- Do cOck v Dick
- prof x with engineers nanorobots vs martian manhunter
- Cleric John Preston VS Daredevil
- Namor Vs Bishop
- Superman Vs Batman and Wolverine after they kill L.Lane
- Juggernaut vs. Namor
- Iron Man v XO Manowar
- Who can survive... A Superhuman Mob Job!!!
- Wolverine and Sabretooth vs. Carnage
- Superman Goes Undercover
- Superman/Hulk Vs DoomsDay/Darkseid
- Nick Fury vs. King Pin
- Namor vs. Storm
- Agent Smith and Neo VS FF4, Hulk, Spider-Man, X-Men and Dr. Doom(Movie Versions)
- Nightcrawler vs. Shatterstar
- Namor VS Thor... No Weapons!!! Hand To Hand Combat!!!
- Nightwing vs MoonKnight
- John Constantine (Hellblazer) vs. Batman
- Superman vs Combo Man
- Ghost Rider & Etrigan VS. Superman
- Morlun VS. Wonder Woman
- Deathstroke Vs Dead Pool/Jubilee
- Shatterstar VS. Bane
- Gladiator vs Thor vs Superman
- king thor vs mr majestic
- super hero gym class
- Batman Vs Deathstroke
- jenny and jack vs engineer and apollo
- pre-crisis supes vs saint of killers
- Rogue vs Kon el
- Two-Face vs Killer Croc
- Elektra vs. Cheshire
- Wolverine vs Wonder Woman
- Champion vs Magneto , Thor
- Drax vs magneto
- Sphynx II vs. Martian Manhunter
- Magneto vs Electric Supes
- Defenders vs Infinity Watch
- Black Panther Vs Batgirl Cass
- DeathStroke Vs Batgirl(Cass) No weapons Round 1
- the other JLA VS that jla
- Wolverine Vs Batgirl Cass
- Sutur, Tyrant, Molecule Man vs. DC earth
- galactus is hungry for dc earth
- Gladiator's Heat Vision VS. Superman's Heat Vision
- Wildstorm Defenders v Marvel Defenders
- Thing & Colossus vs. Apocalypse
- Firelord vs. Green Lantern (JAde)
- J Jonah jamison vs Perry White
- Spiderman Vs Elektra
- Wolverine Vs Elektra
- Marvel vs. DC(peak human battle)
- War Dancer v The Silver Surfer
- ZZZAX vs Magneto vs FireLord
- Mask vs. Bruce Almighty
- Morbius vs. Cyber
- Tombstone vs. Batman & Robin
- Kraven the Hunter vs. Scorpion
- Which is smarter Watchers or Supreme Intelligence
- Charlemagne (Defiant Universe) v normal Marvel Hercules
- Evil Ernie v Lobo
- Thano's and Darkseid and Silver Surfer vs Ymir and Surter
- Ch'od vs Beast
- Data vs Worf and Spock in a Fist Fight
- DC Supersheros vs Hulk with the Captain Universe power
- Evil Ernie vs Wolverine
- Mr. Majestic vs Gladiator
- Paul Phoenix vs Wolverine h2h
- Spider-Man vs. Firelord - the rematch
- True Beyonder vs Thanos w/HOTU
- Absorbing Man VS. Plastic Man
- Supergirl vs Elektra
- Mr. Fantastic v.s. Plastic Man v.s. Elongated Man
- Godlike Hercules(Marvel) VS. Current Darkseid In A 30X30 Admantium Box
- "Innovative" Tag Team Versus Thread (Check it out!)
- Team Marvel vs Team DC
- Batman vs. Snake eyes
- Supreme/Mr. Majestic vs. Superman/Captain Marvel
- Mr. Majestic vs. Odin
- Master Mold vs Prime Transformers
- Gladiator speed vs Other speedters
- Brainiac and Ultron vs Korvac and Apocalypse
- Spider-Man & Deathstroke vs. Wonder Woman & Thor
- Hercules vs Thanos
- hulk vs ???
