- Poison Ivy vs Spiderman
- Nightcrawler v.s Cyclops
- Thanos v Superman, Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel
- Batman and Wolverine vs Captain America and Daredevil
- Kingdom Come Gog vs Mangog
- Darkseid vs. Dormammu
- Tyrant vs. Trion Juggernaut
- Power Rangers vs. Batman
- Shuma-Gorath vs. Spectre
- Glob vs Thing vs
- Supremor vs. Cassandra Nova
- The Punisher Vs Blade Vs The Crow
- Heralds of Galactus vs. Other Heralds
- Ganthet vs. Tyrant
- Spider-man vs Kakashi
- war machine (alien armour) vs steel (imperiex probe armour)
- spiderman 2099 vs scarlet spider
- thing vs. venom
- galactus appears in the DC universe
- captian america runs the gauntlet
- Ronin/Deadpool/AgentX vs Batman/Deathstroke/LadyShiva
- Iron man vs Superman
- Do the impossible>kill my team.
- Morg & Jack of Hearts vs. Mr. Majestic & Captain Atom
- captain america v.s Guardian v.s the red guardian
- Pagan vs Cable & Colossus
- Ironman versus Cable
- Pagen and Hulkbuster Iron Man vs. Destroyer
- Gladiator vs Apocolypse
- Shuma Gorath & Blackheart vs Kubik & Shaper of Worlds
- Pitt vs Sandman & Blob
- Sentinels of Magic vs. Dr. Strange Villains
- Lords of Orders and Chaos vs. The Guardians of the Universe
- Gandalf vs. Harry Potter
- Strong Guy VS Thing
- Asmodel vs Odin(Marvel)
- superman vs darth vader
- Superboy prime v.s Mephisto
- all star superman vs. ultimate galactus
- Wolverine/Agent Zero vs Black Panther/Predator
- X-23 v.s Gambit
- Dr. Strange vs. Mephisto
- ShadowPact vs Avengers Illimunati
- Batman, Batgirl (Cass), and Wolverine vs. Daredevil, Captain America, and Sabretooth
- Doomsday vs Mangog
- Superman Prime and Shazam vs. Captain Atom and Martian Manhunter
- toxin runs the gauntlet
- Sentry with Starbrand Vs. Thanos with IG
- Shi'ar imperial guard v.s The heralds of Galactus
- Miho vs. Wolverine
- Best of Batmans rouges vs Batfamilly rouges
- Loki Scar-Lip vs Loki
- Thanos (HOTU) vs The Saint Of Killers
- Firestorm vs. Count Nefaria
- Cannonball vs. Ikaris
- Martian Manhunter vs. Wonder Man & Namor
- Batman and Spideraman v.s Moon knight
- Nova vs Deathstroke vs Spider-Man
- Iron Lad vs. Captain America
- Dr Strange vs Shazam vs Dr Fate
- Psylocke vs Jean Grey vs Emma Frost
- Batman Deathstroke,Lady Shiva vs Sabertooth, Wolverine,elektra
- Hellboy vs
- The Vishanti vs. Lucifer Morningstar
- Adult Kon-el vs Iron Man,War Machine,Wonder man
- Boris Bullski,Kingpin & Bullet vs Wolverine no claws
- fight fight FIGHT !!!!
- The beyonders vs mr.Mxyzptlk
- Ryu vs black Panther
- Shaggy Man,Solomon Grundy & Mongul vs Kurse,Wendigo & Maestro
- Titanium Man vs Sasquatch/Langkowski
- M.U.C.F. (Marvel Universe Championship Fighting)
- Windshear & Diamond Li vs Whirlwind & Quasimodo
- Black Adam & The Majestic vs Ultron & Sphinx
- M vs. Rogue
- M vs. Wolverine
- M vs. Brood
- Chamber vs. Namor
- Future Vs Past ( Spiderman Style)
- which team is the best
- Thor (classic) vs Massacre
- She_Hulk (current) vs Rampage
- Dr. Manhattan vs. Ion vs. Crazy Genis vs. Solar
- Ironman vs. Ghost Rider
- The Green Lantern Massacre
- Crazy Genis vs. 5 green lanterns
- Dr. Spectrum vs. Gl John
- Team Supreme vs Team Superman
- Uroc vs Juggernaut
- Gog vs. Cyttorak
- Captain marvel v.s Sentry
- strange vs onslaught
- Superman v.s The Silver Surfer
- Guile vs. Cap America
- Dare the Terminator vs. Aqua Mariner
- Mephisto vs. Hulk
- Saint of Killers, Lucifer, Michael, The Spectre and Jessi Custer/ Genesis v Marvel
- Imperiex vs. The Celestials
- She-Hulk vs Stompa
- Ultimate Hulk vs 616 Hulk(Savage)
- Man-Thing vs Daredevil
- hellboy vs. ghost rider
- superman v. mephisto
- Wolverine runs the Gauntlet
- Wolverine vs Bullseye
- Thanos w/power ring vs. Living Tribunal
- Young Avengers vs The New X-men
- Nightcrawler, Angel, Wolverine v.s Black Panther, Captain America and Falcon
- The Stranger vs. Darkseid
- Doomsday vs The Avengers
- Gog,Darkseid & Ganthet vs Kubik,Hyperstorm & Stranger
- Dr.Strange vs Talisman & Shaman
- Living Tribunal vs Darksied, Ganthet and Gog
- Pre-Crisis Superman vs. Superboy Prime
- Captain Atom and Captain Marvel aka Photon v.s Sentry and Shazam
- Team A vs Team B
- Cyber,Manacle & Deadpool vs Luke Cage,Puck & Jessica Jones
- The Sentry & Superman V.S. The Void & Superboy Prime
- Wolverine vs. She-Hulk
- can Thanos conquer Apokolips
- Iron man vs War machine (with new armour)
- iron man runs the gauntlet
- X-man and Sunfire and Iceman v.s The Sentry
- black panther vs. spiderman
- Spawn/Captain Marvel vs Superman/Thor
- The Spot vs Night Crawler
- Daredevil runs the gauntlet.
