- Darkseid (Average) Vs DOS Doomsday
- Dr Doom vs Superman
- Blight vs Knull
- Shuma-Gorath vs Mordru
- Hercules runs the Hulk Gauntlet
- He-man vs Weapon H
- Rune King Thor vs Time Trapper
- Orion vs Thanos
- Hiro-Kala vs Jonathan Kent
- Black Panther vs Mordis
- Annihilators vs Nth metal Golems
- Team Vs 8 Imperiex Probes
- Who in Marvel can match the Eonymous
- Dr. Nemesis vs. War Machine
- Quench and Neon vs. Amped Galactus and Fused Mad Celestial
- Superman vs Cyclops
- Silver Surfer vs Orion
- Current Superman vs Worldbreaker Hulk
- How long should I ban Stiltman and Mr. Mind?
- Dr. Druid vs. Psylocke
- Mxy & Bat-Mite Vs Yellow Aliens
- Eonymous Vs The Hands
- Wolfsbane vs. Zero
- Shadow King vs. Ymir
- Hela vs Black Hand
- Kang the Conqueror vs. Baron Zemo
- Nate Grey runs the gauntlet
- Phoenix Thane vs. Rebirth Superman
- Vision vs. Manta
- M vs. Machine Man
- Shroud vs. Sleepwalker
- Beyonder and Beyonders vs Eonymous and Retconn corps
- Thor (Marvel) vs Thor (mythology)
- The One & Ultra Monitor Vs Scathan & Dione
- Rank these marvel heavy hitters
- I need to talk to someone right now
- Superboy Prime vs True Darkseid
- Imperiex vs Hyperstorm
- What exactly puts Perpetua class characters above Mxy?
- Superman (pre-52) and Superman Clones vs. The Flash Family
- Yukon Jack vs. Omega Red
- Giant Man vs. Polaris
- Hellion vs. Piper
- Xorn vs. Morg
- Thor vs Doomsday
- Black Winter vs DCNU Darkseid
- Thor runs the street gauntlet
- Polaris vs. Agatha Harkness
- Wonder Man vs. Makkari
- Final Crisis Darkseid vs Chaos King
- COIE Anti-Monitor Vs Barbatos
- Blade vs. Black Panther
- Doctor Strange & Adam Warlock vs Thanos
- Cosmic Thor vs Death Seed Sentry
- Hulk and Thor vs Imperiex probes
- Magik vs Zauriel
- Deathstroke vs Batman
- Golden Wonder Woman Vs Odin & Herald Thor
- Elektra vs Batgirl
- Dr. Nemesis vs. Butterfly
- Hela vs. Black Hand
- Spider-Man vs. Kamikaze
- Bishop vs. Wild Child
- Rogue vs. Thing
- Eternity vs Sundipped Superman
- Perpetua vs Cosmic Armor Superman
- Eon vs. Beyonder
- Phoenix Force vs Supergirl
- Jon kent vs Skaar
- Wonder Man vs. Psycho-Man
- Dr Doom vs Dr Robotnik
- Would Bruce/Batman benefit?
- Cosmic Thor vs World Forger
- Weakest character who can replicate the feat
- Quasar vs. Shaman
- who is the best swordsman in comics?
- Favorite minority character
- Mandrakk vs Toba
- Polaris vs. Vanisher
- Cosmic Thor vs the Anti-Monitor
- Gorr and Old King Thor vs Superman Prime One Million
- If Nate Grey is a 100 where are these guys?
- red onslaught vs onslaught
- Match Sundipped Superman feat
- Superboy Prime vs Golden Wonder Woman
- Tarot vs. Ursa Major
- Sunspot vs. Crimson Dynamo
- Lucifer and Michael versus Ultra Monitor and Mr. Mxy
- Thor and Gorr vs The Unkindness
- Hellion vs. Thundra
- Merlin vs. Death
- Bullseye vs Deadshot; who's the better marksman
- Justice League and Avengers swap universes, who does better
- Beast vs. Forearm
- Old Man Captain America vs. Old Man Logan
- Mjolnir vs Lanterns who has the better space cheese
- Blindfold vs. Gamesmaster
- Green Lantern Doomsday vs Gladiator ,Thor and Hulk
- The Unkindness Vs True Form Darkseid
- Galactus (amped) vs HP Doomsday
- Nate Grey vs. Cosmic Thor
- Apex Lex vs God Doom
- Herald of Thunder Thor vs Gog
- God Doom vs Dream
- Cosmic Thor vs H/P Doomsday and 8th day Juggernaut
- War Machine vs. Fenris
- Superman vs. Phoenix Avengers
- Mister Negative vs. Mister Hyde
- The Dirty Dozen--Six Shooters at High Noon!1!
- Black Knight vs. Carnage
- Eternals and Deviants vs House of EL and Red King
- Batman vs Daredevil (stips)
- Pr is a cuck
- Hellion vs. Scalphunter
- Greatest 4th wall breaker??
- Rank DC's cosmic hierarchy in order (Top 5)
- Hercules vs Gladiator by feats
- Who can replicate Taskmaster's feat
- Quintessence vs Council of Godheads
- Wonder Man vs. Mantis
- Doom Slayer vs Ghost Rider
- Masterminds vs Gypsy and Princess Projectra
- Pr is a cuck
- KMC Couples.
