- Greatest overall feats performed by these characters?
- Vision vs Martian Manhunter
- Classic Bill v Namor
- Ghost Rider vs. The Leader
- Phoenix Rachel vs Starbrand
- Hal v Mogo
- Maestro vs Mongul
- Wonder Man vs. Wrecker
- Jeb Guthrie vs. Arclight
- Catwoman Vs Silver Sable
- Puck vs. Crimson Dynamo
- Pre Crisis Superman vs Iron Fist
- USAgent vs. Gee
- Eradicator vs Genis-vell
- Richard Dragon & Bronze Tiger Vs Daredevil & Echo
- Magma vs. Snowbird
- Wakanda vs Batman Who laughs
- Ronnie Runs the Gauntlet
- Red Hulk vs. Nightcrawler
- Peacekeeper & KGBeast Vs Paladin & Crossbones
- Bet Ray Bill vs Orion.
- Hyperstorm vs Tim Hunter
- The Annihilation Wave vs Imperiex and probes
- Zeus vs Rogol Zaar
- Sentry vs. Bill
- HP Doomsday vs Annihilators
- h/p dd v Larf
- Plutonian v Henshaw
- Beta Ray bill v Firestorm
- Damian Wayne vs Thor
- Wilson Fisk vs Silver Surfer
- a Superman fan and a Thor fan walk into a nightclub together
- Maestro vs Injustice Superman
- Dambo is guilty.
- Shang Chi Vs Scorpion (Gargan) The Lizard, and Rhino
- Hal Jordan vs Thor
- USAgent vs. Griffin
- Angrir vs Immortal Hulk
- New Krypton vs Real World
- Wolverine vs. Speed
- Deadpool vs. Banshee
- Sasquatch vs. Doc Ock
- Kingpin and Falcon v Batman/Bane
- Raven vs Dark Phoenix
- Immortal Wonder Woman Vs Immortal Hulk
- Shi'ar vs Almerac
- Last Sun vs Hyperion
- Warblade & Tracer Vs Sabretooth & Wolverine
- Quake vs. Fantomex
- Superwoman (Crime Syndicate) Vs Red She-Hulk
- Maxima vs Jane Thor
- Nature Girl vs. Mr. Immortal
- Marrina vs. Hela
- Nemesis & Zealot Vs Shatterstar & Silver Samurai
- Blade vs Batman
- Weakest character who can solo Batman Who Laughs with team
- Kingpin vs Spider-Man rogues
- Colossus and Namor arm wrestles
- Gambit vs. Malice
- Coulsan vs. Belladonna
- Rictor vs. Sandman
- King Thanos vs King Thor
- End venom vs Cosmic Thor/Surfer
- Boy-Thing vs Batman
- ForgetMeNot vs. Recorder
- Thanos vs Superman
- Panther & Moon Knight Vs Azrael (Jean Paul & Lane)
- Hellion vs. Nightside
- Magik vs. Ego the Living Planet.
- Darkseid and Thanos switch places..
- Darkseid vs Thor
- Thor vs Batman
- Damian Wayne & Jason Todd Vs Hawkeye & Colleen Wing
- Savage Hulk vs Mortal Hercules W/ twist
- Jessica Cruz (Omega Lantern) vs Cosmic Thor
- She-Hulk & Martian Manhunter Switch Places
- Falcon vs. Tempo
- Hyperion vs. Shaman
- Wolverine vs. Black Knight
- Which Herald can replicate these 2 feats
- Cat & Steel Serpent Vs Constantine Drakon & Connor Hawke
- What is standard equipment???
- Hecate vs all marvel magical beings
- Dr Doom vs Adam Warlock (mage)
- Abigail Brand & Mockingbird Vs Silencer & Black Canary
- Match vs. Sandman
- Mystique vs. Feral
- Titano vs Golden Gorilla
- Storm vs. Mad Thinker
- Superman without powers runs a H2H Gauntlet
- Mentor vs. Dark Phoenix
- Loki vs. War Machine
- Falcon vs. Nightcrawler
- Darth Vader vs. Doctor Doom
- Robin Eternal & Talon Vs X-23 & Marrow
- Thor (Blood & Thunder) vs Thor (current, Odin Force)
- ninjak v jason x
- batwoman v winter solider
- falcon v harley quinn
- Trigon vs The Phoenix Force
- Which herald level beings can replicate Silver Surfer's star level feats
- Katana & Cheshire Vs Lady Bullseye & White Tiger
- Hellion vs. Forge
- Polaris vs. Shaman
- Black Panther runs the Gauntlet
- Punisher vs Batman (The Grim Knight)
- Colonial Guile vs Captain America
- Superboy Prime vs All Skyfathers of Marvel
- Deathstroke & Batman Vs Captain America & Winter Soldier
- Polaris vs. Moonstone
- Wonder Man vs. Northstar
- Gladiator vs Future State Jon Kent
- Batman vs the US
- Weakest person that can lift WF hammer
- Polaris vs. Hobgoblin
- Eradicator vs Ikaris
- World Forger vs Celestials
- Punisher v Kraven
- Mr Terrific v Punisher
- Iron Fist vs Miles Morales
- Phoenix Force vs Imperiex
- Ikaris/Hyperion vs Thanos
- Mr Terrific v Black Panther 3rds
- Thor vs Superman
- Brainiac One Million vs Godmind
- Godmind (venom the end) vs Beyonders
- Famine (Flash) Vs Death Seed Sentry
- Mister X & Taskmaster Vs Karma & Afterthought
- Professor X vs. Pulsar
- Black Cat vs. Warpath
- X-23 vs. Bullseye
- Stark Industries vs Lexcorp
- Thor/Surfer vs Superman Revenge squad fist fight
- Superman (Future State) vs Gladiator
- Cassandra Cain & Lady Shiva Vs Elektra & Bullseye
- Speedball vs. Sandman
- Match vs. Scalphunter
- Polaris vs. Shroud
- Maaldor vs Rune King Thor
- Gladiator vs. Captain Marvel (Rambeau)
- A listers vs F listers IRL
- Mogo vs The Death Star
- Is Superman (PC) in the Skyfather tier ?
