- Eradicator vs Guardian, Vindicator, Northstar, & Aurora
- Pike Vs Batroc The Leaper
- Azrael vs. Black Panther
- ION Entity VS Galactus
- Azrael (Jean Paul) Vs Shatterstar
- The Punisher vs The Mechanic
- Namor vs Cyborg
- Lei-Kung Vs Richard Dragon
- Can Marvel Match DC's Team 7
- Bane vs Captain America in a feats contest
- Strix Vs Mockingbird
- Crossbones Vs Bane
- The Beetle vs Blue Beetle
- Bronze Tiger (New 52) Vs The Cat
- HP Doomsday: Lord of Hell
- Hercules vs Sinister Six
- Thanos vs 1 Celestial (my added comment)
- Rank them in flight speed
- Kang the Conqueror vs Loki
- Pre-Flashpoint Cyborg Superman Vs Ultron
- Blade vs Deathstroke (Pre-52)
- Gallowglass(Thanos' son) vs Death Sentry
- Sinestro (Parallax) vs Scott (Phoenix)
- (DCNU)Bane, Deathstroke, & Batman vs Unicorn, Firebrand 1, & Destroyer(Audrey)
- Red Hood (on Venom) Vs Joker (W. Wrecker's crowbar)
- Morun Vs Solomon Grundy
- Colossus vs Vision Part II Fist fight
- Bulldozer vs. Piledriver
- Vision vs Colossus
- Rank in Strength
- Brainiac, Ultron and Unit walk into a bar....
- Adam Warlock, Gamora, & Maxam vs Superman
- Void vs Death Sentry
- Garokk vs Mojo vs Adam Warlock
- Harald Jaekelsson vs. Cyborg Superman
- Lizard Vs Sabretooth
- Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers & Candyman vs. Jason Voorhees, Pinhead & Pumpkinhead
- Death Sentry vs. Insane Genis-Vell
- Superboy vs. Kaine, Sabertooth, Lizard and Cyber
- Grifter vs. Fantomex
- Death Sentry vs Harald Jaekelsson
- Batman vs Puppet Master & The Wizard
- Killer Frost Vs Weather Wizard
- Super Luthor vs Simon Baz
- Nova (rich) vs Ms Marvel
- Justice Legion Alpha Vs Pre Crisis Fatal Five
- Brainiac vs. Ultron
- Brainiac 5 Force Field
- Herald busters
- Tiger Shark vs Ares(Marvel)
- Black Bolt vs. Aquaman h2h
- Black Canary (current) vs. Black Panther (current)
- Doc Ock(In his Prime) vs Deathstroke(pre DCNU)
- Justice Legion Alpha Vs LoSH
- Killer Frost vs. Cyclops
- X Men Vs Ultron
- Volgstagg vs Heimdall
- Executioner vs Ares(Marvel)
- Match this B-C street leveler DC Team
- Defenders vs. Superman / Thor
- Hulk vs Thor
- Mordru Vs Blight
- Lobo Vs Thor (HTH)
- Colossus/Thing vs Morlun
- Immortal Weapons Vs WildCATS
- The General Vs Looney Tunes Lobo
- Dawnstar Vs Lobo
- Lord Marvel vs
- Well Feed Galactus vs Stranger & Ego
- Void Sentry Vs Jean Grey
- pre-dcnu darkseid vs phantom stranger
- Lord Satanus Vs Hela
- Daimon Hellstrom Vs Neron
- The Ivory Kings Vs Ultra (Multiversity)
- Spiderman vs Colossus
- The A Vs True Legion
- KMC Consensus Poll
- Northstar vs Quicksilver
- 30 Mindless Ones vs. 30 Parademons vs. 30 Galactus' Punishers
- The Guardians of the Universe Vs Trigon the Terrible
- Creeper vs. Ghostrider
- Galactus : 24
- Kurse Vs The General
- ganthet runs the gauntlet!!
