- Savage Hulk and Classic Juggernaut vs. The Fantastic Four and X-Men
- Mad Thor ( with Power Gem) vs JLA
- Inhumans Vs JLA
- forge vs. namor (forge got a whole lotta prep... namor is fresh from the water)
- Green Lantern(Alan) vs Ironman
- Thor w/ magic of the runes vs King Thor
- Kmc vs. Batman
- Fairchild vs She-Hulk (Fist Fight)
- War Games!
- Colossus vs Mortal Hercules
- Team A vs Team B
- Ra's Al Ghul vs Lady Shiva
- Aquaman vs. Ravage
- ultimate amalgam part II
- She-Hulk vs. Superman
- Sentinel(Alan Scott) vs Thor
- Magneto vs Green Lantern (Kyle)
- Thor vs The Law
- Sins past
- Myth Buster: Hercules vs. Wonderwoman
- samurrai pizza cat vs teenage mutant ninja turtle
- bartman vs batman
- Thanos vs. The Authority
- Collosus vs Deathlok
- blade vs daredevil
- Hyperion II vs. Superman
- mindless hulk vs juggernaut
- Rocky vs. Batman
- X-men plus 2 VS. The JLA
- Uber Powerful Flash Runs The Gauntlet
- Ra's Al Ghul vs. Sabretooth
- World War IV (3 on 3)
- Banner-Controlled Hulk vs. Wonder Woman & Superboy
- Onslaught vs DC
- Magneto vs Ultra Magnus
- It:The Living Colossus vs Colossus
- She-Hulk vs Wolverine
- 4 Marvel Powerhouses VS. Doomsday
- Galactus with the Infinity Gauntlet verus the Cosmic Entities of DC/Marvel
- Infinity gems: toughest wielder
- The Ultimates V.S. The X-men
- Zod vs Ultraman
- X-Men vs Villains 2
- Deathstroke,The Terminator vs....
- Hercules vs Magni
- Zod vs. Bizarro
- The Tick vs. The Hulk
- Movie SPAWN vs. Movie Spiderman
- World War III
- Superman vs 15 Wolverines
- X-Men vs FF Villains
- Dr. Doom(Movie Version) VS. Batman(Batman Begins Version)
- Jesse Custer and Constantine VERSUS Mephisto
- Silver Surfer & Genis Vell VS. Solaris
- Sentry VS. Solaris
- She hulk vs Namor
- Movie Heroes royal rumble:
- Silver Surfer vs Orion :Payback!
- Thanos vs. The Asgardian Destroyer
- Full god, full strength Hercules vs. King Thor
- Can those heroes stop the Extra Terristicals of "Independance Day"
- The Defenders vs. The Avengers
- Doctor Strange VS Savage Hulk, Namor and Silver Surfer
- Arm Wrestling Quarter Finals - who will win this mega-contest ?
- Movie Thing vs. Movie Hulk
- Orion vs Full God Hercules
- Me+my kmc friends VERSUS Cap america
- Enraged Wonder Man VS The Fantastic Four
- Cosmic Boy vs Ultra Boy
- Team A vs Team B
- Spawn vs blackheart
- Spawn(inexperienced) vs deadpool
- Surfer vs Sephiroth
- The Flash vs Every DC/Marvel character with these exceptions
- DC Tough Girl Battle
- Dracula Vs. Silver Surfer
- JLA vs Captain America,SilverSurfer,Quicksilver,Thor,Savage Hulk,Namor,ProfessorX
- demigawd Vs. Whirlysplat
- Optimus Supreme vs Colossus H2h
- DC heroes in the secret wars
- ALEMASTER vs. seven year old
- Wonderwoman Vs Superman
- marvel aquaman vs dc aquaman
- 5 against Thanos & Darkseid
- omega red vs war machine
- wonderwoman vs she hulk
- she hulk vs thing
- Dr. Strange's team vs. Superman's Team
- darkseid vs. super-skrull
- Thor + Superman vs Gladiator + Betta Ray Bill
- Mongul vs. Loki and Temugin
- Hydro-Man and Sandman vs. 80 sentinels
- Colossus, the Thing, Rhino, Lizard, and Doc Samson vs. Doomsday
- DareDevil vs. Spider-man
- Strange vs Thor
- The Defenders vs. The Fantastic Four
- Team vs. Team
- Hercules vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Sid Justice, The Undertaker, Diesel, Razor Ramon vs. Spiderman
- Doomsday vs. Classic Juggernaut
- Thor Corps VS. Orion, Darkseid, Kalibak
- Spawn & Batman Vs. Symbiote spidey and venom
- Champion (no Power Gem) vs. Silver Surfer
- Magneto vs. Polaris
- ssj3 Goku vs. Thor
- Darkseid VS. Sentinel Alan Scott
- Punisher vs. Sin City
- Manga Goku vs. Superman [Don't Deleat]
- Thanos vs. Aries god of conflict
- Star Wars comics
- World War 2!!
- who would beat iron man (thorbuster,hulkbuster)
- spawn vs dr strange
- Thanos, Iakris, Sersi, Frogotten One vs. JLA
- Dracula vs. Dr. Doom
- Sav hulk vs Evil Ernie
- Sentry vs Superman Prime
- Hercules vs. Mindless Hulk
- Colossus vs. Hercules
- Elektra vs. Joker
- Darkseid & Zod vs. Solomon Grundy
- Superman vs. Absorbing Man
- Lady Shiva vs. Daredevil
- Captain American Vs. Venom
- Sentry VERSUS Manga Vegeta (dont delete this straight away shocking News inside)
- which team could surviwin this tournement???
