- Wolverine vs Puck
- Puck vs Spider-man
- Kingpin VS Jason Wynn
- Batman vs Nightwing/Robin (Tim)
- Thanos vs. Darksied's Creations/children and Elite Guantlet
- Onslaught vs. The weakest Celestial you can think of
- Gladiator Vs Quicksilver, Havok, Cyclops
- Black on Black Crime Round One
- Thanos vs Darkseid
- HawkMan/Red Tornado/StarFire vs. Iron Man/Mar-Vell/Wonder Man
- The Illuminati vs depowered tyrant
- Metallo vs Iroman
- Mister Mxyzptlk vs Team
- Batman vs Thanos
- Unicorn vs Spider-Man
- Motherbox + Apokalips Tech Superman V Silver Surfer
- nemesis runs a cosmic gauntlet
- FireStorm/Metamorpho vs. Sersi/Smart Absorbing Man
- Robin (Jason Todd) vs Nightwing
- Guy Gardner [GL] vs Firelord
- Batman and Nightwing v Spiderman
- Waverider v Stardust
- Superman v Nova (FRankie Raye) and Air Walker
- Gambit vs. Deadpool (give it a chance!)
- Batman and Green Arrow vs Captain America and Hawkeye
- Archenemy,Mangog & World War Hulk vs Authority
- The Hunger Vs Thanos W/ IG
- One shot Wonders!!!
- Imperiex Prime Vs Superman Prime
- WWH vs Magneto
- darkseid(8th century from foundations) vs black adam(ww 3)
- Stranger vs Moderatly fed Galactus
- Demolition Man vs. Tombstone
- Havok w/nexus vs Galactus
- Thundra vs Tiger Shark
- Surtur vs. Superman 1M
- Black Adam/Superman/Wonder Woman vs. Thor/Beta Ray Bill/HULK
- The Champion (Tryco Slatterus) vs Wonder Woman
- Luke cage and Spiderman vs Grey Hulk (in sunlight)
- This Team part 2 vs the JLA
- Ravenous vs Earth Mover,Iron Cross & Ultimo
- Ultimator vs. Anti-Monitor
- Thor and BRB vs Thanos
- Who Survives In This Marvel/DC Rumble!?
- vulcan/gladiator vs ronan the acusser/superskrull
- Superman/Thanos/Black Adam WWIII vs Darkseid/Thor/WW Hulk
- Yuga Khan vs. Tiamut
- Takion vs. Surtur
- Terra vs. Dazzler
- Aquaman vs. Apocalypse
- Tenebrious and Aegis vs. Thanos/Darksied/Depowered Tyrant
- WOL Morg vs. H/P Doomsday
- Plastic Man vs. Magneto
- High Evolutionary vs Darwin vs Professor-X & Magneto
- Sentry vs. WWIII Black Adam
- Shapeshifters Vs Strong guys
- Death's Head II,Death Metal & Alkhema II vs World War Hulk
- Shanzar vs Dr Strange
- Major Victory vs the world [sort of]
- battle royal
- Photon vs Nora Freeze
- thanos,superman(sundipped),odin vs darkseid,black adam(ww3),shazam
- JLA vs. Tyrant Depowered
- Apocalypse vs. Gladiator
- Depowered Tyrant Vs Darkseid and Thanos
- Gladiator vs. Juggernaut
- Hellboy vs Wolverine
- savage dragon vs the wrecking crew
- Classic X-men/Spider Vs. General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross
- Marvel vs DC -- Top Tiers
- Dormammu vs Anti-monitor
- Awesome Android vs Super-Adaptoid
- Can Batman complete this gauntlet?
- Captain America VS The Silver Samurai & Iron Fist
- Flash vs Blackbolt
- Flash vs World War Hulk
- Megga vs WWH
- invisible woman/mr fantastic vs storm/black panther
- Tenebrous and Aegis vs Green Lantern Corps
- superman(sundipped)vs black adam (ww3)
- Daredevil VS. Shang-Chi
- Fallen One vs Black Adam
- thanos w/ig/un/cn/ vs mutants
- Dagger vs. Aurora
- Gladiator vs. Master Mold
- Dr. Strange vs. Shadow King
- Dagger vs. The Black Queen
- Onslaught vs Mad Jim Jaspers
- Batman (With the Batman Beyond suit) VS Iron First
- mr fantastic vs classic juggernaut
- Super-Adaptoid vs Ravenous
- tk Psylocke vs. Invisible Woman
- WWH Vs Wonder Woman
- My team vs ???
- Doctor Strange (classic) vs. Walker
- Gamesmaster and Apocalypse vs Onslaught
- Kratos vs WM Thor
- Binary/Wonder Woman/Sersi vs. Black Adam/Black Bolt/Major Force
- Grendel-Prime vs Deadpool
- This Team vs JLA
- Eternal Champion vs Deathstroke & Deadpool
- Raiden/Mortal Kombat vs Midnighter,Wolverine & Batman
- superman(sunamped) vs orion(downright furious)
- Exodus vs. Stryfe
- Archangel vs Spider Man
- Thanos vs Reed Richards/Dr. Doom/Lex Luthor
- Captain America Vs Agent Bishop
- Exodus/Holocaust/Magneto vs. Effigy/Grayven/Dr. Light
- Quasar and Nova vs Thor
- Dreadnought vs Punisher,Riddick,Bullseye & Marv
- Spider-Man vs Black Mamba, Black Widow & Black Cat
- Team Sentinel vs Superman
- Firestorm vs Firelord
- Husk vs. Thing
- Scalphunter vs. Captain America
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Sersi
- Exodus vs Sersi
- Geo-Force vs Super Skrull
- Red Tornado vs Ironman
- Ronan vs Ares (marvel)
- Cyclops VS. Gambit (hand to hand)
- Giant Man vs Two Sentinels
- Ares (Marvel) vs Zealot (WS)
- Wolverine vs Zealot (WS)
- Cyclops VS Bishop
- Thanos, Darkseid & Depowered Tyrant vs....
