- She Hulk Vs. Wonder Woman in an Arm-Wrestling Match
- WL Sinestro VS White Phoenix
- Team Vs Morg w/WoL, Terrax, Fallen One
- Nova vs Starman
- SF Darkseid vs White Lantern Sinestro
- Majestic, Hawksmoor, & Jenny Q vs Thor, Nova, & Photon
- All Star Superman, KC Superman and Superboy Prime Vs Darkseid Pre Crisis
- Darkseid (ALE) VS Darkseid (SF) Vs Darkseid ( Great Darkness Saga)
- White Crown of the Phoenix Vs Darkseid and Nekron
- Batman vs Dr Doom
- Solar vs Ion (Kyle) and Parallax (Hal Jordan)
- Blob vs Ironfist
- Harley Quinn vs Typhoid Mary
- thing vs rhino
- Coldcast gauntlet
- Sise-Neg vs GEB
- Ultraman vs Doomsday
- SHAZAM Vs. Green Phoenix
- Sentry vs. Thanos
- Most intimidating artifact of power
- Soulfire Darkseid vs Thanos
- Jack Hawksmoor vs Gorgon
- Mr. X Vs. The Ravager
- Apocalypse Vs. Maxima
- Marvel Heroes vs DC Villains 2
- Soul Fire Darkseid (DOTNG) vs Nekron
- Nekron Vs. Imperiex
- What character vs character has the best chase on panel?
- Abraxas Vs. Nekron
- Let's get ready RUMBLE....
- Binary vs Tangent Green Lantern
- Ion (Kyle Rayner) vs Superboy Prime
- wolverine & gorgon vs i million hand ninjas
- Thor in a fist colliding gauntlet
- Gorgon vs Iron fist
- Spartan W/Void vs Silver Surfer
- SCW Anti-Monitor and DoV Spectre vs The Tyrant
- Mr. Terrific vs Steel
- Kal Kent Vs Rune King Thor
- White Crown of the Phoenix, Tiamut and Abraxas Vs Parallax Zero Hour, Ion and Nekron
- Nekron vs Superboy Prime
- Nekron vs Silver Surfer
- Absorbing Man gauntlet
- What If? Korvac Vs. Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet
- Marvel Heroes vs DC Villains
- Juggarnaut vs ???
- Ultimate nullifier vs. Living Tribunal
- The Killer (Wesley Gibson) vs Mr X
- Mr. Fantastic vs Luke Cage
- Darksied vs Magus
- sentry vs white phoenix crown
- she -hulk vs wonder woman
- Blackheart vs mephisto
- Vector w/ Unipower
- Darkseid Vs DC Zeus
- Gouken Vs Bane
- DoV Spectre Vs. Monarch
- Nova w/Worldmind and full Nova Force vs. Mr. Majestic
- Clint Barton vs Tim Drake
- Most ackward family reniunion
- Ronin vs Shadow Cat
- Rulk vs Ironfist
- The Fury vs HOM Wanda
- Iron Man /w Entropy Aegis and Motherbox vs Superman
- Insane Genis vs Ion
- Anti-Monitor vs Maelstrom
- Mister X vs Bullseye
- Supreme vs Thor
- War Of The Supremes!
