- Fei Fong Wong Xenogears Vs DC/Marvel Verse
- Team Dr.Strange -Vs- Team G.L Hal
- The best villain of 2014
- Famine Vs First Born
- The Female Furies (4 Horsewomen of Apokolips) Vs Cull Obsidian
- Surfer/Thor vs DCNU Superman/DCU Superman
- DCnU Brainiac Vs Brainiac 13
- Koragg vs Deathstroke
- Thanos vs. Impossible Man
- Pound For Pound - Herald Class
- Cosmics vs. Gods
- Team Thor -Vs- Team Ultraman
- Thanos vs Juggernaut
- Hal/Sinestro vs Thor/Beta Ray Bill
- Omac vs Ms.Marvel
- Thor vs Nova Prime
- Aquaman vs...Thor
- Kaine vs. Miles Morales, and Ult. Spider-Man
- Smallville Superman Vs Injustice Superman
- Characters that Cap beat 10/10 with his shield and loses the majority without it😄
- Second or Third Stringers imo vs Marvel Hercules
- American Civil War: Captains vs. Misters
- Firstborn vs. Kurse
- The Sinister Six On Roids -Vs- Superman
- Batman vs Darkseid
- Deathblow Vs Red Hood (No Venom)
- Thor & Bill Vs Superman & Wraith
- Pre-Crisis Superman vs Silver Surfer
- Squirl Girl vs. No-girl
- Xorn vs. Vulcan
- Ironman vs. The Thinker
- Capucine Vs DCnU Lady Shiva
- Cosmic SuperMEN Vs The Annihilators (Tweaked Lineup)
- Cap & Stark's team of reformers -Vs- The Justice League
- PC Validus & SA Mangog VS KMC TEAM ALL STARS
- DCnU Superman Vs Mr. Majestic
- Superman vs Marvel Gauntlet
- Thanos, Superman, WW vs Doom, Hulk, Thor
- The SUPERMAN FAMILY VS Marvel's Cosmic Tier
- Hawkman & Hawkgirl vs. Agent Venom & Spider-Woman
- Spiderman vs Ironfist vs Nightcrawler vs Shadowcat: Amalgam Battle 54
- Dr.Doom -Vs- Superman
- Thanos+Superman. Darkseid.
- Future Flash vs Zoom
- Galactus
- DCnU's Demigods Vs Team Thor
- Flash with Adamantium Sword vs Thor
- Dr. Doom, Magneto & Apocalypse vs Thor
- Ultimate Galactus vs Darkseid...
- Wonder Woman, Human Torch and Iceman vs Thor
- DCnU Legion of Doom Vs Masters of Evil NOW!
- Sinestro Vs DCnU Constantine
- Hulk vs Sinestro
- 10 Iron Mans vs Superman
- Team Titans vs Supermen vs P5
- Which of Gothams streetlevelers would benefit?
- Team 1 vs Team 2
- Cap.America/Batman -Vs- Superman/Iron Man
- team Cosmic Boy vs this team
- Red Hood Vs Bane
- General Zod (Earth 13) Vs Beta Ray Bill
- Classic Mangog vs Hulk
- The House of Wonders Vs Mogo
- who desperately needs a good mini?
- 2014 Kmc Awards
- DC's Mightiest Lanterns Vs Team Phoenix 5 Cyclops
- GOW Uncuffed WonderWoman vs Worldbreaker Hulk
- Black Widow vs. Random
- Fantomex vs. Man-Ape
- Ego/Tyrant vs Odin/Surtur
- Vandal Savage vs Eternal Warrior
- Garazeb Orrelios (Zeb) vs Bronze Tiger
- DCnU Ultraman Vs First Born
- Justice League of Evil Vs The Annihilators
- Team Bane -Vs- Team Cap
- DCnU Ultraman (On Kryptonite) Vs Uncuffed, GOW Wonder Woman
- The Avatars of the Emotional Spectrum Entities Vs Phoenix 5
- Uncuffed, GOW Wonder Woman Vs Thor
- DCNU Wonder Woman, DCNU Superman,DCNU Hal Jordan VS WORLDBREAKER HULK
- Breaker mode
- Phoenix 5 vs Thanos and Darkseid
- Dr. Doom vs Crazy Jane
- Superman & WW (GOW) Vs Hulk & Thor
- The Sin6
- God of War, Wonder Woman Vs Fifty Sue
- Phoenix 5 vs Supermen
- Galactus vs Surtur
- Venom vs. Griffin
- Luke Cage vs. Griffin
- Black Widow vs. Griffin
- Worldbreaker Hulk vs Parasite (Pre nu52)
- King Hyperion -Vs- Count Nefaria
- The Masters Of Evil -Vs- Team Thor
- Justice League Elite vs. marvel silver
- Black Lantern Kal - l/ Black Lantern Martian Manhunter vs Thanos
- Superhero squad vs villains squad
- Binary ms Marvel vs classic thor
- The JLA Vs The Annihilators
- Worthiness
- Lord Marvel vs Injustice (yellow Ring) Superman
- team Hank Pym VS this team
- Whoops
- Bekka Vs Wonder Woman
- Fury & Big Barda (Earth2) Vs Valkyrie & Lady Sif
- "I want YOU on my team."
