- John Constantine Vs Thanos
- - Wonder man -
- henSHAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vs thanos...
- Cable vs Ms. Marvel (Danvers)
- the You gauntlet
- If you could write a MARVEL VS DC story, what would be the premise?
- DOS Doomsday vs Etrigan
- Hor vs Dr.Doomor vs Thanoseid vs superior venom/yellow lantern
- Cyborg Superman vs Sentry
- Human torch & Iceman vs Wally West
- Sebastian Shaw Vs Val Armorr
- Thanos with Gauntlet equipped vs. Living Tribunal
- Silver Surfer vs This team
- Wonder woman vs Jean grey
- Loki, Kang & Ultron vs Thanos
- Surfer & Terrax vs Superman & Wonder Woman
- Wrecking Crew vs Kmc
- Cyber vs. Romulus
- Gorilla Grodd -Vs- The X-Men
- Thor/hulk amalgam vs namor/Dr.doom amalgam vs Wonder woman/jean grey amalgam
- Martian Manhunter vs God cable
- Solo every mutant on earth...
- Phase 3 -Vs- The Avengers
- One Piece vs Blue Area Vets X team
- Black Panther -Vs- Gorilla Grodd
- Battle Suit Lex Luthor vs. Mandarin
- The ULTIMATE Definitive Feats Thread
- Rulk, Ironman & Ms. Marvel vs. Frankenstein, OMAC & Warblade
- Iron Man vs. Lex Luthor
- GA Supberboy Prime w/PowerGem runs the Gauntlet
- Emma (Phoenix) vs Sentry (Death Seed)
- Tournament/Battlezone: Suggestions and Concerns
- Carnage vs Hawkman
- Who Can Defeat This Amalgam
- The Annihilators -Vs- The Justice League of Avengers
- What if Batman (read Op)
- WWH vs 25 Things, 25 Colossus, 25 Luke Cages & 25 Sasquatchs
- Amalgam battle
- Thor/hulk amalgam vs black widow/storm amalgam vs Rocket raccoon/hercules amalgam
- Peak Power Proteus vs Thanos....
- Apollo vs. Skaar
- Superman/Hyperion -Vs- Silver Surfer/M.Manhunter
- DS Sentry vs The Infinity Man
- wonder woman vs teleport
- Juggernaut and Hulk vs Black Adam and SHAZAM
- Fantomex vs......
- The Fulcrum Vs Primal Monitor
- This amalgam vs my amalgam vs my other amalgam
- Thanos Vs H/P Doomsday
- Dr Doom vs Superman
- Thanos with CC vs Post Retcon Molecule Man
- Wolverine vs. Beast
- Zoom and dr.Doom vs thanos and darkseid
- golem's amalgam vs my amalgam vs my other amalgam
- Who's older?
- DC VS. Marvel-attribute ?
- Blade vs Wolverine Villains Gauntlet
- Sherlock Holmes investigates Walter White
- Superman prime vs Zeus
- Superboy prime vs Thanos
- The Justice League of Avengers
- Doctor Doom vs Thor
- The Fulcrum vs CA Supes
- Legion of Three Worlds VS Worldbreaker Hulk, King Thor,Void Sentry
- Now -Vs- Nu
- Shathra vs Lizard
- Darkseid vs B&T Thor
- Hellfire Club vs. The Elite
- What If Superman stayed at is orignal Power level/Abilities
- Warlock(Technarch) vs Plastic Man
- The Defenders -Vs- Darkseid
- The General Vs The Destroyer
- 616 Hulk vs Ultimate Thor
- Terry Mcginnis Vs Winter Soldier
- Warlock w/IG vs The Endless
- Fulcrum vs The Endless
- Fantastic Four vs Justice League
- Groot vs the Thing
- Superman's physical feats vs Batman prep feats
- Peter Peterilli vs Spiderman
- God team vs Galactus
- Doctor Doom and Iron Man vs Hulk
- Green Goblin vs Deathstroke
- Flame of Py'tar Despero Vs V&V Despero
- G'Nort Vs Super-Skrull
- Marvel Ares + Gear vs Superman in a face to face fight
- Death Seed Sentry VS Worldbreaker Hulk
- Mera Vs Aquawoman
- The New Gods Vs The God Killers
- Most incorruptible hero, most irredeemable villain
- DC VS. Marvel-century of Sentinels
- DC VS. Marvel-mentality ?
