- Martian Manhunter vs Onslaught
- Superman and Hal Jordan w/ring vs Galactus
- PC Superman vs. Mangog
- Bane vs Sabertooth
- Phalanx vs. Brainiac
- Martian Manhunter vs. Vision
- Ms. Marvel VS Starfire
- White Phoenix vs Binary w. Uni-power
- Flash (Bart) vs Northstar
- VS Forum Question
- Hulk (WWH) Vs Doomsday (DOS)
- Moon Knight and Azrael vs Captain America and Wolverine
- Battle on Apokolips-Good vs Evil
- The Sentinel Squad O*N*E vs Darkseid
- .
- bullseye vs wonderwoman
- Onimar Synn++ vs Thanos++
- Animal Man vs Absorbing Man
- Absorbing Man vs Ronan the Accuser
- Yaweh vs Pre-recton DC brother vs Great Evil Beast
- Hollywood vs. Superman
- Thanos vs Cybprg superman with a twist
- Ultimate Cap vs 616 Spider-Man
- Captain Mar-vell vs Captain America
- MODOK and the Leader vs Lex Luthor
- Odin vs. Classic Juggernaut in Pure Slugfest
- Killer Kroc vs Tombstone
- Neo vs Marvel and DCU
- Robots running the guantlet
- 500 Brawler Sentinels vs Mangog
- all star batman vs leonidas
- Venom ( Mac Gargan ) vs Wolverine
- Sersi,Wonder Woman and Jenny Quantum vs. Firelord, Martian Manhunter, Spartan(Void)
- Onimar Synn vs Tyrant (full power)
- PC Validus VS Thanos
- Wendigo vs Solomon Gundy
- Storm vs Namor
- Sasquatch and Wendigo vs Doomsday
- Thanos,Thor(classic),WW Hulk vs. Superman,Wonderwoman,Orion,Superman(kc)
- Superman Prime with Parallax vs Amazo
- Hela vs Her,Blastaar & Ares
- Aquaman VS Colossus
- Ultimate Thor vs Jack Hawksmoor
- Who can Beat WWH?!?!?!?!?
- Current Molecule Man Vs. Mad Jim Jaspers
- Monrach & Onimar Synn vs Marvel Earth Team
- Darkseid vs. Morpheus (Sandman)
- Thor and Morg vs. Silver Surfer and Beta Ray Bill
- Aztek vs Iron Man
- Lightray and Firestorm Vs. Alan Scott and Captain Atom
- Darkseid,Thanos & Superman Prime vs UL'LULA'NS
- Angel vs Highlander
- Team vs Lobo/No Cloning
- Superman Prime,Monrach & Onimar Synn vs Kronos,Zuras & Thanos
- Speed, Cosmic, and Ice vs. Darkseid and Thanos.
- Captain America Vs. Leonidas and 10 Spartans with a twist
- Silver Surfer vs. The Flash (Wally)
- A moment before Final Crisis - Ares vs. Darkseid
- Tiamut vs Tyrant
- Hank Henshaw vs Superman (kingdom come)
- Spectre dov vs. Walker,Ganthet,Am(sinestro corps),Surtur
- Terrax and Firelord vs. Kilowog and Firestorm
- Odin vs. Asmodel
- Ghost Rider (Blaze) Vs Super Skrull
- Odin/Zeus vs. (current) Molecule Man /Tyrant
- Thor vs. The Flash (Wally West)
- Superman Blue vs Jenny Sparks
- Spider man vs the Thundercats
- HOM Scarlet Witch,Living Tribunal & Scathan the Approver vs HOTU Thanos
- Plastic Man vs. Darkness
- Contemplator,Runner & Collector vs Hyperstorm
- Batman Runs a Marvel Gauntlet
- Team vs Depowered Tyant
- nate grey vs morg
- Batman vs Fury's Shield
- Captain America v Iron Fist H2H
- Animal Man vs Spider-Man
- Battle of the adaptive people.
- Beta Ray Bill VS Blackbolt
- Marv vs The Goon
- Thanos with the Heart vs. The One Above All
- "another" rank the following
- The Flash (Wally) vs. New Son
- Abomination (Hulk movie) vs Godzilla (American)
- Spiderman vs Bane and Killer croc
- Wolverine vs Bane and Killer croc
- colossus vs iron man (twist)
- Sabretooth vs. Black Cat
- Team Marvel vs The Sith
- Galactus & Tiamut & Co versus The Celestials
- Against who would Wolverine last the longest?
- incredible hercules vs she hulk/thing
- Karate Kid vs Mandarin
- Solomon Grundy Vs Silver Surfer
- GOG vs HP Doomsday
- Onslaught vs. Vulcan
- Justice League vs This Team
- Cable vs. Wolverine
- Korvac/Adam Warlock w/IG vs. (Classic) Molecule Man/Parallax
- (Classic) Hyperion vs. Sersi
- thanos vs tyrant
- fallen one vs silver surfer
- Dr. Doom vs Spartan 3.0
- Morpheus vs. Daredevil
- Imperiex vs. COIE Anti-Monitor
- Maxima vs Beta Ray Bill
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs Desak
- which charecter should have this abilty force?
- Henshaw with rings vs The Authority
- forge/reed richards vs cyborg superman
- Silver Surfer (movie) vs. Hancock
- Kmc Versus Thread Awards!
- The Uglies Fight!!
- Luke Cage VS Warpath
- Sundipped Superman vs the Morisson league.