- Durok the Destoryer vs Superman and Hulk
- Confident Gladiator vs Silver Surfer
- Superman and Thor vs Wendigo
- Wonder Woman vs. Classic Cable
- Superhero Dog Squad!!!
- Movie Spider man vs movie Thing.
- New Avengers vs. JLA
- Mangog vs. JLA
- Odin vs pre crisis darkseid
- DarkSeid Vs Hulk
- DarkSeid Vs Dooms Day
- Iceman VS. The Titans
- Hulk and Superman vs. Darkseid & Solomon Grundy
- She-Hulk vs. Superboy
- Superman Vs Spiderman Wolverine and Batman
- captain atom vs mr magnificent vs captian marvel vs superman vs genis-vell
- Odin (Sky Father) vs. Champion of the Universe
- Pre-crisis Darksied Vs Thanos
- Wonderwoman vs. Donna Troy
- Ultimate fanboy team versus jla
- Thor vs. Wonderwoman
- Dr. Doom vs. Green lantern(alan)
- the glimmer v thanos
- keeper v onslaught
- Porter(Payback) vs Forrest Gump
- Green Arrow (Oliver) vs. Punisher
- Green Arrow(Connor) vs. Gambit
- Dark Phoenix vs. Marvel/DC
- Lady Deathstrike & Wolverine vs. Hydro-Man
- Leader vs. Mr. F
- Mephisto vs. Thanos & Parallax
- Batman Nightwing batgirl and Teen titans vs Mr Sinister and Sabertooth
- Alice in Chains vs Nirvana
- Spiderman vs Bane vs Strong Guy
- Thoth vs DC and Marvel Magic beings
- wolverine vs powergirl?
- Jeepers Creepers vs Leather Face
- Thano's and Morg vs All DC Superhero's
- Exitar vs everybody from DC
- Morg Vs Doomsday
- Asmodel, Neron, and Gog vs the Marvel Earth
- Infinity Man vs Superman
- Iceman & Jenny Sparks Vs. Plastic Man & Steel(Normal Armor)
- Sif vs Big Barda
- High Father Izaya VS. King Thor with the wisdom of the Runes
- Mangog vs. Doomsday
- Brainiac vs Doc Ock
- Kurse VS Orion
- Optimus Prime vs Thor
- man ya'll must really hate me.
- woverine and colossus vs midnigher and thing.
- Wolverine vs. Snake eyes
- karate kid (dc) vs hulk with adamantium skin
- Imperiex Prime vs Galactus vs Comic Unicron
- revised sabretooth vs Cassidy from preacher
- Dick Vs Spiderman no web
- Jesse Custer with time to speak a sentence v Phoenix
- Captain Marvel (Genis) vs. Sentinel (alan scott)
- Deathstroke's PIS-Generating Powers vs. Batman's PIS-Generating Powers
- Superman vs. Mangog
- Spiderman Vs Mask of the Phantasm
- Spiderman Vs Predator
- Batman Prep Time Write how he beats these people.
- jesse custer vs the skull from Earth X
- Kitty(Shadowcat) Vs. Vision...(very interesting-inside)
- Black Panther Vs Batman & Night Wing
- Doc Ock Vs Wolverine
- Unicron Attaks Dc Comic World Who Can Stop Him
- Beast Vs Thing
- Lex Luthor,Twoface,Joker,Peguin H2h
- The Thing Vs Silver Surfer
- who can beat the phionex in the marvel world
- Odin/Thanos vs. JLA full roster
- Mr Majestic Wildstorm v Silver Surfer
- Scorpian/DocOck VS Wolverine
- Doc Ock Vs Tomb Stone
- Namor without powers versus Nightwing
- Enraged Wonder Man VS. Plastic Man
- (Fully powered) Juggernaut vs The Destroyer
- Uber-Scarlet Witch vs Uber-Franklin Richards
- The Flash VS Wolverine
- Odin vs Savage Hulk...with a twist.