- The Spirit vs Punisher HTH
- Mister Miracle vs Spider-Man
- batman vs Puck
- Dr. Doom vs Bruce Banner
- Daken vs Ultimate Colossus
- Your favourite two Marvel and favourite two DC characters Vs. Mine
- JLA vs Marvel Heroes
- Least intimidating looking artifact of Ultimate power
- Sodam Yat (Ion) and Superboy Prime Vs Silver Surfer and Sentry
- Superman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman Vs Terrax, Gladiator, Ravenous
- AS Superman, KC Superman Vs Thor, Terrax, Gladiator,Beta Ray B,Black Bolt, WW Hulk
- Sabretooth (w/ Adamantium) vs The Gorgon (No Stone Stare)
- Dr Doom vs Tao vs Red Son Luthor
- Nekron vs Oblivion
- Void/Sentry vs Void (Wildstorm)
- Oblivion vs. Galactus vs. One above all(celestial) vs. Eternity
- Congrilla vs Venom
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Ronan
- Cap and bucky vs. batman and robin
- Martian Manhunter vs. Spawn
- Carrion vs Batman
- Spider-Man vs Iron Patriot
- Thor vs Iron fist hand2hand only
- JLA vs Marvel Villains 2
- Namor vs Vulcan H2H
- Zhou Cheng vs Mr X
- Wonder Woman/Genocide/Ms. Marvel vs Maddie Pryor/She Hulk/Psylocke
- Thanos vs Batman vs Doctor Doom vs superman
- Hyperion vs Iron Man vs Iron Patriot
- Dr. Strange/Brudda Voodoo vs Daimon Hellstrom/Zadkiel vs Dr. Fate/Mephisto
- Puck vs Wildcat
- Emporer Joker vs. HOM Wanda
- place all the battlefield games from best to worst in your opinion
- Zhou Cheng vs Gorgon
- Superman & Wonder Woman vs Steve Rogers & Cyclops
- The Punisher vs Deadpool
- A-bomb vs Blastarr
- Marvel Comics iPad app looks Amazing
- Team DC Vs. Dp Tyrant
- Kronos(Chronos) and The Stranger Vs. Fully Powered Tyrant and Thanos
- John Steele vs Luke Cage
- Superman & Spider-Man vs Lex Luthor & Green Goblin
- Justice League vs Marvel Villains
- Doombot Smash-Up
- living laser vs the ray
- Hercules, Thunderstrike, Bloodaxe vs Gamora, Black Panther and wolverine
- Berserker Wolverine, Deadpool & Classic Abomination vs Pitt
- Lobo vs Gamora
- Anti Heroes vs True heroes
- Death Head II vs Gamora
- Immortality Vs Invincibility
- the realM of kings
- WWH, Skaar, vs Ares, Thunderstrike, Ronan, Herc
- Stick martial arts gauntlet
- Black bolt vs juggernaught
- Hom wanda vs white phoenix crown
- Ghost Rider Vs Spawn
- Spider-man vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Sun dipped Nekron vs. Cosmic Armor Juggernaut
- Team Superman VS Team Monarch
- Team Vs. SMP
- The Fantastic Four and She-Hulk Vs. The Horsemen of Apocalypse!
- Juggernaut/Superman vs Thor/Rulk vs Grundy/Kurse
- Spectre vs. Eternity
- Count Abyss vs. Galactus
- Odin vs. Stranger
- Celestials invade the Fifth Dimension
- Anti Monitor (SCW) and Heralds and Pre Crisis Darkseid Vs In-Betweener
- DC's Ultimate Heroes vs Marvel's Omega Mutants
- Team Vs Monarch & SMP (emo)
- Atom Smasher vs Carnage
- Balder and Fandral vs. Silver Samurai and Wolverine
- Iron Fist vs Balder
- Fulcrum vs COIE Anti Monitor
- Fulcrum vs Tiamut/Scathan/Exitar/Arishem
- Cosmic Spidey vs Juggernaut
- Green Arrow v. Hawkeye
- Wing fighters vs the Ground fighters
- Dr. Strange vs. Zatana
- Orange Lantern Corps vs Thanos
- Lightray vs Dr Light (Kimiyo) vs Dr Arthur Light vs Apollo vs Photon vs Dr Spectrum
- SA Mangog & Thanos vs. HP DD & Prime
- Silver Age Saturn Girl vs Zero Hour Saturn Girl
- Dormmamu and Neron vs Mephisto and Trigon
- The Anti-Monitor vs Surtur
- Power Girl VS Strontian
- Dc CE vs Marvel CE
- Imperiex Prime and Fully Powered Tyrant Vs. Heralds, Gods and Dark Phoenix
- Supergirl Vs. Nova
- Gologoth vs Lex Luthor
- gladiator(shi'ar) vs WWH
- UN Vs.....
