- The Runner vs. Mr. Majestic
- Team Thanos vs. Team Mr.Majestic
- Sue Storm vs Green Lantern Kyle
- Gladiator vs. Morg...?
- Mary Zero VS. Batgirl
- Rogue vs Starfire
- Batman and The Punisher run the Gauntlet...
- Bizarro & Cyborg Superman vs Superman & Gladiator
- Punisher vs. Kraven the Hunter
- Photon runs the Gauntlet
- Terminus vs Superman & Captain Marvel
- I am Iron Man
- green lantern(hal) vs. thanos
- Storm vs Batfamily
- Ironman in Hulk Buster Armor vs Spikey Thing
- Asmodel vs. Superman Prime
- Ironman vrs. Wolverine or cyclops
- Karnak vs Batgirl
- 8th day Juggernaut vs. Solomon Grundy
- Mephisto vs. Neron
- N'Astirh vs. Dormammu
- Doctor Doom vs. Belasco
- Thanos vs Trigon
- Full Power Odin VS. Doomsday(The one that beat an army of Gogs)
- Electric Blue Superman VS. The Keeper
- Thanos vs Lobo
- Thanos vs Apocolypse with Power Cosmic!
- Thor Versus......
- Teen Titans vs X-Men
- Mjolnir vs green lantern ring
- Karkas vs Spider-Man,Batman
- Spiderman Vs Omega Red
- doomsaday vs the thing,collusus,abmonastition
- Ironman vs. Namor
- Batman with Cyttorak Gem runs the Marvel/DC Gauntlet
- Black Tarantula VS. Venom
- superman 1 million, rune king thor vs cap.marvel,martian manhunter,immortal hercules
- superboy(kon-el) vs quicksilver,spiderman,the thing
- batman with a gl ring vs the x-men
- Wonder Woman w/ Mjolnir vs Superman
- Classic Juggernaut,Mangog,Kurse vs Mindless Hulk,Forgotten One and BRB
- Nimrod vs Vision,WonderMan and Sub Mariner
- Booster Gold vs Guardsman II
- Wonder Man vs. Rogue
- Beast vs. Luke Cage
- Captain America vs. Shatterstar
- Electra vs. Nick Fury
- Slade V Batman
- Grey fox's V versus The_Blobs blob
- Amaglam Battle!!! American Gladiator VS. Marvelous Bat
- LT + Thanos (HOTU)+ phoenix force vs spectre (full power)
- Crystal vs Terra
- CannonBall,Joseph And X-Man vs Darkseid
- Jack of Hearts vs. Namor...?
- Gladiator vs. Cannonball
- Nabu vs Dormammu
- The Blob versus Magneto
- Black Panther vs Predator
- The_Blob's blob runs the gauntlet
- The Blob versus Cholesterol
- The Blob vs. 3 5yr olds
- The Blob versus Mephisto and Magus
- BLOB vs Wolverine, Hulk, Spiderman
- Bloody Knuckles: Hercules vs. Captain Britain
- Superman Captain Marvel & Doomsday vs Gladiator Supreme & the Hulk
- Living Tribunal & Nemesis(Infinity Being) vs Spectre & the Endless
- Solarr (Marvel) vs. Shocker
- Darksied vs. Thanos vs. Lucifer (Who is the most evil)
- Living Monolith vs Sentry
- Epoch vs Ego the Living Planet
- Blob v Shape from the Hyperion mini
- Batman with Draculas power vs Bane
- Booster Gold vs Black Knight
- superboy vs quicksilver in a race
- superman,batman,superboy vs abmonastion,the thing,cap.america
- The_Blob's blob v Spectre
- Elektra vs Batgirl vs Psylocke
- Wolverine (with all his fanboys) Versus all of Kmc
- Vishanti vs Stranger,In-Betweener and Numinus
- Team Marvel vs Justice League
- Tombstone & Silver Samurai VS. Batman, Nightwing, and Robin
- All Star Superman vs Thanos????
