- Heavyweight Showdown
- Arishem vs Thanos, Pre Crisis Superman, and Dr Strange
- Timber Wolf vs Sabretooth vs Beast Boy
- lady deathstrike vs deathstroke
- puma/beyonder vs owen/parallax
- Dr. Strange vs. Adam Warlock
- Kurse vs Namor the Sub-Mariner & Immortal Hercules
- Professor Hulk vs Black Tarantula,Armadillo & Man-Bull
- Joker,Lizard & Protocide vs Lex Luthor,Kingpin & Erik Killmonger
- orion vs apocalypse
- despero vs professor hulk
- Classic Abomination VS Classic Drax
- Captain America vs Scorpion
- Team TK VS Team Physical
- Doc Samson vs Doctor Octopus
- Heroes only !!!!!
- rachel summers vs the fury
- Asgardian Destroyer vs. Tyrant( full powered)
- Mongul vs. Thanos
- Savage Hulk vs. Kurse
- Scathan the Approver vs Tiamut
- Apocalypse vs. the Fantastic Four
- Punisher vs Lizard
- Lobo vs. Black Bolt
- DC/Marvel: Even It Up
- Archangel vs Green Goblin
- Sailver Samurai/wolverine V The Hand?
- Imperiex Prime vs Galactus (Eating Contest)
- glad/hyperstorm vs hulk/superman
- hyperstorm vs darkseid
- Hyperstorm vs. Molecule Man
- You and you're most favorite street level character vs The Kingpin
- darkseid team vs supermans team.
- Dr. Doom vs Electro
- The Asgardian Destroyer vs Kirby Darkseid
- Ultimate Wolverine Vs Classic Wolverine
- Maestro vs. Sentry
- Hulk Vs Super Skrull
- Mr.Fantastic Vs Dracula
- Batman vs Blindness & Deafness
- living monolith vs apoc
- Mongul,Lobo & Ulik vs Shrapnel Hulk,Gladiator & Spikey Thing
- Thaons vs. DareDevil with a twist
- vulcan vs. the void
- Son of Satan gaunlet
- My Battles
- Prometheon/Cosmic Power,Gladiator/Captain U & Morg/Full Power vs Justice League
- Ronan vs. Warlock (No Soul Gem)
- Invisible Woman VS Shadowcat H2H only
- Mangog vs any version of Darkseid
- Real Physics Vs. Comic Physics
- Back to Basics
- Rune King Thor vs Thanos/Power Gem,Adam Warlock/Soul Gem & Professor X/Mind Gem
- Captain America/Utlimate Avengers vs Comic Book Batman vs Classic Spider-Man
- The Mask vs Franklin Richards
- batman vs the question (battle of wits)
- fury/jaspers vs rachel/franklin/hyperstorm
- professor hulk vs thing and depowered juggernaut
- Archangel vs Captain America
- the sexiest woman in marvel and dc
- Captain America Vs. Sabretooth(without adamantium upgrades)
- Thing Vs Juggernaut
- owen reece vs mr m
- Wolverine vs. Dracula
- Ghost Rider vs. Ghost Rider.
- Sentry VS His own Death
- Ghostrider VS Etrigan
- 4 Heralds vs All-Star Superman
- Thanos team vs Thor team
- DareDevil vs Blade
- Green Lantern, Silver Surfer, Quasar, Superman, Captain Marvel, Gladiator, Firestorm,
- The Beyonder/Most Powerful version vs Mister Fantastic/15 weeks of prep
- Grifter VS Wolverine
- Loki,Stardust & Pagan vs Darkseid/No Anti-Equation
- Extremis Iron man vs Apocalypse
- Terrax vs. Morg
- Wonder Man vs. Vulcan
- Spider-man vs. Mole Man
- Neptune vs. Odin
- Shaman X-Man vs. FF4
- Ultimate Vigilante Team Contest!
- Kid Devil v.s Ultimate Nightcrawler
- Frankie/Apoc/Celestials vs Nate/AdamWarlock/Imperiex
- ULTIMATE marvel versus
- Elders of the universe vs. Galactus and the Celesitals
- What enemies would spider-man not taunt
- Geeks and Freaks versus Jocks
- Stardust vs Firestorm vs Guy Gardener
- galactus vs franklin richards
- white crown phoenix vs lucifer morningstar
- Doomsday vs This Team
- iron man vs savage hulk
- Onslaught hulk vs Darkseid and Thanos
- Pre-Crisis Superman vs Tyrant
- Has Juggernaut ever fought the original Abomination ???
- Morg (WOL) versus Darkseid
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Savage Hulk vs. Immortal Hercules
- molecule man vs dr strange
- Living Tribunal/Spectre vs First Fallen/Phoenix Force
- Wolverine vs. Iceman (with a twist)
- Mystique runs the Gauntlet O' Thugs!
- Cap fights spidey villains!
- Morg/Power Cosmic/WOL runs the gauntlet
- Gronk,Helio & Phobius vs Deathstroke
- Godlike Ones vs Classic Ion
- Elektra vs. Marrow
- Atlas vs Giganta
- Rogue Vs Scarlet Spider
- Luke Cage vs Crossbones
- Despero vs Sentry
- black atom, captain marvel vs superman wonderwoman
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Daredevil, Spiderman and Immortal Hercules
- Dr Strange at his best vs Image god and satan
- Hercules vs Beta Ray bill
- Spiderman vs. Daredevil
- Annihilus vs Apoocalypse
- darkseid vs onslaught
- Rogue vs Protege
- Predator runs the Gauntlet
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Magneto
- Spiderman 2099 vs Black Panther
- spiderman and hulk vrs thor and wolovrine
- Celestials vs Phoenix Force
- Despero vs Hercules,Wonder Man,Gladiator
- Wolverine, Blade, Cap, and Spidey run the Predator, ALIEN, and Terminator gauntlet.
