- battle of the greens piccolo vs. hulk vs. the ninja turtles vs. fin fang foom
- Banshee vs. Dazzler
- Galactus vs. Epoch
- Captain Marvel vs. Quazar
- Ironman vs. Cyclops
- Lucifer vs. Mankind
- House of El battle
- Captain America vs Spider-Man
- bizzaro and supes vs. lobo
- Superman vs. Wonder-women
- Superman Prime vs Thor (any version)
- Cletus Kassady vs. Joker
- Opyimus Prime Vs. like 100 Sentinals
- Onslaught and Apocalypse vs Galactus
- Saint of killers vs bullseye
- Searching topics
- vampire hunter D vs ghost rider
- Entropy Aegis vs Iron man
- Green Arrow vs Bullseye
- iron man vs. the thing
- captian america vs blackcat
- eddie brock vs. cletus kasady (without symbiotes)
- spider-women vs. spider-men
- this is serious, so don't laugh
- Apocolypse Vs Dark Seid
- toxin vs. wolverine
- Wraith vs. Two Predators
- Molecule man vs Magneto, Graviton, Hyperstorm and Exodus
- Sabertooth Vs. Jubilee Blackcat & Shadowcat
- Angry Hulk punch vs ....
- Hulk Thing Cable Vs Juggernaut Colossus Bishop
- ghoul
- Wonder Woman vs Bizarro
- Surfer vs Cap Marvel (DC)
- Brainiac VS Dr Doom
- The Caps vs. The Bats
- Silver surfer vs Energy superman
- Marvel vs. DC (Amalgam)
- Punisher 2099 & Punisher Vs. Spiderman 2099 & Spiderman
- Ultimate showdown
- Bullseye V.s. Kraven
- The thing Vs Grundy
- Ghost Rider Vs Blazing skull
- New DC vs. Marvel team battle
- Marvel/Avengers vs DC/JLA (The Next Battle)
- DC vs Marvel team battle
- rogue vs supergirl
- Saint of killers vs Parallax
- Ghost rider vs. Spawn....or Ghost rider vs. Scorpion
- Magneto Vs. Spawn
- Galactus vs Imperiex!
- Punisher(after he went crazy) Vs. Johny(Jonny the homosidal maniac)
- Graviton vs. Silver Surfer
- Stepford Cukoo Sisters vs. Rogue
- Spiderwomen vs. Spiderman
- Xaviar vs. Rogue
- Karma vs. Hulk
- Spiderman vs Beast...who is more agile?
- (kenshiro)from fist of the north star vs ryu:please that both are in comics books
- Hercules The Legendary Journeys(Kevin Sorbo) VS The Incredible Hulk(Lou Ferrigno)
- Galactus vs Thanos vs AMAZO
- legolas vs link
- Mastermold and Sentinel Army vs. Fantastic Four
- ken masters vs terry bogard
- akuma vs ult.rugal
- capcom vs snk
- Venom Vs Wonder Woman/ Flash Vs wolverine or Spiderman
- Who's more likely to kill to win Superman Spiderman ...
- Magneto vs. Galactus
- batman vs kingpin
- ryu vs goku
- Multiple man with soul gem vs anyone
- Firestorm vs Firelord
- King Thor vs .....
- solid snake vs wolverine
- xmen vs dragon ball z
- blob vs. phat
- doomsday vs. lobo
- Batman vs Nightwing:Who is HOTTER?!
- Thing vs. Solomon Grundy
- X-Men chat...
- Mistique Vs Batman hand to hand combat
- Spiderman/Venom Vs Wolverine/Rogue
- Magneto Vs wanda aka scarlet witch
- Spiderman Vs Batman and Hulk Vs Juggernaut Final Bout The last thread ofthismatch
- Amazo VS Galactus Heralds
- Gladiator vs The Hulk
- Surfer & Firelord vs Thor & Loki
- C3PO Vs Data Vs Roboto
- Spawn vs Scorption
- Nightcrawler vs Noob Saibot
- Gladiator vs. Thor
- Thanos vs. Cable
- Bar Room Brawl
- Atlas(From Thunderbolts) VS Giant Man
- Venom vs Lobo
- Ultimate Venom vs. Evolution Wolverine
- pissed off venom vs cyclops and havok
- power cosmic vs god force vs GL power
- Banshee vs Magneto
- Rick Jones vs.Jimmy Olsen
- Bishop vs. Magneto
- Silver Surfer vs. Thor
- <Plz let me do this Paola.> Samus Vs. Master Chief
- Psyco-man vs. The Hulk
- Silver Surfer vs Superman
- Martian Manhunter vs. the Hulk
- Robin Vs. Jubelee
- In-Betweener Vs Galactus
- Cannonball vs. Monet
- Mystique vs. Nick Furry
- Hulk vs. The Human Torch
- Banshee vs. Spider-man
- Cyclops vs. Dazzler
- The Thing vs. Doctor Octopus
- Dr. Strange vs. Thanos
- Martian Manhunter vs Loki
- decay vs. selene
- Bane (w/o venom) vs. Crossbones
- Bane (w/venom) vs. Rhino
- beast vs thing
- batman vs. dr. doom vs. stonecutter
- Dr.Strange,Yoda & Dark Phoenix vs Apocalypse,Darkseid & Galactus
- thor,silversurfer vs thanos with a GL ring(no weakness)