- Impossible odds Any street leveler who can beat Zeus in Olympus Marvel Zeus)
- Zealot (WS) vs Captain America
- Xmen vs JL
- Thanos with the Heart of the Universe vs. DS merged with the Source
- Amazon Artemis vs Zealot (Wildstorm)
- Team Ares vs Team Thor
- Thanos,Sentry & Morg/Full Power vs Odin & Depowered Tyrant
- Apocalypse tp vs. Jean Grey tp
- Spiderman vs. Cap Wolverine and Daredevil
- Richard Dragon vs Batman
- My amped street team vs Alien invaders
- Team fighters w/prep vs bloodlusted/raged non fighters.
- Hulk vs Superman (Not what you think)
- Midnighter vs Backlash
- heroes vs heroes
- Zoom or vs Somebody with omnipresence
- aquaman vs attuma
- Moondragon vs Daredevil hand to hand combat
- Apocalypse Gauntlet
- Daredevil & Batman vs Triplehammer & Diamond
- Kurse/w Cyttorak powers vs ???
- Deathblow vs. Punisher
- Backlash vs. SPiderman
- Zuras vs Overmind
- Marvel Psychics vs. the GEoM
- Demogorge vs Tyrant(depowered)
- The Runner vs Zoom
- Celestials vs. The Quantum Mechanics
- Zoom vs any Marvel speedster
- Zoom vs. SBP
- Slapstick vs Midnighter
- Most powerful martial artist in DC, Marvel, or WS
- Zoom vs WWH
- WW, Sersi & BRB vs Powergirl, Gladiator & Thor
- Current Hulk vs. These 4
- darkseid vs black adam(hand to hand)
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Fantastic Four
- Surfers Gaunlet
- WWH vs. Fantastic Four
- Thanos/Uni-Power/Mind Gem vs Anti-Monitor,Mad Jim Jaspers & Fury
- Wonder Woman vs Warpath
- Big Barda vs Warpath
- Thanos Vs Odin
- Popeye vs He-Man
- Frank Castle vs Robocop
- Woodgod vs Luke Cage
- The Living Tribunal runs the Gauntlet
- WWH vs Superman Twist
- Northstar/Aurora Vs. Zoom
- Thanos runs the gauntlet
- uber teams face off!!!!!
- Darkseid runs the gauntlet
- Popeye vs Classic Juggernaut
- Firestorm/Beta Ray/Maxima vs.Captain Atom/Martian Manhunter/Stardust
- Kill or be killed Knock down drag out no holds barred fight to the death!!
- 32 Man Ultimate Showdown Bracket(Top Tier)
- Bruce vs Batman
- Team E vs Team R
- Droog vs Classic Sasquatch
- Odin (with reality gem), Onslaught, Apocalypse, and Korvac vs One Celestial
- Terrax runs the Gauntlet
- 3somes that go together....
- Punisher and Daredevil vs Batman villains
- Omega Flight vs. Mighty Avengers
- current cyborg superman vs sundipped superman
- Lex Luthor & Doom vs Marvel earht
- Fearfactor (The superhero edition)
- Onslaught, Sentry, Odin vs One Celestial
- Danger Man(Marvel) vs Colossus
- Silver Surfer vs Sentry
- Manchester Black vs WWHulk
- Krypto Vs. Sentry's Watchdog
- the warbound vs the illuminati
- Metallo vs cyborg superman
- Metallo vs juggernaut
- Thanos VS Know Man
- Odin vs. Shuma - Gorath
- H/P doomsday vs. Thanos with the Orb Of Morg
- Deathstroke vs Tombstone
- Team Batman vs Team Ras Street Fight
- Tombstone vs Bane
- Superman VS Urizen
- the Mighty Avengers vs. The Teen Titans
- Storm and Crystal vs. Geo Force and RedTornado
- Black Panther vs. Snake Eyes
- Firestar vs. FireHawk
- brainiac vs grodd
- power princess(zadra) vs wonder woman
- Wong (Dr. Strange) Vs. Kato (Green Hornet)
- Sathanus and Blaze Vs. Black Adam
- Spawn Vs the Darkness (at night)
- wolverine vs iceman
- Gambit vs. Ironfist
- Street Wars: Team A vs. Team B
- Superman 1M vs. Gog (from Kingdom)
- superman vs black adam(both are extremely enraged)
- Rematch heard round the dc universe
- Catwoman vs. Hawkeye
- Bane vs Bone Wolverine
- Krypto vs. Underdog
- These 7 Powerful Villains in a Talk Show.
- Can the Silver Surfer defeat Darkseid at least once?
- wolverine vs kalibak
- Movie: Batman and V vs Wolverine and The Punisher
- the thing vs lobo
- Belasco vs Mephisto
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Thor
- Sersi/Bloodlust vs Nova/Annihilation
- Predator runs the Gauntlet
- Marv vs Robocop
- Black Queen vs Apocalypse
- Thanos/Dp Tyrant/Doomsday h/p vs. All Star Squad
- super girl vs superboy
- Photon Genis vs Silver Surfer
- beat my team
- Batman vs Iron Man
- Ganymede Vs. Wonderwoman
- the thing vs kalibak
- fantastic four vs kalibak
- blade vs black panther
- Arcade vs. Joker
- doc oct vs. Joker
- New Avengers vs The Outsiders