- Iron Man vs Quasar vs Green Lantern(Hal)
- Omega Red vs Colossus
- Pre-retcon Beyonder vs Pre-Retcon Marvel Brother
- Master with two prep devices vs Galactus & Depowered Tyrant
- Boomerang vs Captain Boomerang
- ronan the accuser vs superskrull
- Obliterator,Champion/Power Gem & Morg/Power Cosmic vs This Team
- Superman vs ......
- Overtkill vs X-52 (Aaron Stack)
- Luke Cage vs US Agent
- Stick,TMNT/Splinter(Prime of life) & Shang Chi vs 300 with a twist
- Galaxy Corps versus Marvel
- The Forever Man vs Team
- lobo vs sandman
- 1994 movie ff VS FF movie
- Captain America vs. El Muerto
- THOR (not clone or robot) vs iron man
- T'Chaka vs. Captain America
- Risk/Match/Bombshell vs. Spiderman/Wonder Man/Invisable Woman
- Black Canary/Green Arrow/Batman vs. DareDevil/Taskmaster/Black Widow
- Batman VS Splinter
- Oblivion vs. Death
- thanos vs darkseid with one week worth of prep
- Legion vs. JLA vs. Avengers vs. X-Men and Afflilaites
- Sersi vs Thor vs Forgotten One(Battle Suit)
- Sinestro Corps VS Annihilation Wave
- Team vs Deathstroke,Deadpool & Midnighter
- Iron Man/Thing/Warbird vs. Hawkman/Hourman/Stargirl
- Thanos with the Heart vs Pre-creation Infinity Being
- Superman or Cyclops or Cap
- TMNT VS Splinter
- Could that guy Kyle XY take any one? You know from Marvel or DC?
- Cosmic Cubes & Infinity Gauntlet
- Apocalypse vs Darkseid
- Current Ion Vs Depowered Tyrant Vs The Eradicator
- This Team vs 300 Spartans
- crystal VS Molecule Man
- Storm! Ban Me!
- Thor vs. Sentry
- Power Cosmic Vs Oa Central Battery
- Walker,Trion & Abysss vs Edifice Rex & Mad Jim Jaspers
- The Infinite Man/Cosmic Extant/Godwave Ares vs.HOM Wanda/IG Thanos/MJJ
- Ultimate Cap vs US Agent(Walker)
- Midnighter runs the H2H Gaunlet
- Infintiy Watch Vs . . .
- Classic Mighty Avengers Vs Brainiac 13*
- VS thread
- Fantomex vs Midnighter
- Cosmic Extant vs. Classic Ion
- Power Primordial vs Power Cosmic
- Daredevil vs Toad
- How do you define "street-level"?
- The Dog Welder vs. Arms - Fall - Off Boy
- Cameron Hodge vs Iron Man
- Jean Grey (Classic, post pheonix) Vs Sue Storm
- Lobo Vs Power Girl
- Midnight Sun,Black Bolt & Ganymede vs Lobo
- darkseid vs spiderman
- gray hulk vs uilk and kalibak
- DC Superteams Vs Marvel Superteams
- Absorbing Man and Metamorpho vs. Thanos
- Nightcrawler vs Midnighter
- Midnighter vs Superman
- Aegis shield vs. Juggernauts shield
- Backlash/Wildstorm vs Gun Runner vs Midnight
- Backlash (wildstorm) vs The Shiver Man
- Kalibak vs Traitor
- thorvs doctor strange vs silver surfer vs thanos*
- Caps Conscience vs Capt it up
- Infinity Watch Thanos vs Nova Annhihlation
- Ultimate Fanboy Guntlet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- team fight!!!
- Nightcrawler vs. Toad
- Inconceivable Power!!!!!!!!
- Iron Spidey vs Venom (Brock)
- betaray bill vs annihilus w/qauntum bands
- Darkseid/Galvatron/Apocalypse vs Thanos/Brainiac/Ultron
- what company has the better Action figures?
