- Sersi vs Jack Hawksmoor
- Phantom Stranger VS Odin
- Darkseid vs Zauriel
- Cecilia Reyes vs. Diamond Lil
- Superboy Prime vs Superman 1M
- Icon Battle 3
- Batman (DCAU) vs. Batman (comics)
- Maxima vs Martian Manhunter
- Sub Zero/Scorpion vs Wolverine/Sabretooth
- Slade vs. Green Goblin
- Wildcat,Batman,&Nightwing Vs. Captian American,MoonKnight,&Daredevil
- Witchblade Vs. Mjolnir
- Mister Mxyzptlk vs Mad Jim Jaspers & Mister M
- Justice League vs ????
- Superman (vs) Gladiator
- Pre Crisis Super Sayen 3 Goku Vs. 2nd Age Wolverine
- Spiderman vs. Dark Claw
- Superboy v.s. Superboy Prime
- Magneto/Shaman Nate Grey VS WW/Fernus
- G@y vr. G@y
- Darkseid Vs Superboy Prime
- Harley Quin vs. Ragdoll
- Superboy Prime vs. Pre - Crisis Mon-El
- iceman vs human torch
- Shadow king vr. Martian Manhunter
- Batman (with a twist) vs Superman
- The Ultimate Gauntlet Team Doomsday/Hunter,Fury & 8th Juggernaut
- Wonderwoman vs. Count Neferia
- The Blood Brothers,Zogg & Kraa vs Savage Hulk/50% rage & Superman
- Wonder Woman & Captain Marvel vs. Superman & Martian Manhunter
- Indestructible vs Lobo
- Abomination vs. Colossus
- Wonderman vs. Captain Britian
- Blob vs. Thing
- Korvac vs The Eternals
- The Fury vs current Avengers
- Apocalypse,Maestro & War Hulk vs Darkseid
- Kratos(God of War) vs Dragon Man
- Deathstroke vs Deathstrike
- Sersi vs
- Wolverine/Spiderman/Sabertooth run the guantlet.
- Unicron & Galactus vs Marvel Universe
- Marvel vs DC
- Deathstroke vs. USAgent
- Surfer vs Doomsday
- Franklin Richards vs. Mad Jim Jaspers
- Darkseid vs. Antimonitor
- Swift (the Authority) vs. Hawkgirl
- Gambit vs. Darkseid
- Captain Atom vs Extant...
- Wonder Woman vs Doctor Doom
- Superman vs All Gl Corps
- Superaman, Batman, Wonder Woman vs. Thor, Hulk, Spiderman
- Time vs Realty Manipulation...
- X-23 vs Batgirl
- Magneto vs. Doctor Light
- Extant v.s. HOM Scarlet Witch
- Invisible Woman vs. Jade vs. Star Sapphire
- Living Tribunal w/Cosmic Cube vs. Lucifer Morningstar w/IG
- Superman Prime & Wonder Woman w/Godwave vs. Spectre
- Thanos w/HOTU & Darkseid w/ALE vs. cosmics of Marvel and DC
- Bucky Vs. Jason Todd (Before & After)
- Drax with power gem vs King Hyperion.
- herculies vs loki
- venom is strenth 60-80
- Stan Lee's opinion about Hulk vs Superman
- mystique (vs) elektra
- Moondragon/Maxima DC vs Xavier/Emma
- Silver Surfer vs Shaman Nate...
- Silver Surfer vs Vulcan/Godlike Cable..
- Agent X vs. Midnighter
- Thing vs Rhino
- Ghostrider VS Deathstroke
- Cyclops vs Ultimate Colossus
- Ultimate Hawkeye vs Daredevil
- Wolverine & Sabertooth vs. Hydroman & Sandman
- Invisible Woman vs. Polaris
- Martian Manhunter gauntlet
- Immortal Hercules, Maestro and Wonderman vs. Doomsday
- Is the Leader (former: Ringmaster) really an AUSTRIAN born villain ???
- Abraxas vs Original Ion
- Ion vs. Q
- JLA vs Avengers
- Movie Hulk vs Comic Book Thing
- Current Thanos with full use of the Power Gem vs Darkseid,Orion & Kalibak
- He-Man vs ???
- Hank Hall( with Hulk's powers) vs Savage Hulk
- Thanos w/Cosmic Cube vs Darkseid
- Ultimate Captain America runs the Gauntlet
- Kurse(616) & Mindless Hulk vs The Ultimates & The Liberators
- Immortal Hercules vs Attuma & U-Man
- WW vs Surfer
- King Hyperion vs. Orion
- Kurse vs. Orion
- Count Neferia vs. Black Adam
- Battle of Aim: Marvel vs. DC
- wally west v.s. mindless hulk
- Superman Vs. Batman (2010)
- smallville lex luthor vs movie lex
- ultimate hawk-eye vs bullseye
- Thanos, Dr. Strange, Reed Richards, Kang, Apoc, Dr. Doom, High Evolutionary vs. DCU
- Every Speedy versus Hawkeye
- Nova Richard Ryder vs Extremis Ironman
- Elder Predator vs Wolverine(Bone clawed)
- Psimon vs. Sprite......hmm..
- Flash (Wally West) vs New Sun
- Batman runs the MU Gauntlet
- Taskmaster vs Midnighter
- Magneto vs Jack Hawksmoor
- The Mask Vs. LT
- Green Arrow Vs. Hawkeye
- Batman Vs. Dr. Doom
- Logan vs. Any Brawler
- Ion Pheniox Vs. Galactus
- Rachel Summers [with the power given to her by the Beyonder] vs Jean Grey
- Movie Superman vs Movie Magneto & Movie Hulk
- DC Ares vs Marvel Teams toughtest villains
- The Secret Six vs. Wolverine
- Superman 1 Million VS Thanos
- Ego vs Kubik vs High Evolutionary
- How long would it take for these teams to take out Mordor and Sauron?
- BB/SS run the G
- D.c. Ares vs. Silver Surfer and Strange
- King Hyperion vs. Gladiator(full confidence)
- Justice Lords vr. The Marvel Heroes
- The JLA 1Million v.s. Any Other Team
- Franklin Richards vs Thanos
- Super-Skrull versus Teen Titans
- Sprite vs Batman with a twist
- Jack Hawksmoor vs the Hulk
- kraven vs zaran
- Marvel War
- Thor vs J2
- DC's War
- Master Mold vs Carnage
- Onslaught vs. Tyrant
- Dormammu, Shuma - Gorath, and Cytorrak vs. the Vishanti
- Big G V. The Anti-Moniter
- Onslaught (Full power) vs These guys
- Raven vs Zantanna
- Top 3 Heroes versus Top 3 Villains
- Hourman (Android) runs a gauntlet
- Parallax vs. Thanos (w/HOTU)
- Ulik vs. Thing
- Quasar vs. Martian Manhunter
- Maelstrom vs. Korvak
- Kid Devil vs. Spiderman
- statesman vs sups round 2
- super-hero poker tourny
- Dark Angel (Jessica Alba) vs. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- The Fury vs Amazo vs DD
- Metallo versus Iron Man
- The Ultimate Showdown of the FEARSOME Foursomes!!!
- Deadpool vs. Ultimate Captain America
- Trigon vs Dormammu
- Ravager vs. Talia al Ghul
- The Doom Patrol vs. the Astonishing X-Men
- Zombie cap vs 616 cap vs Ultimate cap
- Doc Strange with Prep vs. HOM Wanda
- Wolverine Vs. Wing Zero
- Iron Man Extremis goes through gauntlet
- Raven vs Juggernaut
- Batman 1Million v.s. Kang, Reed Richards, & Dr.Doom
- Vulcan,Magneto/Prime & 8th Day Juggernaut run a gauntlet
- Deathurge vs Lobo
- real versus thread
- Full-potential Gambit vs Full-potential Iceman
- Pre-Crisis Black Lightning vs. Pre-Crisis Dr. Polaris
- Movie Hulk 'Vs' Smallville Clark
- Nate Grey vs Vulcan
- Namor vs. Hercules
- Silver Surfer vs Morg
- Black Adam,Adult Kon-el,Batman 1million vs Thor,and the fantastic four
- Superman vs Spider-man,The Hulk,Namor
- Shuma-Gorath Vs. The Vishanti
- Shuma-Gorath Vs. Dormammu
- apocalypse&cable (vs) orion
- colossus,current juugs,thing vs hercules,wendigo,abomination
- Maelstrom vs. Superman
- JLA vs The Imperial Guard
- Batman vs Deathbird
- Ion vs Hyperstorm/Stongest version & Kubik
- Fight Gauntlet Wars
- Storm vs. Namorita
- Nate Grey Vs Martian Manhunter
- Frank substitution. It's Zombie Time!
- Galactus vs. Shuma-Gorath
- Cyborg Superman versus Thor
- Master Chief vs Optimus Prime
- Iron Man verus Cyborg Superman
- Dr. Strange vs. Marvel Zeus
- JLA/Avengers/X-men Team vs Tyrant Darkseid
- Gods versus Cosmics
- Omac vs Iron Man
- Team 1 vs Team 2
- Shin Akuma vs. Master Chief
- Silver Surfer/Morg vs Superman/Sentry
- Thor vs Superman+
- Galactus vs. JLA
- Survival of the Fittest!
- Infiltratioin Gauntlet
- Ion, Silver Surfer, and Phoenix Vs. any other three
- Peter Parker Vs. Reed Richards
- battle of the big brains
- thor, hercules, juggernaut vs normal galactus
- The "Titan" Trinity Gauntlet
- Wolverine Vs Violator
- Hulk vs He-Man H2H: Nuff' said
- Team Power versus Thanos
- Amazo vs Doomsday
- Team MEDIOCRE goes through a gauntlet
- Pre-Adamantium Sabretooth vs Tigra
- Ironman vs The Thing h2h
- Terminus,Current Thanos & Morg with Power Cosmic run a gauntlet
- Superman & Captain Marvel/No Shazam vs Khoon
- Blade vs. Artemis
- Master Chief runs the Gaunlet
- Supergirl vs Mrs. Marvel death match
- mr. fantastic vs plastic man
- Supergirl VS WonderWomen
- Onslaught at full power runs the gauntlet
- Prospero's Men versus The New Mutants
- Current Hercules vs. He-Man
- My favorite Imp runs the Impossible Guantlet
- Ben 10 vs superman
- Classic Juggernaut versus ALL
- Justice Lords vs Squadron Sinister
- Batman 1 Million vs The Rune Vampire/w Soul Gem
- Parallax vs thor and iron man and superboy[ coner]
- Iron Man,Forge & Madison Jefferies vs DC earth with a twist
- Master Chief vs Sentinel Squad
- 8th Day Juggernaut runs the gauntlet
- Nimrod Vs. Savage Hulk
- Anti-Moniter vs Multi-Eternity
- Sliver Surfer Vs the Sentry
- The Surfer, Majestic & BRB vs Superman, Eradicator, Henshaw
- Classic Juggernaut vrs Hawkins
- Captain America/Spider-Man/Deadpool vs. Wendigo
- Wonder Woman vs. Sersi, Thor, Gladiator, Silver Surfer
- Molecule Man/Hom Scarlet Witch vs. Mr. Mxy/Parallax
- Strange runs the guantlet with no prep
- champion v.s. trion jugg
- Captain America strength feats?
- The Birds vs. The Cats
- Wonder Woman vs. He-Man
- Superman/Cyborg Superman/Eradicator vs. Silver Surfer/Thor/Gladiator
- Master Cheif Vs Iron Man
- new swords men vs drizzt