- Girl Fight! Team Thor vs. Team Grail.
- Maelstrom vs Sentry
- Compassion for a child from Villians
- Callisto vs Daredevil
- Fatality Vs Karnak
- Forerunner Vs Mantis
- Batroc The Leaper Vs Red Hood
- Crossbones vs. Eric Killmonger
- Hawk Man and Archangel vs. Sauron and Green Goblin
- Galactus -Vs- The Planet of Apokolips
- Captain Marvel & Wonder Woman vs Blue Marvel & Beta Ray Bill
- Thanos handing out a;s beatings
- Server Move Glitches Thread
- Man I went through the whole page,And none of you have anything, releavent to say
- Black Panther vs. Green Goblin
- A Message To All Good People Of KMC
- Mandarin (Comics) vs Aquaman
- US Agent vs DCNU Bane
- Amazo vs Trion Juggernaut
- Gamora Vs Essence
- Grail Vs Proxima Midnight
- Marvel/Dc
- Exiles Surfer vs. Thanos (with stips)
- Spider-Women vs. Titania
- WWH vs. He-Man
- Cyborg Superman vs The Fury
- Avengers V Justice League
- Ikaris, Thena & Makkari vs. Orion, Barda & Lightray
- Ok we have the molecule man going terminal in 25 years!
- Giving It Their All
- Nemesis Kid Vs Silver Surfer
- Punisher vs Nick Fury HTH
- Deadshot Vs Paladin
- Elektra Vs Inque
- Odin & Zeus vs. Team
- Who performs the best against this team???
- Captain Britain (with Excalibur and Amulet of Right) vs Galactus
- Dangerous fight: Surfer vs Superman vs Thor
- Blue Marvel & Monica vs......
- Mjolnir worthiness in reality
- Peter Peterilli vs Low Heralds
- GALACTUS with the UN vs Monarch
- Forerunned vs Val Armorr (Lightning Saga and up)
- A Superman thread that has never been done before.
- Batman vs. Mystique hand to hand.
- The Justice League -Vs- The Thor Corps
- Lobo vs. Black Bolt
- Blue Marvel & Monica Rambeau vs. GL Hal Jordan & GL John Stewart
- Nods to celeyhyga17, Top 10 unquantifiable strength feats
- Monet vs Amora the Enchantress(Barfight!)
- The Avengers - Vs - The Annihilators
- The Justice League -Vs- The X-Men Vills
- Superior Ironman vs. Super Skrull
- Multiverse - Vs- The Injustice League
- Karate Kid vs. Gamora
- Trigon Vs Sentry
- Justice League United Vs New Avengers
- Telepathy battle
- Ulik vs. Wendigo
- Exodus vs Miss Martian
- King Thor, Maestro & KC Superman vs. Death Sentry, War Hulk & SBP
- DCnu Justice League Vs 4 Super men
- Evil Ernie vs Lobo vs Doomsday
- The Avengers -Vs- Darkseid
- I want to form the Illuminati of KMC versus forum
- Winter Soldier & Captain Falcon vs Red Hood & Arsenal
- Weakest Character who could defeat Ultron
- Antman SS vs Spider-men
- Thanos VERSUS Skyfathers
- Icicle vs. Killer Frost
- Namor vs wonderman
- Magneto/Dr Doom vs Apocalypse/Kang
- Green Lantern Vs Daredevil, rep to rep
- Gorgon & Temugin vs. Valkyrie & Sif
- Uatu & Aron vs Galactus
- Full power Iceman Vs DCnu Flash
- Bizarro vs Captain Marvel (Shazam)
- Comic Book Artists vs Writers on picking powers
- Hyperion vs Doomsday
- Create a Marvel Team to Match DCnU Team 7
- The Dou's
- Dormammu vs Death Seed Sentry
- Cage Vs Doom Round 2
- PITT vs Grey Hulk
- Grey Hulk vs. Namora
- Namora vs War Machine
- Storm vs Angie (Engineer)
- PITT vs 4 Fights.
