- Johnny Sorrow Vs JSA Mordru
- Arion Lord Of Atlantis Vs Mordru The Dark Lord
- Mighty Mouse vs Superman
- Martian Manhunter-Lobo (Peak)-Captain Atom vs Silver Surfer-WB Hulk-Magneto
- Lokee(DCU) Vs Loki
- Darwin vs Amazo
- Iron Fist vs Richard Dragon
- TAO vs Lex Luthor
- Superman prime vs Top tier amalgam
- sandman vs world war hulk
- Janemba(DBZ Movie 12) vs JLU Amazo
- Thanos vsDC Ares
- Unicron vs New Genesis
- Create a god or goddess
- Spider-man vs She-Hulk
- The Maxx vs Rorschach(Watchmen)
- Poll: Greatest Villain Battle!
- Static Shock vs Spider-man's villains
- Silver Age Mangog runs the Gauntlet
- Herbie Popneker vs Chuck Norris
- Guardian Amp SBP VS Trion Juggs
- 8th Day Juggernaut,Mangog & WWH vs Tenebrous
- Aegis (Lady of All Sorrows) Vs WW
- Tenebrous Vs Superman
- Annihilus Vs Superman
- Thanos & Onslaught vs. Seid & Highfather
- who
- Herald Wars
- Blue Marvel runs the Gauntlet
- guardian powered superman prime vs FULL POWERED galactus (from secret wars)
- Morgan le Fay VS Morgan le Fay
- Namor vs Warmachine
- KMC vs Marvel Metaphysics
- deathstroke vs daken
- The Mandarin vs Namor
- Skreet vs Wonder Woman
- Fallen One vs Gladiator
- Who can beat Mr. Mxyzptlk?
- Abraxas runs the Gauntlet
- The Spectre vs. most powerful Celestial.
- Monarch vs Mephisto
- thanos & superman vs gladiator & darkseid
- Cosmic Showdown - Who is the Most Powerful in Marvel.
- Batman vs. Deathstroke: Prep Battle
- Dr. Manhattan vs. Phoenix (movie versions)
- Ghost Rider vs Onslaught
- Black Terror and Death Defying Devil vs Rorschach and Night Owl
- DC Team runs the gauntlet
- Darkseid vs Ares (dc)
- Mindless Hulk in a Sqauting lifting contest
- TEam war
- Convince Me
- arena fight
- World Wrecker
- Celestials vs Abraxas
- Krypto gauntlet
- Ares (DC) Vs Mordru
- Miss Cosmos Vs Black Bolt
- race across the amazon jungle
- Omega Red vs Ghost Rider
- Batgirl VS the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Deathstroke the Terminator vs Gamora
- Tombstone,Bane & Killer Kroc vs Ironclad
- Morgan Le Fay vs Sersi (Marvel)
- Marvel/DC Armwrestling Contest
- Ares(DC) vs Abraxas
- Odin vs Dormammu
- Odin vs. the Phantom Stranger.
- Siryn vs Black Canary
- Durability vs ... Marvel Bricks
- Phoenix force vs Team
- Mordru vs. Set
- Wakanda vs Terminius
- Hercules (Immortal) vs Apocalypse
- Invisible Woman vs Green Lantern
- Thanos vs Current Marvel Earth
- Battle of the Sorcerers!
- Cyclops runs the street gauntlet
- Lee's Crow vs. Ledger's Joker
- Team Superman runs the Gauntlet
- Nighthawk vs Nite Owl/Rorschach
- Immortal Hercules vs
- Upgraded U-Foes vs This Team
- Orion Vs Mongul
- Darkseid vs Mongul
- SMP VS Current Thor with a twist
- Nimrod vs Doomsday (DOS)
- Rhino vs Ironclad
- Aquaman vs. Namor the Sub-Mariner
- Batman VS Bullseye
- Comic Daredevil vs Movie V
- Current Thor w/ WM and BoS vs SBP
- Implied Force: The Sentry vs Dr. Manhattan
- Spitfire vs. Ghost Rider
- Sersi vs Thor (classic) vs Sub Mariner vs Black Bolt
- Rank these versions of Superman
- Monarch vs Takion
- Movie Marv vs Movie Watchmen melee fight.
- Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson) vs Extremis Iron Man
- Uni-Power Silver Surfer vs superboy prime
- Lightray vs Captain Atom.
- Surfer with IG vs DC
- Light Ray vs. Supergirl
- Thor's Team vs. Surfer's Team vs. Hal's Team vs. Black Bolt's Team
- Team Superman runs the Marvel Gauntlet
- Maxima vs Sersi
- A cock VS a pussy
- Martian Manhunter & Vision Vs Ragnarok
- Void Hound Vs The Void
- DOS doomsday JLA rematch
- Batman vs Batman
- Wakanda runs the gauntlet...
- Sub-mariner vs Black Bolt.
- Sersi vs Blackblot
- Silver Surfer,Hal Jordan,Orion vs. Thor,Firestorm,Superman
- Superman Pime vs Superman Pime
- Black Bolt vs Thor
- Sentry/Blackbolt vs Thor/Gladiator
- Superboy Prime/Thanos/Darksied/Odin vs. Antimonitor/Tenebrious and Aegis
- Sentry, Thor, Silver Surfer. vs. Takion, Superman, Orion
- Black Bolt vs. Blue Marvel
- Darksied vs. Takion
- Bor vs WWH
- One Above All vs The Living Tribunal
- Team Odin attacks The Celestials
- silver surfer at his most powerfull what?
