- Lex luthor vs dr doom chess match
- Alexander luthor Jr vs The Maker
- Luke Cage vs. Armor
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Dagger
- Hellion vs. Cloak
- Sniping Contest Challenge
- Negan vs Hitman
- Magik vs. Lady Sif
- Nick Fury vs. Doctor Druid
- Trinary vs. Bullseye
- Longshot vs. Doctor Doom
- Hal Jordan & Kyle Rayner vs Silver Surfer & Shaman Nate Grey
- Who would you hire as an assassin?
- Darkest Knight vs IG Thanos
- Brainiac 13 vs Fourth Celestial Host
- Where is Phil? Sophia, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
- Hellion vs. Psycho-Man
- Captain America vs Batman who has the greater willpower
- Spider-Woman vs. Titania
- Rate in power
- Cosmic Herald Thor, Terrax and Silver Surfer vs the Phoenix Five.
- The Serpent vs Gorr
- Havok vs. Abomination
- Rogue vs. Mad Thinker
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Box
- The Worthy 5 vs Phoenix 5
- Authority vs Avengers
- Red/Blue Power Rangers (comic) vs Peter/Miles Morales
- Korvac vs Monarch
- U.S. Agent vs. Wildcat
- Thor vs. Wonder Woman --- piercing durability contest.
- Hellion vs. Manta
- Cannonball vs. Box
- Meltdown vs. Puck
- Superman vs Thor and Silver Surfer
- Phoenix Five Namor vs Silver Surfer.
- Pick 1 character then pick there light weight version
- Name 5 cool characters who carry swords
- Sage vs. Nitro
- Hyperion vs. Tiger Shark
- Bishop vs. Morgan le Fay
- Lex Luthor vs Cosmic Thor
- Which senses helps the most in surviving
- Vision vs. Magik
- Which comic book arc had the most powerful line up of characters
- Badabing vs Post Recton PR
- What would your Ultimate Legion of Doom look like?
- Strange Visitor Superman vs OK Thor and Odin
- Team One Million Vs Team King Thor
- current DC cosmology mxy vs classic beyonder
- Magik vs. Groot
- Wolfsbane vs. Doc Ock
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Mirage
- Strongest street level character
- Thor vs Silver Surfer [Fight and contests!]
- Dr Doom vs Mr Oz(Jor-El)
- Trance vs. Warlocke
- Guardian vs. Sabretooth
- Hobgoblin vs. Moonstone
- She-Hulk vs. Guardian
- Frenzy vs. Venom
- Cannonball vs. Moonstone
- Can Hulk rotate the Wheels of Mageddon once?
- Name 5 People that can beat Superman if stats were equalized
- Order these guys by most powerful
- H'el vs Fernus
- Cosmic Raptor vs. Phoenix Force
- Hyperion vs. Xorn
- Chamber vs. Snowbird
- Nova vs. G-Type
- Aquaman vs. Hercules
- Vyndktvx vs Hyperstorm
- Rating the magic users by feats
- Thor vs Hercules (with stips)
- Captain Britain vs Wonder Man
- Nimrod vs Vision
- Warrior Madness Thor vs Berserker Orion
- Casey Jones vs Frank Castle melee
- Order these guys by intelligence
- Mr Mxyzptlk vs Nekron
- Heroes and Villians switch, who wins
- Armor vs. Sandman
- Juggernaut vs. Hydro-Man
- Hellion vs. Mastermind
- Shaman vs. Abomination
- Apocalypse vs. Griffin and Sandman
- Intelligentsia vs. Ultron
- Shazam vs Nimrod
- Nekron vs Abraxas
- If there was a really good comic about these guys which would you read first?
- Bishop vs. Deathbird
- Dr.Fate ( Kent Nelson ) vs Dormummu
- Mon-El vs Gladiator
- Thor and Mjlonir vs Superman
- Who is the dumbest character that could beat the hulk
- Dumbest character that could beat Corona
- Who is smarter in terms of manipulating and tricking people?
- Fresh ideas - DC and Marvel
- Red Hulk vs HP Doomsday
- If these guys could have it their way what would they accomplish
- Negan vs Hun (IDW TMNT)
- Wonder Woman Vs Superman (Stipulations)
- Thor vs Ares & Hercules
- Odin vs. Man-Thing
- Black Widow vs. Gideon
- Nick Fury vs. Crule
- Marvel Boy vs. Invisible Woman
- Aurora vs. Kitty Pryde
- Vision vs. Iceman
- Frank Castle vs Negan
- Pick 3 to defend you. The other 3 will come after you
- Thing vs. Juggernaut
- Hernan Guerra vs unworthy Thor
- Red Lantern Supergirl vs Silver Surfer
- Energizer vs. The Bear
- Gee vs. Mister X
- Nimrod vs Gladiator
- T'Challa vs Black Lightening
- Order these guys buy gear level
- Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow vs Wolverine
- Jason Todd vs Daken
- Jason Todd vs Venom
- Darkseid vs Genis-Vell
- If Tony Stark was real name 3 inventions you would want from him to help humanity
- Plutonian vs. Kal Kent
- Sentry vs Plutonian
- Phobos vs. War Machine
- Hulk vs. Multiple Man
- Butterfly vs. The Vanisher
- Which Celestial Fighting Weapon wins
- Prep War
- Is the DC Multiverse truly infinite?