- Baron Zemo vs Red Skull
- Zoom vs Agent Orange
- White Lantern Sinestro vs Imeriex Prime
- Lucifer Moringstar willpower gauntlet
- Batman vs. Daredevil vs. Cap vs. Black Panther
- Wolverine and Gamora vs. Thanos
- flash and zoom Vs FP Tyrant
- Team Hulk
- Ares vs. Baron Helmut Zemo (prep)
- Angel vs. Static
- Nekron vs Death
- Black Hand vs Thor
- Anti Monitor COIE vs Galactus, Tenebrous, Aegis, Tiamut, One Above All (Celestial)
- Darkseid (GDSaga) and Imperiex Prime Vs Tiamut
- Mastermind Daughters & Emma Frost with Cuckoos vs Saturn Girl & Princess Projectra
- Universo vs Mesmero
- Gamora vs. Deadpool
- Emma Frost vs Proffesor X: Battle of the Best
- Something i always wanted to clear out
- Predators vs X-men
- Fully Powered Tyrant Vs. Black Lantern Corps
- Batman vs A Super Skrull
- Team PG vs Team IM
- Loki Vs Galactus
- Ghost riders vs WWHulk
- Bane Vs Superman
- Deathlok vs Sebastian Shaw
- Thanos & Gog (Kingdom) vs. Monarch and SMP
- Sebastian Shaw vs Blob
- Lord Havok and the Extremists vs Dr Doom
- Vandal Savage vs Kingpin
- Hell vs. Death
- Batman 1 million vs She-Hulk
- Von Daggle & R'amey Holl vs Quasar & Beta Ray Bill
- Black Adam W/ Ibis-stick vs the Following...
- Team Vs. Gog, Monarch, Darkseid, SMP
- Pre-Crisis Legion INVADES DC earth
- Lost Lanterns vs GLC lanterns
- Night Thrasher vs Spider-Man
- Sundipped Rabid Krypto invades Marvel Earth
- Nebiros vs Dormammu
- Sourceror Supreme Dr Strange vs thanos
- dr.strange question
- How many GLs would it take...
- Cosmic Armour Superman Vs Protege
- Odin, Surtur and Rune Thor Vs Anti Monitor (SCW) and Heralds
- Juggarnaut vs. WBH
- Juggernaut as a Red Lantern
- Galactus Vs. Spectre, Shazam
- BCA Galactusvs. Living Tribunal.
- Deadpool vs. Rorshach
- Batman 1M vs Gorgon (Tomi Shishido)
- Legion of Supervillains vs Shi'ar Imperial Guard
- Comicvine Vs KMC Forum
- Which villain would be Batman worse Nightmare
- 8th day Juggernaut and Destroyer vs Thanos and Warrior madness Thor
- Captain Atom vs Hal Jordan
- Onslaught vs Superboy Prime
- captain atom vs captain marvel
- Silver Age Superman, All Star Superman, Superboy Prime and Kal Kent Vs Galactus
- Nekron and Black Lantern Vs Galactus and Heralds
- Uncle Sam vs The Savage Hulk
- Superman 1 Million vs Pre Crisis Superman
- batman 1 million vs Karate Kid
- Juggernaut Vs Harald Jaekelsson
- Punisher vs Angel(warren)
- Angel(Warren) vs Wildcat
- Could WW block the Odin Force?
- Simon Dark vs Blade
- Simon Dark vs Frankenstien
- Freddy Krueger Vs Xavier
- She Hulk vs Sentry
- Juggernaut as a Red Lantern
- Elongated Man and Mr Fantastic vs Plastic Man
- Cannonball vs Namor
- Batman vs Batman
- Plastic Man vs Mister Fantastic
- Avengers and JLA Line Up vs. Thanos
- Holocaust vs Luke Cage
- Josiah Power vs Black Adam
- Thor vs. Superman vs. Silver surfer
- Teen Titans vs Freedom Fighters
- Savage hulk vs. dumb drax
- Juggarnaut w/ power gem vs. superman,thanos,orion,and thor
- Bruce Wayne (Batman: Year One Novel) Vs Adrian Veidt (Watchmen Novel)
- Cosmic Armor Superman vs The Fury
- World War Hulk vs Juggernut
- World War Hulk vs Superman