- Mister Mind Vs MODOK
- The M.o.E. Vs. Dc Earth
- Eternity Vs The Word
- JLA/Avengers Krona Vs Abraxas
- GL ( Hal ), Flash ( Wally ) Silver Surfer vs Thanos.
- Wonder Woman hand to hand vs Neut
- Hercules vs Thing
- Magik vs Thanos
- Ragnarok vs Ironman
- DC's Flash's Vs Annihilators
- Hulk, Thor & Surfer vs. Sentry, Hyperion & Blue Marvel
- Captain Atom vs. Flash
- Superman and Green Arrow vs Green Lantern and Batman
- Pym vs the Mutant race
- Drax & Groot vs. Namor & Sasquatch
- COIE Anti-Monitor Vs Cosmic Armor Superman
- The JLA Vs Uncle Sam & The Freedom Fighters
- The Legion of Super-Heroes Vs X-Men
- Magneto vs DOS Doomsday
- Rematch: HOTM Hulk vs Zeus H2H
- Prep Battle! Kobra Vs Maxwell Lord
- General Immortus Vs Red Skull
- Monsieur Mallah/Brain Vs Beast
- JLA vs Avengers
- Super Skrull vs. Superboy
- Stranger Vs The Monitor
- Pre-Crisis Superman Vs Superman One Million
- Superior (Ock) vs Scarlet (Kaine) vs Black (original w/symbiote)
- Starfire vs She-Hulk vs Gamora
- Current Iron Man vs Savage Hulk
- Skaar Vs Red Hulk Vs Maesto Hulk Vs Blue Hulk(CPT UNI)
- Thanos VS Odin
- Starbrand versus H/P Doomsday
- The Lady Liberators Vs Doomsday
- Kaine vs Wolverine
- Hulk, Skaar vs Mongul, Mongul Jr. (No Rings)
- Team Starbrand Vs Team Kyle Rayner
- Black Adam Vs Thor , Punch Fest
- DP Tyrant Vs Zeus , Physical
- Match vs Thunderstrike
- dc dracula vs marvel dracula
- Iron Fist (no IF) vs Deathstroke
- intake vs. output
- The Invaders Vs The Fantastic Four
- Superboy vs. Sasquatch
- Team Starbrand vs. Team Thanos
- Siege Redux
- The Mighty Avengers Vs Darksied and Doomsday
- Black Hood and Punisher V Batman and Daredevil
- Avengers Academy vs Teen Titans
- Spiderman vs Batman Villians
- Spiderman vs Rogues
- Toad vs Batman
- Batman vs Deathstroke
- DC's Pre-Crisisverse Vs DC's One Millionverse
- DC One Million Vs COIE Anti-Monitor
- Titannus, B & T Thor, & Ravenous vs Kurse, Maestro, & Tutinax
- Starbrand vs. Phoenix 5 Namor
- Temugin vs. Karnak
- Post Retcon Beyonder vs Classic Ion
- Kang vs. Terrax
- Guardians of the Universe vs Classic Beyonder
- Silver Surfer vs Moonstone
- Team BAT/CAP Vs The Green Goblin
- These Martial Artist Fight
- You Vs Villains II
- The Legion For Truth Vs The Wrecking Crew
- Shield vs Web vs Bats vs Arrow
- Patriot, Hawkeye and Noh-Varr vs Robin, Huntress and Starfire
- Batmen of the Multiverse Vs Team Gamora
- HOM Wanda Vs Adult Franklin
- Superman & Sinestro vs Hal Jordan & Cyborg Superman
- Cyborg Superman vs Hal Jordan
- Iron-man vs Atomic Skull/Livewire/Parasite/Silver Banshee
- Thanos & Magus Vs Serpent & Bor
- DCnU Steppenwolf Vs Blastaar
- Alternate Fantastic Four VS...
- Bor Vs Infinity Man
- Time Trapper Vs Entropy
- Infinite Man Vs In-Betweener
- Avengers Big 7 Vs Top X-Men Villians
- Galactus vs 100,000 Gladiators (full confidence)
- Air-Walker vs Iron Man
- hulk vs batman
- Captain america vs ox of the enforcers
- DC Hercules vs Marvel Hercules.
- Superman VS Ulik and Blastaar
- Thor vs Wonder Woman vs Batman vs Spiderman
- Dracula vs captain marvel
- Odin, Surtur, and DP Tyrant vs Kubik and Post Retcon Molecule Man at his best...
- Who is the weakest person who could defeat
- Balboa style
- Bishop vs Johnny Sorrow
- Captain America vs Duke
- Who is stronger? Looney Tune Lobo or Thor?
- broken back
- Team Meta vs Herald Level Character
- Insane Genis Vell vs Odin
- Spider-Man vs. Black Manta
- Iron Man Vs Ms.Marvel
- Iron Man Vs Ms.Marvel
- can any herald defeat....
- Which team could survive?
- Surtur W/Twilight Sword Vs DP Tyrant
- Gamora vs Kratos...
- Helix vs Darwin
- Luke Cage vs Werewolves
- Parallax Hal Jordan Vs Dark Phoenix Cyclops
- Banshee vs Black Canary
- Graviton And Terrax Vs Black Adam and Sinestro
- Black Lightning & Cyborg vs. Mr. Terrific & Steel
- Johnny Sorrow Vs Thanos
- Starro Conqueror Vs Cyborg Superman W/Rings
- Four Way Tag Team Free For All
- Starbrand runs a gauntlet.
- Battle of the Hero Killers: Bullseye Vs. Onomatopoeia
- Captain Britain (Current) Vs. Aquaman (DCnU)
- Helix (Rafael Carago) vs Hulk
- Gamora vs. Sif
- Blue Marvel vs. Starbrand
- What...would you have if you had a superhero's intelligence?
