- Sentry/WW Hulk vs Superman/Doomsday(dos)
- Justice League vs Surfer, Hulk & Thor (Speed Boosted)
- Batman Vs Superman
- Warsickle vs Wolverine
- Ashema the Listener vs Tiamut the Communicator
- Jaime Braddock/Mr. Mxy vs Qwsp/Mad Jim Jaspers
- mephisto vs loki
- DC's Magic Vs Marvel's
- the Darkness vs Apollo
- G-bar vs Wesker
- Deacon vs Bane
- flashback fun tiem
- Deadpool & Deathstroke vs Midniter & Taskmaster
- Gorgon vs The Midnighter
- batdude123 vs Dio Brando
- Wesker vs. Dio Brando
- Ha-Son vs. Wesker
- Superman vs Wesker
- Blue Marvel Vs. Namor
- Superman and Lightray vs Thor and Silver Surfer
- The Gorgon vs Batman, Deathstroke, and Green Arrow
- Dr Doom vs Sentry
- I...Vampire Vs Dracula
- Space Ghost Vs Aquaman
- Blade Vs Silver Samurai
- Eradicator vs Iron Man/Magneto/Graviton
- Afro Magus vs Silver Surfer
- Shingen vs. Silver Samurai
- River Tam runs the Watchmen Gauntlet
- Sersi and Ms Marvel vs Wonder Woman and She Hulk
- Maaldor & Mordru Vs Dr. Strange & Dr. Fate
- marvel mystic heirarchy
- Wonder Woman vs Aquaman
- Hellboy vs Blob
- vulcan vs new son gambit
- Deadpool vs Skaar
- Deadpool Vrs. Hulk
- Bruce Wayne (In Darkest Knight as Green Lantern) vs. Hal Jordon (as Green Lantern)
- Quasar/Silver Surfer vs Stardust/Thor
- Tyrant vs Thanos
- cyclops vs venom(eddie)
- Demon family vs God family
- Omega Red vs Deathlok(Collins)
- New Gods VS Not New Gods....
- Captain Mar-Vell vs John Stewart
- The Gorgon vs Omega Red
- Hyperman Vs Golden Superman Prime
- Golden Superman Prime Vs Galactus
- DC vs Marvel
- Iron Man Vs Cannonball
- Deadpool & Taskmaster vs Deathstroke & Ronin
- Hyperman Vs Hourman
- Synnar Vs HOM Wanda
- Jim Hammonds vs. Wildcat
- Jim Hammond runs a gauntlet
- The Gorgon vs. PC Karate Kid
- terrance and philip vs blob and mojo
- rorschach vs the punisher vs the question
- Karate Kid VS Deadpool
- Lulz
- Monarch & Thanos Vs Odin & Thor
- batman vs wolverine argument
- Nightcrawler VRS. Kitty
- Top 20 characters in past 1 years
- Tourny/Battlezone Sub-forum news
- Silver Surfer/Thor/Thanos vs Superman/Wonder woman/Despero
- Dr Strange vs WW Hulk
- Iron Man/War Machine vs Ares/Hercules vs Man-Beast/Death Wolverine
- Lucifer Morningstar vs Synnar the Demiurge
- Despero (v&v) vs WW Hulk
- Thanos Vs Spawn
- Mongul (current) vs Orion
- Lord Marvel & Rune King Thor & Superman Prime vs
- wolverine vs wildcat in the ring
- Hyperman Vs MJJ Vs Mr. Mxy
- Morg vs silver surfer (NO HOLDING BACK)
- blastaar vs ms. marvel
- Full Power Morg vs This Team
- Magni VS WWH and SBP
- 6 on 1
- Maggot Vs Sandman
- Sunfire Vs Human Torch
- Wonderworld Heroes (JLA) Vs Trinity (Supes, bats, diana)
- Welcome back Namorshubby!!!
- Respect thread for the greatest
- Superman is the Michael Jordan of Superheroes
- April 1 vs Dec 25
- Omg! Omg! Omg!
- These villains vs Superman
- Superman seems weaker
- You know what...
- Archangel vs Sabretooth
- 4/1/2009
- Nostalgia
- Most Influential Vs Forum Character EVA
- The Vs Forum will be closed by...
- where you going next ?
- Before you go, take some facts to spread knowledge to the unbelievers!
- A quick word from Martian.
- its still here
- Most Epic KMC Thread.
- I guess it's over.
- Thanos vs Thanos
- Juggernaut vs Hulk - Twist
- New Villains in Gotham
- tag team elimination
- Great Beasts(Alpha Flight Characters) vs My Team
- Michael Knight & Knight Rider vs Nite Owl/wOwlship,Rorschach & Silk Spectre
- Pre-Crisis Vartox Vs Pre-Crisis Mongul
- King Of Tears Vs Shuma Gorath
- Close?
- Cyclops and Emma vs Ultimate Colossus and Ultimate Northstar
- If this is really over, you all have express permission to root through my..
- I'd just like to make the announcement
- For Guy22
- Rogue Vs Warbird
- Fatal Five Hundred Vs Marvel Earth
- so..what am i suppose to do at work now?
- DC's Order and Chaos Vs Marvel's
- Thanos vs Classic Juggernaut,Silver Surfer & Depowered Morg
- Wolverine Vs Sabertooth
- How did you find this place?
