- Who can beat Wonder Woman one on one ?
- Who is Strongest Outerversal Character ?
- Lucifer Morningstar vs. Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Doctor Doom -Vs- Superman
- Ant Man vs Tombstone
- Necro King Thor vs Avruskin of Pokolistan
- DoS Doomsday take those attacks
- Kurse Vs Zod Faora & Nam-ek
- House Of El: SALVATION
- Green Arrow vs Gambit
- What is Most Powerful Version of General Zod ?
- The Abomination Vs Solomon Grundy
- Iron Spider vs Hellbat
- Rot vs Life Entity
- Lobo (Pre immortality, post neutering) vs Wolverine
- War Thor vs. Supergirl
- A vs. Ultimator
- Pre Crisis Val Armorr vs Quicksilver
- order the versions of The Spectre
- God Cable Vs Tangent Superman
- Shadow King Vs Martian Manhunter
- Superman VS Gauntlet: Who survives Superman's attack
- Injustice Captain Marvel & Black Adam Vs Superman & Captain Atom
- Rebirth Superman W/Yellow Ring Vs Silver Surfer
- Spiderman vs Batman (see details)
- Justice League Dark VS Justice League One Million
- Saturn Queen Vs Exodus
- Manchester Black Vs Moondragon
- Maxima Vs Emma Frost
- She-Hulk vs. Namor
- World War Hulk vs Highfather
- Mawzir Vs SoK
- Superman VS Gauntlet.
- Proxima Midnight Vs Skyhook
- Superman Prime (with the Monitor/Cosmic Armor) vs Thanos with IG
- Fantomex and Mastermind (Martinique) vs Gypsy and Princess Projectra
- America Chavez -Vs - She-Hulk
- Basanos enter Lovecraft verse
- Rank the Endless from most powerful to weakest
- Batman Vs Joker fear factor
- How would Lucifer/Michael do against Cthulhu Mythos top tiers?
- Shiva Vs Ascalon
- Monarch vs. DS, DD, Mongul, Kalibak, Bizarro
- Deathstroke vs Gamora
- Maaldor, Darklord Vs Surtur W/Twilight Sword
- Order by physical strength
- Captain America(Steve) attribute discussion
- Onimar Synn Vs Monarch
- Inbetweener vs. Sphinx
- Nekron vs. Maelstrom w/Anomaly
- Flash Vs Orion
- Destroyer runs the gauntlet
- Ego Vs Time Trapper
- Darkseid and Doomsday vs Thanos and Mangog
- Peak Titus vs. Amped Kurse
- Rank these imps
- Foundations Darkseid & Imperiex v.s. Galactus & Abraxas
- Sentinel (JLA) Vs Nul
- Kismet (DC) Vs Master Order
- OWAW Superman vs Zod and his army
- owaw superman vs 100 000 daxamites
- More fights without powers...
- Wonder Woman & Maxima Vs Grail & Pandora
- The Heretic vs. DCNU Bane
- BCA Galactus vs. Mageddon
- Rank these items
- Apocalypse and Dracula -Vs- Sinestro and Grodd
- Wonder Woman and G.L Hal -Vs- Sinestro and Felix Faust
- Captain Cold and Deathstroke -Vs- Cyborg and Batman
- Order these thors
- Amped Zeus vs. Necro King Thor
- Order these Magics
- Hourman 1M Vs Franklin Richards
- Justice League most powerful line ups
- If Gladiator is 100 in strength
- Tim Hunter (Merlin) Vs Mad Jim Jaspers
- Kid Franklin Vs Jenny Quantum
- Nabu Vs Lord Chaos (Marvel)
- Very interesting Characters that are less popular
- Logos v.s. the Endless
- Squirrel Girl vs Lobo
- H'el vs. Grail
- Winter Soldier Vs Nightwing
- Rogue vs Sandman
- Superman punches the Trans Tier
- Misleading Covers
- Superman vs Iron Fist
- Iron Man vs Rogue
- Morlun vs. Anti-Venom
- Strongest Single Attack
- Name Trans Tier Characters
- Nul Vs Despero
- Thor Hulk & Nul vs. Red Shulk & Jane Thor
- Kluh vs. Nul
- Sebastian Shaw Vs Brit
- Order these Magiks
- Storm vs Iron Man
- WBH Vs Krypton
- Rank these artifacts
- Invictus Vs Thanos
- Dharma Vs Insane Genis
- Maelstrom (IG saga) v.s. New52 AntiMonitor
- Dominus Vs Jamie Braddock
- Thor Hulk vs Green Scar
- Wolverine and Sabertooth Vs Carnage
- Order These lanterns by powerlevel
- Peak Volthoom vs. Dominus
- Rank these fighters
- Colossus Vs Carnage
- Death Sentry, Korvac & Insane Genis-Vell vs. Onslaught, Legion & Phoenix
- Colossus Vs Wolverine & Sabertooth
- Early Volthoom Vs Lord Mar-Vell
- Iron Man vs Colossus
- Superman/Zod/CM and BA vs one hundred thousand daxamites.