- Jenny Quantum VS King Thor(REIGNING)
- How many wins can Ultron get against these 3 characters?
- Thor vs Havok
- Remake a comic character
- Your X-men team vs my X-men team
- Black panther vs Deathstroke vs1610 Captain america
- Batfamily brawl
- Naruto verse vs Elite heralds
- Enchantress Vs Gamemnae
- Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man vs Thor
- Black Panther showing
- Locus Vs Volthoom, the First Lantern
- The Living Tribunal vs. The Fulcrum
- Future Thor/KT vs Thanos
- This Amalgam vs Thor hand to hand
- Ion 1 Vs King Thor
- The Runner Vs Mangog
- Who can beat The Darkness?
- character with the best personality
- The New King Of The Trans Tier is.....
- Superman Prime( Guardian Amp) VS Thanos: Test of Strength
- Ultraman (Ant-Matter Universe) Vs Hyperion (712)
- Brutaal Vs Masterson Thor
- Invictus Vs Mrrungo-Mu
- This Team vs Who?
- Team Cable vs Team Hawkman
- Captain America Vs energy blasts
- Starro the Conqueror Vs Perrikus
- Queen of Fables Vs Morgan Le Fay
- Krona Vs Afro Magus
- Popularity Vs Longevity
- Pre-Crisis Invisible Destroyer Vs Annihilus
- Lord Mar-Vell Vs Synnar
- Guardian Amp Prime Vs. Thanos Fist Fight
- Lord Marvell vs Loki
- Death Seed Sentry VS King Thor(REIGNING)
- OWAW Superman vs The Void
- Captain Cold vs The Mandarin
- Firepower rank em!
- Loki vs. Vulcan
- Pre-Crisis Superboy Vs OWAW Superman
- Pre-Crisis Legion of Super-Heroes Vs The JLA
- Ghost Rider thread #7: SHAZAM
- Ultra the Multi-Alien & Jemm Vs Ronan & Super-Skrull
- Keep Calm And Save Krypton
- The Ghost Rider -Vs- The G-Six
- Me and my son arguing Xmen vs. Naruto
- Dracula Vs Andrew Bennett
- Circe Vs Selene
- Adam Warlock with Vampiric Soul Gem Vs.
- Kilowog Vs Air-Walker
- Fallen One Vs John Stewart
- Larfleeze Vs Thor
- Penance Stare vs Batman
- Ghost Rider Vs Gotham (ReadOp)
- Overlord, Xorr the God-Jewel, & Tenebrous vs ???
- Loki Vs Sinestro & Hal
- What 6 Heralds can beat this team of three with CIS off?
- Zoom Vs Zoom
- Loki Vs GL Hal
- Plastic Man vs Super Skrull
- League of Ancients Vs Great Society
- Top 3 toughest villains per Hero
- Heroes of Earth
- The Weird Vs Starhawk
- Genis Vs Waverider
- Ronan Vs Arkillo
- Tyrant -Vs- The JLA and The Avengers
- Odin vs Synnar
- Overlord Vs Overmaster
- Lord Malvolio Vs Stardust
- Thor. Superman. Annihilators.
- Hal Jordan Vs Captain Marvel (MU)
- Ikaris Vs Wraith
- Selene Vs Plastic Man
- Last Team Standing
- WW3 Black Adam Vs Count Nefaria
- Alan Scott & Kyle Rayner Vs Captain Universe & Starbrand
- Sinestro Vs Terrax The Tamer
- Hercules vs. Blackheart
- Captain Atom & Major force vs Superman & Lex luthor
- Loki & thor vs thanos
- Death sentry vs loki vs Dr Doom vs count Nefaria vs John Constantine vs Shazam
- Would you kill?
