonder Women
- Colossus runs the gauntlet
- Go Away
- Thanos vs Silver Surfer,Kismet & Air-Walker
- Deathstroke vs Quicksilver & Gambit
- Luke cage & Kraven the Hunter VS Spider-Man
- Savage Hulk and The Thing vs. Wonderman and Hercules
- Hercules vs. Classic Juggernaut
- excalibur vs ......
- superman vs warrior madness thor
- Superman-Darksied-Warlock vs Thor-Silver Surfer-Thanos
- The Top runs the gauntlet
- Zauriel vs Namor
- Strange vs JLA
- Bullseye vs. Moonknight
- The Avengers Run The Team Buster Gauntlet...
- Captain Marvel (shazam) vs. Hyperion(supreme power)
- FireStorm v.s Captain Atom
- Dr.Light and Magneto vs Teen Titans
- Emperor Joker w/Spectre vs. Living Tribunal
- Spectre runs the gauntlet
- Captain America vs Batman twist
- Captain America vs Batman twist
- Dr Light vs Iron Man
- Summers' Family Reunion/War
- The Fantastic Four VS. The Collective
- current nova vs current silver surfer
- pre-crisis Superman-Darkseid-Warlock(Soul Gem) vs Drax(Power Gem)-Thanos-GL(Hal)
- FireStorm v.s 90's War Machine
- Thanos and The Fallen One vs. Galactus and Silver Surfer
- X-Man versus X-Men
- Rematch/ Iron Spider-man vs Titanium Man
- Climb to the top
- Doctor Strange versus The Engineer
- Plastic Man & Atom VS. Sersi
- Shaggyman,Kurse & Classic Juggernaut vs Gog/wars Doomsday
- Terminus vs Odin on neutral grounds
- fury (original appierence) vs thanos.
- Classic Juggernaut & Alkhema vs Terminus
- JLA vs ???
- The Fury vs. Gog Wars Doomsday
- Iron Man vs Fantastic 4
- Mister Sinister vs Iron Man
- Iron Man runs the JLA Gauntlet
- Spiderman VS Scarlet Spider
- Ultron & Apocalypse vs Indestructable,Inferno & Inheritor
- Most powerful attack?
- The hulk vs Wolverine
- Kid Omega Versus Mr M
- Dominus vs Onslaught
- platinuimk superman prime vs the gohan goku vegeta trunks fusion
- He-Man vs Kurse
- Put these guys in order
- Batman vs 15 Marines
- Omegas Vrs. Omaybees (Marvels Strongest Mutants go toe 2 toe)
- Speed vs Spider-man
- wonderman vs iron man
- Speed vs The Runaways
- blackheart vs silver surfer.
- Nemesis (IG creature) Vs ALE Entity
- Colossus vs. Blastaar
- Dark Phoenix vs. Mr. Mxyzptlk
- wolverine vs kingpin
- Maxima vs Magneto
- Pre-crisis superman vs Rune Thor vs mecha hulk
- A fist fight between the kingpin and captain america without weapons
- Could Marvel Earth Survive Dc's Infinite Crisis right now ?
- Family Battle Royal
- Mongul vs Crimson Dynamo & Ttianium Man
- Beta Ray Bill & Thor Odinson with no Hammers vs Mindless Hulk
- The JLA United
- Spawn vs. Death
- Extremis Iron Man vs. Captain America, Wolverine, and Colossus
- Juggernaut runs a New Gauntlet with a twist
- king thor vs BlackHeart
- green lartern (kyle) vs phoenix/jean grey from xmen
- Mindless Hulk & Cable vs Patchwork & Gaunt
- hellboy vs blackheart
- Master runs the Gauntlet
- Blade vs Ultraviolet
- Bloodstone vs Captain America
- ultimate colossus vs post-crisis supes (no speedblitz)
- Quantum runs the gauntlet
- Captain America, Batman and Wolverine run the Gauntlet
- Black Panther Vs. Metallo
- predator vs teen titans
- Spectre Hal v.s Thanos
- The Movie X-men vs. Movie Spider-man and villains and Fantastic Four.
- Cyclops+ vs.
