- Amazo VS Cyborg Superman
- Despero VS Larfleeze
- Surtur & Dormammu Vs King of Tears & Anton Arcane
- NoBody Vs Daredevil
- Superman vs Thor: The Ultimate Hero Challenge
- Superboy vs. Stryfe
- The Shade vs. The Void
- Enchantress (DCnU) Vs Enchantress (MU)
- Best Damage Soak...
- DC's Young Ladies vs. Marvel's Young Ladies
- Hunter Prey Doomsday Vs The Sentry/Void
- Puck vs Taskmaster
- Captain Atom vs Captain Marvel
- Hercules vs Pitt
- Mr Sinister vs Selene
- Pre Crisis Superman vs Thor
- Grifter Vs Iron Fist
- Hulk vs Superman (see details)
- Who would look better?
- Puma vs Time Keepers w/Forever Crystal
- Loki & Dr. Doom vs....The Sentinal
- Thanos with a Cosmic Cube vs Galactus with the Ultimate Nullifier...
- DC's Females Vs Marvel's
- Team DC Vs Team Marvel
- Lobo Vs Plastic Man
- PC Superman vs Superman 1 million
- Puck vs Black Widow and Medusa
- Annihilus (Current) vs Kid Lobo
- WB Hulk vs Pre Crisis Superman
- Thor vs Shazam *(Feat War)*
- Kubik vs Galactus
- Iron Fist VS Green Goblin
- Iron Fist VS The Gorgon
- Swamp Thing Vs Lobo
- H/P Doomsday Rampages on DC Earth
- Team Marvel vs. Team Imperiex
- Batman vs Iron fist
- Catwoman vs Blackcat
- Daredevil & Black Panther Vs Grifter & Midnighter
- Black Cat & Black Widow vs. Huntress & Vixen
- Wolverine vs Black Widow
- Feat WAR! Lobo vs Hulk
- Captain Marvel vs Black Bolt
- Phoenix Force vs Tiamut the Communicator/Arishem the Judge
- Doomsday vs Eternals
- Psylocke vs Phobos
- Iron Fist vs. Sebastian Shaw
- Lady Shiva Vs Honduro Kishu
- Thanos/Void/Superboy Prime vs ...
- Gorgon vs. Archangel
- Archangel vs. Midnighter
- batgirl (cain) vs daken
- Wolverine vs wolverine
- Destroyer Armour vs Galactus (in arm wrestle)
- Hulk vs Juggernaut-The War Of Fts
- Morrison's JLA Vs Johns JSA
- Hawk & DCnU Hawkman Vs Spider-man & Archangel
- Bizarro VS Solomon Grundy
- Dr. Polaris VS Sinestro
- Gamora vs. Sabretooth
- Thor vs Hulk (arm wrestle)
- Silver surfer vs Superman 1 million
- Pre-Crisis Fatal Five Vs DCnU JLA
- Pre-crisis Persuader Vs Beta Ray Bill
- Hercules vs Ares (Marvel)
- Hulk Vs Everything
- Can Thor........?
- World Breaker Hulk-Who can beat him?
- Count Abyss vs Shuma Gorath
- Hulk vs Ego
- Batman Vs Moonknight
- Beat the clock
- Superman vs Orion.
- Pre retcon Molecule Man vs Thanos w/Infinity Gauntlet.
- Ultimate Galactus vs Ego...
- Can Persuader's Atomic axe cut through these?
- Meggan vs Thor Girl
- The Super Skrull vs Nimrod...
- Ego Vs Duct Tape
- Imperiex Invades Asgard!
- CIS off Spiderman vs Wolverine/Captain America
- Namor the Sub-Mariner vs WWH
- Adam warlock with power gem vs superman
- Dove Vs Mr. Hyde
- Kaine Vs Condor
- Black Hood (Impact) Punisher
- High evolutionary vs onslaught
- Rank the Empaths
- Hope vs Faith
- Nu-52 JLA vs Cyclop's X-team
- Which is more durable?
- Johns Jsa Vs Perez Avengers
- This X-Men lineup vs DcNu JLA
- Skaar vs. Captain Marvel
- What is your Favorite Super Team?
- Omega Red, Cap, Deathlok Vs OMAC, Frankenstein,Midnighter
- Archangel VS Ares
- Beta Ray Bill VS Atrocitus
- Odin VS Onslaught
- Thors God blast at it's best Part 2 vs
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Hiro Kala w/ WM
- Skaar vs. Thunderstrike
- Midnighter vs Gorgon/Deathstroke
- Midnighter vs Captain America/Deathstroke
- Dooms day vs galactus
- Satan ( spawn) vs mephisto
- Mr. Hyde vs Skinner (Midnight Sons)
- Mangog vs Adam Warlock
- Sentry and Gladiator vs GL gauntlet
- Class 100+ Spiderman vs High Tier beings
- Superman vs Thor-The feat war.
- Iron Fist VS Frank Castle (No Super Powers Brawl)
- Spawn vs Exitar
- Sabretooth vs Captain America
- Multiple Man VS The Gorgon
- Wolverine vs Iron fist
- The Stranger vs Darkseid...
- Spawn vs Carnage
- Thor with no hammer vs Supreme.
- Catman versus The Punisher
- Dick Grayson vs. Ted Kord
- Clyde Wyncham & HOM Wanda Vs Lucifer & Michael
- Adapt and overcome???
