- Superman - Thor - Hulk - Silver Surfer: Pure Physical Slugfest Battle Royale!
- Iron Man&war Machine Vs Vision&martian Manhunter
- Kratos(Chaos Blades) vs Spider-Man(One Webbing Cartridge)
- Dracula/Marvel vs Savage Hulk
- Kratos runs the gauntlet
- Catain Britian vs. Ion ( is not what you think)
- Hourman (Current) vs. The Thing
- Mar-Vell vs. WonderMan
- Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (X-Men) vs. The Four Horsemen (52)
- Sasquatch vs PITT
- Adam X .vs. Longshot .vs. Shatterstar
- Shatterstar vs. Thing
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Thor
- Invisible Women vs. The Claw
- Batman runs the Gauntlet
- Psylocke/Sue Richards vs Destiny/Sersi
- Marvel Dracula vs. Thanos and Darkseid.
- Spawn, Darkness and Witchblade vs the JLA
- Longshot vs Magician
- ultimate characters vs 1 million characters
- Black Canary & Catwoman vs. Black Widow & Black Cat
- Hulk vs Sasquatch.
- vision vs superman
- Biffa Bacon Vs. Franklin Richards (no powers)
- Nightcrawler vs Iceman
- Mystique vs Galactus
- green lantern vs dark pheonix
- Darkseid/Thanos run Gauntlet
- A Important Day In Comic History!
- galactus vs phoenix
- Cyber vs. Gorgon
- Cyber vs Spiderman & Wolverine
- Captain America's shield vs. Wonder Woman's bracelets
- V (For Vendetta) vs. King Leonidas
- thor and beta ray bil vs hulk
- Batman vs Leonidus
- Durability Test
- Savage Dragon Vs Blue Devil
- Shazam and Captain Marvel versus Odin and Thor
- Lord of Chaos and Order (DC) vs. Lord Chaos and Master Order (Marvel)
- Shazam Versus Thunderstrike
- Blackbolt vs................Titans?
- My powerhouse team vs yours...
- V vs Elektra
- Jack Hawkmoor vs Darkness
- Image vs Wildstorm
- Gamora Gauntlet
- The Punisher and nightwing vs The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- SQ vs KK vs HD vs MH
- Scathan vs. Exitar vs. Tiamat vs. TOAA (Celestial)
- Eh?? Somebody, help me out...
- Captain America vs. Trio
- Sabretooth vs Gamora
- Tiamut Runs the Gauntlet
- biggest jobber
- Superman vs. Winterfresh Gum!
- Spider Woman vs. Spider Woman
- Morg (Wol) vs Darkseid (any version)
- Prep battle, 5 minutes is all they get and then it's all out War
- Mister X vs Lady Shiva
- Thors team vs sentry team
- Brawler Sentinel,Ultimaton & Tri-Sentinel vs Superman
- Achilles vs Bushman,Gladiator(Melvin Potter) & Zaran
- Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel) vs Booster Gold
- Meow! A beast show!
- Achilles runs the guantlet
- spidey villains v sentry
- Martian Manhunter vs. Sersi
- Black Bolt vs Grayven
- Thor/Immortal Hercules vs Classic Juggernaut/Gilgamesh
- Adam Warlock vs. Despero
- Kitty vs Flash
- UltimateComposite vs SuperEarth
- kitty pride vs hulk
- superman vs every hulk
- Karnak Vs Deathstroke
- Pel Tavin and Ali Rayner West vs. Beta Ray Bill and The Runner
- Spider-man and Wolverine vs The hulk
- Rune vs DragonMan
- Adam Warlock vs Martian Manhunter
- ultimate thor vs beta ray bil
- The Vishanti vs Agomotto
- Mehpisto vs Dorammu vs Malbolgia vs Annihilus
- Doorman Vs Vanisher
- loki vs dr strange
- Chess Tourny
- Apoc runs Gauntlet
- Clor vs. Psyloke
- Think Tank vs Galactus
- Hulk vs. Longshot
- Invisible Women vs. Vanisher
- Chamber vs. Thor
- Cap and Black Knight v Electra and Black Widow
- Blaze/Kale(GR) and Wolverine run the Gauntlet
- Dr Doomsday vs Hulkernaut
- World War Hulk!
- Thanos(That Faced Odin) vs Shiva & Mandrac
- Three Team battle
- I guess he is gay!
- who,s the weakest character who could stand up to the degenerater beam
- Kaldorei's dream battle
- Doc Sampson vs Metallo
- Dr. Doomsday fight Thanos and Darkseid
- Deadpool & Deathstroke vs T-1000 & T-X
- Infinity Man/Runner vs. Despero/The High Evolutionary
- Morg vs Orion
- Wonder Woman/Martian Manhunter vs. Superman/Captain Marvel
- black panther/storm vs meggan/beast
- What happened to the good debaters on this forum?
- spectre vs eternity and FP galactus
- Cap Marvel vs Spectre
- Surfer's Test
- Blackbolt vs Dr.Light
- Domino Vs Harley Quinn
- Who is the Weakest Marvel CHaracter Who Could Defeat Darkseid?
- Captain Atom vs Post-Crisis Wildfire
- Doom vs superman, wonder woman, and supergirl (twist)
- Batman/Daredevil/Bullseye vs G.I. Joe
- Spiderman and Batman run the guantlet
- Black Bolt runs the Gauntlet!