- collosuss vs iron man
- teen titans vs young avengers
- war machine iron man vs fantastic FOUR
- Who can defeat this team?
- Phoenix vs Unicron (Full power)
- Galactus vs Joker with Mxy's Power
- iron man & mr fantastic vs superman
- MR vs Mrs popular
- Carcharodon megalodon vs. Juggernaut
- Hercules vs. The Thing
- FF/XMen/Avengers/JLA/Defenders vs Entire Green Lantern Corps
- Mumm-ra versus Skeletor
- All green goblins and hobgoblins to the death
- Doomsday vs Gladiator
- Ultimates vs. Supreme Power
- Doomsday vs Marvel!!!!!
- wolverine v thing
- Deadpool (no powers) vs. Batman
- Iron Man (fully operational armor) vs engineer (authority)
- Apollo vs jack hawksmoor
- Colossus vs. Magneto
- Dr. Strange vs. Nabu
- doctor strange v green lantern
- HULK vs. wonderwoman
- a comic book WAR OF THE WORLDS
- blackbolt just starts yelling.
- Superman Vs Martian Manhunter.
- Fantastic 4 & X-men Vs Every Mole Creature
- Thing And Wolverine Vs Sabertooth And Sasquatch
- Silver Surfer goes on a killing spree
- Nightcrawler vs. Hulk
- Iron Man Vs Havok
- magneto vs Avengers
- punisher vs bishop
- who got a louder voice banshee or blackbolt
- Hyperion vs. Thor
- blade vs selene(underworld)
- street wars (not quite secret wars)
- Blade Vs Wolverine
- Who Can Beat The Phionex At Her Max
- Bishop Vs Havok And Cyclops
- attn : Paola
- Shi'ar Imperial Guard Vs Jla
- Proffeser X Vs Mr.fantastic
- Storm Vs Colossus
- Black Panther vs. Wolverine
- storm vs thor
- Round Two: Champion vs....
- Azreal as Batman vs Black Panther
- Superman Prime vs Magneto Prime( mag + SW)
- iron man vs green lantern
- Runner vs Kingdom Come flash
- Prince of Persai Vs Batman
- Thor vs Mongul
- Superman vs Atom Smasher
- Hulk vs JLA
- Superman vs Abomination
- Elders of the Universe vs Your Team
- Champion of the Universe vs. DC Muscles
- Captain Marvel vs. Captain Marvel
- Avengers vs. JSA
- Atom Smasher vs. Atlas
- Warbird vs. Powergirl
- Morg vs. Superman
- Captain Marvel (shazam) vs. Captain Atom
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Superman
- Thanos vs Classic Juggernaught
- War of the Worlds vs. X-men
- Green Lantern vs Superman vs SilverSurfer
- Juggsvs Thor CRAP
- Dr Doom w/IG vs Beyonder
- Superman vs Hal jordan
- Amalgamation!
- how strong is GREENLANTERN!!!???
- Green Lantern vs Silver Surfer
- I finaly found a source that claims wolverine has super agility!
- invisable woman VS jade(that green lantern girl)
- War of The Worlds !! Krypton vs. Shi'ar
- Adam Warlock vs Silver Surfer
- Batman vs Nightwing
- my (Edit) vs. anyone....
- Three-way match : Dr. Strange vs. Adam Warlock vs. Silver Surfer
- DeathStroke Vs Mystique and Nightwing
- cosmic spiderman goes through the cosmic gauntlet
- superman goes crazy.
- gladiator vs a few people.
- Classic warlock (new mutants)vs metallo,ultimate doom and jack hawksmoor.
- snake-eyes runs a gauntlet (sorta)
- apollo vs thor in space
- Green Lantern vs. Dr. Doom
- Movie Fantastic Four vs Movie X men
- SupermanPrime Vs Hulk Thor and Raven
- Phoenix/SupermanPrime Vs Batman/Gladiator/Juggernaut
- Hercules vs. Asgardians Fandral Volstagg and Hogun the Grimm
- iron fist vs iron man
- Superboy and Superman vs. all of the mutants except nate grey and phoenix
- Wolverine no adbone/claws/healing vs. Captain America no/shield
- Colossus vs. Sinister Six
- FF vs. Flash and Steel
- Amazo vs. Super-Skrull
- Batman and Robin (Tim Drake) vs. Leader
- Doomsday vs. Wendigo vs. Juggernaut
- Ultimate Battle: 3 TEAMS / 5 PLAYERS
- Dark Beast vs. Sabertooth
- Spiderman, Wolverine, IronMan vs Venom, Slade, Batman
- Marvel Nemesis
- Morg vs. Thor
- Loki vs. Dr. Strange
- Marvels and D.C. most Badass characters VS L.T. cosmic Fair Ground
- Magneto Vs Hulk
- Rhino Vs Thing
- X-men royal who is the supreme xmen
- fantastic four vs alpha flight
- Batman Vs Rhino and Shocker
- The Fist of the North Star vs Karate Kid
- wolverine vs iron man
- Colossus vs. Thor (without mjolnir)