- Batman is in the fight of his life but he has prep time :)
- Spider-Man vs. Captain America
- Eternals vs. Heralds
- Batman vs. Iron Fist
- Raging Savage Hulk & 8th Day Juggernaut vs Doomsday & Despero
- Thanos vs Mordru
- Isis/Maxima/Donna Troy vs. Thor/Hulk
- Batman vs. Karate Kid
- Cyclops vs. 616 Cap
- darkseid vs mordru
- Nth Man vs Franklin Richards
- Kyle Rayner vs Any Abstract with a twist
- 100 Dogs O' Wars vs This team
- Classic Luke Cage vs Debo
- Professor Power,Miklho & Four Arms vs Daredevil,Rage & Luke Cage
- Ghost Rider vs Gladiator
- the batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles
- Onimar Synn vs Doomsday & Despero
- Broly (DBZ) Vs Classic Juggernaut
- Goddess vs Magus vs Adam Warlock
- Hyperion vs silver surfer upgrade
- thanos with the hotu vs mr mxy
- Bruenor and Drizzt vs Ronin and echo
- Lobo vs. Scorpion (Mortal Combat)
- eros&mentor vs thanos
- iron spidey vs gamora
- Daredevil vs. Iron Fist
- Shiver man
- Captain America vs. Ghost Rider
- Ultron vs. Invisible Women
- M vs. Abomination
- DareDevil, Jubilee and Batman vs. Ghost Rider and Juggernaut
- Team vs Superman
- Volcana vs She Hulk
- Dr. Strange: Herald of Galactus
- loki&thor vs terrax/superskrull
- The Penance Stare
- A Sock...it is someone with multiple accounts?
- Venom vs Killer Moth
- ultimate cap vs thanos twist?
- Joystick [T-bolts Civill War] vs Rogue [x-men Mike Carey]
- Apocalypse vs Uatu the Watcher
- Judge vs. Whirly
- Impossible Man runs the Supermen gauntlet
- Captain Universe Storm vs Thor
- Galactus vs Darkseid
- Captain Universe Wolverine vs Lobo
- I am you as well
- And oh the Stars and Moons are Singing tonight
- For 30 billion dollars guantlet
- Battle of the socks
- Green Goblin vs The Lizard
- Superman and Black Adam versus Thor and Beta Ray Bill
- I'm back and better than ever
- Uatu/Tenebrous/Aegis vs Havok w/Nexus
- Crystal VS Magneto
- Thanos with the IG runs the marvel guantlet.
- My Team vs Omega Flight
- Rip you a Knew One!! Smack DOWN!!
- Justice League Versus Vertigo Team
- Graviton vs Blob
- Blob vs Juggernaut with a twist
- Omega Flight v. The Ultimates
- Queen of Fables vs Mighty Avengers/Omega Flight
- Dr. Fate v. Doctor Doom
- Ultimate Captain America vs 616 Spiderman
- Doom vs Alan Scott
- Hyperstorm,Pre-Crisis Superman & Supernova run the gauntlet
- Black Panther vs. Deathstroke
- Destroyer,Fallen One & Thanos vs Zeus & Odin
- Team vs Ripjak
- Nick Fury vs. Wolverine
- Thanos vs. Magus
- Gladiator vs. Absorbing Man
- WWH vs. Wither and Colossus
- How would Logan, Matt Murdock, or Bruce Wayne do in UFC, Olympic Boxing or Track?
- Depowered Tyrant and his Herald Mangog vs Team Power
- Sentry's team vs. Superman's team
- Doomsday vs ImpossibleMan
- Warlock & Prosh vs Vulcan & Mister M
- Rhino with a brain vs. Wonder Woman
- naaah!!
- hahaahah, storm
- Ultimate Steve Rogers vs Slade.
- Daimon Hellstrom vs Doctor Strange
- Batman with prep runs the gauntlet
- Movie Batman(begins) vs Movie V
- can woderwoman be raped?
