- Centurious vs Bounty Hunter vs Mephisto
- Sentry/Nebulon the Celestial Man vs Superman/Thor
- Jason Todd Vs. The Punisher
- Juggy's Bruisers vs. Shaggy Man's Bruisers
- Gog vs Cyttorak
- Storm and Thor Vs Zeus
- Ghost rider Vs Thanos(after gaunlet incident)
- Static Shock, Storm and Magneto Vs Zeus
- Atum the Sun-Eater vs Vulcan vs The Sentry
- Vulcan vs Silver Surfer
- static vs superboy
- Modern Warfare 2: Ghost vs Batman Year One
- Marvel Earth (current) vs Green Lantern Corps
- Loki's Team vs. Circe's Team
- Vulcan runs the Summers/Grey Gauntlet
- Vulcan vs Superman
- Earth GLs vs. Alien GLs
- superman, batman vs thor,captain america
- The Atom vs Juggernaut
- wolverine vs thor with a twist
- RKT vs superboy prime
- Exiles Surfer & SBP V.S. Captain Marvel w/ twist
- 4 powers to beat Darkseid
- New Gods vs. Thanos's Team
- Thanos/Amatsu Mikaboshi vs Great Darkness Saga Darkseid/Dormammu
- Brudda Voodoo/Dr. Strange vs Daniel Ketch/Zarathos
- Ion 2 (Kyle Rayner) vs Photon (Genis-Vell)
- Happy Veterans/Remembrance Day
- Mjolnir Vs Darkhold
- Vril Dox's REBELS vs Marvel's Cosmos
- The Mask Vs Juggernaut
- Shuma-Gorath obtains the HOTU
- Marv vs Rorschach
- ghost rider vs a black lantern
- Rip Hunter vs Reed Richards
- Superboy Prime vs Wonder Woman w/twist
- How Retarded is Quanchi?
- Is Badabing the biggest queer on kmc?
- Why is Kris Blaze such a Douche?
- DC vs Marvel
- Gods Vs Sorcerer Supremes »
- X-World Vs Marvel World
- Why so serious? Team Crazy vs Team Serious
- Thanos/King Thor vs Monarch/Superman Prime
- Ghost Rider vs Thanos
- Black Panther & Daredevil vs Batman & Nightwing
- David Cain vs Frank Castle H2H
- Daimon Hellstrom/Daniel Ketch vs Selene/Brudda Voodoo
- Ghost Rider/Juggernaut vs WWH/Zadkiel
- Ghost Rider/Zadkiel vs Nightmare/Juggernaut
- Thor and Hercules run the guantlet
- Evil League vs. Revengers
- Thor/Beta Ray Bill/Black Bolt vs GL Kyle/Superman/Black Adam
- WWH, Pitt & Skaar vs Thor, Immortal Hercules & Maxam
- Ego vs DC Team + 2
- Norman Osborn and The Hood vs JLA
- Hercules runs the gauntlet
- Galactus/TOAA(Celestial) vs Tiamut/Fulcrum vs Exitar/Arishem
- Tim Hunter vs Dr. Strange (classic)
- Black Canary vs. Wolverine
- Zatanna vs. Silver Surfer
- JLA vs. Avengers (A Fair Match of 8v8)
- Zatanna vs. Thanos
- Pr vs. Badabing
- galactus vs. thanos
- batman vs. thanos
- ghost rider vs juggernaut
- Hunter Prey Doomsday vs Asgardian Destroyer
- SuperMen vs Shuma
- Brainiac 13 vs Solaris
- X-4 Vs The Super Skrull
- Juggernaut runs (litterally) the gauntlet AGAIN
- What if Marvel U was now only Mutants and Street lvl heros and Villians
- Despero Vs The X-Men and The Brotherhood
- hank pym vs reed richards (straight up fight, no prep)
- Red Son Luthor vs All-Star Luthor
- Spiderman runs the MA gauntlet
- Thanos physically
- Loki vs Gladiator
- Superman Prime invading Marvel
- The most powerful forces in existence collide
- Sundipped Superman runs Gauntlet
- Fallen One vs Stardust
- Sun-dipped Superman vs King Thor
- Who is Osborn's secret weapon?