- Darkseid vs Starro
- MoE Vs LoD
- Dcnu Superman vs anyone in strenght feats.
- What superhero gets the hottest poon?
- Fusion Characters vs Silver Surfer
- The Decreator Vs Tyrant
- Helix(Rafael Carago) vs Sabastian Shaw
- Fusion. Pick your characters
- Silver Surfer vs Blue Marvel
- Superboy & Rose Wilson vs. Apollo & Midnighter
- Iceman & Human Torch vs. Super Skrull & Ronan
- Arsenal & Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye & Winter Soldier
- DCnU Arsenal Vs DCnU Green Arrow
- namor vs dr octopus
- The New Guardians Vs Avengers NOW
- Cronus Vs The Serpent
- Nekron vs Classic Beyonder
- Sentry/Blue Marvel Gauntlet
- Rank these guys in strength (under herald guys)
- Aquaman VS Stark
- Marvels Genuis Vs DC Earth
- Avengers vs JSA
- Venom Vs Mr.Freeze
- Ceto, Mother of Monsters Vs King of Tears
- Chaos King Vs The Source
- Dormammu Vs Nekron
- Aquaman Vs Lex Luthor
- Loki vs Doctor Strange
- Thanos Vs The Big 3
- World War Hulk vs Indestructible Hulk
- Jim Hammond vs. Aquaman
- High Evolutionary Vs Tony Stark
- Dr doom vs brainiac
- Team Thor vs Thanos
- Spiderman,the human torch and the original xmen in dc comics
- Crisis on Infinite Forums Dos!
- The Avengers Vs The JSA
- Fantastic four vs brainiac
- Who are the top 6 street levelers in Marvel and Dc?
- Team Darkseid (gods) Vs Team Nabu (Mages)
- Morlun vs Aquaman
- Who's comes out on top
- Talia Al Ghul vs Kingpin
- Onslaught Vs WBH
- Superboy (Teen Kal El) vs. Pre-Mjolnir Thor
- Gray Hulk vs Alkhema
- Sinisterman vs Apocalypseman
- Deathstroke & Bane vs. Sabretooth & Mr. X
- Darkseid vs the hulk
- Clayface Vs Bullseye
- Galactus Engine Vs Current DC Universe
- Zoom vs WWH
- Dharma & Tim Hunter Vs Franklin Richards & Legion
- Obsidian & Shade Vs Loki & Enchantress
- Zeus Vs Ancient One
- Grey Hulk vs Giant Man
- The new Justice League in Dc Universe
- Ancient One Vs Phantom Stranger
- Nabu & Mordru Vs Odin & Zeus
- Who are the best manipulators in comics?
- The JSA Vs Avengers
- The Shade Vs Dr. Fate (Hector)
- Giant Man (Pym) vs. Doc Samson
- Order these street level guys in each category
- The True Strongest One There Is.
- Nabu Vs Great Darkness Saga Darkseid
- Hulk/Thor vs Orion/Superman
- Who is more powerful, Odin or Mordu?
- Surfer/Thor vs Superman/Orion
- The Avengers Elite Vs The Lanterns
- Giant Man vs Spider-Man
- Multiple Man vs Riot
- Odins Trophy Room
- Deadly foes of Spiderman vs. Teen Titans
- Terrax's a Twist vs Morg(Amped)
- Marvel Group Vs DC Group
- Hyperion Fleet Vs Justice League
- penetration test
- Speed Demon/North Star vs Venom/Carnage
- Blue Marvel Gauntlet
- What two characters would make the best 2 person team
- Dracula vs. Mongul JR
- The Stranger & The Runner vs. Ganthet & Sodom Yat (ION)
- Superman at the Equator
- Team Thor vs. Team Fate
- Morlun vs Colossus and Thing
- Sebastian Shaw vs
- Carver9 vs. h1a8
- Speedball vs Bishop
- Iron Man vs Steel
- Whiplash vs Steel
- Batman vs Mr Terrific
- Lucifer Morningstar Vs John Constantine
- 75, 000 Supermen Vs Marvel U
- Pre-Crisis Ultra-Humaite Vs Pre-Crisis Lex Luthor
- The Black Racer vs The Sphinx
- Despero vs Sentry
- Despero vs Doomsday
- Rank DC's top Telepaths
- Morph vs. Plasticman
- Lex Luthor in Marvel
- Standard Gear
- Black Racer vs. Black Lantern Superman
- The Avengers Big 7 Vs Team Daredevil
- The Thunderbolts Vs The Suicide Squad
- Two Amaglams face off Dr Doomsday vs Juggernaut/Ghost Rider
- Genis-Vell, Thor, Gladiator, Beta Ray Bill vs SS, Sentry, Blue Marvel, Quasar
- Sabastian Shaw vs Starkhawk
- Merlyn vs Goblin Queen
- Who can beat the Nine Power Rings? (DC Universe, Read OP)
- Team DC Vs Team Marvel
- How well would Hulk fit into the DCU?
- Konvikt Vs Professor Hulk
- WBH/Sun Dip Superman vs Thanos/Tyrant fist fight
- King Hyperion + 10 Hyperions Vs Superman, Black Adam & Doomsday
- Thanos, Mongul vs Perrikus, Paraxxus
- Galactus Engine vs Imperiex Prime
- Most heroic ... villain?
- OWAW-Sundip Superman vs Odin
- Whiplash vs Batman
- Speedball Vs Batman
- Speedball Vs Sebastian Shaw
- Living Lightning Vs Electro
- Mystique Vs Batman
- Scarlet Witch vs Raven
- Brainiac & Vril Dox Vs High Evolutionary & Apocalypse
- Hank Pym Vs Lryl Dox
- Who is "The Man"?? Thor or Sentry
- Doctor Doom vs Hal Jordan