- Green Goblin vs. Man-bat
- Alpha Flight vs Teen Titans
- Mr. Terrific vs. Racoon City
- namor vs superman (underwater)
- Superman - Cap.Atom - Manhunter - WW vs G.L Hal - G.L Kyle - G.L Guy - G.L John
- Orion vs. Martian Manhunter
- King Hyperion vs. King Thor
- God Father and uncle Vrs Parents
- Who can drink the most
- Captain Marvel vs The Entire DC and Marvel Universes
- Superman vs Juggernaut (no superspeed, no forcefield)
- X Men Villians vs JLA
- Green Lantern vrs......
- Hulk vs. green lantern
- ghost rider vs Green Lartern
- agent zero vs cyber
- Spider-man vs Weather Wizard
- predictor vs riddick
- Slapstick
- dr doom with thors hammer vs thanos
- Vision v.s Martian Manhunter
- Cyclops vs. Caption America
- Captain Atom v.s Hyperion
- green lantern vs. iceman
- world war 3
- Put these guys in order.
- Daredevil vs. Mr. Freeze
- Namor and aquaman vs The Hulk
- Feral (of Strontium Dogs) vs Mr Hyde (of LXG)
- Hulk vs Ronnie Coleman (posedown)
- Morg vs. Lobo
- The fair universal battle
- Venom Vs Hulk
- Mib Vs Pred
- Superman vs Lunatik
- Battle between superman and green lantern(Hal)?
- Marvel vs DC VII Matches never before seen fights
- Ultimate Thing Gauntlet
- She Hulk,Thing & Blob vs Shaggy Man
- Darkseid - Orion - Granny Goodness Vs Thanos - Adam Warlock - Gamora
- Captain Mar-Vell vs Super-Lantern
- Iron man vs Wonder Woman
- Flash,Runner & Makkari vs Ion with twist
- Showdown in the dojo
- Samurai Jack vs. Spiderman
- Movie Blade versus Comic Blade versus Series Blade
- Universal Battle
- Count Nefaria vs Captian Marvel
- Battle of the speeds
- Green Lantern Alan Scott v.s Flash Jay Garrick
- Thanos vs...........
- Runaways vs. Wolverine
- Firelord and Human Torch vs. Classic Juggernaut and Savage Hulk
- Hercules and Spiderman vs. Classic Juggernaut and Quicksilver
- Baron "Helmut" Zemo VS. Martian Manhunter
- The Sentry VS. DOS Doomsday...
- Chuck Norris vs. Rocky
- Team DC vs. Team Marvel
- Sinister Six vs (old) New Mutants
- captain america vs dr octopus
- The Kurgan vs The head Elder predator
- Exodus vs Manchester Black
- Deadpool and Spiderman v.s Wolverine
- Wonderwoman vs Paragon
- blackbolt vs maestro
- Karnak vs Bane
- Steel with the Aegis Armor VS. The JLA
- The Authority Versus The Liberators , Ultimates , Ultimate X-men and Ult F4
- Cap.America - Batman - Punisher - Green Arrow - - Face The Nation
- hyperion runs the gauntlet (with a twist)
- Marvel guys that D.C. doesn't match up well with.
- Teen Titans, X-men and Avengers vs JLA
- Superman v.s Cable
- Superman vs. Hulk....twisted
- Warpath vs Aquaman
- Stryfe and Cable run the gauntlet!
- predator vs batwoman
- The Titans and The X-men ...W/A Twista
- Blade vs US Agent
- Freedom Five vs. X-Men
- Giant Man (Pym) vs. Namor
- Apoclypse vs Martian Manhunter
- iron man runs a spawn series gauntlet
- Dane (with info) vs. Sinister
- The Flash and Silver Surfer vs. Thanos
- Captain America Tower
- Batvenom vs. Batfoes
- powerful boys Vrs Powerful girls
- Moonstone,Ironclad & Xemnu vs X-Men
- Tigra,Beast & Werewolf vs Spider-Man
- Which Team Can Survive The Sinister Six..In The Running Game
- Raven Vrs Teen Titans
- superman vs satan
- Vulcan VS Kid Omega
- Superman vs X-men, Hulk, Fantastic Four & Spider-man
- Beyonders vs. 5th Dimensional Imps
- The People's List of Favorite Characters
- King Thor vs Warrior Madness Thor & Morg at Full power