- Mr. Majestic & Blue Energy Superman vs 8th day Juggs & Morg full power
- Archenemy vs Any Magical Being
- GL deathmatch !!
- BLOB vs Wonder Woman
- Blob vs Venom + Carnage
- Blob vs Doomsday
- Gambit & Nightwing vs Batgirl & Elektra
- maestro hulk vs. silver surfer
- Green Lantern Corps all 7200 members vs Psi Lord & Hyperstorm
- Wolverine,Cable and Agent Zero vs Morlocks
- Cable vs Predator
- Who or what teams in Marvel Universe or Dc can defeat The Authority?
- Dr Strange vs The Great Lion Aslan
- Tyrant (normal) vs. Mr. Majestic
- Current Darkseid runs the gauntlet
- Pre-Crisis Superman vs. Mr. Majestic
- Omega Red Vs. The Black Tarnatula
- Shaggyman vs The Destroyer
- Batman vs Feral
- Bishop from TMNT vs. Agent Smith
- Apocalypse vs. Super-Skrull
- Ultimate Colossus vs 616 Colossus
- supes vs thor?
- Ultimate Juggernaut & Ultimate Hulk vs Pre Crisis Superman & Black Adam
- Kingpin VS. Jonah jameson
- Batman vs killpower
- juggernaut/green lantern
- silver surfer vs thanos
- Current She-Hulk VS. Aquaman No telepathy!!! Hand To Hand Combat!!!
- The Triple-Evil vs DC Earth
- Green Arrow and Black Canary vs Hawkeye and Mockingbird
- Spiderman Vs. Aquaman.
- Doomsday vs Mangog
- Spider-man vs Kingpin
- Batman vs Wolverine
- Black Tarantula vs Wolverine
- D.C. Hierachy
- Neptune vs. Team DC
- Apollo and Artemis vs. Namor
- Can Spike Spiegel beat anybody at all n marvel?
- Top 10 Peak Humans
- Odin vs. Galactus (both executing their full power)
- Hercules vs. Alpha Flight
- Doomsday vs. King Thor
- Solomon Grundy vs. Mindless Hulk
- Marvel's Cosmic Trinity VS. DC Sentinels OF Magic
- Asmodel VS. Nabu
- Solomon Grundy vs. Avengers/X-men
- Superman on steroids vs. Gladiator
- Cyber vs Wendigo the most powerful one and Abomination
- Full Adrenaline Spider-Man vs vs Toad,Sabretooth and Dark Beast
- Wolverine & Friends Vs. Taskmaster & Friends
- Nabu VS. Agamotto
- Rune King Thor vs Nabu
- Marvel Royal Rumble 2.
- What is Kal 'El's Earth weight?
- Batman v Shang Chi
- Iron fist v Wolverine
- Lady Shiva vs. Dark Beast
- Gambit VS. Bullseye
- Reptyl Prime,Mangog and Coven vs Superman,Captain Marvel and Martian Manhunter
- Replicoid Messenger for the Celestials vs
- Captain Atom vs Firestorm vs The Fallen One
- Ultimate Colossus and Ultimate Thor vs Ultimate Thing and Ultimate Juggernaut
- Classic Juggernaut runs the God Gauntlet
- Silver Surfer with symbiote vs. Ironman
- Punisher vs. Wolverine
- Earth heroes vs Cosmics
- Professor x vs odin
- Sentinel vs. Ironman
- Nova vs. Doc Sampson
- Batman vs Varne
- Black Panther vs. Man-Bat
- Lizard vs. Morbius
- Wonder Woman VS Apocolypse
- Sersi vs Exodus (Bloodlust!)
- Classic Juggernaut vs Leir & Horus
- The Archenemy vs Dr Fate
- Entropy vs Spectre
- Thing Versus Doomsday
- Superboy Prime runs the Wonder-gauntlet
- King Thor runs the Super-gauntlet
- Spiderman vs. The Thing
- Wonderman vs. Hercules.... in an Armwrestling contest
- Mindless Hulk vs. HULK KILLER HUMANOID
- A closer look at the HULK KILLER HUMANOID, THE non-human wrecking machine !