- Cosmic Red Skull vs New 52 Justice League/JLA Big 7 (Morrison Run)
- Superboy vs Rogue
- Colossunaut vs Juggernaut
- Atum vs F/P Tyrant
- Steel vs. Nova
- Sentry and Black Adam vs Superman and Thor
- War Machine vs Wonder Man
- Captain Marvel/Black Adam vs Superman/Majestic
- wwh vs 8th day juggernaut
- Brawlers
- Anunakis vs kryptonians
- Black Adams one shotting gaunlet
- Monguls vs Hulks
- Metallo & Metal Men vs. Absorbing Man & Wrecking Crew
- The Thing Movie vs Aptom from Guyver
- Captain America vs Spider Man h2h
- HP Doomsday vs SBP
- a Blind Dr. Doom, with no arms and legs and a slight case of Cerebral Palsy vs. Rhino
- Thor Vs Black Adam Definitive Battle feat war
- Majestic vs KC Superman
- Beast vs Sabretooth
- respect thread for beast?
- Here`s to Scoobless and His Newborn Baby Girl!!
- Monarch VS Eclipso
- Gladiator vs Superman
- Odin VS Xavier (With the Mind Gem)
- Venom vs. Wolverine
- Despero (Best showing) vs Doomsday (Best showing)
- Darkseid VS Dr Doom
- Storm V Classic Wonderman
- Voltron vs
- Imperiex vs Lucifer Morningstar
- Krang VS Dr.Doom
- Uber Henshaw runs the Gauntlet
- Prime Hulk Hogan vs. Prime Undertaker vs. Prime Sting
- T 1000 vs Ultron
- Hercules vs Wb Hulk
- High Evolutionary vs The Stranger...
- Thor vs galactus(see details)
- Blackest Night: War!
- kronos vs Zeus
- Superman heat vision
- The Living Tribunal Vs Every Being Under Him
- Adam Warlock vs Gorgon(Tomi Shishido)
- WorldBreaker Hulk vs World War Hulk vs Nul vs War Hulk
- Illuminati vs Count Abyss
- Immortal Hercules vs. PC Mongul
- PC Darkseid, Validus, HP Doomsday VS Cyttorak
- X-Man (Shaman/most current) vs Lobo
- Justice League VS Current Uncanny X-Men
- William Arcane Vs X-Man
- DCnU JLA Vs Avengers
- Parliament Of Trees Vs Guardians of the Universe
- PC Darkseid vs Odin/Zeus
- OMAC & Blue Beetle Vs Iron Man & War Machine
- Mopee Vs Molecule Man
- Colossanaut vs WWH
- Karate Kid vs. Marvel Ares
- WB Hulk vs Superman (see details)
- Thor Vs Rulk The Definitive Battle Feat War
- Hulk & Rulk Vs HP Doomsday
- Darkside and Thanos vs The Stranger...
- SaberTooth vs X-23
- Thor vs Captain Marvell (not DC one)
- Set/Shuma Gorath vs Odin/Surtur
- Silver Surfer/Thor vs Genis Photon Vell/Sentry
- KMC home of the idiots
- the last post
- Hercules vs Fing Fang Foom
- The perfect description of KMC
- Sentry vs Lord Marvell
- Gorgon vs Wolverine, Daken, X23
- Order These Guys In Physical Size
- Nul vs WWH
- Mr.Freeze VS Captain America (movie version)
- Hulk vs Mangog(the strongest version) in arm wrestle
- HP Doomsday Vs KC Superman & Cap Marvel
- Red Hulk vs Colossus (Cyttorak)
- KC Superman & KC Billy Batson Vs Thor & Beta Ray Bill
- Thanos vs Chthon
- Which of the 3 Brainiac 5's is the most intelligent?
- Starjammers Vs Atari Force
- Hiro Kala vs Magneto
- Team Punisher vs. Team Captain America
- Black Bolt vs Iceman
- Hulk vs Wolverine
- Batman VS Taskmaster
- Karnilla vs Loki
- Who can Replicate Superman pulling 1/3 earth feat
- Cyborg Superman vs. Reed Richards
- Sinbad vs Maxima
- Adam Warlock W/soul gem&Nova vs Sentry&Morg
- Full Power Tyrant runs the growing gauntlet...
- Thanos runs the growing gauntlet...
- Hank Henshaw vs Loki...
- Maxam vs Ulik
- Taskmaster VS The Gorgon (In a Sword Fight)
- Wonder Woman vs Nimrod...
- Franklin Richards vs Thanos...
- Agatha Harkness vs Madame Xanadu
- Nul vs X-Men(The Same X-Men Roster that fought WWH)
- Cat Woman vs Black Widow
- Femme fatale
- mister sinister vs gorgon (shishido)
- Cosmic Armour Superman vs Living Tribunal
- Firestorm vs. Ray vs. Kyle Rayner vs. Captain Atom
- The Renegade Vs Despero
- Metron vs. Rip Hunter
- the void vs lord mar-vell
- WW3 Black Adam vs. Kurse
- Sentry ( no void) vs. Lobo
- Firelord vs. Wonder Woman
- Race of Imps Vs Beyonders
- Spiderman vs...Wonder Woman
- Thor Vs The Sentry
- Void vs Annihilators
- Most Durable guys in comics
- The Sentry vs Superman
- Morbius vs 1.Venom 2. Carnage
- Firelord/Thor vs Mr. Majestic/Wonder Woman vs Air-Walker/Fallen One
- Firelord/Nova vs Terrax/Namor
- Firelord Vs Dr. Strange
- Top streets vs Untouchables
- Classic Molecule Man and Classic Beyonder vs...
- Supreme Chancellor HENSHAW!!!! vs thor....
- Moonstone (T-Bolts) Bloodlusted versus Bloodlusted Mint Berry Crunch
- Battle of the Heavy Hitters (Last Man Standing)