- IS Speed The ONLY Reason Superman Beats thor?
- Savage Dragon vs Lizard
- New 52 Young Superman vs Man of Steel Movie
- Wonder Woman Vs Violator
- Blight Vs The Serpent
- Nimraa Vs Dormammu
- Sin-Eater Vs Surtur
- Batman & The Outsiders Vs Captain America & The Patriots
- Which Herald has the strongest blasts against their peers?
- Batman VERSUS Luther Strode (H2H)
- Nekron vs Lord Order, Master Chaos
- Pre-Flash Point: GL John Stewart vs Supergirl
- Baron Zemo (Helmut) vs. Swordsman (Jacques)
- Union Jack vs. Night Trasher
- DCnU Midnighter Vs Pre-Flashpoint Black Manta
- Savage Dragon vs Wolverine
- Oh man, 80's cartoon fanboy heaven!
- Foreigner, Taskmaster, & Mister X vs Any Three Streetlevelers
- Juggerball aka Cannonaut vs ???
- The Wasp Vs Batman
- War Hulk vs Death Sentry
- Hank Pym Vs T.O. Morrow
- The Runner(Space Gem) vs (Silver Age) Mangog vs Enslaver
- 52 Superman V Cap Marvel V Black Adam
- The great DC trio vs marvel
- Captain Atom Vs Nova
- The Void vs The Black Order
- Better Healing Factor: Creeper or Wolverine?
- Classic Cable vs. Judge Dredd
- Droog, Glob, & Titannius vs Tutinax, Major Force, & The General
- Beast Vs Bane
- Chaos War Hercules vs DOV Spectre
- Ganymede vs Black Panther & Iron Fist
- Nightcrawler vs. Black Panther (current)
- Zealot vs Moondragon fist fight
- Team Apocalypse vs Team Ronan
- Vs The Fury (See details)
- Pre Retcon Beyonder vs free will negation
- Best Martial Artists NOT from marvel or dc!
- Wonder Woman Vs Bullseye
- Silver Surfer vs Apocalypse
- Black Adam vs Hyperion Redux
- Mr. Majestic & Spartan 3.0 vs Hyperion & Silver Surfer
- Infinite Mass Punch vs Full Speed Juggernaut Punch
- Hercules vs Gladiator
- Thor vs Apocalypse(Movie Versions)
- God Cable vs Black Adam (WWIII)
- Thing vs Thor
- Classic Adam Warlock vs Genis Vell
- Shanna vs. Shuri
- How Big is the Image and Wildstorm Verse
- Krona vs Guardian
- OWAW Superman vs. Annihilation Surfer vs. full powered Void
- Captain Atom vs Doctor Fate
- Marvel's Badass Team vs DCNU
- Ka-Zar vs. Killmonger
- Team Elite vs Bat-Family
- Ka-Zar vs. Punisher h2h
- Abraxas vs Infinites vs Hunger(Parasite)
- Deathlok (classic) vs. Cyborg vs. Death's Head II
- Wolverine & Sabretooth Vs DCnU Warblade & Creeper
- Heralds of Anti-Monitor Vs Justice League Dark (Blight Era)
- Robocop vs Judge Dredd
- SCW heralds vs Marvel's team
- Team Quantum Vs Heralds of Galactus
- Alkhema Queen of the bricks?