- Classic Wendigo vs Frightful Team
- venom vs namor
- Extremis Iron man vs hulk
- Aquaman vs. Emma Frost
- Hulk and Juggernaut
- sabretooth vs wedingo
- Superman vs Sentry(No end until death)
- Doctor Doom runs the gauntlet
- President's Task Force v.s Apocalypse and his 4 horsemen
- Spawn vs. The Darkness.
- X-Men villains vs Entity,Alpha Mutant & The Shadow King
- Wolverine,Sabretooth vs Predators
- X-Men vs Apocalypse
- 6 Powerful Blasts vs Thor
- Silver Surfer/Captain Universe runs a short gauntlet
- Cyborg/DC,Garrison Kane & Deaths Head II vs Nimrod,Master Mold & Bastion
- Hulk & Colossus vs Dinodroids
- wolerine vrs batman
- Savage Hulk vs. the whole Jedi from Star Wars
- Black Panther vs Silver Samurai
- conan, snake eyes, and drizzt vs tmnt
- Batman vs Daredevil(movie versions)
- current thanos vs neron
- Scarlet Witch vs Zantana
- stardust vs superman
- The Sinister Six versus the Hulk
- Daredevil and Elektra (Vs.) The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Wolverine runs the Predator, ALIEN, and Terminator gauntlet.
- Goddess vs Apoc/Thanos
- Superman and Flash vs Ice Man and Beta Ray Bill
- HOM Scarlet Witch,Vishanti & Merlyn vs 5th Dimension/DC
- Red SKull vs Kingpin
- Galactus/Well Feed vs This Team
- Thor vs Nova Blast x 2
- Blue Devil vs Hellboy
- hulk/apoc vs quasar/superman
- Better Vigilante The Punisher Or Batman?
- Aquaman vs The Fantastic four
- Marvel Sports Football
- X-Man vs. Fernus
- Blade vs Green Goblin
- All those abstract topics are useless
- Test of durability - who survives?
- HOM Wanda vs. the Magus with the IG
- Sabertooth vs Hellstorm
- Aquaman vs Wolverine
- Doom invades Themyscira!
- Parasite vs Clayface
- Reed with the UN (Recent) vs. Quasar with UN vs. Korvak with UN
- The Living Tribunal Vs. Phoenix of the White Crown
- Destroyer/Normal Size vs Silver Surfer & Drax the Destroyer/prior to Power Gem
- Apocalypse Vs. Superman
- The Asgardian Destroyer (when he is 2000feet tall) vs Galactus (full power)
- Mangog and Morg vs. The Asgardian Destroyer
- Namor and Wonderman vs. Immortal Hercules and Thing
- Fight Gauntlet Xtreme
- Apocalypse and Sinister versus Dr. Doom and Magneto
- avenger vrs hulk , geins-vell, dardevil,dr stange, fan 4
- Ghost Rider,Colossus & Sinister vs Nimrod
- Team DC Vs Team Marvel
- The Shroud vs Daredevil
- Doc Ock vs 200 sit-ups
- Lex Luthor vs Apocalypse
- The Leader Vs. Lex Luthor
- Mr. Mxy and Batmite vs. Reed with the UN and THanos with the IG
- Deadpool and Wolverine versus Classic Venom
- Classic Spider-Man vs Superman with a twist
- Thanos vs. Lucifer in a match of Wits
- Atlas & Merged Hulk vs Lobo
- taskmaster vs batman
- Batman vs Speedfreak
- Team Herald vs DC Earth
- magus vs doctor strange
- doc octopus vs wolverine
- Bullseye vs Multiple Man
- Wolverine versus Thanos in a 5' x 5' Adamantium Cage
- Gladiator w/ Hal Jordan's Mind run Gauntlet
- Gladiator/Hulk vs Storm/Thor
- Clark vs. Heroes
- Storm VS Raven
- Elektra
- Martial arts melee
- DC Zeus VS Marvel Odin
- X-Factor VS WildCATS
- Batman vs Superman (with twists of course)
- Top X-Villains versus Elite Justice League
- Spiderman-Man vs Batman
- Team Perfect vs Team Ugly
- Hyperstorm vs. Demonstaff
- Power Girl vs. Wonder Man
- Stardust vs Mindless Hulk
- Hyperstorm vs. Odin
- Zatanna vs. Shuma-Gorath
- Superman vs Darkseid
- Dr. Strange vs. Dr. Fate (Carter Hall)
- Ion Vs Fallen One
- Helix vs Abomination
- silver surfer vs DR.fate
- batman vs superman
- Luke Cage,Iron Lad & Havok vs My Sinister Six
- Warpath VS Luke Cage
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Despero H2H
- Trigon the Terrible issues a Challenge to The Word.
- lobo vs beta ray bil
- Omega Red v.s Hawkman
- Prometheus Vs. Batman
- Hyperstorm vs. Atum the God EaterI
- Diabolik vs. The Punisher
- Classic Ghost Rider vs Jack of Hearts
- Loki vs. DC Ares
- Isis vs Ganymede
- Zoom vs Ajak,Makkari & Sprite
- Big Barda vs Namor
- spiderman/carnage vs venom/hobgoblin
- This Team vs Darkseid
- Jaspers/Hyperstorm vs
- Hungry Galactus and his Herald the Silver Surfer invade DC Earth!
- Thanos vs Amazo
- Eternity Family vs Mad Jim Jasper & Phoenix Force
- Mad Jim Jaspers vs ???
- Shaman Nate Grey vs Vulcan
- Thanos vs Vulcan & X-Man
- dr strange vs odin
- Darwin vs Random
- dr strange vs darkseid