- Arkillo & Kilowog Vs Super-Skrull & Ronan
- Bekka & DCnU Wonder Woman Vs Angela & Proxima Midnight
- Voodoo Vs Black Cat
- Pre-Flashpoint Wonder Woman Vs DCnU Wonder Woman
- The Annihilators -Vs- Darkseid
- Team Black Panther -Vs- Team Reed Richards
- Who would you rather have on your team Bizarro or Batman and why
- Trinity of Sin Vs Axis of Evil
- DCnU Highfather Vs Zeus
- DCnU Darkseid vs. Eternals
- Frau Totenkinder vs Dream (Morpheus)
- Wally West (As THE Flash, PreNu52) vs Barry Allen
- Forgotten One, Sersi, & Martian Manhunter vs Gladiator, BRB, & Superman
- - The Fantastic Four -
- Wonder Man vs. Magus
- Ironman vs. The Cat
- Future Flash vs Hulk
- Rank these villain/hero rivalries!
- Rank the great Hero/Villain arch rivalries
- Future Flash Vs Current Thor
- Kevin Thorne vs Johnny Thunder
- She Hulk vs. Bane, Deathstroke, Owlman, Deadshot & Bronze Tiger
- Team Daredevil -Vs- Team Bane
- Mystique - Catwoman - Harley Quinn - Black Widow
- Doc Samson vs Colossus
- Ultimate Captain America vs Earth-2 Batman
- Odinson & BRB vs. Ikaris & Immortal Hercules
- Ultimate Galactus vs Apokolips...
- Ultimate Galactus vs The Elders of the Universe...
- DCnU Toymaster Vs Mr. Terrific
- Titans Tomorrow Vs Avengers WORLD
- - Batman -
- Invincible vs Tech Jacket
- DCnU Seven Soldiers Vs Team Super Soldiers
- Punisher vs Man With No Name
- KMC VS The WORLDBREAKERS: Tag-Team Challenge
- Team 7 Vs Team X
- - Martian Manhunter -
- Rulk (Loeb era) vs Zombination
- Superboy Prime vs Classic Mangog
- Legion of Superheroes VS Ronan's team
- DCnU Deathstroke & Ra's Al Ghul Vs Baron Zemo & Taskmaster
- Elijah Snow Vs Baron Zemo
- Metron & Constantine Vs Reed & Dr. Doom
- Kmc Vs Retcons
- WB Hulk/Zoom vs DCnU
- Build Your X-Team
- Superman vs Thor with a twist.
- - Sersi -
- Universal knowledge
- Reed Richards vs WWH
- Who is the top Meta?
- Bronze Tiger vs lady hepzibah
- Superman/ Batman vs Green lantern/Green arrow vs Shazam/Cyborg vs Supergirl/Batgirl
- Last Son(s) of Earth
- - Counter-Parts -
- Dr.Strange and Sersi - Vs- Quasar and B.R.Bill
- - The JLA -
- Etrigan & Thor vs Sy'm & Classic Malekith
- Team Supreme vs Team Omni-Man (Round 2)
- Team Wolverine VS. Teen Titans
- Deathlock vs. Agent Venom
- Guardian (Alpha Flight) vs. Cyborg
- Can the X-Men World replace the Avengers?
