- Magneto vs Nate grey with twist.
- Morg vs Black Adam
- Anti - Monitor vs. Unicron
- Cyborg/Teen Titans vs Batman,Nightwing & Robin
- Colossus vs She-Hulk
- Thor villains vs Marvel Characters
- High Evolutionary team runs the gauntlet
- Captain America/Spidey/Wolverine/DareDevil vs. Hippolyta/Lashina/Zealot/Batgirl
- hey
- superman and wolvewine
- wolvewine fights spaidorman and captain america
- Aquaman vs. Invisible Woman
- Ironman vs. Polaris
- Stardust vs Mon-El
- Titans East vs Mighty Avengers
- Iron Fist vs Wolverine
- V vs Bullseye
- Hulk Smash?!?!?!?!???
- Fantastic Four vs. Incredibles and Co.
- Iceman vs Colossus
- Thanos vs The Outsiders.
- Kl'rt vs Paibok
- Magneto Vs Superman Blue
- Cyborg Superman Vs Iron Man
- tyrant(dp)/thanos vs onslaught(fp)/dr.strange(classic)
- Captain Marvel Vs Thor
- Ms.Marvel/Wonderman vs Colossus/Kitty
- Black Panther vs Lobo with a twist
- V vs Batman
- Superman vs Silver Sentry
- Multiversal Destroyers vs TOAA or Presence
- Sentry vs superman
- The Defenders VS JLA M*
- Forgotten One vs Lobo
- Jolt vs Havok & Cyclops
- Captain America, Ameican Eagle Vs Luke Cage and Iron fist
- Rogue vs Deadpool & Deathstroke
- Superman vs. Magneto
- X telepaths
- Ultron vs. Red Skull
- Hercules vs. Iron Man
- Guido vs. Hercules
- Wonder Man vs Wolverine
- DC vs. Marvel
- Black Panther vs Invisible Woman Omega Red Collossus Deadpool and Sentry
- Superman Gauntlet with twists
- I Did It! I ****in Did It!
- Mysterium/Black Sun vs Depowered Tyrant
- Dare Devil Vs Michealangelo and Leonardo TMNT
- Mission: Destroy Wraithworld
- Helix runs the gauntlet
- Darkseid vs Penance Stare
- Man of Miracles vs Infinity Being
- Hawk vs Dove
- Silver Surfer vs Superman
- Batman vs. American Eagle
- Havok and Cyclops vs The Hulk
- 8th Day Juggernaut vs King Hyperion
- Photon-Genis-Vell vs Thanos
- Shatterstar vs. Silver Samurai
- Magma vs. Iron Man
- Black Panther vs. Thing
- galactus vs mjj*
- Sinestro Corps. Member Rankings
- Movie: Iceman vs Juggernaut
- silver surfer vs dcu
- Thor vs. Karma
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Empath
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Black Queen
- Man of Miracles vs DC god and marvels one above all
- the great evil beast vs the infinity being
- Captain America vs Bullseye
- Aquaman vs. Meggan
- Apocalypse vs. Meggan
- Batman vs. Black Panther
- Amalgams battle
- The Silver Surfer Vs. Sinestro
- Wonderman Vs. Sentry
- Thor Vs. Superman
- Classic Juggernaut runs the gauntlet with a twist
- Deathstroke and Wolverine vs Agent Zero
- Infinity Man Vs. The Infinite Man
- the Worlogog vs the Infinity Gauntlet
- Batman vs Omega Red
- Classic Abomination vs Durok the Demolisher
- Kurse vs Gog
- Terminators vs The 300 movie version
- Odin vs tyrant
- Photon Genis vs superman
- Punisher VS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Yoda vs Hulk
- Spartans vs Legionnaires
- Superman Fans Vs Thanos Fans
- Trolls>Fanboys
- Emperor Joker Vs Full Powered Galactus
- Apocalypse vs. Lobo
- Sinestro Corps vs....???
- Whirly vs. Judge
- Members missing
- Wazzup
- Thor Vs. 10 Wolverines
- Goku Vs.Superman
- Spiderman Vs. Wolverine
- Omega Red vs Deathstoke
- Midnighter vs Deathstroke
- Superman Vs Spawn
- S Vs. S
- depowered tyrant vs silver surfer (absorbed Dominas)
- pre-crisis superman/superman prime vs. ppgirls
- Colossus vs Classic Wonderman
- Fantastic 4 Vs The Incredibles
- Spiderman = pretty weak superhero
- Movie Batman Vs James Bond
- ravenous vs thor
- Ultimate Cap/ US Agent vs Thing
- Vargas vs Mongoose vs Kaine vs Hellboy
- Garokk vs Madison Jefferies vs Master
- Tupac Is Back!
- Cyclops vs. Spiderman
- Eros of Titan vs WW Juggernaught Superman Blue and Apocalypse with a twist
- Cyclops/Havok vs Ironman normal armor
- Wolverine vs. Nightcrawler
- 300 Cackling Jokers vs Captain America DareDevil &on Fist
- Team Marvel Cosmics vs. DC's revenge Round 2
- Mas Y Menos vs Puck & Spider-Man
- Colossus vs Thor,Hulk & Thing with a twist
- Loki,Durok & Kurse vs Thanos
- WWH vs Silver Surfer
- Hellboy vs Sasquatch
- WWH vs Darkseid and Thanos
- Who Can Survive Rune King Thor's Godforce Blast!?
- How is the Umbrella Academy? Any good fights coming out of it?