- Say Your Goodbyes
- I'm going to miss everybody
- Golden Superman Prime vs Dark Phoenix
- Thanos/w IG vs Infinites,Korvac/at his most powerful & The Fury/Most powerful version
- Dr. Strange/Dr. Fate vs. Nabu
- Thanos vs Mandrakk
- Yoda w/ Lightsaber versus Captain America
- Star Wars Republic versus Shi'ar empire
- Gogeta versus sundipped Superman
- Thanos vs Marvel
- Going out with a bang
- Silver surfer powers vs Amazos
- Onslaught vs Tyrant
- KMC Vs Replacement Forum
- Orion vs U-Colossus,Sasquatch & Upgraded Sabretooth
- King Hulk vs DC B list
- Announcement
- Tangent Superman vs. Dr. Manhattan
- Superman One Million with Sword of Superman and the Cosmic Armor vs. this team
- Infinity Gem War
- Draaga Vs Drax
- Lords Of The Ultra Realm Vs Dormy, Meph, Surtur
- cosmic fight!!!
- The Lords of Darkness Invade DC!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Top 20 -List DC Most powerful Marvel characters ever
- Marvel vs. JLA!!!!!!!!
- Who can Defeat Tenebrous and Aegis!?!?!?!?!?
- Super happy, mega amalgam vs challenge!!!
- Cheetah Vs Cyber
- Cheetah Vs Omega Red
- magneto electricity test
- Hulk vs Wolverine w/ Muramasa Blade
- Black Widow Vs Sage
- Psylocke Vs Moondragon
- Marrow Vs Moon Knight
- Ultimator vs the Presence
- Composite Superman Vs Odin
- Genis-Vell Vs. Hank Henshaw
- Titus/Konvikt vs Rulk/WWH
- Top 20 - DC most powerful
- aquaman vs. swamp thing
- Reed w/LOTS of prep vs TOAA
- Spartan/Void vs Orion/w Astro Harness
- cyber vs black panther
- Green Lantern or The Power Cosmic? You Decide
- **PC Virus Announcement**
- Hulk in an Endurance gauntlet
- Sentry vs Black Zero
- Maelstrom w/ Qbands vs Superman
- black panther vs spiderman
- Maelstrom vs. Grayven
- Marcus Fenix vs The Hood
- Invincible vs Superboy
- Xorn Vs Vision
- Marrow Vs Black Knight
- Wolverine Vs Black Panther
- Marvel's Best Vs Pre-Crisis era
- Skaar vs WWH
- Sub-Zero (MK) vs. Count Dracula
- Cyber vs. Omega Red
- Hercules vs Team Movie
- Kevin Uxbridge/Douwd vs DC Earth
- Which team has the best chance of....
- Daken vs Savage Hulk.
- wolverine vs black panther
- Mandrakk vs COIE Anti Monitor vs Carnivean
- Magneto vs Rachel Grey
- Mr Majestic v Worldbreaker Hulk
- Real World Armies vs. non extremis Iron man
- Goku (comic version) vs Superman
- Thanos/SMP vs Odin/Darkseid
- Enchantress team seduction challenge
- Gladiator Vs Valor (Lar Gand)
- Ion (Sodam) vs. Darkseid
- mash up good vs evil
- Kilowog VS Beta Ray Bill
- KMC vs. SBP+Thanos
- Jesus vs. Thanos
- who has the dirtiest mouth ?
- Superman Vs Superman
- Sinestro VS Immortal Hercules
- Captain Britain vs Ms. Marvel
- Crystal Vs Banshee
- Storm Vs Living Lightning
- Colossus Vs Giant Man
- Most stupid Mod
- The Trolls will come
- the Mods must work harder now
- Classic Onslaught vs Superboy Prime
- Protex (White Martian) vs Thor
- The Silver Sufer vs Gladiator
- WB Hulk vs Superboy Prime and Darkseid
- Spiral vs Wonder Woman
- Metallo vs Iron Man
- Depowered Tyrant vs DC tiers
- Binary vs Hal Jordan
- Exodus/Apocalypse vs Stryfe/Cable (full power)
- List the collapse of KMC VS. as you see the timeline.
- Who is the whiniest mod?
- KMC Wars: Why KMC will die!
- Surtur and Ymir vs Onslaught, Thanos and Morg
- Longshot/Domino vs Wolverine/Sabretooth
- WOL Morg vs. Superman, Orion, Wonder Woman and Black Adam
- martial arts test
- Omega Red vs Namor
- Classic Onslaught vs Full-Power Cable
- Dc Vs Marvel.
- RKT vs DP Tyrant
- Composite Superman Vs Pre-Crisis Bizarro Amazo
- Infinity Monster Vs Asgardian Destroyer
- Earth-616 vs New Earth
- Name 7 top tiers that could fight the juggernaut non-stop for one year.
- Nightcrawler vs Beastboy
- do you think
- *Attention*
- The State of the Borum
- King Thor Vs Dark Phoenix (Jean)
- Orion Vs These Top Tiers HTH
- War Machine Vs Forge
- Most powerful attack?
- Equal Power Level
- Wonder Man vs Colossus
- Wonserwoman vs Namor and Wonderman
- She Hulk and Mrs Marvel vs Iron Man and the Thing
- The Tricksterpriest is the Greatest Debater Ever Thread
- 616 Thors godblast vs Captain Americas sheild
- magneto vs green lantern