- Superman vs Silver Surfer/Thor (twist)
- zig hail man vs captain jew
- batman with a month of prep time vs akhenaten
- japan man vs captain russia
- Iron Man Extremis vs Spiral
- Riddler vs Two-Face
- Absorbing Man and Stardust vs. Metamorpho and Firestorm
- Superman vs Flash (Wally): Test of Combat Speed
- Invisible Woman and Storm vs. Polaris and Crystal
- Street Level Tournament
- Luke Cage vs. Snapper Carr (twist)
- Nekron vs. Trigon
- Thor w/odinforce vs. Mandrakk
- Superman vs Loki
- Mongul vs Darkseid (slugfest only)
- DOV Captain Marvel vs Odin
- Thing vs The Mandarin
- Reed vs Marvel and DC universe
- Vril Dox vs Brainiac (New Krypton)
- If Brainiac 5 is a 12th Level Intellect...
- Sentry vs Superman
- Hal Jordan w/2 rings vs Superman and Capt. Marvwl
- Gods Vs Bricks
- Vs United States Whole army »
- Wolverine vs Morbius vs Stick vs Predator vs Prometheus (DC)
- Silver Surfer vs Hal Jordan with two rings.
- Is this a good matchup?
- White Crown Phoenix vs The Fulcrum
- Dark Phoenix vs The 4th Celestial Host
- Rachel w/Phoenix Force vs Tiamut the Communicator
- Star Wars....
- Mogo vs Galactus (starving)
- JLA vs this Monster
- Thor, Silver Surfer,Black Bolt vs. Superman 1 Million
- PC Validus runs the Gantlet
- Captain Britain/Phoenix/Merlyn vs Parallax Hal Jordan/Superman-Prime 1 Mil/Ion
- Redhulk vs Squirel girl
- Bruce Wayne runs a Gauntlet of Newspaper Heroes
- Beta Ray Bill vs Mr. Majestic
- dragon fly vs spiderman
- The Most Important Vs Battle
- DOV Captain Marvel vs Crazy Genis
- Onimar Synn and Infinity Man vs. Amazo and Orginal Gog
- Army busting level?
- Marvel Vs. DC (Outer Space wars)
- Amped Anton Arcane vs Trigon
- Vril Dox vs Dr. Doom
- Most powerful Jobber aura?
- Day of Vengeance in the MU
- The 7 Heads of Evil Vs The X-Men .......Movie
- Gladiator vs GL (Hal) w/ 2rings.
- Odin Vs Zeus
- One Hundred Trillion Banes Vs Superman
- Trigon vs Dormammu
- Hercules vs Hulk
- Psycho Pirate vs Psycho Man
- Iceman vs Swamp thing
- Son of Satan/Ghost Riders vs Zadkiel/Mephisto
- hulk vs joker
- Captain Planet vs Superboy-Prime
- Black Window Vs. Huntress
- Punisher vs Elektra H2H w/TWIST
- Skaar vs Titannus
- Supergirl, Black Mary, Bomb Shell vs. Ms. Marvel, Nova, Monica Ms. Marvel
- Stardust vs Swamp Thing
- Bruce Lee vs Shgang-Chi
- spider-man with class 100 strength vs thor
- 100 daredevil's vs WWH
- daredevil vs shang chi
- Cheetah and Wolverine vs. Colossus and Solomun Grundy
- Guy Gardner (Warrior) vs Ms. Marvel
- Simonson's Orion vs Stardust
- Stardust vs Hal Jordan
- Superman takes on each herald
- Team MU vs Team DCU
- Ultraman vs Gladiator
- Thor vs. Doomsday
- Silver Surfer and Stardust vs Thor and Beta Ray Bill
- Thanos vs...
