- Classic Sasquatch Battle thread
- Beast Boy?
- My team vs Your team
- Green Lantern(Hal)/Big Barda/Sinestro vs Sue Storm/Namor/Thor
- Superman KO'd in ONE Shot!!?!?!?!?!?
- Inhumans vs. Outsiders
- Heralds Hierarchy
- superhero suicide
- How many Scott Summers' does it take to...?
- Guardian vs Blackbolt
- What i have dono
- How...
- I tried. I failed
- Sersi And the Girls Vs. FireStorm and the Boys
- Green Lantern Hal Jordan vs Morg
- Darkseid vs Golden Age Stardust
- Have at thee vs Imperiux Rex
- Supergirl VS Apocalypse
- Classic Sasquatch vs Gladiator Hulk with a twist
- Spiderman takes revenge
- Hal Jordan vs Martian Manhunter
- Batman vs Punisher (Better thread)
- Sentry vs Pre-Hat Thanos
- darksied v odin
- Superman Red & Captain Marvel vs Superman Blue & Black Adam
- Captain Marvel vs Omni-Man
- Marvel vs DC in football
- Thanos vs Decepticon team
- Original Young Avengers versus Fantastic Four
- team of supers vs. odd ball trio
- Marvel Zombies Earth vs This Team
- darthgoober's Tourney Match 6
- Dr.Doom Vs Magneto
- Alpha Flight Vs Spider-Man (W/ prep)
- Sasquatch Vs Rhino
- team thanos vs team darkseid with 1 week prep
- X-Men 2099 vs X-teams
- Captain America vs Superman to the death.....
- Jaime Braddock vs White Phoenix
- Captain America vs Sorpento
- Captain Atom and Friends go for Nova and the Gang
- Hey! Soo....could Hulk bend Nth Metal?
- Omni-Man vs Superman
- The Ever lovin Blue eyed Thing vs Black Tarantula,Bullseye & Lizard
- Spiderman runs the multimedia gauntlet
- Cap (MvC) vs Spiderman
- weakest member of FF4?
- Surfer's Boys Vs. Thor's boys
- Despero/The Runner/Dr. Doom vs. Thanos/Zoom/BlackAdam
- My team runs the gauntlet
- Terrax at his best runs the Gauntlet
- Crisis On Infinite Marvel Earths !
- Batman vs Nightcrawler
- Silver Surfer v Apocalypse
- Ultron Vs Apocalypse
- Fantastic 8 vs Avengers
- Team 1 vs Team 100
- Mystique vs. Catman
- dormammu vs mordru
- Infinity Watch vs. Mighty Avengers
- Question about levels
- Morpheus VS Phantom Stranger
- steel (in the imperex armor) vs thor
- Havok vs Sunfire
- Adam Warlock (no Soul Gem) vs. The Hulk
- Terry, K Dash vs Gambit and Psylocke
- High Evolutionary,Thanos & Zuras vs Odin,Zeus & Depowered Tyrant
- Jahf & Modt run the gauntlet
- The JSA vs. The Young Avengers
- Thanos with heart of universe vs darkseid with ALE
- Batman and Wolverine hit tha Gauntlet
- Dark Phoenix vs. Surfer
- Wrecking Crew vs. Fantastic Four
- The Champions run Genosha gauntlet
- Dr Doom vs Deathstroke
- Deathstroke and Green Arrow versus Batman and Captain America
- Wolverine vs Daredevil
- Hawkeye vs Punisher
- Dr Doom vs Dr Doom
- Current Power Ratings vs Older Power Ratings
- Batgirl vs Misty Knight
- Thor /Hercules Vs Wrecking Crew
- Movie Venom Vs Movie Wolverine
- Team vs Thanos
- Batman/X-23 v. Daredevil/Sabretooth
- Classic Fantastic Four Vs The Eradicator w/tech
- JLA 1 million Vs Infinity Watch
- Battle of the Supermen
- Magneto/Apoc vs team
- Thanos vs. This DC/Marvel Team
- Spiderman vs Thing
- Rune King Thor/Odin/Zeus vs Celestials
- Hulk vs. Lady Deathstrike
- Daleks vs. The Borg
- Punisher vs. Batman
- Fernus Vs Thor
- Rune King Thor vs. the Asgardian Destroyer
- Mr. Sinister vs Vic Von Doom
- Nightcrawler vs Hulk
- Him (Adam Warlock) vs. DOS Superman
- Three way team battle
- Luke Cage Vs The Lizzard
- Movie Spider-Man Vs Movie Mr.Fantastic
- movie venom vs predetor
- CarlCreel w/ the IG
- Parasite v.s Absorbing Man
- Gladiator/Warlock/BlackBolt vs. Superman/Black Adam/Martian Manhunter
- Magneto vs Loki
- Kang Vs Magneto
- Eradicator/Sentry Vs King Hyperion/Fire Storm
- Blade and The Punisher vs Spiderman
- Apoc, Magneto, Mr Sinster,Classic Juggernaut vs Darkseid
- Why are mutants treated different from SuperHumans?
- Darkseid/ APOC vs Doctor Doom/FF with prep.
- Jenny Sparks vs Magneto
- Current KK vs Peter Parker
- thanos gauntlet
- Martian Manhunter vs Apocalypse
- How many Batman & Nightwing's does it take to...?
- Adam Warlock vs. Magneto
- Classic Karate Kid vs Rune King Thor
- anti moniter vs eternity
- Spawn Vs Mephisto
- Sentry's Feats vs Mr Majestic's feats
- Who can defeat Ashema and her Heralds
- Superman vs Mimic with a twist of lemon.
