- Molecule Man vs Silver Surfer
- Batman Battle
- Captain America vs. Rhino
- Doomsday(Hunter/Prey) v. Darkseid(Pre-Crisis)
- Ms.Marvel vs PowerGirl
- DemoGoblin vs
- Takion vs. Charon
- Mr. Terrific vs. Forge
- Wolverine vs. Lizard and Scorpion
- The Rediculousness HAS GOT TO STOP
- Cyclops versus...
- Idea for a tourney, The Perfect Super team
- Quanchi vs KMC_Drifter
- The Royal Battle
- Current Thor VS Sentry - at Vs Ironman
- Juggernaut vs. Trance
- Iron Man vs. Hellion
- Genis vell vs The Sentry
- Silver Surfer vs. Mephisto
- Blastaar/Annihilus vs...
- Dr.Light, Zoom, Dr. Polaris vs. Terrax,Firelord,Magneto
- snake eyes vs daredevil.
- thing and spiderman vs wolverine and deathstroke
- Yuga Khan runs the gauntlet
- Who can survive a full on Thanos blast ?
- avengers vs imperfects
- Superman vs. Apollo
- The Hypnotoad vs. Superman
- The Atom Vs. Wolverine
- Zom vs True Enternity
- Reed and Doom vs Doomsday and Amazo
- PC Superman vs Superman 1,000,000
- Imperiex vs Onslaught!
- Galactus vs. Superman Prime
- ALL New Gods Vs. Sentient Cubes
- Heralds Gauntlet
- Marvels The End Vs Whole Dc Universe
- Cyborg Superman Vs. 3rd Age Spawn.
- Yahweh(DC) vs. The Living Tribunal
- assemble a team that can defeat doctor manhattan with the infinity gauntlet and a gl
- Insane Lightray/FireLord vs. Terrax/Sinestro
- Hellion vs. Namor
- Sage vs. Ultron
- Who the least powerful person to take.......
- Anole vs. Daredevil
- superman w/motherbox vs thanos w/reality gem
- Thanos vs Alan Scott and Kyle Rayner.
- World War Hulk vs Darkseid
- Hal Jordan vs Thanos
- Sentry Vs Mangog & Tangent Superman
- Classic GL corps & Darkstar's Vs Annihalation Wave
- Thanos with IG vs Presence (DC)
- xmen vs the spikes
- Team 1 vs Team 2
- lex luger vs Iron Man
- Michael and Lucifer vs LT
- Superman and Lex vs Reed and Doom!
- Luke Cage vs Blade
- Trauma Vs. Spider-man, venom, and Green Goblin
- Rune King Thor & DC Ares Vs Stayne & Takion
- Walker/Sersi/Thanos vs. Firestorm/DarkSied(GDS)/Progenitor
- Insane Lightray vs Hal Jorden
- Star Brand (Ken Connell) vs Genis Vell (Insane)
- justice leauge avengers vs dr doom and lex luthor
- Doctor Doom vs Mikhail (AoA)
- You vs Galactus and Thanos
- Walker vs. Takion and Stayne
- Starman Vs. Magneto
- Could the ninjas of Mortal Kombat get into the Hand
- Cosmic Boy vs. Magneto
- Exterminate the Brood infestation!
- Sinestro Corps vs Marvel Cosmics
- Hyperstorm vs solar, man of the atom
- Karnak Vs. Nemesis Kid
- Quasar (Wendell) Vs. Sinestro
- Blade vs Predator
- How far can YOU get with a Green Lantern Ring
- Superman (Red Son) Vs. Hyperion (Supreme Power)
- The Living Tribunal vs Lucifer
- Tournament Discussion. Major Crossover Event.
- Galactus versus Onslaught
- Vulcan vs. Ion
- Sentry vs an Alien with a twist
- storm vs ultron(current)
- Doomsday (DOS) Runs the WWH Gauntlet
- savant challange
- Alan Scott vs WWH
- Thing vs Sasquatch
- The General vs Lobo (at his prime)
- Slugfest battle royale
- PR Beyonder vs. Lucifer Morningstar
- Ultron versus Hulk
- thanos w/ig vs ninth age of dc magic(thanos in dov here)
- Predator vs Punisher
- Reawakened Thor vs Current Beta Ray Bill
- Insane Genis-Vell Vs. Solar, Man of the Atom
- Firestorm vs. Solar (man of the atom)
- Roughouse vs Luke Cage
- Jack Hawksmoor vs Apollo
- Beta Ray Bill vs Grayven: Slugfest
- 2nd Stringers vs. 1st stringers
- Zom vs Shuma Gorath
- Gods vs. Cosmics
- Deathstroke, Batman, jason todd vs Wolverine, Captain America and Bucky
- SuperMAN (Tangent) vs...
- Storm v.s. Starfire
- MJJ vs. Lucifer
- Superman/Sentry vs Doomsday/Darkseid
- Deadgirl, Mr. Immortal vs Wolverine, Hulk, and Lobo.
- Morbius vs. Spider-man
- gamora/mantis(marvel)/karate kid vs ??
- richest character
- 2 vs 2
- Superman/Optimus Prime vs Doomstay/Megatron
- Infinity Being, Nemesis vs Anti-Life Etinity, Entropy
- Who could defeat a full size Maul in hand to hand fight
- who the weakest character who could kill a bloodlusted flash(wally)
- Power Girl, Super Girl, Mary Marvel vs. WW, SM
- super girl vs wonder woman
- Team GI Joe vs Team street leveler
- Hawk Man VS Arch Angel
- "Full Powered" Mutants vs. JL
- WWH vs. Subjekt 17
- storm vs nimrod
- storm runs the gauntlet
- storm vs doctor doom
- 5............4...............3..............2...............
