- Kyle Rayner Vs Mr. Majestic
- Zatanna Vs Alan Scott
- Kyle Rayner Vs Zatanna
- Fro magus vs Thanos
- Hardcase (Ultraverse) vs Thing
- Darkseid, Thor, Silver Surfer vs Thanos, Superman, Blue Marvel.
- Sinestro vs Thor
- The Defenders Vs The Avengers
- (marvel) Enhanced Humans VS DC/Marvel Skyfathers
- Parallax Vs Thor
- Hulk, Namor and Iron Man Vs Rulk, Noh-Varr and Cap.Britain
- Makkari vs. Cheetah
- Monarch vs. Onslaught
- Who would be a good matchup for Zoom now?
- Parallax Vs The Destroyer
- Krona vs living tribunal vs zero Hour Parrallax vs Thanos with IG
- Aza Ch'orn vs Apollo
- Jack Hawksmoor vs Dracula
- Adam Magus vs Apocalypse
- Dracula vs. Loki
- Best Herald/Street Level Duo
- Count Nefaria vs Graviton
- Count Nefaria, Hyperion, Sentry vs. Gladiator, Blue Marvel, Beta Ray Bill
- Count Nefaria vs. Ethan Edwards
- Hulk and Juggernaut vs Butterball and Omerta
- Jack Hanksmoor vs Hulk 2099
- Count Nefaria vs Iron Man
- Classic Lethal Legion vs Bat Family
- Odin VS The Annihilators
- Odin VS Thanos & The Void
- Green Lantern (Movie) vs. Loki (Movie)
- punishing evil
- Deadliest Warrior: Battle of the Sexes
- Taskmaster Vs. Echo/Ronin/Maya Lopez
- Team Grodd vs. Team Psylocke
- Omega Red vs. Lady Deathstrike
- Wendigo vs. Lady Deathstrike
- Superman vs Captain Everything
- Emerald Twilight Hal Jordan vs Quardian Ring Gardner
- Wrecker vs. Spider-Man
- For sale Apple iPhone 4G 64GB $200 BlackBerry Bold 9650 $200
- Kyle Rayner (ION) VS RKT
- Genius at work #1: Banner vs Stark
- Mr terrific VS amadeus cho
- Jim Hammond Vs Ares
- 350 times Earth Gravity
- Team Magneto vs. Team Loki
- Hector Hammond, Manchester Black & Maxwell Lord vs. Prof X, Jean Grey & Emma Frost
- Henry Bendix vs Apocalypse
- Doctors vs. Professors
- Man-Ape vs Red Robin
- CISless Zoom vs Odin
- Time Trapper vs Great Darkness Darkseid
- Hulk Tossing Contest.
- White Lantern HBK vs. Black Lantern Undertaker
- Jean Grey vs Jackson King
- Invincible vs Kid Miracleman
- Ursa Major vs Hulk w a twist
- Imperiex Prime and 100 Imperiex Probes vs. Marvel Earth
- Deadshot Vs Red Arrow
- Steve Rogers Vs Slade Wilson
- Daredevil/Moonknight Vs Batman/Wildcat
- Marvel Earth vs Inanimate Objects
- Team Time vs. Team Speed
- Earth Girls vs. Space Chicks
- Team Psychic vs. Team Cosmic vs. Team Magic vs. Tram Mystic
- Dr Connors vs Dr Banner
- General Zod, Ursa, and Non vs Captain Marvel and Superman
- Kyle Rayner (ION) Vs Parallax
- Kilowog & BRB vs. Blackbolt & Captain Marvel
- Deathstroke & Bullseye vs. Kraven & Bane
- Magneto VS havok
- Stranger vs Depowered Tyrant
- Superman's team vs Thor's team.
- JLA vs Super Avengers
- Bane Vs Gorilla Grodd
- Dr Doom & Magneto VS Apocalypse & Mr Sinister
- Cyclops & Magneto VS Wolverine & Polaris
- Parallactus vs. Chaos King
- Martian Manhunter vs. Gladiator
- Parallax Vs Galactus
- Beta Ray Bill vs Gladiator
- Superman, Super Skrull, and Black Adam Vs. Thanos, Silver Surfer, and Thor!!!!!!!!!!!
