- The God Emperor of Mankind vs Thanos
- doc oc and cable vs invisible woman and cyclops
- Elijah Snow Gauntlet
- Jakita Wagner v Sasquatch
- batman vs
- Classic Beyonder vs Spectre
- Classic Beyonder vs Lucifer
- Spiderman vs Nightcrawler
- Gladiator vs Doomsday
- Wolverine Vs Deadpool with a twist.
- Captain America vs Elektra H2H
- Ghost Rider vs. Batman One Million
- BATMAN vs BEAST sparring match
- Classic Quick Silver vs. Deathstroke
- the cartoon teen titans vs the movie fantasic 4
- doc oc vs mr fantastic
- Ultimator vs. Alien Entity
- Classic Molecule Man runs the Guantlet
- The Fury vs Superman 1 Million and Superman Prime
- Molecule Man vs. The Ultimator
- batman vs snake eyes
- Molecule Man vs. Superman 1Million
- Cyborg Superman vs Mangog
- thanos,s clones vs the originals
- Superman w/the Ruby of Cyttorak and solar suit vs Thanos
- Superman w/the Ruby of Cyttorak and solar suit vs King Thor
- How many Green Lanterns would it take to bring down Silver Surfer?
- Anti-Monitor vs "pre crippled"Tyrant
- Shaggy Man vs 8th day or Classic Juggernaut
- Lucifer vs Marvel Universe
- Stilt Man vs Bullseye
- batman vs ghost rider (johnny)
- the spectre vs lucifer
- Rank them in terms of power
- Rank the versions of Spectre in terms of power
- Daredevil vs Red Hood (J.T)
- Red Hood (Jason) vs Bullseye
- Wonder Woman vs Invisible Woman
- Batman vs Catwoman
- The Fury vs. Celestial Race
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Spidey and foes
- American Eagle,Puma & Red Wolf vs Adamantium Sabretooth
- Daredevil (with twist) vs Wolverine
- Weird/Funny fights
- slade vs lex luthor
- Quagmire vs Classic Juggernaut
- Powerless Clark Kent vs Powerless Luke Cage
- ww hulk guantlet reviseted
- WWH (with twist) Vs JLA
- Doom (movie), Psylocke, Venom vs Sylar , Peter Petrelli
- HP Doomsday vs Shaggy Man
- WW Hulk vs heroes from 52
- World Breaker Hulk vs JLA
- spiderman vs gorgon
- Cosmic Spiderman vs Superman/Thor
- Molecule Man vs. Solar
- Snake -Eyes vs. Bullseye
- Elekra vs. Punisher
- Mangog vs. D.C. Ares
- Doc Samson vs Colossus
- black cat vs catwoman
- Yuga Khan and Queen Heggra vs Darksied
- Brainiac 13 vs. Molecule Man
- Mongul vs. Thor
- Dracula (Marvel) vs Blood Storm
- Captain America villains vs Iron Man villains
- Captain America vs Punisher (with a twist)
- Iron Fist vs Iron Man
- Elijah Snow vs Blob
- Galactus and His New Heralds
- dc ares vs loki
- who is the coolest batman?
- Ms. Marvel(Warbird) vs. She-Hulk
- The Fury vs. The COIE Anti-Monitor
- solo this team
- The Void vs WW Hulk
- The Fury vs. Galactus/Phoenix
- iron man vs xenomorph queen
- Captain Marvel/Magneto/Captain Atom Vs. X-Man/Black Bolt/Dr. Doom
- Superman with Thing strength Vs Hulk and Captain America
- Crystal vs. Hulk
- Mr Sinister vs Venom, Green Goblin, Colossus
- Sabretooth/Current vs Batman Family
- Doc Samson vs Savage Dragon
- The New Woman Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Fatal FourWay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Kang, Doom and The Master vs Oa
- God Squad vs Omega Flight
- Hellboy vs. Wolverine
- Cosmic Spider-Man vs Thor
- In-Betweener/Tyrant vs. Molecle Man/The Stranger
- Captain America vs. Gambit
- STORM vs SNOWBIRD(narya)
- Superman Prime and Hank Henshaw(rings) vs Team
- magneto vs polaris
- Firelord VS Sersi
- Everyone VS Doomsday
- Batmam and family vs Thundercats
- Superboy Prime vs Silver Surfer, Moondragon, Reed Richards, Blink and Hawkeye
- Dr. Srange & Ancient One Vs. Mordru & Neron
- Iron Man VS Optimus Prime
- Oolong Island vs. Mighty Avengers
- Sword of Superman Vs. HOTU
- Beast vs Lizard
- Molecule Man/King Thor vs Parallax/Thanos
- Against who would you last longer?
- Captain America vs. Solid Snake
- Team Thanos vs Monitors(52)
- Captain Marvel (Marvel)/Count Nefaria/Sphinx vs. Nova/Sentry/Ikaris
- Team Thanos vs heroes(Sinestro Corps)
- batman vs the cat
- Superman Prime vs. Asmodel (Angelic Form)
- Yellow Jacket vs Hyperion
- Uber D.C. invades Marvel
- stilt man vs galactus
- who could clear this gauntlet?