- Mirror... Mirror... On the wall whom is the brightest of them all...?
- The Mechanisaurus Rex vs Superman,Captain Marvel and WonderWoman
- deathstroke & bullseye vs batgirl & tailia
- Marvel Gauntlet:
- Colossus vs. Rockslide
- Doctor Strange vs. Kang
- Cable vs Wolverine,Daredevil and Agent Zero
- Geeks v the rest of the forum
- Ultimo vs Superman & Thor
- Captain America vs The Question
- Hercules runs the gauntlet
- Ult. Thing vs. Grey Hulk
- Batch 13 vs Captain Atom
- Street Tournament Exhibition Match
- Hulk Vs Wolverine (Must see)
- Cyborg Superman,Pre Crisis Superman and Sun Dipped Superman vs Asgard Destroyer
- Classic Juggernaut & Superman vs Immortal Thanos
- Batman,The Punisher and Nightwing vs Blob
- Superman vs Kurse with a twist
- Thor (without Mjolnir) vs. Current Thing in a fist fight
- Thor vs. The Fantastic Four
- Immortal Hercules and Daredevil vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Thor and Hercules vs. Thing and Savage Hulk
- Sentinel Alan Scott vs. GL Hal Jordan
- Elektra vs Iron Fist
- Dr. Fate (Current) vs. Dr. Strange
- Now that we know Scarlet Witch was not a fluke..SW vs Galactus
- Marvel Upgrade vs DC Upgrade
- Punisher vs. Batman
- JLA vs. Avengers II
- Namor and WM vs Silver Surfer
- Bra and Panties Match
- The Fury vs. Doomsday...?
- Ultimate Spider-man vs. Ben Reilly...?
- ultimate wolverine vs. hawk eye
- Wonder Woman VS Apocolypse
- Thanos With HOTU vs Phoenix Force
- Ulik & Blastaar vs Superboy
- current scarlet witch vs the doctor
- Fantastic Four vs. Mr. Sinister
- Spider-Man vs Mr Sinister
- Superboy runs the Marvel gauntlet
- Hawkman runs the gauntlet
- Bat-Destroyer
- Nimrod vs Doomsday
- Exodus VS Sersi (BloodLust!)
- Cable vs Batman
- X-Men Team vs JLA/JSA
- Rachel vs. Cabel vs. Stryfe vs. Nate Grey
- DC invades 616 Earth [Deathmatch with a Catch]
- Nimrod,Deaths Head II & Master Mold vs Thanos & Darkseid
- Captain Marvel vs X-Men Team
- Jack of heart vs Thor
- Doomsday vs Ghost Rider & Immortal Hercules
- The Ultimate Mutant vs Onslaught,Magneto and Apocalpyse
- Spider-sense
- 6 on 6 battle
- New T-Bolts vs. The Ultimates...?
- Spider-Man Villains vs. X-men Villains
- JLA vs Avengers Blood Lust
- Last Man Standing! Completely dark room
- Mr. Majestic and Eradicator vs. Gogeta and Vegetto
- Champion of the Universe vs. Mr. Majestic
- Team Tyrant vs. DC earth
- Pheonix vs. the weird entity dude that was talking to reed about the universe......
- martian manhunter vs green lantern (hal jordan)
- Power Primordial VS Power Cosmic
- Asgard Destroyer vs Adamantium Warriors
- Superman vs. Mighty Mouse
- Valkyrie vs Omega Red
- Michael Moringstar vs The Architect
- mr.majestic vs photon
- Not another thing versus post
- Mongul vs Forgotten One with Armor
- Guardian vs. Captain America vs. Captain Britain
- Namor Vs She hulk
- All of DC's Female Heroes against all of Marvel's Male Heroes
- Apocalypse vs Dracula
- She-Hulk runs the difficult gauntlet