- Imperiex Probes vs. Black Lantern Corp
- Its hammer time vs Jla
- Daredevil vs Scarecrow
- Homer Simpson vs Peter Griffin
- Spiderman (no webbing) vs. Logan (no claws)
- 2 Omacs/ 2 Imperiex Probes vs Surfer/ Thor
- Hector Hammond vs Maxwell Lord
- Odin & Surtur VS Dark Phoenix & Cyttorak
- Who would perform better?
- GL Kyle vs JLI
- Grifter vs Batroc the Leaper
- Kang the Conqueror vs the Engineer
- Sersi vs. Sinestro
- DC Rockstars vs. Marvel Losers
- Superman vs Thor both get power rings
- Who can knock Superman off his feet with one punch?
- Havoc vs. Guy Gardner
- Ulik vs Luke cage
- Superman Vs. You
- Sersi vs Thor
- Winter Soldier vs Red Hood
- Black Adam VS doomsday.
- Thor vs Silver Surfer vs Superman
- if you had to choose
- Mr. Hyde vs Luke Cage
- Destroyer Armor w Zodiac Key vs Grandmaster
- Eclipso vs Mageddon
- Doctor Spectrum vs Kang the Conqueror
- Darkseid vs. Strong Guy (h2h only)
- Superman/Doomsday (DOS) vs Superman/Thor (JLA/Avengers)
- Swordsman vs Black Panther
- Vanshee vs Darkstar
- Flint vs Angel
- Batman 1 Million vs Immortus
- Black Adam and Captain Marvel vs Nightwing (Chris Kent) and Flamebird
- Cassandra Nova vs Tangent SuperMAN
- Micromax vs Giant-Man
- Robins Test
- Green Lantern Battle Royal
- Dr. Doom vs. Batman 1 Million with a twist
- WW3Black Adam, Power Girl vs WWHulk, Supergirl
- Deathstroke vs Cybernary
- Comic book Harry Dresden Vs. John Constantine
- Thor, Black Adam vs Superman, Gladiator
- Dane (godhood) Vs Shaman X-Man
- Mr. Majestic Vs God Cable
- Midnighter and Zealot vs Witchblade
- Fenrus & V&V Despero vs. Shaman Nate Grey & God Cable
- Gambit vs Witchblade
- Batman vs Barbara Gordan and Spoiler
- The JLA Vs The JLA
- Magneto (movie) VS Green Lantern (movie)
- Havok vs Sabertooth
- Well fed Galactus vs Pre-Crisis Superman
- Superman vs Hulk & Juggernaut
- Super Skrull & Ronan vs. Metamorpho & Metallo
- Teen Titans Vs Wetworks
- Wetworks Vs The Outsiders
- Wildstorm Streets Vs Dc's Streets
- Martian Manhunter vs Black Adam
- DC classics with a Marvel twist
- Mantis vs Gorilla Grodd
- Clark VS Diana
- Poison Ivy/Colossus VS Crimson Fox/Man Thing
- Namor, Ironman, Storm vs Guy Gardner
- Superman vs Supergirl and Powergirl
- Darkstar & Vanguard vs Cloak & Dagger
- Dr.Voodoo, Blue Marvel and Monica Rambeau Vs G.L Hal, Wonder Woman and Flash
- Hulk vs growing wolverine gauntlet
- Magneto vs Power Girl
- Fire & Ice vs Metamorpho
- Dagger vs Flint
- Miracle Man vs Midnighter & Wolverine
- Can thanos get the gems?
- Midnighter vs Cyclops
- Superman-Prime vs Galactus & Silver Surfer
- Street Level Character who can beat Batman 1 Million
- Man-Thing, Grundy, Poison Ivy & Mantis vs. Sasquatch, Animal Man, Vixen & Snowbird
- Emma Frost Vs Wolverine(stips)
- WildCATS Vs Teen Titans
- Blue Diamond Vs Wolverine
- Fatal 4 Way Death Match
- Who all can hurt Kitty while phased ?
