- lex vs kingpin
- The Thing vs. The Hulk (without healing factor)
- Ironfist vs Batman
- Darksied vs MM
- Krona vs Superman Prime
- Bald crazy Superboy vs Braniac 8/Indigo
- Krona and Exiles Hyperion Vs Pre-crisis Darkseid and Pre-crisis Superman
- Nova & Comet Man VS. Iron Man(standard operating capacity)
- Krypto the Super-Dog vs Wolverine
- Captain Universe vs Dark Phoenix
- Dark Phoenix vs 20 Cosmic Heroes
- Quasar vs Gladiator
- Phoenix Vs Marvel Universe
- Hal Jordan vs Quasar
- Aquaman vs Martian Manhunter
- Ultimate Thor and Superman vs War Hulk, Juggernaut and Doomsday
- Quasar vs Silver Surfer
- Spawn Vs Wolverine+Venom+Carnage
- Quasar vs Superman
- Batman vs Al Simmons
- Superman vs Spawn
- Agammotto & Dr. Strange Vs. The New Gods
- Spawn vs Wolverine vs Venom
- Hal Jordan vs Spawn
- Sandman Vs Hulk
- Spawn vs Ironman
- Enraged Wonder Man VS. Classic Thor in a 25x25 Adamantium Box
- Fully Powered Galactus & two heralds VS. Pre-Crisis Apokolips
- Superman Vs Prof X
- Batman, BatGirl, Robin, & Nightwing Vs. The Bionix Six
- Superman & Orion Vs. The Ronin Warriors
- Iceman (full potential) vs. Superman
- X-Men Vs. Gundam Wing
- DC Big Guns VS Marvel Big Guns
- Thanos Vs Gladiator
- Cobra Commander v. Joker
- Full Avengers Roster Vs. Zu: Warriors from Magic Mountain (Legend of Zu)
- eternals VS. the new gods
- forge vs. mr. fantastic gadget building contest
- The Society vs X-Men
- Who would win in a game of chess: Xavier or Mr. Fantastic
- Superman Vs Phoenix
- Mr. Freeze vS Iceman
- the Penguin vS the Joker vS the Riddler
- Dr. Strange vS Martian Manhunter
- Wolverine & Batman vS Spiderman & Capt. America
- Gambit vs DareDevil
- Snake Eyes vS Spiderman
- Pheonix vS Wonder Woman
- 8th day Juggernaut vS WarHulk
- Superman vS Captain Marvel Vs Wonder Woman
- Marvel Big Guns VS. DC Big Villains
- ultimate colossus VS. young superman(smallville)
- Wonder-Woman VS Orion
- Dream Justice League
- Ulik vs Rhino
- Gladiator vs Firelord
- Terraxia v. these Mighty Ladies
- Silver Surfer + Firelord vs Captain Atom + Firestorm
- Mighty Mouse Vs. Hulk, Drax, & Juggernaut
- JLA and GL Corps Vs. The Star Trek Universe (Star Trek:TNG)
- Drax + Thanos vs Galactus
- Batman vs Steel
- Cosmic Spider-man vs Nimrod
- Surtur v. Galactus on a faraway planet
- Iron Man vs. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Sentinel Alan Scott VS. Superman
- Batman and Carnage Vs Venom and Nightwing
- CC Beings vs The Celestials
- Hulk Vs. Mighty Mouse
- thor,silver surfer vs superman,hyperion
- Marvel Heroines VS. Team Darkseid
- Underdog vs Superman
- Beavis VS. Butthead
- Cyclops runs the villain gaunlet
- Batman & Captain America Vs. Broken Sword, Falling Snow, Sky, & Nameless (Hero)
- Hippolyta Versus Spider-Man
- Alpha Centauri vS PowerGirl
- Team Doom VS. JLA & JSA
- Street Fighter Vs. Mortal Kombat (Video)
- DC/Marvel Team Battle:
- Enraged Wonder Man VS. Steel(normal armor) & Cyborg
- Anti-Monitor (full version) vs True phoenix force
- Batman Vs Capt America Vs Black Panther
- Thor vs Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)
- Gaea vs. Mephisto
- The Green Lantern Core VS. Heralds Of Galactus & Cosmic Avengers
- Spider-Man VS Batman VS Deathstroke
- the flash vs martian manhunter
- krona vs Exiles Hyperion
- Exiles Hyperion vs King Thor
- Superman with no weaknesses what so ever vs Champion
- Team Heroes vs. Team Evil
- Drax vs Tyrant
- Terrax vs Hulk
- Tyrant VS. Neron
- Superman VS. Tyrant(normal)
- Thanos, Warrior Madness Thor, Gladiator VS. Darkseid, Superman, Wonder Woman
- Thanos Vs. Superman
- Kraven the Hunter vs Panthera Leo
- Batman Vs. Zatoichi
- My Team VS. Galactus... They Have Chance...
