- Rama Khan vs Jack Hawksmoor
- King Shark vs Rhino
- Jemm (Saturian) vs Apocalypse
- Superman/mr x gauntlet
- Tech Wars (Marvel/DC)
- Odin vs Superboy Prime with rules
- Amadeus Cho vs Ryan Choi (Atom)
- Osiris vs Supergirl
- Blade & Punisher vs Frankenstein
- Colossus Vs Hulk
- Spider-Man Runs the Rogues Gauntlet
- Thor Vs Superman with a twist
- Lobo vs Iron Man
- Lobo vs The Fantastic 4
- Malefic vs Rachel Summers
- Sage vs Titan Girl
- Legion vs Tangent Superman
- Thor & Luke Cage vs Rough House, Rhino, Hyde, depowerednaut
- Archangel vs. Anti-Venom
- Steve Rogers vs Superman with a twist
- Heroes For Hire vs. X-Men
- Amadeus Cho Runs the Gauntlet
- Amadeus Cho V.S. Batman
- Thor & Hercules Vs. Orion & Barda
- Hawkman & Hawkgirl vs. Hercules & Angel
- Ikaris & Gilagmesh vs Current Silver Surfer
- Apocalypse vs Vulcan
- Shadow King vs Starro
- Bette Noir vs Madelyne Pryor
- Vera Lynn Black vs Agent Zero
- deadpool (without swords) vs. ironman
- the thing vs. sandman
- ironman vs. the thing
- Hector Hammond vs Jean Grey
- Cable vs Faith
- Gorilla Grodd vs Psylocke
- Marvel Boy vs Brainwave Jr.
- Moondragon vs Esper Lass
- Martian Manhunter vs Exodus
- Thor vs Hercules vs Stark vs Parker with a twist
- Thundra & Lyra vs. Caiera & Skaar
- Zod Sundipped/Superman Sundipped vs Current Surfer/Thanos
- Rose Wilson vs Bucky
- Talia Al Ghul vs Cheshire h/h
- Skaar vs. Deadpool
- Thanos/Sentryvoid vs Monarch/Superboy Prime
- Luke Skywalker vs Wolverine
- Grifter and Midknighter run the Gauntlet
- Cassandra Nova vs Pre-Crisis Psimon
- Stryfe vs Captain Comet (Classic)
- Dr. Psycho vs Mastermind (Jason)
- junzo muto & steel serpent vs Ironfist
- Agent Orange vs Thanos
- Iron Fist vs Deathstroke
- Who can defeat this skrull
- Steel serpant vs Moon Knight
- Green Arrow and Bullseye vs Hawkeye and Deadshot
- Barda vs Thor
- Lobo and Juggy vs King Hyperion...
- WWHulk vs Mantis
- Lobo´s Clones Gauntlet
- Full Gear Wonder Woman vs Champion of the Universe
- Thanos and Odin vs Galactus
- Measure these character's strengths in Spideys
- green arrow and hawkeye and bullseye vs. spiderman
- Capt. America's Team vs. Dare Devil's Team
- deadpool vs. luke cage vs. wolverine vs. kitty off of the x-men
- Superman vs Toy picking geniuses
- The Elite vs Avengers
- Mastermind (Martinique Jason) vs Saturn Queen
- Who is the highest character Urza Major can beat?
- Peter Parker vs Logan(Bone Clawed)
- Zero Hour Saturn Girl vs Professor X
- Manchester Black vs Emma Frost
- Honnu Vs Superman
- Booster Gold vs Spider-Man
- Super Chief vs Luke Cage
- Manchester Black vs Maxwell Lord
- captain nazi vs captain america
- Hitman vs Punisher
- Orion (from Countdown) vs Thor (Siege)
- LAB BATTLE: Batman vs Spiderman vs Mr. Fantastic vs Iron man
- Thor (Odinforce) vs. Void/Sentry
- Thanos vs Blastarr
- Mister Majestic and Apollo vs King Hyperion
- who is the strongest being/character/person that dr.strange (classic) could defeat?
- Deathstroke & Bane vs. Captain America & Hawkeye
- Phoenix Force vs WF Mxy and HoM Scarlet Witch(read OP)
- Protege 1Vs Protege 2
- This Skrull Vs Thor
- Wolverine vs....... ODG's PHANTOM BONE THEORY!
- Bane vs JLA with a Twist
- Ikaris vs Supergirl
- binary vs. power girl
- Can any of these guys beat Jahf or Modt? (Guardians of the M'Kraan Crystal)
- Hulk vs Ultron
- adult conner kent vs supergirl
- Lex Luthor vs. Dark Avengers
- Superman & Orion Vs. Nova Prime, Black Bolt, Quasar
- 1st age Spawn vs Void
- Selene vs Zatanna
- Superman Prime vs DoV Spectre
- Thor & Sentry Vs Black Adam & Captain Marvel
- The Void vs Green Phoenix
- Marrow vs. Blade
- captain atom vs the u-foes
- whiplash vs Dr Octopus
- Zero Hour Parallax vs Eternity
- Inhuman royal family vs Magneto, quicksilver, polaris, and (pre Mday) S.witch
- Pre-Crisis Superman Runs A Gauntlet
- Supergirl and Powergirl Vs. Thanos (Twists)
- Pre Retconned Mxy Vs Molecule man
- Apocalypse vs. Voidtry
- Fatal Five-hundred vs Sinestro Corps
- Orion, Thor vs Sentry, Silver surfer.
- void w/ sentry vs dr.strange (classic)
- Flash Vs Sentry
- batman vs doom
- Shadowcat vs Misfit
- Scorpion vs Hellboy
- Batman vs
- Banshee vs Black Canary
- flash vs dr doom
- Selene and Apocalypse vs Superman and Wonder Woman
- Captain Marvel vs Loki
- Fantastic Four vs DOS Doomsday
- Marvel Atlantis vs DC Atlantis
- Hamburger Eating Contest! Wimpy vs Blob!
