- terrax vs drax vs hulk
- apollo vs sentry
- terrax vs morg
- Bishop vs Wolverine
- The Flash vs Green Lantern (HAL)
- Sunspot vs Bishop
- Storm vs Rouge
- Mr. Freeze vs Iceman
- Batman vs. Martian Manhunter
- Hulk vs Lobo
- Bram Stoker's Dracula versus Emperor Palantine
- My Team Vs Darksied And Doomsday
- Dr. Alchemy VS X-Men
- Team United Vs The Justice League Of America
- Hyperion (Exiles Version) Vs Gog
- Superman vs. Sun Wu Kong
- The Wolf Or The Bat?
- Reed Richards vs. Iron Man vs. Batman vs. Doom
- Green Archer (DC) vs. Hawkeye (Marvel)
- Shredder (TMNT) vs. Slade (Teen
- Can anyone (single or team) beat this team of elite eight?
- Disfunctional Family
- Cyclops vs Slade w/only plasma staff
- Avengers vs. JSA Rd.2
- The Russian Battle
- Cyclops +2 VS Colossus +2
- Mr. Sinister vs Pheonix vs Superman
- Thanos vs Thor
- Elektra vs Batman
- She-Hulk vs Wonder Woman
- Who Can Defeat The Juggernaut?
- Wolverine Vs. Kraven The Hunter
- The Tick vs. Buzzboy
- black bolt vs gladitor
- spawn vs ghost rider
- Asgardian vs. Apokolips
- Dr. Doom Team VS. The Teen Titans
- RICK JONES [with destiny force] vs SILVER SURFER
- Batman Vs. Samus (Metroid)
- marvel vs dc with the sentry in the picture
- Spider-Man versus 2 Predators
- Deathstroke vs Spiderman's rogues gallery
- defenders, avengers vs JLA, JSA
- Champion of the Universe vs SHAZAM!!!!!!!!
- Kyo Kusanagi vs Human Torch
- Anakin (DS) Skywalker vs. Aragorn LOTD
- Link vS Hawk Eye & Green Arrow
- (Tug of War match) Juggernaut & Thing vS Hulk & Doomsday
- Superman vS Captain Planet
- S.W.-- "arc & clone troopers" vS GI Joe with an even amount of soldiers on each side.
- The Avengers vs The JSA
- Yoda vS Juggernaut
- Superman vS He-Man
- Juggernaut & Hercules vS Hulk & Thor
- Teen Titans vS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Champion vS Green Lantern
- Martian Man Hunter vS Wonder Woman
- Darth Maul vS (ep.3)Anakin
- Thanos vs Superman 1,000,000
- Batman(with prep) Vs. The Brothers!
- King Superman (King Thor and Pre-Crisis Superman amalgam) vs Exiles Hyperion & Jugs
- Colossus vs. Rhino
- Thor vs. Darkseid
- Callisto VS Midnighter.
- Lizard Vs. Igauna
- Thanos vs Superman
- Magneto vs Wolverine
- Fatal 4 Way Match : Adam Warlock - Quasar - Gl.kyle - Sentinel
- Cyclops vs Cannon Ball
- The Jsa Vs Thanos And Adam Warlock
- Huge Tag Team Battle
- Gladiator vs. Darkseid & Zod
- Gladiator vs. Thor
- Cap/logan And The Jla Vs Apocalypse And His Horseman
- Kang The Conqueror vs Doctor Who
- Battle of Galactic Proportions
- Hand To Hand Powerhouse Tournament
- Midnighter & Apollo VS. Batman & Wonder Woman
- ironman/batman with 1 month prep vs random dc and marvel characters
- Authority and X-Team VS. Krona
- gambit and hawkeye vs bullseye and cyclops
- Magus(Full Power) VS. Gog
- Taskmaster vs. Deathstroke
- Captain America (MU)vs. Ultimate Captain America
- Mr Sinister versus Blade
- if Juggernaut would threaten Jarella... Hulks girl friend.. what would happen ?
- Daredevil Versus Gambit
- How strong IS current Juggernaut ?
- the sentry vs superman
- Martian Manhunter vs Wonder Woman
- Silver Surfer vs Exodus and Juggernaut
- Dr. Strange vs Zantana
- JC runs the Magic Gauntlet
- Solomon Grundy vs Colossus
- Kraven the Hunter vs Wolverine
- Elders of the universe vs. JLA
- Drax the Destroyer vs. Lobo
- Daredevil vs. Deathstroke
- The Watchers vs. The Celestials
- Snorks vs Smurfs
- What If Amaglam Super Battle...
