- Crossbones, Bane, Taskmaster V.S. ....
- hardware vs ironman vs batman
- Darkseid (FC) vs. Darkseid (GDS)
- Odin/Thanos vs Mephisto/Dr Strange
- dr voodoo vs thor
- icon vs superman
- Hulk vs Thor
- Apocalypse vs Martian Manhunter
- Marvel Seduction Challenge 4 - Wolverine
- Grundy (Peak form) vs Thor (w/ Odinforce)
- Marvel vs DC
- Galactus vs Krona.
- Hulk, Doomsday vs Superman, Gladiator.
- Entropy Aegis Armor vs Destroyer Armor
- scorpion vs The Tick
- Milestone vs Marvel Kings
- Wonder Woman runs the "Supes Family" Gauntlet
- Battle of Bricks
- Morg (wol) vs Rulk
- quick silver vs the flash
- The UltimateAlliance/dc heros vs red hulk/war hulk
- zero vs deadshot
- Elektra and Bullseye vs Batgirl (Cassandra) and Green Arrow (Connor)
- The Sinister Pack...Again!
- Gladiator&Icon vs Superman&Superskrull
- Dr. Manhattan vs Zatanna
- Team DC vs Team Marvel
- Deadpool vs. Moonknight
- Sentry vs Hood
- Magneto VS Ghost Rider
- Dr Strange vs Dr Manhattan
- Orion vs the Forgotten one.
- JLA vs Avengers: godlike/cosmics teams
- Thanos Vs. Lobo (Clones)
- Pulsar Stargrave Vs Afro Magus
- Captain Britain VS Marvel Boy
- Colossus vs Hercules
- Whatever Mods!
- Bronze Tiger & Batman vs Bone Claw Wolverine
- spawn vs batman vs venom vs moonight
- hawkeye vs green arrow
- Bronze Tiger VS Daredevil
- Dr. Doom VS Zatanna
- Phoenix (Rachael) vs Silver Surfer
- Dummer Then a Bag of Hammers Team vs This Team
- Apocalypse vs Genocide
- Pre-Crisis Wonder Woman vs Immortal Hercules
- Watered down Dr. Strange vs Dr. Fate (Current)
- Sinister Pack vs Image Universe
- Anti-Venom vs Ares
- Binary/Stadust vs Silver Surfer/Morg
- Beta Ray Bill runs the Mid Herald Gunlet
- Death Head II vs Ghost Rider 2099
- zatanna v sersi
- Superman & Icon vs Gladiator & Superskrull
- Tatooed Man vs. The Hood
- mar vell vs ironman
- nightcrawler vs afro samuri
- beast vs zangief
- Man thing vs killercroc vs lizardman
- Apocalypse Vs. Sentry
- Sentry VS Hulk
- Luke Cage vs Spider-Man and Captain America
- Captain America Vs Deadpool
- Justice League vs Marvel Kings!
- RKT vs. Strange/Zom
- In-Betweener/Insane Genis vs Oblivion/Death
- Shaman/Talisman vs Brudda Voodoo/Dr. Strange
- Morg w/ PC/WoL vs. Larfleeze
- Rate the fights which gets the better rate
- ghost rider vs. the hood
- vulcan vs. silver surfer
- Deathstroke, Deadpool & Midnighter vs Speed Demon, Triathlon & Classic Deathlok
- collosus vs. cyborg
- nemesis vs death head II
- Captain America vs Collosus
- Deadpool vs Black Panther
- Daredevil vs. Black Panther
- Apocalypse vs the Elders of the Universe and In-Betweener
- Ares Vs Colossus
- Dead Forum
- Supreme Intelligence vs Uni-Mind
- JLA vs Marvels cosmic Heroes
- Dark Hawk vs Blue Beetle
- Apokolips invades Marvel Earth
- Beast/Colossus/Capt. America/ DD VS...
- My Favorite DC Caracters vs My least ones
- Superman, Wonder Woman vs Genis, Phyla
- Jaime Braddock vs Chimera vs Gavin
- HOM Wanda vs Alien Entity vs Sise-Neg vs Mysterium
- Magneto vs Cable
- Death Head II vs Ironman
- Team 1 vs Team 2
- Rank the class 100's in 3 levels.
- DC Ares vs Thor w/ Odinforce
- Zom/Strange vs Superman
- wendigo vs deathstroke
- ironfist vs. taskmaster
- nova vs. booster gold
- DEath Head II vs Spiderman
- Avengers vs deathstroke & midnighter
- Mageddon the Anti-Sun vs. S'ivaa the Destroyer
- Skaar/A-Bomb vs Rulk/WWH vs Abomiination(Orig Strength)/Hulk Killa
- Ares/Venom/Green Goblin vs Hero/Ikaris/Thena
- Batman: 28 Jokes Later...
- Who could lift the earth and throw it 10 miles.
- Bullseye vs Zoom
- Classic Green Lantern vs Adam Warlock
- Larfreeze vs....
- Spawn vs Larfleeze
- Ghost Rider vs Larfleeze
- john stewert vs nova (rider)
- donald pierce vs midnighter
- Dracula vs. Magneto
- larfleeze vs the JLA (no help/intell from hal)
- Cable vs Dr. Doom
- Wolverine, Deadpool and T'Challa vs The Cenobites
- Ares vs Omega Red
- Magneto vs Dr Doom
- She-Hulk and Colossus vs Starfire and Gray Hulk
- Team 1 VS Team 2
- Superman & Wonderman vs Apollo & Namor
- Thanos & Mangog vs. Odin and Brb
- bloodstrike(thunderstrike) vs nimrod
- the Blob vs Ult. hulk
- pre crisis Superman&Darkseid vs Galactus
- Classic Shaggyman vs H&P Doomsday
- Jesus vs Odin
- Thor vs. Superman
- Invulneability vs High Durability vs Healing factor
- The Ouestion vs The Riddler
- Spawn vs Blackheart vs Ghostrider vs Mephisto
- Batman vs Moonknight
- Blade/Punisher/Dark Hawkeye vs Deathstroke/Batman/Connor Hawke
- Threads...