- the magus vs superman
- defenders or jla
- namor or aqua man
- Current Magneto Vs God like Cable
- Heavenly War: Asgardians vs New Gods
- Proteus W/e Vs Phoenix and Superman Prime
- Rhino Vs Wolverine and Jubilee
- The Shocker Vs Jubilee
- Batman and Wolverine Vs Gambit And Jubilee
- Ghost Rider Vs Batman
- Jubilee Vs TwoFace
- Metallo vs IronMan HulkBuster
- Arch Angel Vs Batman No prep
- Plastic Man vs. Hulk
- Superman can be killed by Vs
- Superman Runs The Gauntlet!!!
- Wonder Man VS. Metallo
- Ultra Defenders VS. Imperiex
- Firelord, Sersi, Iceman VS. Martian Manhunter, Cyborg Hank, Red Tornado
- Silver Surfer and Thor vs. Gladiator and Superman
- cassidy from preacher vs bone claw sabretooth
- jesse custer vs batman
- spiderman vs nightcrawler ( with modifiers)
- spiderman question (vs)
- hulk battle.
- Wolverine Vs Metallo
- MegaManX Vs spiderman
- Zod/Non/Ursa vs. the Hulk and Thor
- farichild vs she hulk
- Magento Vs Plastic Man
- meastro with the ig
- wolverine , deadpool , agent zero vs taskmaster, agent x , midnighter
- Dr. Strange runs the hand to hand combat Gauntlet!!!
- Odin (Sky Father) vs. Tyrant (normal)
- Gambit Vs Cyclops Round 1 and 2
- Nightwing/Gambit Vs Spiderman
- Gambit Vs Wolverine
- superboy & nite wing vs supergirl & batgirl
- JLU Batman Cartoon Vs Cartoon 90s Wolverine
- Who in the Marvel Universe can beat or kill Superman?
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs. Champion of The Universe
- Superman vs. Mr. Majestic
- Buggs Bunny vs. Daffy Duck
- Gambit Vs Iron Man
- Gods & Mystic Beings VS. Tyrant(Fully Powered) & Shuma Gorath(Fully Powered)
- Darkseid (Current Version) Runs The Gauntlet!!!
- Batman Vs DareDevil
- Batman goes through gauntlet
- Black Tarantula vs Deadpole with prep
- savage hulk vs drax with power gem
- Superman vs. Orion
- Batman and Superman vs their protege
- FORGE VS. HULK (forge = tons of prep, hulk = base)
- Beta Ray Bill(Current) VS. Darkseid(Current)
- Hulk with power gem
- Adam Warlock vs Hal Jordan & Kyle
- SwampThing invades Latveria.
- Thanos w/I.G vs Magneto Prime i.e M+W
- JLA vs Odin
- Arms vs Legs
- A Cosmic Game of Dodgeball !!!
- Offending Society(amalgam of DEFENDERS & JSA) vs Thanoseid+Malebolgia+Alien-Predators
- Psi Battle: Moondragon vs. Professor X!
- Rocky vs. Phoenix
- The Imperial Fleet (From Star Wars) Vs Unicron (G1 Version)
- Azreal as Batman vs Mr.T as Batman
- Gods VS. Tyrant
- Cosmic Four VS. Tyrant (Normal Powered)
- Cosmic Four VS. Thanos & Darkseid
- dr. doom stops playin around
- Battle Of The Retards!!! Bizarro vs. Drax vs. Hulk vs. Solomon Grundy!!!
- Dr. Strange & Doctor Doom vs. Mongul
- What can Wolverine Survive?
- saint of killers.(who can survive)
- Dr. Doom vs superman.
- Wonder Woman VS upper street-levelers
- hulk question.(vs)
- Batman Vs Cyclops Hand To Hand
- W.S.C Vs S.V.B
- Hellboy vs. Wolverine
- x men vs the authority
- B.W.C Vs S.N.P