- - X-Men World -
- Daimon Hellstorm vs. Loki
- Silverclaw vs Beast Boy
- DCnU Darkseid Vs Monarch
- Sarigar vs Bloodshot
- Cable -Vs- Cyborg
- The Annihilators -Vs- The Avengers
- Outsiders vs. X-Factor
- Uncuffed/God Of War Wonder Woman Vs DCnU Superman
- DCnU Appollo vs. Ikaris
- - Marvel -
- The Coda Vs Three Musketeers (Marvel Style)
- Black Knight (Dane) vs. Deathstroke
- - The Annihilators -
- Betty Ross (HOTM) vs...Norrin Radd
- Can Marvel Counter-Parts Replaces The JLA Big 7 successfully ?
- The Birds of Prey Vs Team Widow
- Damian Wayne, Terry McGinnis, & Batwing Vs Kasper Cole, Batroc, & Bullseye
- The Bash Brothers Vs Team Kingpin
- Wisdom vs. Gentle
- Blue Marvel vs. Legion
- E2 Dark Knight vs Spider-man
- You couldn't beat yourself if you tried
- DCNU Wonder Woman VS NOVA Prime
- - The Defenders -
- Ironman vs. Malice
- Deadpool vs. Wisdom
- Dr. Nemesis vs. Sandman
- Eternals vs Thanos w/Black Order
- Owlwoman (DC) vs Nighthawk (marvel)
- Poison Ivy Vs Doctor Octopus (Classic)
- KGBeast, NKVDemon, & Cheshire Vs Crossbones, Paladin, & Viper
- Red Hood, Grayson, & Jean Paul Vs Winter Soldier, Punisher, & Night Thrasher
- Hyperion (Supreme Power) vs Invincible (Image)
- Ghost Vs Ghost Soldier
- Scourge Vs Captain Steel
- Sinestrollax Vs Injustice Superman (SC)
- Red Lantern Supergirl vs. Yellow Lantern Injustice Superman
- Cyborg, Mr. Terrific & Red Tornado vs. Ironman, Hank Pym & Black Panther
- Azrael, Talon, & Batwing 2.0 Vs Black Panther, Moon Knight, & Ronin
- Batwoman, Black Bat, & Katana Vs White Tiger, Black Widow, & Mockingbird
- Batman, Deathstroke, & Midnighter Vs Captain America, Daredevil, & Taskmaster
- Atrocious vs superman
- Superman Prime VS Death Seed Sentry
- Sinestrollax vs The Worthy
- Which of these characters would be your General?
- The elementalist vs swamp thing vs storm vs crystal vs aang vs red tornado
- Monet vs. Vision
- Ikaris vs. Gentle
- remade heavy hitters brawl
- Hulk (Current) Vs AOA Iceman
- PC Superman vs Superman Prime
- World Breaker Hulk vs The X-men
- Strength Vs Invulnerability
- Iceman vs. Polaris
- Proxima Midnight & Caiera the Old Strong vs. DCnU Doomsday
- H'el Vs The Worthy: To The Death
- Team Superman vs Team Thor
- - The Justice League Dark -
- Ares(DC) vs Fernis Wolf
- Luke Cage, Puck, & Werewolf by Night vs Ares(Marvel)
- Rank them in Order of Strength Only
- SuperDoom vs The Void
- Shadowcat Vs Batman
- Wonder Girl W/Silent Armor Vs Proxima Midnight
- The Council of 8 Vs The Worthy
- Team Kingpin -Vs- Team Cap
- Team Kingpin - Vs- Team Bane
- H/P Doomsday vs Kuurth, Angrir, & Greithoth
- Superdoom VS THE WORTHY
- Jason Todd W/All Blades Vs Midnighter
- Atrocitus the Butcher & Sinestrollax Vs Wraith & H'el
- Quasar vs. Cloak
- Quicksilver vs. Mr. Sinister
- Batman & Captain America vs Lizard
- Sabretooth & Deathstroke vs Black Panther & Captain America
- DCnu Supreman vs Post Annihilation Silver Surfer
- Daredevil and Batman try to up stage each other (F;!:king Showoffs)
- World Breaker Hulk vs GLC veterans
- Worthy Hulk VS DCNU Doomsday: TO THE DEATH