- Varnae vs Dracula
- Cyclops vs Black Canary
- Team women vs Team men
- Big Barda vs Wonder Man
- Depowered Tyrant vs Larfleeze
- Captain America vs. Deathbird
- iron lad vs booster gold
- Shao Kahn vs Cyborg
- Maxwell Lord vs. Marvel Earth? (Spoiler)
- Apocalypse vs. Flash
- Flash (Wally) w/ Green Lantern Rings runs Gauntlet
- Sunspot vs Black Canary
- Sunspot vs Wolverine
- Magog vs Apollo
- superman vs loki
- Batman & Deathstroke vs Deadpool & bullseye
- black adam vs. apocalypse
- Black Alice and Circe vs Loki and Dr. Fate
- Elektra vs Shuri BP
- Battle of the Furry Ones
- Shuri BP vs T'Challa BP
- Karate Kid vs World War Hulk
- Wonder Man and Ms Marvel vs Superboy
- void vs PC superman
- Wolverine vs Spiderman with a stupid twist
- Asgardian Destroyer+all souls Vs thanos with cosmic cube
- Superman, Sentry vs Gladiator, King Hyperion.
- Red vs. Green
- Darkseid, Parrallax, SBP, DD vs. Thanos, Onslaught, Apocolypse, Rulk
- Black panther vs. Wildcat
- Apollo vs Supergirl
- Asgardian Destroyer (Loki animates) vs The Fatal Five
- Asgardian Destroyer vs. Monarch
- Wonder Woman vs Iron Man
- Harbinger of Apocalypse vs Wonder Woman
- Nightcrawler vs She-Hulk
- Black Canary vs Elektra
- Tony Stark vs Reed Richards vs Lex Luthor vs Dr. Doom
- Superman vs. Void/Sentry
- Ghost Rider vs. Sentry/Void
- Sodam Yat Ion vs Mister Majestic, Superman, and Thor
- Team Cage vs. Team Venom
- JSA vs Avengers
- Legion vs Superman
- Electro/Omega the unKnown vs.Iron patriot/Venom
- Parallax vs Gah-Lak-Tus
- old skool bar fight....
- Wonder man vs wolverine
- Cyclops gauntlet
- Who can take a full power blast from Thanos without getting KO'd?
- Cloak vs The Hangman
- Takion vs Infinity Man
- coldcast vs wwhulk
- Thor vs Void Sentry
- Baron Zemo versus Captain America [Bucky]
- supreme,gladiator,king hyperion,and count naferia vs. 4 current supermans
- spiderman vs night crawler
- Captains americas V.S. The Batmans
- Zeus Vs Void Sentry
- Elektra vs. Constantine Drakon
- Top Telepaths Run a gaunlet
- Silver Surfer vs Sentry WITH Void.
- Which one would make a better opponent for Solid Snake
- Lady Shiva, Cheshire, and Elektra vs Karate Kid
- These guys VS cyborg superman
- Iron Man vs. Sentry
- Wolverine vs.... THE KNOCK OUT!
- Atomic Skull vs Thunderstrike
- Loki vs Manitou Raven
- Evil JLA vs Evil Avengers
- WWH, She-Hulk (Lyra), and She-Hulk vs Genocide (with Lasso)
- Glory(buffy) vs. Illyria(angel the series)
- Aztek vs Ironman
- Galactus vs Storm with Galactic Core
- Ultimate Fanboy Guntlet!!!!!!!!!
- Omnimar Synn vs BB
- Lucifer Morningstar vs All the lantern corps!
- Which x-man survives?
- Omega vs Surtur w' Twilight Sword
- Warblade vs Spiderman
- Levitz Legion era vs Cosmic Marvel
- Iron Man Vs War Machine Vs Iron Lad Vs Colossus
- Warblade & Ripclaw vs Wolverine & Sabretooth
- whiplash vs colossus
- Iceman vs Sunspot
- Longshot vs. Nick Fury
- 7 vs 7: DC vs MU
- Sinestro and Apocalypse vs Cyborg Supes and WWH
- Darkseid (Soulfire) vs Krona (W/Nekron)
- Manhunter vs Moon Knight
- Spiderman vs. She Hulk
- BRB, Gladiator, Nova vs. Black Bolt, Sentry, Binary
- Wolverine vs. Ares (marvel)
- Siryn vs Silver Banshee
- Maverick vs Black Panther
- Thor/Beta Ray/Black Adam vs Superman/Wonderwoman/Hal Jordan
- Wonder Woman vs Ms. Marvel/Wonderman/Namor/Ironman
- Lightray vs Dr. Arthur Light
- Ultron vs. Braniac
- What If: Caiera vs Silver Surfer
- Thanos vs. Krona
- Flashverine challenge
- Captain Marvel runs the gauntlet
- Wolverine vs. Banshee
- Super Nova vs Silver Surfer
- Lightray vs Starfire
- Moon Knight vs Deadpool
- Killer Cyborg vs Killer Cybot vs Killer Techno Organic master mind
- Team Spectre vs. Team Strange (Ultimate Battle)
- Superboy prime vs WWH
- Superboy prime vs Thor
- Mr. Majestic vs Thor
- captain america vs mister x
- Parallx & ION vs. Phoenix & Void/Sentry
- Thor & BRB vs. SS & Nova
- Depowered Tyrant vs Team
- Loki VS Felix Faust
- wonder woman vs War Hulk
- Which Superhero/Villian has the best art design?
- Stardust vs Nova
- Orion vs Sentinel (Alan)
- Lightray vs Nova Prime