- Team Celestial VS Team Cosmic
- Thanos vs Luthor
- Galactus VS Mephisto
- Depowered Tyrant vs Pre Crisis Superman
- Heralds vs Marvel Earth
- Silver Surfer vs Apocalypse & Mister Sinister
- Odin on highest showings VS a Celestial
- Forgotten One & Sersi vs DOS Doomsday & Nimrod
- Pre-crisis Spectre Vs. Krona With Full Power.
- Highfather and Darksied(Pre-upgrade) And Thier abilities
- Ares vs Strong Guy-H2H
- Team Battle
- Blue Marvel/Anti Matter Man vs Gladiator/Genis Vell
- Titans vs Omega Flight
- Superboy Prime vs This Avengers Line Up
- Tony Stark vs Danny Rand
- Tryant Vs Dormmamu
- The Question vs Rorschach
- Superman (1938) vs. Spiderman
- Tooth and Nail
- Cosmic Extant Vs. Mxy
- Cat vs Dog
- Batman Family vs Marvel Ares
- WWH with red-ring VS superman rime
- Almost no feat Showdown!
- Ares vs Colossus-H2H
- Fresh blood....Baki the Grappler
- Hulk vs The Justice Leage
- Plodex vs. Skrulls
- Thor + Hulk vs Superman + Loki
- Movie Ironman vs Movie Starscream
- Spider-Man with Captain Universe power VS Superman
- Captain Britain vs Professor Hulk
- Exitar and Galactus vs DC Earth
- Batman vs Watchmen (movie fight)
- Thor vs. Anti-man
- Doom
- Whos HF is better? Hulk or Bone claw Wolverine.
- Batman Vs. The Hulk, but...
- xavier vs manhunter pyschic battle
- Colossus vs Hulk: Durability Against Piercing Attacks
- Psycho-Man vs. Psycho-Pirate
- Odin and RKT vs. Maaldor
- Ares(Marvel) vs Thunderstrike
- Dark Avengers vs Classic Avengers
- Despero V and V vs. Mr. Marvel, Sentry, Thor Girl, Moonstone, Hulk, Iron Man
- joker vs ronald mcdonald
- DC Cosmic Deities vs. DC Cosmic Threats
- Bor/Odin/Thor vs Dormammu/Satanish/Damian Hellstrom
- Blue Marvel vs. Red Hulk
- kingpin with two twists vs Deathstroke
- Question about Hand 2 Hand Combat
- Sentry&Void vs Thor&Loki
- Mr Sinister vs Cameron Hodge
- Full Powered Tyrant Vs Dc Earth
- Mojo vs Cameron Hodge
- Thanos vs. Big G's Heralds
- Rulk Vs Hulk with a twist
- Ultimate Assassins
- New Lady Liberators MkII Vs Superboy Prime
- Clone Wars Part II: The Void vs. Bizarro
- Create a Herald or below Amalgam to beat Hank Henshaw
- Who Needs a Shrink!!?!?!?!?!?
- Has any other character gotten as much you know what as thor? On panel?
- Marvel and DC UFC
- DC vs. Marvel Clone Wars part I
- Superman, Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Flash, Wonder Woman,Hal Jordan vs. DP Tyrant
- Superman of earth 2 vs. hercules (marvel)
- Spidey Villains vs Batman Villains
- okay teleports v bricks
- Arkillo(Sinestro Corps) vs Black Adam
- Batman villains vs Dreadnought
- Batman v Professor X
- Psylocke vs Iron Fist
- Wolverine Vs. Queen Hippolyta
- Lady Deathstrike vs Blade
- gambit v spidy
- Firestorm vs. Dr. Manhattan
- Green Goblin vs War
- Firestorm,Maxima,Black Adam vs. Black Bolt,Beta Ray Bill, Sersi
- Crusifer Vs Blade
- New Lady Liberators Vs Superman Prime
- Apocalypse/Absorbing Man/Vulcan vs Ronan the Accuser/He-Man/Guardian I
- Sun Dipped Superman Vs. Spinach Dipped Popeye
- Animal Man vs Krypto
- Movie Fight AGAIN: The return
- full powered Tyrant vs superman prime
- Captain America vs Daredevil with a twist
- A Fight Bracket
- Firestorm/Maxima/Martian Manhunter vs. Sersi/Sentry/Beta Ray Bill
- 3 Healers vs. 3 Strongmen
- Juggernaught vs Konvikt
- WM Thor w/ Power gem vs Abomination, Colossus, Hercules, Thing and Ares (marvel)
- Couples Battle
- Rorschach vs. V
- Team Bat Vs Team Hulk Vs Team Thor Vs Team Flash Vs Sbp
- Lex Corp vs Stark Industries
- DC/Marvel Heramalgams Battle
- Insane Lightray vs. Sadom Yat
- Judomaster, Ravenger, and Batgirl vs. Captain America, Taskmaster and Daredevil.
- Team super Vs team shazam Vs team thunder Vs team gamma take 2
- Phoenix vs Brianiac-Darkseid
- Green Arrow vs Hawkeye
- Judomaster, Ravenger, Batgirl vs. Daredevil, Taskmaster,Night Thrasher
- Firestorm and Sersi vs. Maxima and Black Bolt
- Thor vs Soloman Grundy
- Spidey,Colosuss and Thing vs. Deathstroke, Aquaman and Steel
- Q (Star Trek) Vs Superboy Prime
- How many Sentinels can Deathstroke take by himself?
- Mjolnir vs. Admantium
- Super-Skrull vs Iron Man
- Aquaman vs. Thing
- Wolverine vs. Sage
- Team supes Vs team shazam Vs team thunder Vs team gamma
- Popeye Vs. DC Earth
- Movie Fight AGAIN!!!
- overmind vs nate grey
- Spider-man vs. Colossus
- Gang up on Movie Spiderman!
- The Borg Collective vs. The Shiar' Empire!!!!!!
- team battle