- Im really starting to like Injustice now
- Lex Luthor Vs All Versions Of Superman
- Shang Chi & Blade vs. Midnighter & Batman
- Alan Moore vs. Christopher Priest vs. Grant Morrison
- Planet Moving Feat Challenge/Contest Marvel Vs DC
- Shang Chi vs (classic) Iron Fist
- Thor Hyperion Wonder Woman :Fight to death
- Aquaman Namor Wonder Woman Hercules :Fight to death
- Asmodel Vs Ghost Rider
- JLA Superman Vs DeathSentry
- Could Batman beat everyone with a prep time
- Aquaman, Namor vs Black Adam
- Nimrod and Ultron vs Black Adam...
- Savage Hulk vs Nimrod...
- The Ultimates -Vs- The Annihilators
- Sinestro Corps Black Adam Vs Green Lantern
- Sentinals Vs Doomsday
- Hyperion vs Cyborg Superman
- THOR: The FIVE MINUTE Gauntlet
- Thor vs. Flash (Wally)
- Noh-Varr Vs (WS) Apollo and/or Midnighter
- Marvel & Dc Earth
- Who can survive what Thor did to thing in Fear Itself?
- Marvel Earth VS DC Earth!
- Marinel Vs Annihilus
- The Perfect Demogorge Gauntlet ( Atum The God Eater)
- Gaea va ...The Council of Godheads
- Thor/Martian Manhunter versus question
- Demogorge vs Parallax
- Superman with wolverines claws gaunlet
- Spawn vs Swamp Thing
- Thor May Cry
- Mecha Martian Manhunter Vs Fortress Eradicator
- Nimrod and Ultron vs Current Superman...
- Sentinels vs Mindless Ones...
- Sentinels invade Asgard...
- Sinestro Vs Baron Mordo
- Bebop and Rocksteady vs Krang and Shredder
- Warren Worthington vs. Sue Richards
- Doomsday Hulk Juggernaut Red Hulk: Fight to death
- Bishop vs. Cable
- Kmc: The Purge
- What happens?
- Young Justice vs Teen Titans
- Batman vs Cyborg Superman
- Who Is The Most Durable Character The SilverSurfer Has Used Matter Manipulation On?
- The Weakest Character Challenge
- Superman (Injustice) vs Superman (DCnU)
- Comic book request
- Magog vs Lobo!
- What happens?
- Favorite Art Of Your Favorite Superhero
- Injustice gods of olympus vs Asgard
- Mr. Majestic vs Thor.
- Superman 4 greatest MU rival Gauntlet
- Cyborg Vs Martian Manhunter
- Raven vs Dracula...
- Superman wins all Vs fights that involve heralds
- Power level vs Fear
- Times where you just throwawaythebook cause it was stupid
- Superman vs Silver Surfer: Durability Comparison
- Batman (w\Wonder Man's body) vs Superman
- Batman vs Captain America vs Black Panther vs Wolverine
- Golden Age SHAZAM Vs Odin (HTH)
- X-Men (1992) vs X-Men (Evolution)
- SuperGirl VERSUS Thor SlugFest!!!
- Marvel's Zeus vs PC Superman in a slugfest.
- All Fathers Are Equal
- Zeus h2h vs Secret wars II Thing with amp
- Secret wars 2 Thing vs WBH
- The Purple Man Vs The Joker
- Who is more durable? Superman or SHAZAM?
- The Vishanti Vs Nabu
- PC Captain Marvel vs PC Superman
- Blue Marvel, Capt Marvel (Carol) & Spectrum vs. Odinson, Thor (Jane) & Angela
- If superman is just as fast as flash and stronger than world breaker hulk...
- Superman Vs Himself
- Black adam from Superman v Black adam in a fight
- World of Cardboard
- Adam Warlock 3/10/16 vs Hal Jordan 3/10/16
- Silver Surfer VERSUS Superman SLUGFEST!
- Blood and thunder Thor vs. Fawcett comics Capt. Marvel.
- Captain Marvel vs Thor vs Angela
- Current Black Panther vs. Classic Spiderman
- Metallo (New 52) vs Doc Green Hulk
- Can Thor fly without Mjolnir?
- DCnu Superman vs DCnu Constantine
- Moon Knight Vs Blade
- Animated Batman Fight
- Captain America, Mantis vs. Batman, Karate Kid.
- Gorr vs Galan
- Clayface vs The Thing
- Who Can Wreck This Team?
- Harald Jaekelsson vs DOS Doomsday
- Karate Kid vs Dracula...
- Carol Danvers/Cap Marvel. Powerscaling test.
- Magneto vs Graviton vs Count Nefaria
- Magneto Vs Captain Comet
- Dick & Diana
- Static Shock vs Electro
- Black Panther (no spirit powers) vs Bane
- Supergirl vs Thor(Jane Foster)
- Wolverine vs Karate Kid.
- Snake Eyes Vs Vega (Street Fighter)
- Odin vs Dracula with Mjolnir and 1 Adamantium Katana
- Superman and Analogues Free-For-All
- Superman w. Thor Power Set Vs Doomsday
- Jane Thor vs Thanos
- Tony Stark vs Hal Jordan
- Ms Marvel vs Namor
- Caiera the Oldstrong Vs Tanga
- Hiroim Vs Ukur
- Salvaxe the Barbarian King Vs Skaar
- Council of Reeds vs Micheal Demiurgus
- DCnU Hal (God of Light ) Vs Current Parallax Hal
- List your Top 5 most powerful "Monsters"
- WW3 Black Adam vs DOS Doomsday
- Captain Steel Vs Black Panther
- Pre-Crisis Karate Kid Vs Afterthought
- DCnU Midnighter Vs 3Boot Karate Kid
- Batman with Gungnir vs Namor...