- DC -Vs- Marvel
- Worthy Absorbing Man Vs Classic Juggernaut
- SBP v.s. Amazo
- Kurse Vs 2 Imperiex Probes
- Volthoom v.s. Abraxas
- ironheart (riri) vs colossus
- FP Onslaught & Phoenix 5 vs. Serpent & Worthy
- Imperiex Probe Vs Ultron (Adamantium)
- Durability test: Sam Wilson vs Batman
- Black Order vs Imperiex Probes
- Elden (From alien franchise) Vs Wolverine & Sabertooth
- Demogorge runs the gaunlet
- True Legion vs Abraxas
- Classic Mangog vs Starro the Conquorer (Cobi)
- Couples at WAR
- Pick Seven DC Heroes to Beat Marvel's MIGHTY SEVEN
- Imperiex Probe vs. Thor/Beta Ray Bill
- Imperiex Probe vs. Thor/Beta Ray Bills
- David... Brings Death to Marvel!!!
- Ion & Parallax v.s. Larfleze
- Lord Vyndktvx Vs New 52 Darkseid
- Vulcan -Vs- Shazam
- Who can survive this challenge
- I will destroy you!!??
- Jesus vs The Joker
- Ares Vs Constantine
- Thanos Vs Silver Age Mangog
- Return of the Kings
- Flash vs Mera
- Insane Genis-vell vs N52 Darkseid.
- Rank these powerful beings
- Rank these telepaths
- Rank these women
- Hulk w/ rings v.s. Lantern team
- Team Superman -Vs- Team Ultraman
- DC's Imps Vs Marvel's Mutants
- Hype And The King -Vs-- Shazam And Adam
- Who would you bet your last dollar on in this fight ?
- Storm vs. Mera
- MJJ v.s. Legion v.s. Franklin
- Tournament of Power Comic Book style
- Cyborg (DC current) vs. Panther (current)
- King Hyperion Vs Silver Surfer
- Lifting Mjlonir
- Magneto try to control those objects
- Odin vs. Progenitor
- Aqua man vs Nova prime (Rider)
- WBH Vs Classic Mangog
- Rank thes guys base on fights
- HotM Hulk & SA Mangog vs. PC Omega & SA Validus
- Rank these mutants
- Team Thor -Vs- Team Wonder Woman
- Sise-Neg like Genesis vs. Thanos w/classic IG
- God Cable Vs Shaman Nate Grey
- Rank these teams
- Doc Ock vs. Green Goblin
- Rank DCs Elite
- Rank Marvels Elite
- WBH Runs The Imperiex Probe Gauntlet
- Eradicator Vs Son Goku
- Order these teambusters
- Mangog vs Doomsday(H/P-DD Wars-OWAW)
- A-Force on Apokolips
- Which Superman clone is biggest ripoff?
- Whos Stronger Gladiator Or Hyperion
- Darksied Vs Doomsday
- DRACULA invades Wakanda
- Order these robots by power
- biggest single releases of energy
- superboy prime vs mephisto
- Magic Vs Cosmic
- Proteus Vs Deadman
- Harald Jaekelsson Vs. Kenshiro
- Blue Beetle Vs Darkhawk
- Morlun Vs Gotham
- Worst current Marvel writer?
- WWH vs. Tutinax and Titannus
- You Vs Classic Juggernaut
- Nekron Vs Ion Entity
- Celestials vs Oa
- Serpent at his peak and the Worthy invades DC Universe
- Kmc:2099
- Making a movie
- sb prime vs destroyer
- Jonah Hex vs The Punisher
- Destroyer vs human with power gem
- Superman. Hulk. Who feels the most pain, takes it better?
- Dr. Doom Vs Cyborg
- DC Lanterns vs. Marvel Ladies
- Imperiex vs. Adult Franklin Richards
- Grail vs. Multiversal Avengers
- Spectrum & Miss America vs. Flashes: Wally & Barry
- OPM S-class fight: single-digit-ranked vs. two-digit-ranked heroes
- Marvel's Hercules vs Injustice Hercules
- Thor vs Hela
- Bragging rights
- Team Vs Team
- Assemble a Marvel team to take out the JLA
- Blue Marvel vs. GL Mon-El
- Give Me Your 5 ! More Details Inside.
- Jane vs WonderWoman
- Marvel -Vs- DC (Bad Boys Club)
- Professor Hulk Vs Dumb Drax Vs Gorilla Grodd Vs Solomon Grundy
- How many Destroyer Armors can each take
- sodom yat ion vs destroyer
- And Then there was only 14
- Hela vs Thor and Jane Thor
- Zeus Vs SBP
- WS Apollo Vs U Foes
- Lady Bullseye vs. Batwoman
- What if...
- If Injustice Superman is 100%
- Emma Frost vs. Xmen Blue
- Captain Marvel Shazam vs. Gladiator ( feat war)
- Superboy Prime vs Grail
- Imperiex vs Mad Jim Jaspers
- Lizard/Punisher vs. Warpath/Domino
- Grail vs Superman
- Psylocke vs. Gorilla Grodd
- Superman vs Hulk
- Aquaman vs. Selene
- World War Ares
- Dumb Drax vs. Wonder Woman h2h
- canon vs non-canon
- Henchman that get the job done
- Proemial Gods vs Emotional Entities
- Destroyer with Odin soul runs a Superman gauntlet
- Miles Morales vs. Gambit
- Jenny Quantum Vs Tim Hunter
- X-23 (no claws) vs. Paladin
- True Korea vs. Latveria
- anti-man (connor sims) vs infinity man
- Mxyxpltlk Vs WS Authority
- Grail vs Maxima and Wonder Woman
- Grail - Vs - The Cabal