- Scarlet Witch vs. Invisible Woman
- Batman vS Superman (pre-Cr)
- She Hulk, Phoenix vS Wonder woman
- Whos faster: Kid Flash or QuickSilver
- Superboy vS Robin
- Power girl vS Wonder Woman
- Superman vS Joker
- Spiderman vs Mr Fantastic
- Molecule man vS the Atom
- Superman Prime vS the Celestial Exitar the Executioner & the Anti Moniter
- Pre-Crisis Superman Vs Juggernaut, Hulk, Doomsday & Thing
- Kurse vs. Gladiator
- The Hulk vs Kurse
- Batman vs. Spiderman vs. Wolverine
- Pissed off Dr. Fate vs. SilverSurfer full power!!
- Superman & WW vs Hulk & Thor
- Team Asgard VS. Team Steel
- Martian Manhunter vs Krona
- galactus vs asmodel
- The Watcher vs Superman
- Kingdom Come Battle
- Sin City: Brawl
- This team vs. Galactus
- Krona (Normal) vs. Thanos (Normal)
- Iceman and Ironman vs Superman and Hydroman
- Jla(full roster) vs Avengers(full roster) vs Xmen(full roster)
- Wonder Woman With The Mjolnir VS. Superman
- Deadpool Vs Pre-crisis Supes
- Drax vs Morg
- Cosmic Heroes vs Galactus' Heralds
- Genis-vell Vs Silver Surfer
- Gladiator (no weakness to radiation or confidence) vs Surfer vs Thanos
- Terrax vs Firelord
- Warlock vs Sentry
- Sin-Eater vs Apocalypes
- Team Superman VS. Tyrant(Normal) & Mangog
- Blizzard vs Iceman
- The Ultimate Cyborg
- Iceman vs. Fire Storm
- Mister Fantastic vs. Vision
- Trion Juggernaut vs Krona
- Uncanny vs Astonishing X men
- Sin-Eater vs Fully Powered Magneto
- High Evolutionary vs. Thanos
- Adam Warlock w/soul gem vs Neron
- High Evolutionary vs. Apocalypse
- pissed of silver surfer with the Uni-Power VS. tyrant
- Krona vs Juggernaut
- The Ultramarine Corps vs. the Avengers
- Granny Goodness vs Spiderman
- Gorilla Grodd vs Slade, The Gorilla Killer!