- Kang versus Kang
- Magneto vs Wonder Woman
- Terminus Team vs Galactus Team
- Celestials vs Cosmics Rd. 2
- Mutants vs. DC
- Zeus vs. Thor
- Deadpool & Agent X vs. Hercules
- Cap.Marvel-Black Adam-Sentinel vs Superman-Manhunter-GL.Kyle
- Thor -Surfer-Gladiator vs Superman-Manhunter-GL.Kyle
- Silver Surfer vs. Superman/Green Lantern/Doomsday
- cylops vs robin
- 20 Cosmics vs Celestials
- Godstalker vs. Yuga Khan
- Thor vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Hyperion versus Superman
- Doc Ock vs Omega Red
- Rockslide vs The Thing
- Thor War
- The Supers Battle
- Tuxedo vs. Luke Cage
- Dr. Strange vs Diablo
- Mega-Power Tag Team Battle
- Apocalypse vs Onslaught - Once and for All
- Onslaught, Thanos, Magneto, Apocalypse vs. Silver Sufer, Darkseid, New Sun, Exodus
- Mace Windu vs the Hulk
- best h2h combat fighter ever {comics only}
- Infinity Watch vs. The Authority
- Surtur vs. Yuga Khan
- Batman Versus Azrael, Nightwing & Robin (Tim Drake)
- Galactis vs Onslaught
- Juggernaut vs. Spiderman and full angry Hulk
- Juggernaut vs. Thing, Ice Man, Human Torch
- Beak vs Squidboy
- Giantman vs Hulk
- Growing man vs Hulk
- Hulk Vs. Antman
- Star ships v the present day
- Omega Red vs Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
- Superman vs. Magneto
- Fenris vs. Ironman
- What can beat a) Galactis and b) Onslaught w/out teleportation. Raw Power, 1 on 1
- Namor vs. Griffin
- deathstroke vs Xmen
- Team Marvel vs. Team DC
- The Avengers Vs The Identity Crisis Team
- Surtur With the Sword Of Twilight VS. Superman Prime
- Last Man Standing
- Marvel/DC Team Up VS. Maggeddon & Krona
- Cobra Unit Vs X-men
- Optic Blast vs Heat Vision
- Enraged Wonder Man & Wonder Woman VS. Darkseid(current)
- Magneto vs Juggernaut
- Loki vs. Temugin
- Kang vs. Temugin
- Kang vs. Loki
- The Mutants vs The Teen Titans
- Star Wars vs. Marvel vs. DC
- Team M vs Team DC
- Darkseid's Team vs. Solomon Grundy's Team
- DC Good vs. Marvel Good
- Ironman vs. Apocalypse
- Martian Manhunter V's GL Hal Jordan (before Parallax)
- The Authority plus Mr. Majestic VS The JLA
- Mr. Majestic & Rob Liefield Supreme VS. Superman 1 Million & Current Darkseid
- Colossus, Doc Samson, Nova(Rider) VS. It The Living Colossus, Rhino, & Mr. Hyde
- 42 midgets v 1 lion
- Johnny Storm vs Onslaught
- Superman Prime vs Thor WEaopons fight
- crossover 16 man elimanation tournement
- Count Nefaria vs. Thanos
- The debate to end them all; My daddy vs your dad.
- Astonishing X-Men + Pyro vs Exiles
- Captain Marvel vs. Dr. Doom
- Onslaught vs. Absorbing Man and Super-Skrull
- Capt. America vs Ironman
- Invisible Woman vS Thing
- Yoda & Darth Sidious vs Spiderman $ Batman
- Aryan Superman (Jonny Bates) v Holacaust
- Thing vs Zangief (Street Fighter)
- Iron Man vs War Machine
- Count Nefaria vs. Orion
- The X-Men vs The X-Men
- silver surfer vs. underwear line silver surfer
- Pre-Crisis Darkseid vs. Yuga Khan
- New Captain Britian vs. New Colossus
- The Fire Lord vs Firestorm vs Jonny Storm
- Darth Vader v Akuma
- DarthVader Vs Capt. America
- Ultimates 2 vs Avengers vs New Avengers
- JLA Battle
- Blackheart vs. The Demon
- Eternals and allies vs. Yuga Khan
- Marge Simpson vs Lois Griffen
- Team Thanos vs. Team Superman
- Batman w/kryponite vs Superman
- Thing vs Colossus
- Borg vs SS and Cyborg II (Supes)
- Nightmare's Gauntlet
- X-men vs Justice League
- Superman vs Martian Manhunter
- Marvel/Wildstorm Team VS. Tyrant(normal powered), Maelstrom, Dormammu and Thanos
- Fantastic 4 vs The Avengers
- Shogun Warriors v Megas XLR
- Hulk and Juggernaut vs Superman and Doomsday
- Captain Ameica Vs. Batman
- Gilgamesh vs. Thanos
- Spiderman vs Iron Man
- The Avenger Vs Thor
- DC vs Marve;l
- alpha flight vs x men
- Fantastic Four vs Hulk
- Pick a team of 5 comic book chars; not celestials, gods, thanos; who would you pick?
- Green Goblin Vs. Hob Goblin
- Most powerful energy wielder marvel
- wolverine and sabretooth vs batman and bane
- Asmodel vs. Yuga Khan
- Asguard Destroyer vs. JLA
- Ikaris vs. Hyperion
- Pyro Vs. Human Torch
- Bishop Vs. Cable
- Blade vs Punisher
- Juggernaut VS. Hulk VS. Doomsday
- Marvel Villains Team VS. Krona Team
- Thor vs Thor
- Punisher VS. James Bond (007)
- Magneto VS. Darthvader
- Ikaris vs. Superman
- Hulk/Thor vs Superman/Martian Manhunter
- xavier v loki
- Siver Surfer v Seth (Authority beater)
- Ion vs Thanos
- Bishop vs. Batman
- X-Men Battle
- beta ray bill and thor and hercules and loki vs the destroyer
- how far does Akuma make it in this gauntlet
- full powered Phionex vs galactus
- Fastest Marvel Runner
- MAGUS vs EGO{the living planet} vs DORMAMMU vs WATCHERS vs THE INBETWEENER
- Morph vs Plastic Man
- Has Superman ever intentally killed before?
- Which M.U superhero can own Asgardian Destroyer?
- Dr. Steven Strange VS....
- Agent Zero runs the gauntlet
- Doomsday (2nd appearance when he broke Superman's arm) vs Exiles Hyperion