- Wonder Woman vs Dr. Doom
- Black suit Spider-Man vs Captain America/Batman
- Power Girl Vs IronMan (Modular Armor)
- Morg(WOL) vs. Justice League
- UFC Fight : Beast vs. Black Panther
- Morg(waters of life) vs. Superman(amped by the sun)
- Spectre(merged) vs. Lucifer
- Thanos (heart) vs. Spectre (merged)
- Ultimus vs Superman
- Morg/Full Powers vs Forgotten One,Ikaris & Phastos
- Wonder man vs Uncle Sam
- Spiderman vs. Batman ( H2H)
- Superman (sundip) vs. Ikaris
- Black Adam vs. Supreme
- Loki vs Heralds
- Meltdown vs. Jubillee
- The Hulk (2008) vs Adult Clover
- VS Nova Corps ; How many GLs would it take?
- King Thor vs. Thanos, Doomsday, and Despero
- Toxin vs Marvel Ares
- terrax vs captain mar-vell
- Thor vs Ultimate Namor
- Hulk vs Jughead
- Crystal VS Storm
- What if The Beyonder and Classic Molecule Man were Never retconned?
- Which Ability Would You Choose?
- Which ability would you want?
- Hellboy vs captain America (Steve Rogers)
- who is your ideal justice league?
- amazo vs super skrull
- lady shiva vs elektra
- Rank them in terms of power
- Classic Beyonder,Thanos(heart),LT vs. Michael,Lucifer,Spectre(merged)
- Predator vs Cyborg (Victor Stone )
- Cyborg (Victor Stone ) vs blood lusted Spider-Man
- Wonder Woman vs Superman H2h only
- Sentry vs Supreme
- Thanos/Silver Surfer vs Shaggy Man/HP Doomsday
- Superman/HP Doomsday vs. Thor/Thanos
- Daredevil vs. Captain America vs. Iron Fist
- Immortal VS the Thing
- Sentry+The Void vs Thor+Adam Warlock
- Zzzax vs Bi-Beast vs Wendigo(Paul Cartier)
- Flint (G.I. Joe) vs Zsasz (Batman)
- Superman Prime vs. Superman strike force
- Eternity vs Superman Prime
- The Doctor Vs Superboy Prime
- Malebolgia vs Blackheart
- The God Emperor of Mankind vs Thanos
- doc oc and cable vs invisible woman and cyclops
- Elijah Snow Gauntlet
- Jakita Wagner v Sasquatch
- batman vs
- Classic Beyonder vs Spectre
- Classic Beyonder vs Lucifer
- Spiderman vs Nightcrawler
- Gladiator vs Doomsday
- Wolverine Vs Deadpool with a twist.
- Captain America vs Elektra H2H
- Ghost Rider vs. Batman One Million
- BATMAN vs BEAST sparring match
- Classic Quick Silver vs. Deathstroke
- the cartoon teen titans vs the movie fantasic 4
- doc oc vs mr fantastic
- Ultimator vs. Alien Entity
- Classic Molecule Man runs the Guantlet
- The Fury vs Superman 1 Million and Superman Prime
- Molecule Man vs. The Ultimator
- batman vs snake eyes
- Molecule Man vs. Superman 1Million
- Cyborg Superman vs Mangog
- thanos,s clones vs the originals
- Superman w/the Ruby of Cyttorak and solar suit vs Thanos
- Superman w/the Ruby of Cyttorak and solar suit vs King Thor
- How many Green Lanterns would it take to bring down Silver Surfer?
- Anti-Monitor vs "pre crippled"Tyrant
- Shaggy Man vs 8th day or Classic Juggernaut
- Lucifer vs Marvel Universe
- Stilt Man vs Bullseye
- batman vs ghost rider (johnny)
- the spectre vs lucifer
- Rank them in terms of power
- Rank the versions of Spectre in terms of power
- Daredevil vs Red Hood (J.T)
- Red Hood (Jason) vs Bullseye
- Wonder Woman vs Invisible Woman
- Batman vs Catwoman
- The Fury vs. Celestial Race
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Spidey and foes
- American Eagle,Puma & Red Wolf vs Adamantium Sabretooth
- Daredevil (with twist) vs Wolverine
- Weird/Funny fights
- slade vs lex luthor
- Quagmire vs Classic Juggernaut
- Powerless Clark Kent vs Powerless Luke Cage
- ww hulk guantlet reviseted
- WWH (with twist) Vs JLA
- Doom (movie), Psylocke, Venom vs Sylar , Peter Petrelli
- HP Doomsday vs Shaggy Man
- WW Hulk vs heroes from 52
- World Breaker Hulk vs JLA
- spiderman vs gorgon
- Cosmic Spiderman vs Superman/Thor
- Molecule Man vs. Solar
- Snake -Eyes vs. Bullseye
- Elekra vs. Punisher
- Mangog vs. D.C. Ares
- Doc Samson vs Colossus
- black cat vs catwoman
- Yuga Khan and Queen Heggra vs Darksied
- Brainiac 13 vs. Molecule Man
- Mongul vs. Thor
- Dracula (Marvel) vs Blood Storm
- Captain America villains vs Iron Man villains
- Captain America vs Punisher (with a twist)
- Iron Fist vs Iron Man
- Elijah Snow vs Blob
- Galactus and His New Heralds
- dc ares vs loki
- who is the coolest batman?
- Ms. Marvel(Warbird) vs. She-Hulk
- The Fury vs. The COIE Anti-Monitor
- solo this team
- The Void vs WW Hulk
- The Fury vs. Galactus/Phoenix
- iron man vs xenomorph queen
- Captain Marvel/Magneto/Captain Atom Vs. X-Man/Black Bolt/Dr. Doom
- Superman with Thing strength Vs Hulk and Captain America
- Crystal vs. Hulk
- Mr Sinister vs Venom, Green Goblin, Colossus
- Sabretooth/Current vs Batman Family
- Doc Samson vs Savage Dragon
- The New Woman Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Fatal FourWay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!