- Namora vs Wonder Man
- Mantis vs Immortal Hercules
- Namora vs Zarda(Power Princess)
- Pitt vs Caiera & Skaar
- Caiera vs Namora
- Zoom(Hunter Zolomon) vs Marvel Earth & DC Earth
- Death Seed Sentry vs Blackheart
- Manhunter vs Flash vs Rhino vs Rulk
- Thanos vs Fernus
- The Doctor (The Authority) vs Death Seed Sentry
- Onslaught vs Infinity Wars Adam Warlock, Martian Manhunter, & Mister Sinister
- Monarch vs Afro Magnus
- Martian Manhunter vs Juggernaut (Classic)
- Superman Prime vs. The Magus
- Supreme vs Gladiator vs Blue Marvel vs Invincible
- Shaman vs Kilowog
- Fernus vs Onslaught
- Classic Dr. Strange vs Spartan 3.0
- The Secret War ( A'V'A )
- Namora vs Lyra
- Can your team beat the Justice League or the Avengers ?
- Murder Mystery (Avengers)
- Namora vs Frenzy
- Dr.Doom vs Hulkbuster(s)
- Karate Kid vs Immortal Hercules H2H
- Aquaman, Wonder Woman, & Atom Smasher vs Spider-X, Nobilus, & Blastaar
- Iron Fist/Gambit vs Puck/Wolverine vs Deadpool/Deathstroke vs Black Panther/Cap A.
- Aquaman/Namor vs Maul/Sasquatch
- Current Annihilus vs Annihilators
- Frenzy and Monet vs. Gamora (pre BV upgrade) and Captain Marvel.
- Battle Beast vs Pre Superboy
- The Midnighter Vs The Centipede
- Namora Arm-Wrestling Gauntlet: Ladies Gauntlet
- Omega Red vs PITT
- Fury Vs. Saint of Killers
- Team 1 vs Team 2
- Mr. Terrific and Blue Beetle vs. Noh-Varr and Black Panther.
- Black Panther vs. Terry McGinnis
- Luke Cage vs Ivy
- Elektra vs Batman
- Iron Fist vs Karate Kid
- Worlds Greatest Detective?
- The Justice League -Vs- Darkseid
- Namorita vs Frenzy
- Red Son, KC & Ultraman Sups vs. War, WW & 2099 Hulk.
- The Mighty Avengers -Vs- The IlluminatI
- Army of the Dummies vs Team Supermen
- Current Annihilus vs The Maestro
- Orion and Supermanl vs. Moses Magnum and Count Nefaria.
- Namora vs. She-Thing and Namorita
- Savage Dragon vs Deadpool & Deathstroke
- The Green Lantern Corps Vs Justice League United
- The Flying Bricks -Vs- The Versitals
- Champions Vs Green Lanterns
- Iron Fist & Luke Cage vs Temujin & Fat Cobra
- Johnny Cage vs. Iron Fist
- Sentry - Hyperion - Blue Marvel - Gladiator
- Zatanna Vs Blue Marvel
- Man-Thing vs. Martian Manhunter
- Werewolf By Night Vs Luke Cage
- Hal Jordan vs. Flash
- Ms Marvel: EMH VS Wonderwoman: JLA
- This Marvel Team runs JLA gauntlet
- Spider-Man & Blade vs. Iron Fist & Shang Chi
- Deadpool vs. Black Panther
- Who has the best Hand Ninja record?
- Apocalypse Twins/w Jarnbjorn vs War Hulk & Dearh Sentry
- Who can Blue Marvel beat?
- Skaar & Caiera vs Solomon Grundy & Black Dwarf
- Superman VS Mental Attacks
- Hal Jordan runs the gauntlet
- Grifter vs. Cable
- Captain Marvel (Carol) & She Hulk vs. Cyborg & Aquaman
- Medusa vs Gorgon
- Colossus vs Namora
- Team Frankenstein Vs Team Ares
- Temugin vs Batman
- Annihilus/Gladiator vs Corvus Glaive/Proxima Midnight
- Solomon Grundy & Bizarro Vs Hyperion & Mr. Fixit
- Is Green Lantern still a herald?