- Magneto vs. Gideon
- Thor Vs Namor
- Knockout Artist
- Sebastian Shaw vs Hulk
- Which world would you live in?
- The Void/Hulk vs PG Thor/Thanos
- Fantastic Four Scenario (What if...? )
- DKR armor Batman vs Wonder Man
- Composite Superman Vs Zeus
- Thanos vs Red Skull
- Who could stalemate (inspired by the other Stalemate thread) the following?
- Galactus is completely homicidal!!!
- Thor vs Wonder Woman/Power Girl
- Iron Man vs Aquaman in the Water
- Thor, Beta Ray Bill, Thunderstrike, and Herc (Classic) vs Miracle Man's pantheon
- SandMan vs Avalanche
- Swamp Thing vs Plastic Man
- The Invaders Vs The Avengers
- Justice League VS Uncanny X-Force (As Gladiators In the Colosseum & with a twist)
- Odin VS Thanos & Adam Warlock
- Stalemate Fights
- Black Panther vs Catman
- Captain Cold Vs Gambit
- Parallax entity vs The Avengers
- Thor vs Fatal Five
- Thor vs Sinister Six
- Loki vs. Spider-Man H2H
- Classic Adam Warlock vs Regular Genis Vell
- The Psychotic Four...
- Who is the weakest character that cannot be BFR'ed?
- Hell Lord Spawn vs Molecule Man
- Iron Man (Original armor) vs Steel (Current)
- Extremis Ironman vs Superboy
- Brainiac, Cyborg Superman, Eradicator vs. Ultron, Nimrod, Cosmic Hulk
- The Gorgon vs. The Olympian (Achilles)
- X-Men vs thisTeam........
- Animated Movie The First Four Green Lanterns Vs Animated marvel Earth
- Magneto, Storm, Colossus vs GL(Klye), Red Tornado, Firestorm
- Ulik vs Namor
- Secret Six vs. Teen Titans
- Kaizen Gamorra invades Marvel Earth
- Magneto, Dr. Doom & Absorbing Man vs. Ultron, Brainiac & Cyborg Superman
- Who can Beat Batman with these amps ?
- Who is strongest person Hulk can beat with these amps?
- DOV Captain Marvel & Orion w/ Full AF vs. RK Thor & Chaos War Herc
- Elect your own Infinity Gem Protector
- Molecule Man vs Cosmic Cube empowered Absorbing Man
- Colossus Vs Bullseye, Moonight, Killer Croc, Bane & Batman
- Adamantium Sabertooth vs Morlun
- Spiderman vs Havok
- Pre-Crisis Alan Scott Vs Silver Surfer
- Lowballed Hulk vs Batman: h2h
- Thanos gauntlet
- Which character would make the best fight against Kratos
- slugfest 2011: Odin vs Galactus' ... thumb!
- Achilies (DC) vs Hercules (MARVEL)
- wolverine vs spider-man with a twist
- Uncanny X-men VS Uncanny X-Force
- Thor and Silver Surfer vs Mogo
- Odin VS PC Superman (In a Fist Fight)
- Ultron vs Amazo
- Namor vs Superboy Underwater.
- the Fatal Five vs TGD Darkseid
- Supergirl Gauntlet
- 10 enter 1 leave
- Cyclops VS Wolverine
- Thor Girl vs Wonder woman vs Mary Marvel vs Supergirl vs Power Girl
- PC Validus vs Mangog
- Ghost Rider vs Thor's villians
- PC Omega vs. Wolverine
- Apollo (Olympion) Vs Balder (Asgardian), Which Herald Wins
- God Like Cable Vs Shade
- Shade Vs Sentry
- Hank Henshaw Runs a Trans Tier Gauntlet
- Batman vs. Senyaka
- Drax the Destroyer vs. Exodus
- Vulcan & Gladiator vs. Namor & Blue Marvel
- Batman at his very best vs Dr Doom at his very best...
- Colossus Vs Thor(movie)
- Seth Vs Zeus
- Absorbing Man vs. Captain Marvel (Billy)
- Bat Man vs Orion with a twist.
- New Dark Avengers VS The Justice League
- Iceman vs. Ikaris