- X-TEAM VS. Team Dormammu
- Apocalypse vs Juggernaut
- Batgirl(cass) VS. Elektra
- Batman and Joker vs Superman and Lex Luthor
- Current USA weapon arsenal vs. Hulk and Juggernaut
- Thor vs. Vision
- Squall VERSUS Jla
- Firelord vs Red Shift
- Starfox vs. Dr. Doom
- Vision vs. the Thing
- Team Warlock VS. Team Krona
- Nightwing and Superboy vs. Aquaman
- Apocalypse vs. Martian manhunter & superman
- storm VS dracule
- Superman vs Champion (no power gem)
- Thanos vs Superman, Darksied , WW
- Batman Vs Scarlet Spider
- Major Force vs Silver Surfer
- Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, and Freddy vs. the Human Torch & Invisible Woman
- Jason Blood vs. the Hulk
- wolverine vs sabertooth vs wildchild
- Sandman, Hydro-Man, Juggernaut vs. Doomsday
- JLA, JSA,Avengers, X-men, Fantastic Four,Defenders,Outsiders,Teen Titans vs Galactus
- War God vs. Wrecker
- Electro vs. Cyclops
- Venom/Rhino/Carnage vs. Blob/Avalanche/Quicksilver
- Phoenix vs. Galactus
- Most Powerful Heralds
- Tyrant vs Trion Juggernaut
- Iron Man vs Major Force
- Drax + Maxam vs Hulk + Juggy
- Full God Hercules vs. out of controll Hulk (mindless)
- The Asgardian Destroyer vs. 8th day Juggernaut and Full God Hercules
- The Wrecking Crew vs. Mindless Hulk
- Aquaman vs Goliath II
- DC & Marvel Street Levels Versus Composite Jet Li
- Flash and Superman Vs. Mephisto and his children
- Professor Hulk vs. Darkseid & Doomsday
- Heavyweight cosmic fight
- The Witches Team VS. Team Lilith
- Venom and Carnage vs Iron man and War Machine
- Thor vs Kalibak
- Savage Hulk versus Orion
- Wonder Woman/Batman/Nightwing vs. Wolverine/Daredevil/Elektra
- Dr. Strange vs. Fantastic Four
- Wolverine vs Sabre Tooth vs Dead Pool
- Daredevil vs. basilisk
- Pheonix vs Apocalypse and Galactus
- DC Comics vs Marvel
- Zarathos vs. Dr Strange.
- Spiderman & Cap. America vs. X-team
- Full shot from the Deathstar . . .
- bloodstorm VS hulk
- Doomsday & Apocalypse vs. Fantastic Four and Superman
- Batman(Prep Time) vs Flash
- Silver Surfer & Iron Man vs Captain Atom & Major Force
- Dr. Fate vs. Current Scarlet Witch
- Quasar vs. Shazaam vs. Mr Majestic
- The Captain Marvel Family vs. the Thor Family
- Classic Adam Warlock vs. Wonderwoman
- HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs. The Fantastic Four
- Lady Marvel vs. Warbird & Classic Rogue
- Full god Hercules and 8th day juggernaut vs. The Fantastic Four,Savage Hulk,Thor
- Full God,Full Powered Hercules vs. Juggernaut, Abomination, Gladiator
- Batman vs. Composite Jet Li
- Samurai Jack Vs. Wolverine
- Speed Force (Flash) vs Gladiator
- War Hulk vs. Hercules (semi-god form)
- Who can beat War Hulk ?
- War Hulk vs. Savage Hulk
- Triple Threat Green Lantern/Flash Match
- Mighty 'Morphin Power Rangers vs. Team X-Men
- Iceman vs. Spider-man
- Thor and Superman vs Galactus and Apocalypse
- Zarathos vs Anybody
- Chuch Norris vs. Mr. T
- Loki vs Superman
- Bruce Wayne vs. Jackie Chan
- Batman vs War Machine
- War Hulk vs. Maestro
- Galactus vs. Ego, the living Planet
- Thor vs. Beta Ray Bill
- The Wrecking Crew vs. Juggernaut
- Hulk vs. Underdog
- Mr. Sinister vs. Thing
- A-Team VS Macgyver and Michael Knight with K.I.T.T
- Archery Contest
- The Phoenix vs. Fully-Powered Spectre
- agent x vs batman
- Flash and Wonderwoman vs Apocalypse
- These 7 vs. Galactis
- Namora vs. the Thing
- Ord the Destroyer vs. Spider-Man