- Black Panther vs Colossus
- Infinity vs Tyrant
- Spartans vs Knights
- Quick Silver Vs Cheetarah
- Superman v.s Orion
- Movie: Batman vs 5 Spartans
- American Eagle vs Bullseye
- Pre Crisis Super Man Vs Tyrant/Mephisto/Galactus
- Thanos vs Superman (current), Thor, and Wonder Woman
- Flash tests
- The All-Stars Vs Marvel Earth
- Daredevil vs. Catman
- Lion God,Ronan The Accuser & Space Parasite vs Silver Surfer & Superman
- Thing & US Agent vs Grotesk & Will O' The Wisp
- Which X-Men Could The Punisher Kill/Defeat?
- What would happen to Juggs if...?
- Anti - Monitor vs. Anti - Life Entity
- World War Hulk vs Superman
- Johnny Blaze & Daniel Ketch vs. Nate Grey and Nathan Summers
- Vulcan vs Superman
- Moonknight vs Bullseye
- Knickknack vs Bullseye
- Malekith & Kurse vs Dr Doom & Durok the Demolisher
- Durok The Demolisher vs Wonder Woman
- WWH hulk vs martian manhunter
- How many points has never made that have been without in logic or reason?
- Midnighter Vs Classic Karate Kid
- Cyber vs Midnighter
- Iron Man vs Quasar vs Green Lantern(Hal)
- Omega Red vs Colossus
- Pre-retcon Beyonder vs Pre-Retcon Marvel Brother
- Master with two prep devices vs Galactus & Depowered Tyrant
- Boomerang vs Captain Boomerang
- ronan the accuser vs superskrull
- Obliterator,Champion/Power Gem & Morg/Power Cosmic vs This Team
- Superman vs ......
- Overtkill vs X-52 (Aaron Stack)
- Luke Cage vs US Agent
- Stick,TMNT/Splinter(Prime of life) & Shang Chi vs 300 with a twist
- Galaxy Corps versus Marvel
- The Forever Man vs Team
- lobo vs sandman
- 1994 movie ff VS FF movie
- Captain America vs. El Muerto
- THOR (not clone or robot) vs iron man
- T'Chaka vs. Captain America
- Risk/Match/Bombshell vs. Spiderman/Wonder Man/Invisable Woman
- Black Canary/Green Arrow/Batman vs. DareDevil/Taskmaster/Black Widow
- Batman VS Splinter
- Oblivion vs. Death
- thanos vs darkseid with one week worth of prep
- Legion vs. JLA vs. Avengers vs. X-Men and Afflilaites
- Sersi vs Thor vs Forgotten One(Battle Suit)
- Sinestro Corps VS Annihilation Wave
- Team vs Deathstroke,Deadpool & Midnighter
- Iron Man/Thing/Warbird vs. Hawkman/Hourman/Stargirl
- Thanos with the Heart vs Pre-creation Infinity Being
- Superman or Cyclops or Cap
- TMNT VS Splinter
- Could that guy Kyle XY take any one? You know from Marvel or DC?
- Cosmic Cubes & Infinity Gauntlet
- Apocalypse vs Darkseid
- Current Ion Vs Depowered Tyrant Vs The Eradicator
- This Team vs 300 Spartans
- crystal VS Molecule Man
- Storm! Ban Me!
- Thor vs. Sentry
- Power Cosmic Vs Oa Central Battery
- Walker,Trion & Abysss vs Edifice Rex & Mad Jim Jaspers
- The Infinite Man/Cosmic Extant/Godwave Ares vs.HOM Wanda/IG Thanos/MJJ
- Ultimate Cap vs US Agent(Walker)
- Midnighter runs the H2H Gaunlet
- Infintiy Watch Vs . . .
- Classic Mighty Avengers Vs Brainiac 13*
- VS thread
- Fantomex vs Midnighter
- Cosmic Extant vs. Classic Ion
- Power Primordial vs Power Cosmic
- Daredevil vs Toad
- How do you define "street-level"?
- The Dog Welder vs. Arms - Fall - Off Boy
- Cameron Hodge vs Iron Man
- Jean Grey (Classic, post pheonix) Vs Sue Storm
- Lobo Vs Power Girl
- Midnight Sun,Black Bolt & Ganymede vs Lobo
- darkseid vs spiderman
- gray hulk vs uilk and kalibak
- DC Superteams Vs Marvel Superteams
- Absorbing Man and Metamorpho vs. Thanos
- Nightcrawler vs Midnighter
- Midnighter vs Superman
- Aegis shield vs. Juggernauts shield
- Backlash/Wildstorm vs Gun Runner vs Midnight
- Backlash (wildstorm) vs The Shiver Man
- Kalibak vs Traitor
- thorvs doctor strange vs silver surfer vs thanos*
- Caps Conscience vs Capt it up
- Infinity Watch Thanos vs Nova Annhihlation
- Ultimate Fanboy Guntlet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- team fight!!!
- Nightcrawler vs. Toad
- Inconceivable Power!!!!!!!!
- Iron Spidey vs Venom (Brock)
- betaray bill vs annihilus w/qauntum bands
- Darkseid/Galvatron/Apocalypse vs Thanos/Brainiac/Ultron
- what company has the better Action figures?
- Batman is in the fight of his life but he has prep time :)
- Spider-Man vs. Captain America
- Eternals vs. Heralds
- Batman vs. Iron Fist
- Raging Savage Hulk & 8th Day Juggernaut vs Doomsday & Despero
- Thanos vs Mordru
- Isis/Maxima/Donna Troy vs. Thor/Hulk
- Batman vs. Karate Kid
- Cyclops vs. 616 Cap
- darkseid vs mordru
- Nth Man vs Franklin Richards
- Kyle Rayner vs Any Abstract with a twist