- Dr Doom, Kang and The Master vs Thanos
- Hyperion & Glads vs Black Adam and Superman
- Venom (Eddie Brock) vs. Sabertooth
- Deadpool vs Spiderman fist fight
- Wolverine vs Spiderman fist fight
- Thor(blood and thunder) (power gem)vs Morg (wol)
- Redeemer vs Ghost Rider (Blaze)
- Man of Miracles vs. Beyonder
- Dark Phoenix vs. Molecule Man
- Thanos & Darkseid Vs. All-Star Superman
- Oh, FFS... MMT Tourney: Psycho Gundam's team
- Black Bolt, Sersi, Captain Atom vs. Binary, Adam Worlock, Light Ray
- The Punisher vs. Nick Fury
- Monarch VS Insane Genis
- The Tin Men
- Hulk Vs. Fortress Maximus and Metroplex
- Superman vs. Captain America (w/Hulk's base strength/durability/speed)
- Superman and Thor vs Team Female
- Classic Beyonder/Specter vs. Living Tribunal/Thanos w/IG
- wild cat & black canary VS daredevil & elektra
- Balder The Brave vs. King Arthur Pendragon
- The Runner and Despero vs. Thanos and Henshaw
- spawn vs darkseid
- Prometheus vs Captain America
- World War Hulk vs Depowered Tyrant* (fight)
- Batman vs Cheetara
- Sunfire VS. The Human Torch
- your perfect street level villian team?
- electro vs shocker
- Doom vs Grodd
- Superman VS the Joker
- Wolverine vs Predator
- Kang, Dr Doom and The Master vs A-Wave.
- bullseye vs black panther
- my dc vs marvel
- vampire batman(crimson mist) vs blade
- Captain America vs Alien Queen
- Superman-Hyperion-Majestic vs. Orion-Black Adam-Thor
- Thanos,Henshaw(rings),Thor(classic),Superman Prime,Odin vs 12 Guardians
- Captain Marvel vs The Sentry.
- Superhero Olympics
- Captain America/Spider-Man vs. Wolverine/Venom (Eddie Brock)
- Comic book Olympics
- Thanos vs Shaman
- Thanos vs. Herald Levelers
- dr doom vs darth vader
- Thanos vs Heroes from WW3
- lobo vs hulk
- batman vs nick fury
- depowered tyrant vs powered up team
- The Spectre vs. The LT in a h2h fight!!
- Shaman with prep vs team
- Which beings could pull of the feats of DOV spectre?
- James Barnes and Tim Drake vs Echo and Oliver Queen
- Superman, The Runner,Talisman vs. Thor(classic), Sadom Yat,Jenny Quantum
- Champion of the Universe vs Thor h2h only
- Elektra vs Gambit
- Scorpion vs. Sabretooth
- Pym vs Batman
- incredible hercules vs Namor
- Spiderman vs Hermes
- H/P Doomsday w/Uni-Power vs Odin
- The Hardy Boys vs Batman
- Shield vs DOS Doomsday
- galactus and unicron vs silver surfer, apacolypse, superman
- apacolypse vs silver surfer
- Aquatic Villain Rumble
- Who are your heralds?
- Chris kent vs Superboy prime
- Witchblade vs Quasar
- Classic Thor,Odin,Thanos vs. The Runner,Silver Surfer, Tyrant
- Count Neferia vs WWH
- Iron Fist vs The Hulk
- Hulk VS Children of the Vault
- 3 man/4 teams fight.
- to the members of kmc forums who have been offended or annoyed by user applelips
- ravenous vs hulk
- GLC vs Phallanx and Annihilation Wave
- Thanos vs Mangog
- Solo this team
- Daredevil vs Crossbones H2H
- Nightcrawler vs Daredevil
- Batman Vs Nick Fury (Earth-616)
- Odin,Thor vs Cyborg sinestro rings,Superman,Orion,Kalibak
- Source being vs Spectre hal jordan
- magneto vs superman
- Lobo vs Gladiator
- Spiderman vs Ironman
- Wolverine vs Hulk
- Garfield VS Heathcliff
- Bombshell vs Rogue
- Captain America vs Wolverine
- brainiac vs superman
- sentry vs hercules H2H
- Tiamut vs. Yuga Khan
- Cosmo vs Classic juggernaut
- WWH w/Gem of Cyttorak vs Superman (Sun dipped)
- Guardian Superman Prime w/Solarsuit-Powergem vs Odin
- silver surfer vs unicron
- AS Superman, Superman Prime and Superman 1M vs. The Runner, Thanos, Depowered Tyrant
- People who can take Supes with 1 week prep
- Hank Pym vs the Avengers
- Silver Surfer VS Neo
- Baron Mordo Vs Mandarin
- Speed > Skill
- Darkseid(classic) vs Ganthet
- Spiral two fights.
- Spider-Man w/ Symbiote vs. Wolverine
- Professor Hulk vs Apoc
- Guardian Superman Prime w/Solarsuit-Power Gem vs Silver-Thanos
- Joe Fix It vs Savage Dragon
- Superman Prime,Monarch,Tyrant(dp),Odin vs Oa
- Classic Firestorm vs. Sentry
- Galactus Invades Oa
- Superboy Prime vs All Star Superman
- Darkseid vs surfer(read inside)
- the silver surfer versus dr doom after he stole the silver surfer' board in the movie
- Blake Alice vs. the Darkforce
- Agent Smith Vs Wolverine Vs Blade Vs Nomak Vs Daredevil??
- Anti Monitor vs Dr Strange and Scarlet Witch
- God Spawn Vs Anti Monitor
- Monarch(amped)vs Yuga Khan
- Thanos vs. Despero in a Hand to hand only fight
- green lantern(kyle) vs annihilus
- Thanos Vs Spawn
- King Hyperion Vs Thanos
- Batman vs V in a 12 round boxing match
- Hellboy vs The Thing [movie battle]
- Wonder woman vs b-lister team
- Luke Cage and Iron Fist Vs Savage Dragon
- Team vs Kubik & Shaper of Worlds
- Batman vs Nuihc
- Jackie Estacado (The Darkness) vs. 2nd age Spawn
- Batman/Nightwing vs Black Panther/Night Thrasher