- Wonder Woman vs Hercules & Ares
- Best Planets/Moons/Stars lifting/destroying feats
- Doctor Fate vs Herald Thor
- Mera & Tempest vs Firelord
- Pick 3. The other 3 will fight them
- Sabretooth vs T'Challa
- Whoes armor looks cooler, Batman, Deathstroke or Red Hood?
- Spider-Man vs. Prism
- Namor vs. Firebird
- Venus vs. Mangog
- He-man (Master of Eternity) vs Cosmic Thor
- Nimrod vs Tyrant
- Thought Robot Superman vs The story of Superman
- Bane vs Wolverine - Slugfest
- Juggernaut vs. Vertigo
- Longshot vs. Arclight
- Falcon vs. Harpoon
- The Daleks (comic version) invade DC and Marvel Universes
- You gain the skill and abilities of a street level character. Who would you pick?
- Who are the counterparts for these marvel characters in DC
- Order these guys by skill
- Smallville Monitors vs Shi'ars, Krees and Skrulls
- Superboy Prime vs Adam Destine
- Candlemaker vs The American Scream
- If Beyonder is 100 where are these guys
- Greatest reality warp by feats
- Phantom Stranger vs Rune King Thor
- Hyperion vs Red Son Superman
- Pixie vs. Gentle
- Hellion vs. Enchantress
- Wasp vs. Pixie
- Mr. Fantastic vs. She-Hulk
- Black Winter vs Beyonder
- Who's the fastest by feats?
- Fin Fang Foom vs. Darth Vader
- Cosmic Thor vs. HOM Scarlet Witch
- X-23 vs. The Hood
- Winter Soldier vs. Tombstone
- Siryn vs. Thing
- Could Cosmic Thor solo Krakoa?
- Top 5 versus debates on comic versus
- Supreme vs Hyperion
- Ion (Sodom Yat) vs Herald Thor 2 rounds
- Doctor Polaris runs the Hulks gauntlet
- Darkest Knight & Perpetua vs PR Beyonder & Molecule Man
- Team Supes vs Team Marvel
- Aquaman vs Firelord
- Mercury vs. Speed
- Aurora vs. Venom
- Cosmic Thor vs Mad Celestials
- How Far Off Is This List
- Golden / Silver Capt. Marvel vs Cosmic Herald Thor
- Mcu Vs 616
- Darth Vader vs Frank Castle
- Does Mjolnir being magic effect the outcome of Superman vs Thor
- Choose your superpower [part.....*insert number*]
- Red Hulk vs. Moonstone
- Invisible Woman vs. Pixie
- Armor vs. The Leader
- Ms. Marvel vs. Catseye
- Wolfsbane vs. Pyro
- Can Spiderman on his best day hurt Aquaman
- John Constantine vs Vril Dox
- Red Hulk vs. Cannonball
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Fenris
- Nick Fury vs. Jessica Jones
- Captain Marvel ( Billy ) vs Hyperion
- Butterfly vs. Juggernaut
- The Black Lanterns enter the Cancerverse. What happens?
- Mr. Mind vs. Carver
- Shaman vs. Human Torch
- Vindicator vs. Griffin
- Sentry/Void vs Superboy Prime
- Snowbird vs. Omega Sentinel
- Hellion vs. Nova
- Brainiac 5 vs Kang
- Superman & SBP vs Herald Thor & RKT
- Gentle vs. Juggernaut
- Warpath vs. Blob
- Colossus vs. Guardian
- Darwin vs. Moondragon
- Mongul vs Thanos H2H
- Veil vs. Cloak
- To the moon and back, who's the fastest?
- Hulk vs. Avalanche
- Iceman vs. Bishop
- Puma vs. Purple Man
- Warpath vs. Sabretooth
- Hulk vs. Warpath
- Beta Ray Bill vs Warpath
- Captain America vs.
- Marvel Boy vs. Aurora
- Sunfire vs. Guardian
- How many wins do these get against DOS Doomsday
- High end Surfer vs Average Hulk and Average Superman
- Killer Croc vs. Beast
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Anole
- Tatsumaki challenge
- Butterfly vs. Blob
- Speed vs. Hulk Killer Humanoid
- Scarlet Witch vs. Mastermold
- Metron vs Reed Richards
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Box
- White Lantern Kyle vs Rune King Thor
- Falcon vs. Catseye
- Longshot vs. Victor Alvarez
- Speedball vs. Puppet Master
- Jessica Jones vs. Moon knight.
- Vision vs. Rictor
- Renegade Hal Jordan Or Herald Thor
- US Agent vs. Bucky Captain America
- H'el vs Nate Grey
- Dr. Nemesis vs. Lady Deathstrike
- Havok vs. Omega Red
- !!!The Official Dragon Ball vs. Comics Thread!!!
- Firestar vs. Nimrod
- If Thor is 100 then where are these guys?