- Apocalypse vs. 1 Borg Cube
- Rama Kushna vs. Death (Marvel)
- Data,Elder/Predator & Master Cheif are set in the middle of a Borg Cube
- Batman and V (for Vendetta) Gauntlet Pt. 3
- Hulk Runs the Gauntlet
- Wolverine Vs. Sabretooth
- X-Men vs This version of Abomination
- Immortal Hercules run a gauntlet
- Deathstroke Vs Vandal Savage
- Galactus vs The Borg
- Thor w/ Quantum Bands versus Morg w/ WOL
- John Constantine w/prep Versus Batman
- Swamp Thing Versus Iceman
- ultimate thanos vs darkseid
- galactus team vs guardians of the universe
- Spartan 3.0 vs Apocalypse
- Spartan 3.0 vs Ironman
- Darkseid vs. Ganthet
- hulk vs count nefaria
- Booster Gold vs Gambit
- US Agent vs. Black Widow
- Avalanche vs Batman
- This team vs Wolverine
- Cap vs Buffy(not a fight per say)
- Cable & Rachel Grey vs. X-Man & Jean Grey
- Dazzler vs. Storm
- survival battle?
- The Silver Surfer Vs. Wardancer from Defiant
- Bizarro vs. Venom.
- Power of Galactus vs Marvel earth and DC Earth
- who,s the weakest character who could defeat the sandman?with a twist
- Alex Luthor is at it again, can and will Supes save 616?
- Harry Leland vs capt
- Donald Pierce vs
- wendigo vs spiderman
- Villians all out battle
- Darkseid versus Marvel Villains
- street levelers........
- Magneto/Exodus/Holocaust vs. Geo-Force/Maxima/Damage
- Defenders vs. This Team
- Who Could Kill Doomsday The Same Way Twice?
- juggernaut runs the movement gauntlet again
- Moondragon vs. Gamora
- Hulk vs
- Hulk VS ODIN
- This team invades marvel earth
- Booster Gold v.s Blue Devil
- Puck Vs Rock lee
- pineapple thing vs superboy prime
- Betsy Braddock/Jamie Braddock/MJJ vs Meggan/Phoenix Force/First Fallen
- Griffin (DC) vs Spiderman
- Shin Akuma versus Thor
- savage hulk vs. doomsday
- Firestorm vs Black Bolt
- seriously superman cant beat juggernaut
- Thanos vs. ......
- Hellboy v. Thing
- Savage Hulk vs Juggernaut
- Thor vs. Meggan and Invisible Woman
- Wonder Woman vs He-Man H2H
- Team Bologna vs Team Olive Loaf
- Black Cat vs. Night Thrasher
- VS Sections failures
- Mageddon vs. Exitar the Executioner
- Which is tougher
- Ultimate Hawkeye vs Connor Hawke
- namor/aquaman vs green lantern/simon williams
- Superman/Lobo/Orion vs. Gladiator/Hulk/Thor
- The Phantom vs. Batman
- X-Man vs. Beta Ray Bill
- Superman, Supergirl, Wolverine Vs Batman, Flash, Juggernaut
- America vs Europe/Africa Alliance Special Tour
- Jason Blood vs Hulk
- Omnipotus vs Hulk
- Enchantress Vs Zatanna
- Orion vs Black Bolt
- Barda vs. Herculese (Immortal)
- Takion vs. Tyrant
- Giruad vs Oblivion
- Predator vs Master Chief
- Blue Devil Vs Thing
- Thor and Superman vs. Quasar and Sentry
- Husk runs the gauntlet
- TMNT vs drizzt, wulfgar, leonidas, and snake eyes
- Awesome Android Vs. Hulk
- Illuminati vs Heavy Metal
- Team vs Mr Mxy
- He Man vs Gamora
- Thor and Superman vs. Z from Tenchi Muyo
- Apocalypse & Death/Wolverine vs Pluto & Ares
- ZOMG!!! Everybody look here!!!
- Legacy vs Nova
- Cannonball vs Hulk
- Darkseid Vs Onslaught
- Sabertooth vs spiderman
- nightcrawler vs thing
- holocaust vs kalibak vs thing
- Wonder Twins
- savage hulk vs mindless hulk
- Galactus Vs Destroyer (Enchanted Armor)
- Spiderman Unlimited Vs Batman Beyond
- pineapple thing vs Doomsday
- Thor vs. The Leader
- Binary vs. Hulk
- RYU vs KEN
- Captain America vs. Shatterstar
- Multi Eternity/Multi Death vs Extant
- How mouch more effective would Supes be from Kingdom Come in the regular DC universe?
- Ok what the hell
- Beast Boy and Mystique versus Captain America and Spiderman
- Hulk vs Mongul
- Mystique Vs Wolverine
- Genis Vs Darkseid
- Captain America Runs the Gorilla Gauntlet!
- I admits it I am a sock. I am da Judge.
- Galactus vs Anti-Moniter
- Power Boy vs Cont Nefaria
- Mr Fantastic Vs Invisible Woman
- Warhulk/ APOC vs Thor/Loki
- TMNT vs. Captain America, Night Wing, Elektra, and Dare Devil
- Shadowpact Vs Ghost Rider
- You vs...
- A.M.A.Z.O Vs Anyone
- ShadowCat Versus NightCrawler
- Wolverine Vs Vandal Savage
- Vandal Savage Vs Captain America
- Who can Break a Leg-lock from a determined WW?
- Leonardo and Raphael versus Michaelangelo and Donatello
- venom, deadpool, and ghost rider vs violator, blade, and omega red
- Deadpool vs Alienz