- Dr.Strange,Yoda,Gambit,Dark Phoenix vs Apocalypse,Darkseid,Galactus & symbiote Borg
- Cyclops vs Batman
- Batman vs Nightwing
- JLA vs JSA
- Spawn vs Azazeal
- wonder woman vs super man
- Alfred Pennyworth vs. Galactus and Thanos
- Magneto vs Superman
- wonderwoman vs thor
- blade vs. deadpool
- Crimson Chin Vs. Bionic Man
- Wolverine Fanboys Vs. Hulk Fanboys
- Master Cheif (Can I do this?) Vs. Spiderman
- ultimate blob vs. ultimate collosus
- Phantom Stranger vs Dr. Strange
- do u all hate batman
- She-Hulk vs.Black Scorpion vs. Wonder Woman
- batgirl vs electra
- Doctor Octopus Vs. Wolverive
- King Thor vs Thanos
- Plasticman vs Elongated man
- Batman (with all the prep time in the world) vs. Silver Surfer
- Kraven Vs. Wolverine
- Spaceman Spiff versus Stupendous Man
- Martian Manhunter VS Silver Surfer
- Ironman and venom vs carnage and war machine
- Kingdom Come SuperMan vs MaestroHulk vs Doomsday
- Magneto | X-Man
- Invisible Women vs. The Hulk
- Invisible Women vs. Juggernaut
- Thor vs. Vision
- Thing vs. Spider-man
- Thing vs. Storm
- Black King vs. The Thing
- Thing vs. Wolverine
- Ultron vs Metallo
- Iron Fist vs. Rogue vs. Jubilee
- Super Race (look Or Your Soul Is Mine)
- Wonder Woman Against Green Lantern
- 3 FF vs Avengers vs X-Men villains
- Magneto vs Invisible Woman
- Green Lantern Vs Blackbolt
- Daredevil vs. Falcon
- Two-Face vs.Red Skull vs.Cyborg
- KARATE KID vs Shang Chi & Iron Fist
- Maxima vs Titania
- Hulk free for all
- dotor doom vs green lantern
- vader vs dracula vs skeletor vs doctor doom vs emperator ming
- Silver Surfer vs goku
- casey jones (from tmnt) vs. jason
- Bucky vs. Robin
- Stick,Shang Chi,Ironfist,Captain America vs Karate Kid,Batgirl,Batman,Lady Shiva
- Hellboy vs. Van Helsing
- Beta Ray Bill & Thor vs Ymir
- The Darkness Vs Spawn
- The Authority vs The New Avengers
- Ion vs Parallax
- Lobo Vs Madman
- The Tick vs. Savage Dragon
- Lobo Vs Drax The Destroyer
- Cosmic Spider Man Vs King Thor
- Collossus vs Jason X
- Doom vs Jason
- Dr. Fate Vs Dr. Strange
- Conan vs. Slaine
- 0110001001101001011011100110000101110010011110010010000001110110011100110010111000100
- Dock Ock vs Mr Fantastc in an Arena
- Thanos vs Darkseid(1 on 1 no weapons or ETC)
- Thor vs Silver Surfer
- kronos vs Beyonder both at max power
- goku vs. super supes (winner takes flash)
- Doom And MgYver Vs Batman And Reed Richards
- Silver Surfer vs. Gladiator
- Nightcrawler vs. Wolverine
- Wolfsbane vs. Mirage
- Mastermind vs. Empath
- Jack of Heart vs. Silver Surfer
- Parallax vs. Dark Phoenix
- Maestro against Bizzaro
- silver surfer vs hulk
- Parallax vs. Dark Phoenix
- greatest women swim suit fight
- Alfred (The Butler) vs. Jonah Jamison (Daily Bugle)
- Juggernaut vs. Sabertooth vs. Hulk vs. Hellboy vs. The Blob
- Venom and Carnage vs. Batman
- Canadians VS Americans Vs Eroupeans
- Invisible Woman Vs Doctor Strange
- Vision vs Strange
- Rhino vs. The Blob
- Cable vs. Nimrod
- Bush vs. Kerry
- Spiderman Villians VS The Xmen (no telepaths)
- exemplars battle
- holocaust vs nimrod
- comic battle
- super-boy vs. superboy
- penace vs eddy scisssorhands
- regular gambit vs. nightwing
- Hulk vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Avengers brawl
- Freddy vs. Wolverine
- Marrow Vs Wolverine (no adimantium)
- luke cage vs. sabretooth
- jubilee vs. gambit(with all his powers)
- who would win between the hulk and jubillee
- spider phoenix vs. cosmic spiderman
- invisible woman vs. green lantern
- Storm vs. Human Torch
- Forge vs. Juggernaut
- Plague vs. Wolverine
- Savage Hulk vs. Bizarro
- Swamp-Thing vs. Man-Thing
- Catwoman vs. Elecktra:Mudwrestling
- King Thor Vs Morg
- Battle Royale
- Iron Man Vs Vision
- Wiz kid vs. gizmo
- Lex Luthor vs Dr. Doom
- She Hulk Vs. Wonder Woman
- X-Man & Cable | Onslaught & Apocalypse
- Martian Manhunter Against Superman
- Batman Vs Azrael Vs Nightwing Vs Robin