- Rai vs. Black Panther (KotD)
- Synnar vs. Thanos
- The Lrague -Vs- The Green Lanterns
- Molecule Man vs Solar
- Superman Vs DC Universe
- Adam Warlock(IW) vs The Interloper
- Captain Universe Spider-Man vs Hal Jordan
- Magneto vs Blue Marvel
- Wonder Woman vs Wonder Woman
- Asgardian Destroyer vs 8TH Day Juggernaut
- Hal Jordan Vs Captain Universe
- DC's Young Warriors Vs Marvel's
- Knockout Vs Thundra
- Caitlin Fairchild Vs Titania
- Bekka Vs Angela
- Bekka vs Red Shift
- The GLC now vs. the GLC then
- John Stewart (GL) vs Blue Marvel
- God Doom vs Maelstrom w/Anomaly
- Gladiator vs Aquaman (not who you think)
- DC vs Marvel
- Black Panther vs Wonder Woman
- Grace Choi Vs Luke Cage
- Konvikt Vs Dumb Drax
- Namor Vs Frankenstein
- Katana vs. Daredevil
- Bizarro vs. Gladiator
- Superman 1 million vs Sundipped Superman
- Circuit Breaker vs Cyborg
- OMAC Vs Skaar
- Genocide Vs Blastaar
- Rhino Vs King Shark
- Phoenix Force Vulcan vs
- It's time. SMP vs. WBH
- Doop vs Larfleeze
- Lady Thor, Angela and MAC vs. Wonderwoman, Supergirl and Power Girl
- Lantern Figureheads vs. The Annihilation Wave
- Wolverine vs. Marvel Bricks
- Morlun vs Squirrel Girl
- Superman vs Annihilators
- Shark Vs Wendigo
- Ian Karkull Vs Malekith
- DCnU Cheetah Vs Gorgon
- Apocalypse with team vs Bloodthirsty Thanos
- Classic Xemnu vs Annihilus
- Emo Lobo vs Mauvaisdigo
- Ms Marvel vs Wonder Man
- Marvel -Vs- DC : Battle of 2 Worlds
- Atrocitus vs Rulk
- Sabertooth Vs Lobo
- GOD Doom vs Cosmic Armor Sups, WBH, Keeper Surfer, White Lantern & God Butcher Thor
- Angela vs. Dracula
- What do they gain/What do they lose?
- "God" Cable vs Apocalypse
- Hal Jordan GL Fights
- Darkness vs Dracula vs Morlun
- Sonar Vs Songbird
- Red Ronin(Spider-Man) vs Atlas, Giganta, & Atom Smasher
- Coldcast Vs Spectrum
- Blue Devil Vs Namor
- Reapers vs DJD Alliance
- Insane Genis-Vell vs Solar
- Cybernary Vs Sabretooth
- Warblade Vs Omega Red
- Magneto Vs Manchester Black
- Immortal Hercules Vs First Born
- Classic Dr. Fate vs Insane Genis-Vell
- Giganta Vs She-Hulk
- Lobo Vs Sasquatch
- Wundarr the Aquarian vs. Sebastian Shaw
- DC vs. Marvel: Four on Four Fight
- Epic battle of villains
- Grifter vs Moon Knight
- Welcome back, Jinzin.
- Marvel Year One and beyond: Brick City
- Two team battle
- Iron Man vs Aquaman
- Aquaman Vs Colossus
- Wonder Man Vs Josiah Power
- Psimon Vs Cassandra Nova
- Rhino Vs DCnU Blockbuster
- Dumb Drax/w power gem in a gem stealing gauntlet
- Savage Dragon vs Sabretooth
- Werewolf by Night vs Ursa Major vs Armadillo
- Classic Sentry vs. Silver Surfer with a twist
- GL Hal Jordan Vs Silver Surfer slugfest
- Silver Surfer runs durability gauntlet
- Mr.Majestic VS Gladiator
- Bizzaro, Rhino and Solomon Grundy vs. Thing, Wonderman and Sasquatch
- Mongul Sr. Vs Hulk
- The King -Vs- Everybody In Class
- Omega Red vs Deadpool, Deathstroke, & Batman
- COIE Anti-Monitor Vs Cosmic Armor Superman
- Mammoth Vs Mr. Hyde
- Brainwave Vs Shadow King
- Injustice Batman vs Rex Tyler (Hourman)
- Maverick vs Black Panther
- Sabretooth vs. Panther
- Daredevil vs The Question