- Annihilus vs. Wendigo
- X- Men And Avengers Vs Jsa And Jla
- bblack bolt vs sentry
- Vulcan vs Cable
- X-Men vs. U-Foes
- Despero vs. Kid Omega, Stryfe, Cable, X-Man and Legion
- Electro vs a hockey puck
- JLA/Avenger All-star team vs. Heralds of Galactus
- Slade vs The Spot
- Adamantium vs. Promethium
- Completed Korvac vs. The Beyonder, nuff said.
- Spawn vs Urthona,Kulan Gath & Karnilla
- Psi-Lord,Uni-Mind & Hyperstorm vs Alpha Flight
- Galactus v.s Nova,Super Skrull,Quasar,Sentry, Ronan, and Genis-vell
- Current Thanos & Morg at full Power vs Depowered Tyrant
- Spawn vs The Hulk
- Onslaught vs Alpha Flight & Teen Titans
- Black Bolt vs. Aquaman
- Windshear vs. Iron Man
- cable vs wonder woman
- Hobgoblin vs Punisher
- Spawn vs Cable
- ArchAngel v.s Sauron
- Spider-man vs Superman (Paper fight!)
- Bat team vs. Team 2
- Mephisto vs Malebolgia
- spider-man vs soundwave... DANCE-OFF!!!
- ult collosus vs ult hulk
- superman vs. the sentry
- Morg w/WOL vs. Depowered Tyrant
- Ronan The Accuser VS. Aquaman
- Team 1 vs. Team 2
- Batman and Nightcrawler v.s Spiderman and Daredevil
- Sabertooth vs Brigade (Imperfects)
- The Disciple & The Redeemers (I/II/III) & Angela Vs. Spawn
- All Out Strength Match
- Silver Surfer & Kyle Rayner vs. Firestorm & Hal Jordan
- Spawn's powers??
- JSA (justice society of america) VS Avengers
- Nova and Mar-vell v.s Thanos
- JLA vs. Avengers #2
- Annihilus,Super Skrull & Scarlet Centurion vs Super Adaptoid,Awesome Android & Ultimo
- Gambit vs Nightwing
- Mutants v Cosmics (again!)
- Tyrant (normal) vs. JLA
- Dr Manhattan(Watchmen) vs. sersi vs Silver Surfer
- Ganthet vs. Gog
- Imperiex and Apocalypse v.s Mr. Majestic and Superman
- Iron Man Versus A Xenomorph Hive
- Deathstroke,NKV Demon & Blockbuster vs The Russian,Unicorn & Strong Guy
- Avengers vs. JLA
- Avengers vs Thunderbolts
- 8th day Juggernaught and Maestro Hulk v.s Genis-vell and Mar-vell
- Ronan the Accuser vs The Mandarin
- The Blob Versus these ramming objects
- Death Ninja vs Deathstroke
- Outsiders Villains vs Ghost Rider Villains
- war machine vs. ultimate thor
- Wolverine vs Elektra
- Juggernaut (classic) vs. Black Bolt
- We're All Gonna Die!
- Bender vs anyone
- Bishop vs. Agent Zero
- First-Age Spawn vs Blade
- Batman/Robin/Nightwing vs. Captain America/Batgirl/Wolverine
- Fourth Celestial Host vs DC
- Captain Marvel aka Legacy aka Photon v.s Quasar
- Captain Atom v.s Superman v.s Mr. Majestic v.s The Sentry
- Venom Vs Carnage
- Multiple man vs Daredevil
- Magneto runs the gauntlet
- Pre-Crisis Superman runs the gauntlet
- Drax runs the gauntlet
- New Sun vs Malestrom
- Iron man vs. Bishop & Shaw
- Marvel vs DC
- Batman Vs. Batmanuel
- JLA vs. Team 2
- Validus vs. Superman and Thor
- Team Alpha vs. Sentry
- Inhuman quintet vs. F5
- Ultimate Dazzler Versus 616 Dazzler
- Ultimate Thor vs. pissed off hulk
- Champion/Power Gem,Hyperion Growing Man vs Gog/Wars Doomsday & Lobo/No replication
- Battle Of The Gods.............
- Scarlet Witch, universal Vs global
- Deadpool,Deathstroke & Wolverine vs ???
- Wolverine vs. Flash
- Thing and Colossus vs Savage Hulk
- Man-spider Vs Man-bat
- Apocalypse vs Super Skrull
- Lobo vs Death's Head II,Death Metal & Adrenazon
- Spider War
- Thor and Batman vs. Superman and Captain America
- The Authority vs JLA vs Imperial Guard
- Cap's Shield vs. Mjilnor
- Venom vs Toxin
- The death of Superboy Prime and Kal-L
- Lex Luthor Vs Macgyver
- Strike/Sneak Team Guantlet...This is WAR!
- Windshear vs. Invisible Woman
- Superman vs Icon
- superman vs venom carnage and toxin
- Ultimate Tournament
- KISS vs . . .
- Batman and The Punisher vs Captain America and Black Panther
- validus vs Thanos
- Gog vs Mangog
- Drax vs Doomsday
- The Shadow vs. Psylocke
- Vampire Wars!!!
- x-factor vs Spider-man
- The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly II
- Mr M (the fifth dimension imp) VS MU
- SUPERMAN vs The STARBRAND (Ken Connell)
- The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly