- Squirrel Girl vs FP Tyrant
- Marvel muscle vs DC muscle.
- ironman and lex luthor vs superman
- Wonder Woman, She=Hulk vs Binary, Maxima.
- The Society Vs The Cabal
- zom vs. the archenemy
- Batman with Upgrades vs Thanos
- Team MU vs Team DC: Villain style!
- Bizarro, Parasite and Solomon Grundy Vs Hyperion, Crusher Creel and The Wrecker
- Gladiator, Orion vs Superman, Thor.
- Team MU vs Team DC: 10 on 10
- Lifting Strength vs Punching/Striking Strength
- The Doctor(Wildstorm Authority) vs Superman
- Hercules runs the gauntlet
- Superman with the power cosmic VS Current Thor with the Uni-power.
- Dr. Doom/Lex Luthor vs Reed Richards/Batman
- Judo Tossing Competion
- Galactus with Unipower Vs Scathan
- Dr. Voodoo/Dr. Strange vs Angel of Death/Blaze vs Zadkiel/Caretaker
- Wonder Woman/Gladiator vs Silver Surfer/Ms. Marvel vs Superman/Her
- Tyrant/Ego vs Ziran/Gammeon
- marvel babies vs teen titans
- Flash Vs photon
- Thing vs Atlas
- Who could beat pimped up Flash?
- 4th Celestial Host VS Marvel Cosmics
- Thor vs. Superm... Oh I mean Sentry
- War
- Dr. Fate's (team) vs. Dr. Strange (team)
- Teen Titans vs. Avengers
- Secret Six vs. Avengers
- Thor Vs The Wrecker, Sandman, Crusher Creel and Hyperion
- Bane runs the Gauntlet with a twist
- The Cabal: Hostel takeover vs Marvel Earth
- Hercules vs Sasquatch
- Escaping the Alien Abduction Facility
- Gorgon V.S. This team
- Kingpin's Criminal Network in DCU Earth vs Lex Corp or Wayne Industry?
- Sasquatch vs Colossus
- Sasquatch runs the gauntlet
- If you had to walk into the Vorhees house...
- The Cathexis vs. Marvel Earth
- Gog vs Demogorge the God Eater
- Giants of Asgard vs Asmodel
- weakest character to KO TX
- Tug Of War
- Omega Red vs The Wrecking Crew
- Future Marvel - Which Cabal Rules All
- Cyborg Superman/The Eradicator vs Black Adam(ww3)/Captain Marvel(billy)
- Spider-Man vs Strong Guy
- Superman vs
- Atlas vs WW Hulk
- ..........
- Tug of war
- Survival...
- Crazy Genis vs Ion
- Genis-Vell Vs HP Doomsday
- Anton Arcane vs Mangog
- no PIS no CIS ? what does this mean
- Solaris vs Odin
- Team DC vs Team Marvel
- Maul vs Hercules
- Strong Guy vs Sasquatch
- Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson) in Dr. Strange's shoes
- Iron Man runs Armored Gauntlet
- Wolf (hunter killer) vs. Deathstroke
- You vs. Me
- hulk vs. banner
- thor vs trion juggernaut
- Mr Immortal Vs Abraxas
- Rampage of Puny Banner 1
- 1031 Colossus Vs Cyber
- Silver Surfern vs Black Adam.
- Toughest opponent Blade can take bloodlusted
- new school vs. old school
- Ghost Rider vs. Dr. Voodoo
- Darkseid Vs Superman, Thor, Silver surfer and Blk Adam
- Captain America Vs. US Agent and Winter Soldier
- Heroes from Wonderworld vs Justice Legion A
- Dominus vs Shaper of Worlds
- The mightiest of Angels vs the Mightiest of Celestials
- Happy Birthday guy222 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Yuga Khan vs a Celestial
- Thanos vs Superman/Silver Surfer/Thor/Gladiator
- Rune King Thor vs The One (The Quintessence)
- Wildcats vs Dark Avengers
- Caitlin Fairchild VS Luke Cage
- "Get out of here, you sissy!" Gauntlet
- Superman and The Silver Surfer switch
- Anton Arcane vs Mephisto
- Quintessence Vs Dormammu
- Lightning/Electricity War
- Molly Hayes (Runaways) vs Colossus
- The Destroyer vs Omega
- Galactus vs DC Earth (and allies)
- Current Temugin vs. Luke Cage
- Who has the better vehicle?
- Oblivion + Abraxas Vs. Goblin Force + BCA Galactus
- Colossus vs Wrecking Crew
- de-powerd Juggs vs Bulldozer
- The Huge Dark Warehouse Battle
- Thor runs the Superman villains gauntlet.
- full confidance gladiator vs thor
- Omega Effect vs Destroyer's Disintegrator
- Thor and Superman switch places
- Current Punisher vs Daredevil h2h
- DC's Word vs MU Oblivion
- Parliament of Trees vs Asgard
- DC's version of the God Squad...
- Superman vs Thor in a pure slugfest
- thor vs shuma gorath
- thor vs gladiator
- Daken vs Skaar
- Race War! The Infinities vs Celestials
- Race war! Mites vs the Infinities
- Dreambound vs Warbound
- Galactus heralds invade dc earth
- Zealot vs Bullseye
- Guardian Amped Prime vs Asmodel
- Solaris vs Mageddon
- Silver Surfer, Monarch vs Parrelax (Hal), Morg.
- Asmodel vs. Doomsday(hp)
- who would be a bigger threat with the infinity gaunlet
- Superman vs Gladiator.
- Thor/Supes/Silver Surfer vs BRB/Black bolt/Magneto/Black adam
- Low showings
- Herald...my Rage!!