- Dexter Boy Genius vs Barry Ween Boy Genius
- Darth Vader vs Helms Deep
- Vision vs Blue Marvel
- Thing vs. Wonder Man
- Dex-Starr & Krypto vs Cosmic Thor
- Team Street runs the Asgard gauntlet
- Thor (Masterson) vs. War Thor
- Can classic Odin Replicate This Feat?
- Trinary vs. Sabretooth
- Galactus vs Blackstarr
- Thanos vs Larfleeze
- Midnighter & Grifter Vs Shang-Chi & Iron Fist
- Red Hood & Grifter Vs Blade & Punisher
- Sersei vs Selene vs Enchantress vs Morgan Le Fay
- Batman (Speeding bullets) vs Devastator
- Batman runs the mutant gauntlet
- Superman Vs Horsemen of Apocalypse
- Mr Sinister vs Sersi
- Shazam (Billy) v Ultron
- Dr Doom vs TAO (wildstorm)
- Odin vs Superman
- Exodus vs Doctor Polaris
- Monarch v Shazam (wizard)
- Hulk w/All Black vs Gauntlet
- Thor vs Orion
- Blade runs the gauntlet
- Gladiator vs Hyperion
- Red Hood Vs IF (Orson Randall)
- Cloak vs. Enchantress
- Teela vs Cat Woman
- Asgard vs New Genesis
- Black Adam vs Orion
- Orion vs. regular "classic" post-crisis Supes, H2H
- Wiccan vs. Magus
- Which marvel heralds can replicate this All Star Superman feat
- Batman runs the Dark Avengers gauntlet
- Dark Phoenix vs Apex Luthor
- Northstar vs Quicksilver
- Darkest Knight vs Cosmic Armor Superman
- Whos more proficient in taking down bricks with raw skill challenge Marvel/DC
- Knull vs Phoenix Force
- the two weakest marvel characters that can replicate this feat?
- Which 2 fighting can replicate what world breaker hulk and red she-hulk done
- New Krypton vs Inhumans
- Order by physical strength
- Dr. Nemesis vs. Supreme Intelligence
- Hal Jordan vs Silver Surfer (Revisited)
- Green Lantern Corps vs The Annihilation Wave
- Kherubim vs Eternals
- Joker vs Kingpin prep war
- Aron vs Krona
- Which character below skyfather level can replicate this Superman speed feat
- Thors vs Superboy Prime
- Ancient One vs. O.A.A.
- Can Flash (Wally) resist the time stone effects
- HOTU Thanos vs Darkest Knight
- Elektra vs The New Teen Titans
- Bushman Vs Talon
- Sinestro v Plutonian
- Black Adam v the Main Man
- Black Bolt vs Guy Gardner
- Swamp Thing vs Phoenix Force
- Enchantress vs. Emplate
- Forge vs. Sprite
- Hyperion vs. Headlok
- Odin vs Sundipped Superman
- Black Hand vs Loki
- Eternals and Asgardians vs the Nth Metal Golems
- Marvel Knights Vs Arkham Knights
- Odin vs dr fate
- Taskmaster vs Deathstroke
- Which Low Meta [b]can[/b] perform this feat of Bane
- Ultra-Humanite vs Mr. Sinister
- Marvel vs DC--Quality of Story
- Molecule Man vs Anti-Monitor
- Hellion vs. Jeb Guthrie
- Husk vs. Timeshadow
- Cannonball vs. Zzzax
- Pick 3 items, the other 3 will be used against you
- Batman Incorporated Vs Heroes For Hire
- Which mid herald can replicate ripping Ares in half
- Molecule Man runs the Gauntlet
- Vader vs the FF
- Cheshire vs Mystique
- If Black Bolts scream is a 100 what about these things?
- Valkyrior Vs Wonder Woman Family
- Cosmic Spider-Man vs Silver Surfer
- He-Man Vs Conan Vs Lion O
- Brainiac runs the gauntlet
- Spiderman vs Batman
- Batman's prep v Flash's Speed
- Blade vs Batman
- Conan comes to Asgard.
- h2h Batman v Conan--For the mid-street TITLE!!11
- Batman vs the Street tier
- Wolverine vs Mr. Fantastic
- Bigby Wolf v Venom
- Logan v Hawkman
- Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman vs Marvel
- Hellion vs. The Leader
- Thanos vs Batman who laughs
- Prep War!!!!
- 1938 Superman vs 1939 Namor vs 1940 Capt. Marvel
- Nightwing Vs Batroc
- Doctor Manhattan vs Knull, Griever at the end of all things
- Ozymandias vs Punisher
- Mordru vs Merlin & Nabu