- The Nth Man vs Spectre
- Samurai Jack vs Afro Samurai
- Beyonder vs Mr Mxyzptlk
- Iron Man vs Circuit Breaker (TF)
- Gog Wars Doomsday vs Marvel Earth with a twist
- Classic Sasquatch vs. Abomination
- Master of the world vs Lex Luthor
- Wolverine vs Afro Samurai
- god spawn vs galactus
- Namor vs Wonderman
- Superman, WonderWoman and Zod vs King Hyperion, Supreme and SuperWoman.
- DC's Atlas vs Hulk
- Hercules/Ares vs Wendigos(Mauvias&Cartier)
- Classic Shaggy Man vs Kurse
- Orion vs. Wonder Woman.
- DarK phoenix vs new genesis and apokolips
- Hulk, Orion vs Black Adam, Sentry.
- Terrax runs a Asgardian Gauntlet + Ares vs Tyr
- bloodstrike vs Ironman
- Atlas and The Olympian vs Thanos
- KMC: Rank and Defeat Kenshiro
- Ultimate Colossus vs. Ultimate Hulk
- Thor, Bizarro, and Match(Dc) V.S. Hal, MM, and Superman.
- juggernaut vs Kinetic energy absorbers
- dr. light (hoshi) vs shade
- Spartan(Hadrian) vs Doctor Doom
- Adam Warlock vs This Team
- Kurse/Mangog vs Jormungand/Destroyer
- Spider-Man vs Punisher
- Superman, WonderWoman and Zod vs WWH, Kurse and Gladiator.
- Batman vs Joker (Twist)
- Who is the ultimate "Brick"
- Wolverine VS. Goku
- who can beat the ultimate betrayers?
- Kenshiro vs M. Bison
- Kenshiro VS Iron Fist, Richard Dragon, Bronze Tiger
- Majestic vs Silver Surfer
- Ion 2 (Kyle) vs. Cable
- Shin Akuma VS Wolverine
- Superman vs. Wonder Woman
- Last Assassin Standing
- Punisher vs Cyclops
- Balder vs The Olympian
- daken vs deathstroke
- Apocalypse vs... Poison
- Flash[Barry] vs Magneto
- Ion(Sodom Yat) vs Orion
- Ion vs. Onslaught
- Apollo VS Namor in wet suit
- Thor vs. Wonder Woman
- Magneto Vs Vulcan
- Red Tornado vs Namor
- Light Tray, Superman, and Yat vs Prime, Doomsday H/P
- Brainiac 5 vs T.A.O.
- The Alpha Lanterns Vs GLC
- Dracula vs Black Knight
- Galactus vs Odin
- Ghostrider vs Spawn
- Wendigo vs Sasquatch
- My DC Team vs Shuma Gorath
- Mad Jim Jaspers vs Darkseid
- Sinestro/Superman vs Hal Jordan/Cyborg Superman
- Vulcan vs Dr Strange
- Dr. Fate (Kent Nelson) Vs Current Thor
- Robin vs Scarecrow
- Toxin vs. Daken
- Nemesis Kid vs. Super-Adaptoid
- deathstroke vs X-23
- Decepticons vs Enhanced Humans
- Wonder woman vs Mimic/Namor (twist)
- Doctor light vs Vulcan
- alan scott vs superboy
- Spawn and Ghost Rider vs Venom and Carnage
- Storm vs superboy
- Surfer, Superman and Thor vs Reed Richards, Batman and Loki
- All Hail Megatron 1
- Heracles Vs Immortal Hercules
- Majestros, Thor vs Darkseid, Silver Surfer.
- Who can defeat this man
- Invincible vs. Superboy (Conner Kent)
- Depowered Tyrant vs My DC Team
- Black Bolt VS Alan Scott
- Black Bolt and Vulcan vs Superman and Zod
- Fatal Five Vs Sinestro Corps
- Prof X and Reed Richard run this guantlet.
- Superman vs Vulcan
- Team Nosferatu vs Team Deadpool
- Superman/Wonderwoman vs Iron man/Namor/Doctor Doom/Wonderman/Ms. Marvel/Vision/Rogue
- Hulk, Sentry vs Solomon Grundy, Bizarro.
- X-23 vs. Kid Devil
- Ogun vs Deathstroke
- deathstroke vs X-23
- Who can beat this guy?
- Dr Doom/w Unlimited prep vs Living Tribunal
- sentry vs. classic lobo
- Darkseid vs Abraxas
- Daredevil Vs Batman
- Joker Vs Riddler Vs Scarecrow
- War Hulk Vs Doomsday
- Invincible vs. Supergirl
- Galactus vs Gaurdians
- Luke Cage vs. Kingpin
- Gauntlet vs KGBeast
- Bloodstrike(aka thunderstrike) vs Lobo
- Thanos vs H2H
- Tim Hunter VS The Atom
- Mon-El vs Majestic
- Time Trapper VS Phantom Stranger
- Vargas runs gauntlet
- Telepath ranking
- Spiderman vs Longshot
- shatterstar vs captain america
- Son of Satan VS Satannish
- Mister X vs Elektra
- dr voodoo vs dorumarru