- Engineer II vs Ironman
- Team vs Justice League
- what single character could
- World War Hulk vs You Choices
- conan vs wolverine
- ikaris vs superman
- Adam Warlock Gauntlet
- Spawn Gauntlet
- my avengers of 5 vs jla
- rate thes in order of best prep, 1 being greatest
- Magneto vs Apocalypse
- Nightcrawler runs the Gauntlet!!!
- Rumble in the Bronx
- storm vs. invisible woman
- Apollo,Jack Hawksmoore & Midnighter vs Terminus
- Captain Atom Vs Superman
- wonder woman vs wolverine
- Baron Zemo(with a twist) v. Thanos/Darkseid
- Classic Karate Kid vs Storm Shadow
- MJJ Vs Classic ION
- Morg vs. Dominus
- Black Bolt/All Star Superman vs 8th day Juggernaut/Ikaris
- The Almighty STORM Runs the Guntlet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Black Adam Vs Eradactor
- Jack Hawksmoor vs Midnighter
- kurse vs mangog vs tryant (dp)
- The Authority free for all.
- Dr.Doom vs Lex Luthor/Batman/Ra's Al Ghul
- The Runner vs. Superman
- Captain America Vs Snake eyes
- Darkseid vs Galactus vs Exitar who would still be standing and who would be dead
- Infinity Being vs. Heart of the Universe/Infinite
- Superman runs the Wrecking Crew Gaunlet
- Wonder Woman runs the Wrecking Crew Gaunlet
- Multiple Man VS Bulldozer
- Darkseid vs King Hyperion
- Insane Genis vs King Hyperion
- Thanos vs. Galactus
- Battle Thread Alpha :)
- Luke Cage vs Wolverine with a twist.
- Hellboy vs Luke Cage
- A moments silence...
- Predator vs V for Vendetta
- Marvel AND DC against this team
- fire fight
- Redshift vs Loki
- Defenders vs Mighty Avengers
- Zuggernaut vs. Juggernaut
- Thanos with The Heart of the Universe vs anything DC has!
- Ultimate Battle!
- Loki vs. Baron Mordo
- Infinity Being vs. Lucifer Morningstar
- Wrecking crew Vs Superman w/twist
- Eternals VS Imhumans VS Deviants
- Takion/Highfather vs Kismet/Eternity/Infinity
- Luke Cage vs Batman
- Odin vs. Depowerd Tyrant
- 300 Spartans vs 300 Roman Legionnaires
- Eradictator Vs Captain Atom
- gem warfare
- Superman/Batman v. Captain America/Doomsday
- Exitar!
- Surfer/Firelord vs Thor/Beta Ray Bill
- Cap and Wolverine vs. Spiderman and Toxin
- Unicron vs Lord of the Splinter Realm
- Thanos vs Silver Surfer,Martian Manhunter & Immortal Hercules
- King Hyperion vs King Thor
- Unblooded Predator versus Predator....
- WW, MM and the Incredible Hulk vs Thanos
- Gather your Heroe's to save 616 earth
- Unicron vs Five characters
- Engineer II vs Karima Shapandar
- Karima Shapandar Omega Sentinel vs Warmachine
- King Hyperion vs Count Nefaria
- Marvel Earth is in Danger!!!
- Apollo/Midnighter vs Spartan/Void vs Quantum
- man w/ bald head & chair vs man w/ patcheye & an army vs boy w/ blue coat
- Wonder Woman vs. Firestorm
- Apollo/Midnighter vs Gladiator/Wolverine (bone)
- Wrecker (At his peak) Vs Mindless Hulk
- Vulcan (Summers) runs the Gauntlet + stage two.
- Thanos & Darkseid vs Team Eternal
- mutants vs eternals
- Sentry vs Darkseid
- Vulcan vs Comet Man & Living Laser
- mongul vs war hulk
- fire lord vs phoenix
- Living Monolith & Current Juggernaut vs Gladiator & Vulcan
- V for Vendetta & Daredevil vs Vargas
- Could anyboy below Eternity beat Topographical Man/Full use of Power Gem & Space Gem
- How many do they take down?
- Stiltman vs Crazy Quilt
- The GodWave vs The Anti Life Equation
- 300 spartans vs 300 klingons
- Apollo vs Wonder Woman
- Thanos w IG vs The Forever Woman
- Wonder Woman vs Absorbing Man Round 2.
- Jack of Hearts vs Vulcan
- Unicron vs. Asgard
- Evil Ernie vs Wolverine, Sabretooth, and the Gorgon
- The Hulk vs...THE PHOENIX!
- Who can beat the duo of Current Superman & Classic Thor?
- Sunny (from I-Robot) vs Data (from TNG)
- Mageddon vs. Imperiex
- SuperNan Vs Cyclops (Not what you think)
- Marvel Girl (Rachel) vs. Marvel Girl (Jean)
- Batman/WWH v. Spiderman/Gladiator
- TMNT Vs Captain America and Wolverine
- 6-D Beings vs 5-D Beings?
- Geo- Force vs Nova
- Captain Atom Vs. Thor
- Wonder-Man Vs Captain Atom
- Phoenix vs Galactuses
- who would you choose to build and run your company.
- vishanti vs celestails
- Sentry vs Wonderwoman
- Best rolemodel 2007 contest
- The Maestro vs. Wonderman
- Another X-Team vs The Authority
- So, what would happen if....
- Genis vs Surfer vs Sentry vs Zemo
- Evil Molecule Man vs. Anti-Monitor
- Spiderman vs SLs
- ahem... two thing in one