- Superman 1 Million vs Odin
- Zeus, Hercules and Ares Vs Zuras, Abomination, Wolverine and bane
- Oblivion Vs Abraxas
- US Agent vs Batman
- Silver Surfer Vs. This Team
- The Celestials return to Earth
- Thanos run a gauntlet
- who got more money bruce wayne or tony stark?
- spiderman vs Bruce wayne
- X Without his telepathy against these guys
- You vs Ghost Rider
- Angel God Spawn Vs The Spectre
- hercules vs WWH
- hercules vs superman
- Tao & Max Faraday vs MJJ & Molecule Man
- hercules vs gladiator
- Max Faraday vs MJJ
- Hercules vs Skaar and Shulk
- Superman w/Miracle Machine vs Hourman w/Worlogog
- Justice Legion A vs Cosmic Beings...nods
- Protege runs this Gauntlet
- Skaar vs Hercules
- Captain Planet vs Superman
- Pre-Crisis Amazo vs Protege
- JLA vs Cosmic beings
- Destroyer Armor Vs. Doomsday
- Huge Super Brawl
- Skaar vs Sabretooth
- Alan Scott vs Orion
- Uber Supermen vs. Uber Marvel team..
- Chris Kent vs. Superboy
- Rhino vs silver surfer
- Colossus Vs Silver Surfer
- Colossus Vs Iron clad
- Rhino VS Venom
- Characters you'd argue could win against a given character, eventough the comics ..
- Elektra/Deathstroke/Steve vs Mister X/Taskmaster/Blade
- Classic Thor (or current no Odinforce Thor) VS Odin!
- Eternity/Infinity vs Sise-Neg
- Dark Avengers/Dark X-Men VS The X-Men
- The Spirit vs Punisher
- Can [Insert Superhero] save the day?
- Herelds/Eternals vs LanternCorp/Kryptonians
- Hulk gauntlet with twist
- Tyrant vs thor's Big brother
- Odin, Surtur w/o Twilight, Ymir, RKT Vs Tyrant
- Choose your own Adventu...ummm Death!
- Trion Juggernaut vs FP Galactus
- Blackest Night takes on Marvel Earth
- You run the Gauntlet
- Galactus vs Asgard
- The JLA Vs The JLA
- Blackest Night (Marvel )
- Thor w/Odinforce vs Thanos
- batgirl vs us agent
- The Terminator Vs Batman h2h
- Asmodel vs. Darkseid
- Tyrant Vs. Odin
- Beta Ray Bill vs. Telepathy
- Full Rage Wolverine w/Mother Box vs. Iron Man w/Power Ring!
- How many Supermans would it take to take out...
- (Amazing)Spiderman vs (the terrible)Killer Croc
- thor with odin force vs thanos
- Trion Juggernaut Vs Galactus
- Amazing Spiderman vs Captain America
- Colossus vs Tillie the Hun, Woodgod & Rhino
- Mister X vs The Bat Trio..
- The Hulks Vs Psychics
- Wonderwoman vs thanos
- DS Doomsday vs A-Bomb
- Orion vs Adam Warlock
- Choosing one of these powerhouses for you team
- Silver Surfer/Superman vs Thor/Orion
- Frenzy vs Strong Guy
- Rulk Vs Thor
- Vishanti,Dr strange vs RKT, Atum
- COLOSSUS vs toxin
- Jugernaut vs adamatium spike
- Galactus has absorbed... Vs IG
- Cap.America and Batman Vs Thanos
- The Pax Dei invade Apokolips
- Thor vs Sentry
- Asmodel vs. Orion
- hercules runs the arm ripping gauntlet
- Kraven the Hunter vs The Kingpin
- gambit vs cyclops only in hand 2 hand fight
- Raven vs bryan
- Ghost Rider Vs Pluto
- Mr. X vs Blade and Steve
- Reptyle Prime vs Apocalypse
- Who's scarier, Thor or Orion?
- Onslaught Hulk vs. Thor (slugfest)
- Superman vs Thanos (Pure Slugfest)
- Destroyer VS Trant+All Heralds+Thanos+Adam Warlock
- Black celestial arc Galactus Vs. Eternity and Infinity
- Frenzy Husk and Luke Cage Vs Colossus
- Thor/Superman/Wonder Woman vs Gladiator/Count Nefaria/Firelord
- Kurse/Titus vs WWH/Juggernaut
- Spectre/Lucifer Morningstar vs The Word/Living Tribunal
- The Cabal vs Illuminati
- Enslaver VS Juggernaut
- You are Nova Prime...
- Bloodshot vs Midnighter
- Stardust,Firelord,Terrax and Gladiator Vs Cap.Atom,Firestorm,Alan Scott and Blk Adam
- Batman and Cap.America Vs Dr.Doom
- X-Men vs Midgard Serpent
- Kurse vs Tornado Tyrant
- Colossus VS Blob
- Destroyer Vs tyrant
- Movie magneto Vs Movie Sinister 4
- Wonder Woman, Sersi vs Maxima, Zatanna.
- Thor, Loki vs. Superman, Henshaw
- Destroy earth in a single day
- Loki vs Midgard Serpant
- Reed Richards & Dr Doom Vs Thanos
- Faith (JLA) vs Emma Frost
- The Pax Dei and Spectre(dov) vs. Asgard
- Ymir vs S'ivaa The Destroyer
- The Shadow King vs Cassandra Nova
- [insert character here] w/Power Ring or Mother Box vs. Silver Surfer!
- Edifice Rex VS Molecule Man
- Claw vs Songbird.
- 5 Hulk vs 8 Thing