- hi guys!!!
- Team Iron Fist vs Team Gambit vs Team Silver Samurai vs Team Creed vs Team DP
- Terrax vs Dragon Man & Droog
- Joker(Ledger) vs Anton Chigurh(No Country for Old Men)
- Wonder Woman vs. Maul
- 1 on 6
- Original Avengers VS some DC heroes
- Do what thou wilt and that shall be the whole of the law
- Apokolips or New Genesis VS Marvel Olympus
- DC Odin VS Marvel Surtur
- teleportation in Asia
- Hush VS Joker
- Martian Manhunter vs Maxima vs Ikaris
- Ikaris vs Wonder Woman
- Iceman and Firestorm vs. Thor and Flash
- Omega Red, Sabertooth, Deadpool, and Lady Deathstrike vs.
- Mandrin vs Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Akhenaten vs the Marvel Omniverse
- DarkSeid vs Doctor Manhattan
- Arkon vs Donna Troy
- Darth Vader vs Wolverine
- Mr. Majestic vs. The Trinity
- skaar son of hulk vs hercules
- Wonder Girl vs Wonder Man
- Darkseid/Thanos/Spawn vs Dr. Strange/Dr. Fate/Dr. Doom
- Pre-Retcon Molecule Man vs. Thanos w/THOTU
- 5th Dimension Imps vs. Protege'
- Mongul W/rings vs Thanos
- Team Surter vs Team Odin.
- Herc vs Blackbolt
- Elimination Chamber
- Sentry, Thor, Silver Surfer vs Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, GL Kyle
- The Hood and his synidcate vs JLA
- Seal Team Six runs a gauntlet
- Wonder Woman VS the Wrecking Crew
- Krona vs classic Ion
- Fat Cobra Vs Temugin
- KCSM vs King Thor
- You run the Gauntlet 2
- Dr. Strange vs Constantine
- Who would have the physical strength?
- Grade A Adamantium runs a short gauntlet
- Battle Ready Beserker Thor vs Superman with a twist
- Source vs. Eternity vs. Ultimator vs. Alien Entity
- Hulk vs. Jay Garrick
- Silver surfer, Sub-mariner, Thor vs. Captain Marvel, GL(Hal), Wonder Woman.
- Wonder Girl vs. Wolverine
- Morph vs Mimic (Exiles)
- The Grandmaster/Collector vs Galactus
- Wolverine vs Man Thing
- Hulk vs Darkseid
- hourman vs american eagle
- batman vs predator
- Spider-Man vs Fin Fang Foom with a twist
- Battle Ready Wonder Woman vs (Battle Ready Beserker) Thor
- Superman VS Kurse durability contest
- Super Cyborg Hank Henshaw
- warmachine vs marvel ares
- Best gun toting characters in comics...
- Steel w/ Aegis Entropy Armor in Marvel Gauntlet
- Dr strange vs Juggernaut
- Demiurge vs Team Magic
- Superman amped vs Thor.
- Superman vs Balder powered Destroyer
- Shuma-Goroth VS Azathoth
- Starscream w/Underbase VS Thunderwing w/Matrix
- Why this place is BORING
- OK, killing some fanboys...
- DARKSIED with soul fire formula and all new god souls vs THANOS with IG
- superman prime vs genis vell
- kenneth irons vs sonatine
- Supergirl vs Hyperion
- You run the Gauntlet
- VG Characters.
- Alpha Flight VS some heroes
- elektra vs ryu
- Void vs DC Earth
- Alpha Flight vs. Avengers
- The Thing runs the chick gauntlet
- Ms Marvel (current) vs She Hulk (current)
- Darksieds Elite vs Thanos
- Battle-Ready Wonder Woman vs Thor with Odinforce
- Which "Superman" is the better combatant?
- WM Thor vs Exiles Silver Surfer
- Cyborg superman vs Genis Vell
- Rise of the Machines!
- Guardian Amped Prime Vs GDS Darkseid
- DC Zeus vs Marvel Odin
- Rock Lee runs the gauntlet with a twist
- You in Ironman armor run a gauntlet
- Hank Henshaw vs King Thor
- Fernus Vs Cassandra Nova
- Batman/Solid Snake vs Snake Eyes/Captain America
- Captain Marvel VS Thor
- Supermen Army vs Marvel/DC Team-up
- Bat Family runs the Gauntlet
- Gog from 'The Kingdom' vs Asgardian Destoryer controlled by Balder The Brave
- batman vs sagat
- Magog (Kingdom Come) vs Thor
- Who takes Wolverine?
- classic Juggernaut vs simultanous fire from :
- Exiles Silver Surfer vs Exiles King Hyperion
- Lex Luthor vs Black Panther
- Orion/Etrigan/BlackBolt vs Team Marvel
- Marvel vs DC with a twist!
- Helspont vs sentry
- Sentry + (supreme power) Hyperion vs Asgardian Destroyer
- Iron Man and friends vs. Wonder Girl and the gang
- Pre Crisis Omega vs Superman Prime(gaurdian amped)
- Huntress vs Electra
- War Machine vs Lex Luthor(battle suit)
- Solar man of the Atom vs Batman 1M
- Kyle Rayner and Firestom vs. Quasar and Stardust
- Alpha Flight vs Justice League
- Fernus vs Tangent SuperMAN
- The Sentry vs Thor (for kicks)
- Clayface vs Mystique
- Sentry and Blackmary vs. Terrax and Supergirl
- Classic Thor vs Traitor
- Bor vs. Silver Surfer
- Bor vs. Kurse
- Unicron vs Ego
- Odin Vs Thor...