- popeye vs strong guy
- Spider-man vs Neo
- Silver Surfer/Beta Ray Bill/ Quasar vs. Hal Jordan/Lightray/Firestorm
- ironman vs nimrod
- blackbolt vs ultron
- Michael O'Sullivan vs Kingpin
- Black Canary vs Black Bolt
- doc strange (astral form) vs superman
- thanos(heart),mad jim jaspers,merlyn,scathanvs all dc timelines
- Thanos,Walker,Tyrant(dp),WW Hulk,Warrior Madness Thor(no gem)vs all New gods
- Star-thief vs Phoenix
- Michael's Suicide Gauntlet
- atum/demgorge vs odin(destroyer armour)
- another top 10
- greatest comic book battle of all time
- The ALE Entity vs. The Ultimator
- Nekra vs Hulk
- Amanda Waller vs. Nick Fury
- Third age Spawn vs. Silver Surfer
- Robo Cop vs T-800
- Eh-Hem: Lobo vs Thanos
- luke cage/spiderman vs wolverine/spiderwoman
- Pyron vs Thanos
- Darwin vs Doomsdays
- Apocalypse (classic) vs. Firestorm (current)
- Shanobi and Sebastian Shaw vs Vision
- Captain Jack Sparrow Vs The Dread Pirate Roberts
- Beast VS. Daredevil
- Battle of the century. Popeye vs Karate kid
- Master Chief vs spiderman
- Thanos vs Adam Warlock...with a twist
- X-Men Evo Apocalypse versus Thanos
- Karate Kid vs. Wolverine, Spiderman, and Captain America
- Thanos(heart), Scathan vs Spectre, Michael
- Thor and his green pal run the gauntlet!
- Thanos vs Z (Tenchi Muyo)!
- Thor versus Hulk
- Mxy Vs. Solar
- Venom v.s. Demogoblin
- Current Thor (reborn) vs. Black Adam (WW3)
- Thor vs. the Mighty Avengers
- Solar vs. Darkseid
- Firestorm vs. Sentry
- Desak vs Darkseid
- Wolverine v.s. Demogoblin
- Karnak runs the guanlet
- Thanos/WWH vs Desak
- The LT and Thanos HOTU vs. Classic Beyonder and the Alien Entity
- The Spectre and Michael vs. Mxy and Lucifer
- The Mighty Avengers/Star Masters vs. The Justice League/Legion
- Axel Cepeda vs Wolverine
- KArate kid vs 10,000 Karnacks
- apocalypse vs savage land
- Giant chicken (family) vs the world
- Zoom vs Makkari
- Darkseid + Thanos + Insane Genis-Vell vs.....
- Darkseid vs Count Nefaria,Full Powered Morg & Stardust/Herald
- Zoomsday vs. who
- Hulk out Storm runs the Gauntlet!
- h/p doomsday vs bleachverse.
- captain marvel/black adam vs cyborg superman/sinestro
- Doomsday(DD Wars) vs Thanos
- Drax vs. Darkseid
- KK vs WWH
- Parallax vs. Mad Jim Jaspers
- Zoom vs Mighty Avengers
- batman vs mastermind excello
- arana, x23,scorpion vs hyde & doc ock
- Onslaught Vs Darkseid
- DOS Doomsday versus WW Hulk
- super skrull vs ms marvel
- thanosw/ig vs coie(crisis on infinite earths)
- Hyperstorm Vs Thanos
- You vs Superman(With a Twist)
- Death of The Endless Vs. Death (Marvel)
- Abomination vs Classic Wendigo
- Spawn Ranking.
- Shaman X-Man vs. WW3 Black Adam
- Ultimate Hulk runs the Gauntlet!
- WWH vs.....
- marvels the end vs crisis on infinite earths and war of the gods
- Who had the better showing against World War Hulk?
- Gambit (new sun) runs the gautlet
- Wonder Woman versus She Hulk
- T-1000 vs Vision
- superskrull vs storm
- Terminator, Bug and PredAlien versus 3 Predators
- Orion vs WWH/Abomination
- Beast versus Kraven the Hunter
- Superman and Mon-El vs Sentry and Supreme
- War of the Psionics ROUND TWO!
- Team Earth Runs the Gauntlet!!!!!!
- Sinestro versus Silver Surfer
- batlle of the Psi Feats
- Movie Optimus Prime versus Movie Ghost Rider
- Classic Gambit vs Nightcrawler
- Maybe the greatest battle ever
- Insane LightRay/Black Adam/SBP vs. Morg/WOL,Super Skrull/Ravenous
- Cyttorak vs Odin
- Phoenix of the white Crown vs. Classic Hourman
- Dark Phoenix vs. Yugah Khan
- Quasar vs. Captain Atom
- Uatu versus Darkseid
- War of the Psionics
- Dream of the Endless vs. MJJ
- ororo vs diana
- The Darkness vs. Spawn
- Wolverine versus Mr. Sinister
- Phoenix of the White Crown vs the Spectre
- orion vs thanos
- Hanma Yujiro vs...
- Cap vs JLA
- Dc Shfl
- marvel SHFL
- General and 8th day Juggernaut vs Thanos (Slugfest)
- Magneto versus Havok, Cyclops and Vulcan
- Fantastic Four vs KISS (comic book super-powered versions)
- DC Team vs Marvel Team
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Immortal Hercules and Wonder Man
- Immortal Hercules vs. Wonder Man
- mighty avengers vs
- mastermind excello vs sabertooth