- The Injustice League Vs Loki
- Who is the biggest Comic book Collectors in KMC
- Hyperion (712) Vs General Zod (Russian)
- Preus Vs Red Hulk
- Red Shift Vs Guy Gardner
- Who can perform this feat?
- Thanos vs Osiris(Marvel)
- Fix the world.
- Morg Vs Atrocitus
- Supreme Powers Hyperion Vs Red Son Superman
- The Weaponer Vs Firelord
- Ultraman vs Blue Marvel
- OWAW Superman vs Exitar
- Can he be stopped???
- SIEGE and Void Sentry VS KMC
- Team Superman -Vs- Team Shazam
- Team Thor -Vs- Team B.Marv
- Brute Strength VS Exitar: THE DESCENT
- loki vs thanos
- Atlas Vs Ghost Rider
- Pre-Zero Hour Mon-El Vs Beta Ray Bill
- Orion Vs Adam Warlock
- SHAZAM Vs Black Bolt
- Majestic VS Corvus Glaive
- The Progenitor vs Thanos
- Superman -VS- Thor (w/ stips)
- Proxima Midnight vs Pandora
- Atlas Vs Atom Smasher
- "exitar-lifter" Rogue vs. this space team
- Superman VS Sun God
- Gladiator Vs Eradicator
- Kal-L Superman Vs Hyperion NOW
- Thor and Iron Man vs Hyperion
- Sun God Vs Mr. Majestic
- Hyperion vs Shazam
- Banner Hulk vs Loki
- proxima midnight, Angela and Gamora vs wonder woman, Big Barda and Lady shiva
- The League Vs Team Gladiator
- Death Sentry vs Galactus
- Bruto the strongman vs juggernaut vs Hulk vs skaar vs drax & thing vs Rulk vs A-bomb
- Guy Gardner & Kilowog Vs Nova & Super Skrull
- Peter, Clark, Matt: biggest cheater
- Frankenstein vs. Captain Britain
- Black Manta & Deathstroke vs. Midnighter & Grifter
- Manchester Black vs. Super Skull
- Starro, Despero, Brainwave vs Brainiac, Fernus, Manchester Black
- Which fictional comic book city least like to live?
- Donald Pierce vs Luke Cage
- Fazia Hussain(Excalibur) vs ????
- The Martian Clan Vs Avengers WORLD
- Proxima Midnight & Calera The Oldstrong vs. Genocide & Wonder Woman
- Great society vs Authority vs superman, Batman, martianmanhunter, Dr fate and flash
- Team Thor -Vs- The League
- Death Sentry vs Superman
- Who would give these Heralds a good fight?
- Ronan, Super Skrull, & Blastaar vs Living Monolith, Magneto, & Executioner
- Trigon (DC) vs Galactus
- Raven vs. Jean Grey
- Proxima Midnight vs Hyperion
- GL Corps Vs LoSH
- Team Lex -Vs - Team Aquaman
- Blackbolt & Quasar Vs Captain Atom & Firestorm
- No Justice, No Peace!
- Star-Lord vs booster gold
- The Defenders of the Universe -Vs- The Earth's Mightiest Supervillains
- Goku(fusion Oozaru,SSJ4,SSJG,LSSJ) vs Superman,Doomsday,Galactus,Darkseid,Thanos,Thor
- Death Sentry vs Sun God
- Ronan vs. Hercules
- Black Bolt vs. Hyperion
- Earth's Mightiest Supervillains - Vs - The Defenders Of The Universe
- Sun God vs Hyperion
- Flash tries to speed steal the following characters:
- Rematch Silver Surfer vs Apocalypse