- fu ,c:k the moderators
- whos di;c.k is bigger batman or superman
- Cosmic Extant runs the gauntlet
- Iceman, Cyclops and Psylocke vs Classic Juggernaut
- Gladiator Runs The New Gods Guantlet
- The Rock vs Darkseid
- Shade the Changing Man versus Storm
- Akuma Herald of Galactus vs Thanos
- storm vs. geo-force
- Black Panther vs Black Tarantula
- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Thanos
- atum/demongorge vs ego the living planet
- Galactus vs Hunger
- Tom Bombadil vs. Apocalypse (with crystal of cytorak)
- the rot vs the hunger
- FF vs Superskrull
- Ironman & Hulk vs Thor & Spiderman
- Darkseid Vs. Mogo
- Thanos Quest
- Magneto vs Jack of hearts
- Magneto vs Hercules/Savage Hulk
- Batman vs.. Colossus
- Batman vs. Superman
- Batman vs. Colossal Boy
- Master Yoda vS Master Splinter
- Sort of a strange gauntlet
- Full powered Amazo JLU vs Thanos W/IG
- 616 Cap vs Ultimate Cap
- Wonder Woman vs. Rachel Grey
- The biggest jerk
- Harald Jaekelsson,Midgard Serpent & Hela vs Odin
- Ghost Rider vs Harald Jaekelsson
- proteus w/reality gem vs house of m wanda
- Spider-man vs Spider-ham
- Batman vs. Captain AMerica... Coolness COntest
- Cap and Squirrel girl vs Thanos and Superman.
- Caps Jobber Aura
- Pre-Crisis Supes Vs Superman Prime
- Superman vs Cyclops
- Kim Possible & Shego vs Batman & Captain America
- New Gods vs. Shiar, Kree and Skrull Empires
- Batman/Deathstroke vs Captian America/Deadpool
- Silver Surfer, and Superman VS. Nate Grey, Magneto, Storm, and WonderWoman!!!!
- 3rd Age Spawn vs. Annihilation Silver Surfer
- Batman vs. Robin
- Batman vs. Spectre
- Batman vs. Spiderman
- The Vision versus The Martian Manhunter
- Black Panther vs Kraven the Hunter
- Ghost Rider VS Vision
- Wolverine VS Spawn
- Ghost Rider VS Spawn
- Shiverman vs Spiderman
- Movie Fantastic Four as One vs Movie Hulk
- vishanti vs atum/demongorge
- Cuchulain,Leir & Caber vs Gladiator Hulk,Immortal Hercules & Hawkman
- Great Evil Beasts/DC vs This team
- Kirby's Infinity man vs. Pre-crisis Superman
- Mr. Mxyzptlk vs. The Spectre
- Omega (DC) Runs the Gaunlet
- Wolverine vs Beast Boy
- Dominas vs superman (GOES ALL OUT)
- Villains vs JLA
- Frankie Richards vs Dr. Strange
- Fully Fed Galactus Runs a guantlet
- Galactus versus 8th Day Juggernaut
- odin&surtur vs dormammu&mephisto
- Iceman and Wolverine vs Cyclops and Colossus
- 7vs7
- Ancient One & Shazam the Wizard vs Arishem & One Above All
- Spectre vs Oblivion
- True form Darkseid and Highfather v.s. Zero hour Extant
- Warhawk vs Deathstroke
- Eradicator/Hank Henshaw/Black Adam vs. Sentry/BRB/Majestic
- Wolverine/The Punisher vs Captain America/Batman
- Tyrant vs. Takion and Stayne
- Iron Fist vs Sabertooth
- Asgardian Destroyer vs The Fury
- WWH vs 8th Day Juggernaut with a twist.
- Tombstone vs Wildcat
- Validus/Omega vs Mangog/Champion w power gem
- Captain Britian vs. Aquaman
- Thor vs. Mr. Majestic
- Oa vs. New Genesis