- Cosmic Cube Vs Unipower VS Pheonix Force Vs Power of Cosmic Vs Dark Magic Vs Chaos Ma
- team 1 Vs team 2 Vs team 3 Vs team 4
- Grodd vs Krypto vs Mighty Mouse vs Rocket Racoon vs Wendigo
- bruce lee vs shang chi
- rate those fighters
- daredevil& shang chi runs a gauntlet
- Abraxas Vs the rot
- Apocalypse vs. Wonder Woman
- Toughest opponent Steel Serpent/Steel Phoenix can take?
- captain america with class 70 strength vs WWH
- Captain America vs Wesley Gibson
- Fantastic Four vs. Evil Mutants
- Heralds vs. DC Guard
- Thanos runs the DnA gauntlet
- Morg W/WOL vs Stonehenge Etrigan
- Morg vs Beta Ray Bill
- Herald's vs Top Tier
- Morrison's JLA lineup vs Heralds
- Spider-Man runs the Gauntlet
- Juggernaut runs (litterally) the gauntlet
- Cap vs Batman vs Daredevil vs Predator
- Infinity Man(DOTNG) vs Captain Marvel(dov)
- Ares VS Sabertooth
- Abraxas runs a gauntlet
- Thanos and Darkseid Vs Neron
- Red Hulk, Zoom, Despero vs. Thanos, Asmodel, and Doomsday
- Pluto & Neptune vs Surtur
- **Iron Man**
- Who are the strongest mutans(physical)
- thor vs classic spawn
- Which character most under-utilizes/maximizes their potential?
- Marvel Family vs JLA
- Classic Drax the Destroyer vs Orion
- Hulk Fanboys vs Wolverine fanboys
- Drax Vs Superman
- Karate Kids vs Gamora & Mantis
- weakest character to KO superman
- God Swamp Thing Vs Full Power Tyrant
- Sise-neg Vs Abraxas
- Hurt, Knock out or Kill superman
- Poseiden Vs Atlantians
- 4 skyfather level guys vs this guy
- Silver Surfer, Kyle Rayner and Orion vs. Superman, Thor, and Quasar
- Gog Vs Thanos
- Nightwing vs Kraven the hunter
- High Evolutionary and forge VS Kronos
- Elder Gods Vs Thanos
- Grendell Vs Hulk
- Team Spider-Man vs Team Lizard
- De-powered Tyrant vs Darkseid
- WWH during DC Earth 52.
- Shazam, King Thor Vs Odin, Capt. Marvel "wizard"
- Firestorm,Black Bolt, and Quasar vs. Silver Surfer, Wonder Woman, Kyle Rayner GL
- Mordru vs Odin
- Black Widow vs Mockingbird vs Silver Sable vs Psylocke
- Thanos,Smaller Tyrant, and Odin vs. Onimar Synn, Superboy Prime, and Mordru
- nimrod vs the fantastic four
- Ba'al Hadad vs Doomsday
- Sand man Vs Plastic man Vs Hydro Man
- who can defeat akhenaten
- wolverine vs hulkwith a twist
- namor vs juggernaut with a twist
- The X-Men Vs The Crew
- Destroyer vs Galactus
- Zeus Vs Justice League.
- Silver Surfer Runs the Marathon
- Most powerful version of Mordru versus Classic Strange
- Odin and Asmodel vs. Thanos and Onimar Synn
- Marvel DC Mirror match.
- IG vs you
- Colossus Vs Hulk
- Quasar vs Stardust
- Silver Surfer vs Firestorm
- My mid Herald (Beta Ray Bill) vs your High herald
- Thor vs Superman (Without Any Powers!)
- Daredevil vs nightwing
- Namor vs Apollo
- Eternity vs Archenemy
- Qabiri/Shaman Nate vs Baron Zemo w/Moonstones/Photon
- Thor/Hercules vs Hero/Superman
- Captain Marvel/ Captain Atom Vs. Nova Prime/ Black Bolt
- akhenaten vs full power tyrant
- colossus vs thor with a twist
- Ikaris vs Firestorm
- Thor vs. Bane(Rules)
- Weakest Character that could beat Orion with Powergem