- Classic Odin vs The Wizard
- Darth Vader vs. Sue Storm
- ----------- !!! Spring Tourney ODDS!!!! -----------
- Perpetua vs Darkseid
- Icon Vs Gladiator
- Aurora vs. Loki
- Havok vs. Puppet Master
- Polaris vs. Super Skrull
- Wonder Woman vs Red Sonja (Stats Equalized)
- JRJseid vs. KMC Superman
- Thanos vs Mr Majestic
- Final Darkseid vs. BaThomas Wayne
- Current Darkseid runs Thanos gauntlet
- Brainiac vs Phoenix and Galactus
- Hulk Killer Humanoid vs. Spider Queen
- Match the feat
- Beyonders vs Empty Hand
- Dazzler vs. Hulk
- Darkseid, Mordru, Unkindness Vs Knull, Black Winter, & One Below All
- Orion vs Phoenix Thane
- Classic Tombstone vs Classic Wilson Fisk
- Frank Castle replaces the Doom Slayer
- Cosmic Thor vs Mordru
- Darkseid vs Odin and Galactus
- Universe 616 vs Daleks
- Artemis Crock vs Kate Bishop
- Helspont vs Silver Surfer
- Spider-Man vs Black Panther (Death match)
- Winter Soldier vs. Pyro
- Big Bertha vs. Avalanche
- What if the Q Continuum invaded the Marvel U?
- Spidey (bloodlusted) versus The Defenders
- Thanos vs HP Doomsday
- Thanos vs Infinite Man
- Hal vs. GLC
- Hal/Kyle/Guy Gardner vs Superman/Sentry
- How many Green Lanterns would it take to beat Thanos?
- White Bolt vs White Lightning
- Man-Spider vs. Carnage (let's make Parm wet)
- Match vs. S`ym
- Ares vs. Beyonder
- Choose one to protect you, the rest try to take you out
- Great Darkness Saga Darkseid Vs Galactus
- Darkstar vs. Purple Man
- Necro King Thor vs Imperiex
- Rage and Dambo run the KMC gauntlet
- Starfox vs. Wizard
- Hulk vs. Hulk
- Storm vs. Mad Thinker
- Hellion vs. Ultimaton
- Dethlok vs Silvermane
- Wolverine vs. Machine Man
- Wonder Woman (Yara) Vs Valkyrie
- Quasar vs. Dark Beast
- Destiny vs. Ego The Living Planet
- Venom vs. Collective Man
- Martian Manhunter vs Apocalypse
- Kal Kent vs. Knull
- Husk vs. Hussar
- Manta vs. Warlocke
- Batman (amped) vs Superman
- Match vs. Nimrod
- Thanos w/ IG and amped by Ricky Martin vs. True Darkseid afraid of stairs & muggers
- Ironman vs Eradicator
- Batman (Fox) & Batwing Vs Falcon & Night Thrasher
- Herc and Bill walk into a bar...
- Thanos vs Cyborg Superman
- Hellion vs. Grim Reaper
- Joker vs Bullseye
- Kenshiro vs Thor & Hulk H2H
- Phantom Stranger vs John Constantine
- Havok vs. Joe Fixit
- The Unkindness Vs Goblin Force
- Leader vs Ultra-Humanite
- Unkindness vs Skyfathers and Hell Lords
- Suicide Squad v The Defenders
- Kal-El vs Maestro
- Cyborg Superman vs Silver Surfer
- Invincible vs Power Girl
- Vulcan vs Sersi
- Charles Xavier vs Bill Dunn
- Justice League (Future State) Vs Avengers
- Wolverine vs entire mid street tier
- Iceman vs. Centennial
- The Unkindness vs Asgard and Olympus
- Shi'ar vs Red King
- Hellion vs. Titan
- House of El and Red King vs Asgard
- Thanos vs Thor w Beta Club
- Create an Asian Marvel Team
- Unworthy Thor vs Kalibak
- These guys are trapped in a pocket dimension, can they get out?
- Beta Ray Bill vs Orin.
- dceu superman vs MCU Trinity
- Two to beat one, Three to beat one [team busters edition]
- Old King Thor is hit by this, what is the damage?
- Dr. Manhattan vs Perpetua's children
- !!!!!!!!!!!! ------- Spring Tourney! Discussion thread ------- !!!!!!!!!!!!
- The Best of Carver Nine (official thread)
- Armor vs. Red Skull
- Grifter Vs Psylocke
- Forerunner & Batman One Million Vs Gamora & Mantis
- Red Ghost vs. Black Queen
- slower character that can replicate that feat
- Sundipped Superman punch versus Spectre/Mxy
- Weakest character who can lift the Topographical Man!?
- Kang vs Ultra-Humanite
- Which herald can replicate this
- Gambit vs. Mercury
- Bishop vs. The Black Bishop
- Meggan vs. Death Locket
- John Stewart vs Blue Marvel
- Superman vs Kurse
- Thor and Hyperion vs Rogol Zaar
- Falcon Vs Nightwing
- Pyro vs. Bulldozer
- Falcon vs. Piledriver
- USAgent vs. Thunderball
- Batman One Million vs Team Marvel
- Karate Kid & Essence Vs Gorgon & Prince of Orphans
- (Nods to 'Saint) Pre Crisis Superman vs Doctor Strange
- Howard the Duck vs. Destiny
- Storm vs. Living Lightning
- Phoenix vs. Roma
- Max faraday vs classic Beyonder
- Mongul vs Hercules