- Fernus vs Black Adam, Captain Marvel and Dark Mary Marvel
- Captain Marvel\Black Adam vs Silver Surfer
- Hush VS Nightwing
- Pre-Crisis Black Adam Vs Bor
- Ragnarok of Marvel 616
- Classic Silver Age Asgard VS:
- Marvel vs DC
- Meta death match his and hers.
- Street War
- Robin VS Black Spectre... AGAIN
- Runner&The Void vs Superboy Prime
- Count Nefaria/Hyperion vs Binary/Gladiator
- Rulk vs Odin
- Odin vs Superman/Wonder Woman
- Who could take Superman's moon-busting punch?
- Silver Surfer/ Black Adam/Superman vs Thor/Genis/Orion
- Silver Surfer and Black Adam vs. Hal Jordan and Beta Ray
- xmen vs. legion
- Terrax/w Axe runs the Gauntlet
- Freedom Beast Vs Vixen
- PR Beyonder vs. Herbie Popnecker
- Orion vs Thanos [h2h]
- Robin VS Black Spectre
- The Shadow Thief Vs Sinister Six
- Wonder Woman W/Gauntlets of Atlas Vs Ion (Sodam Yat)
- Highfather vs Mephisto
- Marvel Odin VS DC Ares
- Batman in Batmobile vs Christine and the Car
- You vs Earth (twist)
- Sue Storm(Malice) vs Omega Red
- Ka-Zar vs Blade
- Sentry vs. Hyperion ( Supreme Power)
- Marvel vs Street Fighter
- the Oscars for like..comics an ish.
- Prodigy versus Echo
- Animated Ult Avengers Hulk vs Animated Hulk vs
- Bor vs Wonder Woman and Superman
- Runner(no gem) vs Thanos
- Marvels 5 vs JLA
- Bor vs Classic Thor and Beta Ray Bill.
- Spiral vs Ghost Rider
- DC's Fab Five Vs. Marvel's Almost there
- Durability Gauntlet of Death - Earth Extremes
- Classic DC Earth VS Classic Marvel Earth
- Classic Silver Age Odin VS Emoboy Whine
- Supreme Six of Vertigo
- Odin w/ Destroyer Armor vs Darkseid w/ Entropy Aegis Armor
- Galactus, Odin vs. Krona, Anti-Monitor.
- Ganymede vs Wolverine
- Which Mid-tier or lower character could make Superman bleed?
- Superman Prime runs the gauntlet
- Thermal Man vs Abomination
- Slade v Moonknight (with powers)
- X-Man (Shaman) Vs Tangent Superman
- Vision vs Spiral
- Everyone vs Everyone
- Elektra vs Midnighter
- Spider-man vs Elektra
- Wonder woman vs invisible woman
- Decepticons VS Wakanda
- Apocalypse on DC Earth
- Apokolips VS *classic* Marvel Earth
- pre-retcon Beyonder VS the Great Evil Beast
- Dr Doom's Challenge
- god Cable vs. Martian Man hunter
- Super Superman vs OA
- Who can survive this?
- MI:13 vs. Dark Avengers
- Superman vs Kurse with a twist.
- SMP vs Marvel Earth
- Buffy Vs Blade
- 616 Daredevl vs Ultimate Spider-man
- Blue Superman runs the gauntlet
- Buffy vs classic Elektra
- Domino vs Batgirl
- Hellspont vs. Martian Manhunter
- Eradicator/Zoom vs. Stardust/Firelord
- Apokolips vs Marvel Earth
- Supes Pimped out VS!
- The Blade Trinity Gantlet!!!!!!
- Ares vs War Machine
- Alfred vs Batman with a twist
- Ultimate Thor vs Solomon Grundy
- Who could break out of adamantium handcuffs on strength alone?
- Dr.fate, lightray vs Dr.strange, silver surfer.
- Green Goblin vs Mr. Terrific and Batman
- Green Goblin VS Demogoblin VS Hobgoblin
- Iron Patriot vs. War Machine
- Mr. Terrific vs Steel
- Sundragon & Kismet vs 1 Green Lantern(Kyle)
- Dr. Light and Dr. Polaris vs. Sinestro and Effigy
- Wolverine vs Sinister Twelve
- Cable vs Aquaman
- Triumph vs Hyperion (Supreme Power)
- Daredevil vs Scarlet Spiders
- Menace VS Green Goblins
- Ultron vs Machine Man
- Batman vs Mystique
- Superman/General Zod vs Sentry/Gladiator
- Mystique vs Morf vs Chameleon
- Emperor Joker vs Dr Doom
- Baron Zemo vs Wonderwoman
- ultron vs cyborg superman
- Asgardians royal rumble
- Ranking - H2H fighting speed
- Black Panther vs. Superman
- Superman,Kara,supermanprime VS Odin,Thor,Loki
- Ballistic vs. Bullseye vs. The Killer
- Challenge of the Amazing Freinds
- WHo has the coolest ride?
- Battle of the Bricks: His and hers matches
- Superman and Silver Surfer switch places for the day
- The Controllers Vs The Guardians
- The Watchers VS the Guardians
- Alucard vs Deadpool/Wolverine
- Ghost Rider vs Etrigan
- Doom and J. Constantine vs. Reed and L. Luthor
- Who can take this Flash?
- Triumph vs Wonder Woman
- Dream Avengers vs. Dream JLA
- Clash of the Titans
- Dyna-Man vs World War Hulk
- Henshaw(rings) vs. Silver Surfer(exiles)
- Hank Henshaw Challenge
- Brainiac 13/Hank Henshaw vs Galactus
- Celestial's vs Imperriex&probes
- Void vs. Solar