- OWAW Superman vs Morg with PC and WoL...
- The Ray Vs Wildfire
- Captain Atom vs The Weird
- Energy/Matter: DC vs Marvel vs Indie
- Rune King Thor vs Metron
- Dismas Vs Beta Ray Bill
- Can Thor damage a Probe???
- Where should Dracula tier?
- Superman Soilders Serum Vs Banes Venom?
- How strong are these guys physically to an "ALL OUT SUPERMAN"
- True Brainiac (Convergence) Vs Brainiac 13
- Justice Legion A WO/ Superman Vs Annihlators
- Miyamoto Usagi vs Leonado of tmnt
- God Man VS Odin
- World Breaker Hulk with a 50 ton, 2 handed, Uru, Asgardian Warhammer vs...
- Thanos, Dual Weilding Primary Adamantium Nunchucks, vs...
- The Runner, Dual Weilding Primary Adamantium Katana's, runs the gauntlet...
- Solaris vs Galactus Engine
- Brainiac 13 Vs Solaris 1M
- Batman vs Captain America with a twist
- Annihilators+Thanos vs. Justice Legion A
- Pre-Crisis Superman Vs Superman 1M
- Guy Gardner Warrior vs Iron Man
- Sasquatch Vs Ultra Boy, slug fest
- The Squadron Supreme / The Crime Syndicate -Vs- The JLA / The Avengers
- Mirror Master Vs Spider-man
- Starbreaker VERSUS Thanos: TO THE DEATH
- Amped DCnU Ultraman Vs OWAW Superman
- Can silver surfer replicate these powers?
- Superman (Injustice) vs Plutonian
- DCnU Ultraman Powerlevel
- Instant Lobotomy
- nothing
- A JLA type team in Marvel U
- The Old Guard -Vs- The New Guard
- Proxima Midnight, Caiera the Oldstrong & Gamora vs. Jane Thor, Zarda & Angela
- Can Hyperion Lift 200 Quintillion Tons!!?
- Hyperion vs (Thor) Worthy
- Morg W/WOL Vs Pale Bishop
- Metallo Vs Deathlok
- Jack of Hearts Vs Major Force
- Who is the weakest character in DC who could equal Thanos's...
- Super Skrull vs Nimrod...
- Peak Power Onslaught vs Dark Avengers Molecule Man...
- Black Canary Vs Cyclops
- Air Walker vs Jack of Hearts...
- Kingdom Come Superman Vs DCnU Ultraman
- DC Civil War
- Supeman Prime vs. Final form Ultron
- Nu Superman and WW vs. All new Vision and Ironman
- Black Panther vs. Nu Lobo
- Genis Vs Volthoom
- Chaos King invades DCnU
- Brainiac (Convergence) vs Galactus
- Shazam Vs Lobo
- If Black Adam was in the movie universe how strong would he be compared to superman?
- The General Vs Thanos slug fest
- Air-Walker Vs Nero
- Gorilla Grodd vs King Shark (Flash CW versions)
- Strongest person that Spacegost can beat?
- Invisible Destroyer Vs Fallen One
- Who can rip a phonebook in half??
- Who can move Earth?
- Ds Vs Dp
- Killer Frost Vs Storm
- Livewire Vs Electro
- Evil Star Vs Red Shift
- Deadpool vs The Comedian
- DCnU Constantine Vs Current Dr. Strange
- Emperor Joker vs Chaos King
- JLA "big seven" vs. This Marvel Team
- Zzzax, Klaw, & Electro vs Superman(New 52)
- Here comes Chicxulub...
- Ripclaw vs Puma
- Hulk 2099 vs Pitt
- Black Panther vs Nighthawk
- Victor Zsasz vs the Joker...
- Cyborg Superman, Nimrod, and 10 Future Sentinels vs Hunter/Prey Doomsday...
- Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur) vs Superman (New 52)
- gayest super hero
- Kilowog Vs Firelord
- The Weird Vs Silver Surfer
- Is Superman gay?
- List the best telepathic feat for each one of the following
- Create your own X-Force
- Top 10 speed feats in Marvel
- Speed ft minus the Flashes
- DCnU Flash Corps Vs Hal Jordan & Green Lantern Corps
- Composite Man Vs Super-Skrull
- Kang The Conquerer Vs The Mad Titan Thanos
- World Breaker Hulk, Silver Surfer, Thanos and Thor vs PC Superman
- High Heralds kryptonite
- Marvel -Vs- The Squadron Supreme
- Galactus vs OWAW superman
- Archangel vs. Scarlet Spider (Kaine)
- DOOMSDAY : Death of Superman
- Blue Beetle w. Bug Vs Stiltman
- Booster Gold Vs Wonderman
- Triumph (Crisis Times Five) Vs Havok
- Coldcast Vs Polaris
- Triumph vs The Weird
- Malefic Vs Terrax
- Wonderwoman vs Wonderwoman
- Black Panther/Captain America vs. Sabretooth
- H/P Doomsday vs Hell Spawn vs Nova
- Martian Manhunter vs. Loki
- Deathstroke Vs Afterthought
- Ring-less Kyle vs DP Tyrant
- Sion (The Next) Vs Blue Marvel
- Marvels best Heralds vs DCNU best Heralds
- Ronan the Accuser Vs Guy Gardner
- The Weaponer Vs Blastaar
- Preboot Green Lantern Kyle VS Thanos
- The Cabal -Vs- The Galactic Counsel
- The Crime Syndicate / The Squadron Supreme -Vs- The Ultimates / The JLA
- The Ultimates on Dc Earth
- Fantastic 4 movie Thing VS Deadpool movie Colossus