- Cap and Iron Man -Vs- Batman and Aquaman
- Apocolypse and Thanos!
- Tony Stark vs Reed Richards (twist)
- Batman vs. Taskmaster
- Female Thor vs Fearless Defenders Hippolyta
- Loki hand to hand battle vs Batman, Captain America, & Deathstroke
- Daredevil vs Elektra
- Astounding Wolf Man vs Werewolf by Night (nots to Stillts)
- Trapped in the Cage with 3 Beasts!!!
- Aquaman & Mera vs. Storm & Iceman
- Loki vs. Juggernaut
- Loki vs. Captian Marvel
- Loki vs. Box
- Supergirl, Wonderwoman, Power Girl, Jade vs. Xenith, Unum, Gamora, Captain Marvel
- Namora vs Gamora
- Werewolf by Night vs. Man-Wolf
- The Illuminati
- The X-Men -Vs- The New Avengers
- Anti-Monitor & Darkseid Vs Thanos & Galactus
- Bane vs. Shang Chi
- Nigh-Omnipresence Vs Nigh-Omniscience
- Selene/Morlun vs Dr Doom/Dracula
- 7 Spider-men Vs The Hulk
- Black Adam vs the Growing Gauntlet!
- The X-Men in Dcnu
- Dracula vs Mr Sinister
- Bane/As Batman vs Batman
- The Flash Vs The Hulk, rep to rep
- Folded Man Vs Zoom
- Deathstroke Vs DCnU Bane
- Taskmaster vs NightWing
- Alpha Flight vs Wakanda
- Nimrod Vs Loki
- KMC Battleworld:THE PAY-PER VIEW
- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Says Black Adam Would Crush Black Bolt!!
- Quantum Superman Vs VoidSentry
- Battle Beast vs Beta Ray Bill
- Deathstroke, Harley vs Daredevil, Elektra
- Captain Universe Hulk vs. Dark Phoenix Cyclops
- Gladiator and Hulk vs. Thor and Superman
- Team Hyperion vs. Team Superman
- Thragg vs. Skaar
- Wonder Man & Captain Britian vs Beta Ray Bill
- Silver Surfer/Beta Ray Bill vs Gladiator/Quasar/Ronan
- Lasso vs Hammer
- The X-Men Vills -Vs- The Avengers
- The God Squad -Vs- The Illuminate
- Can Kingdom Come Superman Solo The Offenders ?
- Kingdom Come Captain Marvel Vs Gladiator
- Scar Vs Black Adam
- Maestro vs Green Scar
- Plastic-Man vs Deadpool...at...
- Captain Wilson vs. Misty Knight and Colleen Wing
- Can Kingdom Come Superman solo The Defenders?
- Abomination vs Superboy
- Ironman vs. Mercury
- Namor vs. Mercury
- Black Panther & Iron Fist vs. Omega Red & Gorgon
- Cult of the Cold Flame (DC Magi) Vs New Guardians (Lanterns)
- Namor Vs OMAC (Buddy)
- ( Justice League World )
- ( World Avengers )
- Hercules -Vs- The X-Men
- Superboy Prime Vs. Galactus
- Odin-force Thor vs God of War Wonder Woman
- Superboy Prime vs Maestro in a slugfest!
- Superman vs. Team-Invincible (Stacking Gauntlet)...
- Justice League United Vs Avengers World
- DCnU Ultraman Vs Beta Ray Bill
- Luke Cage/w Gauntlets of Ares vs Thor
- The Beyonder Busters
- Mercury vs. Titania
- Venus vs. Mercury
- Team Luke Cage vs. Team She Hulk
- Team Stark vs Team Ross
- Hollywood vs Current Superman
- Deathstroke vs deadpool
- The Avengers -Vs- The Injustice League
- Wonder Man - Vs - Aquaman