- Batman v.s. Venom
- The Nothing Vs. The Rot
- Fury vs Punisher with a twist
- Elekra vs Punisher
- Nova and Ronan vs. Superman
- Genis-Vell v.s. Silver Surfer
- shaggy man&hp/doomsday vs pre crisis mongul&validus
- Thor vs. Wonder Woman
- WWH vs Kirby Darkseid/Flash/ Ice Man/Superman
- DareDevil Vs. Angel
- Bane vs KGBeast
- Crystal/GeoForce/Black Lightning vs. Storm/Red Tornado/Rictor
- WWH vs Zeus
- Team Super1 vs. Team Super2
- The Trickster, The Joker and The Prankster vs. Superman
- Sadam Yot vs. Senty
- Thanos/HOTU vs. ELAINE vs. MOM
- Thor vs Zeus
- adamantium vibranium extermis armor Ironman gauntlet
- Gamora/Mr. Miracle/DeathStroke vs. Midnighter/Karate Kid/Captain America
- evolution wars
- Ultimate Pietro vs Hulk
- Thor vs Sentry
- Lobo vs. Thor
- Who is a good match for Guy Gardner....
- Team Psychic Vs Tyrant
- The Mighty Thor Vs Darksied
- Spider-Man W/ Black suit & Human Torch Vs Iron-Man Villians
- superboy prime,gog(kingdom)vs wonderwoman(godwave),ares
- Dark Claw Vs Wolverine and batman
- count abyss vs tyrant (depowred)
- Wonder Woman vs Superman-Boxing Match
- WWH vs. Lobo
- planet hulk with a twist
- The Sinister Six v.s. The Supreme Six
- wolverine vs this sinister six
- Magneto v.s. WWH
- X-Men (Ladies) vs. X-Men (Fellas)
- Wonder Woman with her toys versus Darkseid
- Spider Man Vs Mr. Fanatastic
- oblivion vs the hunger
- Sentry vs Wonder Woman
- shuma gorath vs Darkseid
- wwhulk vs superman twist
- uber cable vs rachell summers/grey
- Batman vs Black Panther with twist...
- wolverine vs ero
- sabertooth vs morlun
- Marvel Magiks versus Marvel Cosmics
- Dormammu vs. Llan
- Storm vs Firestar vs Polaris
- Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman v. The Four Horsemen
- Metron and Warlock Play A game of Cosmic Chess
- sabertooth vs. puma
- Thor vs. Morg
- WWH vs. Apocalypse
- Desak vs Darksied
- ww hulk,thor,desak,dr strange,quasar vs all new gods
- sentry vs superman
- The Inbetweener vs. Nabu the Wise
- Yugah Khan vs. Odin
- The Punisher & Rambo vs Tarzan & Batman
- These Rappers vs Green Arrow (Ollie)
- Batman vs Bruce Lee
- Mephisto vs. Llan
- Pre Crisis Superman runs the gauntlet
- Sabertooth vs Black panther
- Negotiation for the Survival of the World
- Iron Man (extremis) vs Wonder Woman
- Place Your Bets! Huc (the shortened version of Hulk) vs. Sentry
- Batman/Captain America v. The Punisher/Winter Soldier
- WWH vs. Russell Crowe
- darthgoober's Amalgam Tourney Finals
- Cable v.s. Batman
- Who's a better strategist? Batman or Cable?
- dormammu vs shuma gorath vs set the serpent god
- H/P Superman vs Silver Surfer
- Talisman Vs. Dr.Fate
- black adam vs wonderwoman
- RKT vs. Tyrant (full powered)
- Marvel Earth: Test of Strength #1 - Wolverine
- Thor/Beta Ray Bill vs Superman/Wonder Woman
- Chessmatch Cap vs Bats
- H/P Doomsday vs. 8th Day Juggernaut
- Genis Vell ( Insane) vs. Kyle Rayner Parallax
- Annihilus and Thanos vs JLA
- Punisher vs Blade
- Silver Samurai/CaptainAmerica/Colossus VS Gambit/Spiderman/Cyclops
- griffter vs the punisher
- Team Buffy VS Team Marvel
- Stock Market Battel
- Scar Predator vs Movie Wolverine
- WWH pays his dues
- Captain America v.s. Punisher
- Stranger/Rune Thor/Uatu/Aron vs Arishem/Exitar/Galactus
- spider-man vs Hiroim
- Sliver Surfer vs RKT Thor
- Karate Kid vs. Majeh(king of hell)
- mr freeze vs doc ock
- The Great Evil Beast vs Thanos with the Heart of Infinite
- New New Fantastic 4 vs 3 power houses
- Iceman v.s. The Human Torch
- Marvel Streetlevelers vs DC Streetlevelers
- pre crisis mongul&validus/superman1million vs destroyer(odin)/onslaught/tyrant(dp)
- gog(kingdom)superboy prime,asmodel,superman,doomsday(h/p)vs all new gods
- Dr Doom vs Parademon
- Dr Doom vs BatMan 1M
- Moon Knight v.s. Batman
- Team Supes vs Team Thor
- Mephisto and Blackheart versus Odin and Thor
- Team Beta Ray Bill vs. Team Black Adam
- storm vs invisible woman
- The War of the Fusions ... Match-Up Two
- Domino vs. Batman
- King Thor versus Thanos
- best thread
- The War of the Fusions ...
- Wolverine without claws...
- Magneto vs Thor
- Classic Molecule Man vs. Merlyn
- Magneto vs. Polaris & Doctor Polaris with twist...
- StarFire/Binary vs. Captain Atom/Captain Marvel
- mighty avengers vs this team
- Sersi/Firestorm/Kilowogvs. Sentry/Black Bolt/Quasar
- titannus vs desak
- sabertooth vs carrion
- fusion battle
- Marvel/DC Powerhouse All-Star Battle
- Circe Vs Thor
- Silver Surfer v JLA
- 14 vs 7
- Team vs WWHulk
- Password Stolen But I got it Back
- Silver Surfer vs. Silver Surfer vs. Silver Surfer
- WWH vs. Thanos
- Why can't Thor beat Superman?
- Hulk vs. Wonder Woman
- Hulk vs Captain America
- Conan vs King Leonidas
- Venom & Carnage vs. 100 Aliens
- impossible man vs thanos
- Ring Wraiths from LOTR vs Wolverine,Sabretooth & Deadpool
- Red Skull(at his best) vs. Joker and Mr. Freeze
- gog(kingdom) vs supermen(reg kal-el,older one in kingdom,old one infinite crisis)
- batman vs ryu
- Classic Juggs vs Superboy Prime
- Cosmic Spider-Man vs. Flash
- The 300 vs Ring Wraith of LOTR
- Superman Vs Asgardian Destroyer & The Mangog
- Uni-Mind Vs. . .
- Dark Jean Grey VS Rachel Grey/Summers
- Team Thanos Vs Team X-men
- multibattle
- Team Underworld vs Team Blade
- Captain America versus Karnak
- surtur vs dormammu
- Jack (Bioshock) vs Hellboy
- Hercules vs Namor
- Silver Surfer vs Dr Strange vs Sentry vs Gladiator
- Spiderman w/ Venom Symbiote vs WWH
- Master Chief vs 10 Scar Predators
- Michael vs Nomak
- Dr. Manhattan vs parallax
- Wonder Woman vs Iron Man
- Darkseid and Thanos versus WWH
- Graviton vs Magneto
- Captain America vs. Rocky Balboa
- Most powerful Space ship?
- Thor(current) v. Iron Man
- Korvac vs. Charon
- Genis/Sentry/Zemo vs Heralds
- Mystique/Iron Fist vs. Black Panther/Wolverine (amalgams)
- WW Hulk vs Mary Marvel with BA upgrade.
- Shaman X-Man runs the Gauntlet.
- Iron Man Vs Silver Banshee
- Magneto Versus Graviton
- demogorgevs gog(kingdom),tyrant(dp),sbp,odin,mordru
- Superman vs Graviton
- Yoda Vs Deadpool/Wolverine/Captain America/Sabertooth
- Thanos Vs Darth Vader (At Full Power)
- h/p doomsday vs soloman grundy(peak)
- Validus vs PC-Mongul.
- battle
- Berserk Wolverine vs Aquaman
- Ironman and Aquaman vs. Jean Grey
- SilverSamurai vs USAgent
- Who'd Be A Match for the InfinitY Being In DC?
- These characters vs. THE GRUDGE
- mighty avengers vs desak
- thor girl vs super girl
- Tyrant (depowered) Vs Gog (kingdom)
- Cell vs. Superman
- wolverine vs carrionIII
- Photon Genis vs Superboy Prime
- Mantis vs Karate Kid h2h
- Captain America vs Magneto
- Batman vs Dr Doom
- War of the Telekinetics
- Solar Man of the Atom Vs The Silver Surfer
- black adam vs storm
- Tyrant(full powered) v. Darkseid(full powered)
- Super-brawls
- Amped 2 vs. Galactus
- Yet another Marvel Team takes on the JLA
- infinity being/alien entity vs pret con beyonder/molecule man
- KC Gog Vs Tyrant (Depowered)
- mavel veath vs this team
- Gamora vs Wonder Woman
- Cap vs Champion
- Grandmaster vs Thanos
- Ironfist / Luke Cage vs. Wolverine / Sabertooth
- Motoko Kusanagi vs The Punisher
- The Skill showings of Superman vs Thor
- beat my team...
- 300 run the Gauntlet
- human torch vs. pyro
- bullseye vs. hawkeye vs. green arrow
- Great Evil Beast vs. Lord of Nightmares
- Superboy Prime vs. Runner ( Space Gem )
- gog(kingdom)vs odin
- captain america vs the green goblin
- Atum(Demogorge) vs DC team
- xmen vs
- Team TK VS Team TK
- gog(kingdom)vs superboy prime
- Super Boy Prime Vs Superman, Thor, GL Hal and Silver Surfer
- new avengers vs the red ghost and his super apes
- galactus vs dc round 2
- Apocalypse v.s. Onslaught
- Best Avengers Team (1. Street, 1. anything)
- WWH v.s. Tittanus
- Classic ION Vs Thanos w/ Infinity Gauntlet
- Team Psychic Vs Team Cosmic
- Dr. Strange VS. Any wielders of the Mystic Arts (Magic)
- Solar Man Of The Atom Vs......
- Solar Man Of The Atom Vs Mogo
- quantim bands vs greenlantern ring
- mighty avengers, xmen, and ff vs this deadly alliance
- Captain Universe Silver Surfer vs. The Keeper
- Dire Bear vs. ?
- Tenchi vs. Ion
- Who can survive this blast?
- Dr. Doom Vs. Alexander Luthor Jr.
- Edifice Rex vs. Thanos /w/ IG
- Thanos w/ HOTI vs the Presence
- Master Splinter vs Yoda H2H
- Wolverine vs Wonder Woman
- HOM Scarlet Witch vs. Franklin Richards
- mighty avengers vs this team
- Gladiator against Gladiator *twisted*