- Leviathan aka Marrina vs Maxam & Classic Drax the Destroyer
- Karate Kid vs. Spiderman
- Not Everyone
- batman vs Black Panther
- New avengers vs soundwave
- Superman vs Thor: Skill
- Blackbolt vs Guy Gardener special
- Spider-man vs Wonder Woman (with a twist!)
- Kurse vs Team
- Marrina vs Tsunami
- power cosmic vs 5D magic
- Kurse vs World War Hulk
- Genis vs Firestorm
- Who can defeat a constantly hydrated NAMOR?
- Yo a fan of Zero?
- Thanos,High Evolutionary & Trion Juggernaut run the gauntlet
- The Hyperclan vs. the 8th day avatars
- Thanos runs the Villian Guantlet
- Layla Miller, Proteus Ragman & Mr Terriffic vs The Authority & Apocalypse
- Despero/Most Powerful vs Team
- Captain America, Iron Fist and Luke Cage vs Abomination
- Fin Fang Foom,Gog & Reptyle Prime vs Mangog
- Why!!!??
- The Judge vs. MightyEinHjerNar
- leonidas(300) vs achilles(troy)
- thanos and tyrant vs darkseid and yuga khan
- Binary Vs Superman
- Symbiote Spider-Man Vs Lobo
- King Leonides vs Kratos
- Tyrant vs Villians United
- Tiamut vs. Aggamotto
- Wonder Woman Vs Binary
- King Leonides vs Miho
- Maestro Hulk Vs Superman
- Worf vs Wildcat
- hulk vs 8th day juggernaut
- Ultimate Pyro Vs. Avalanche
- Arsenal/Beta & Arsenal/Alpha vs Thing & Classic Sasquatch
- Thanos vs. Light Ray, Orion, Superman, Hal Jordan, starfire and Sinestro
- Silver Surfer vs Superman with a twist
- Firestorm vs. Thanos
- Hulkling vs Miss Martian
- Thanos vs Alan Scott
- The HyperClan Vs The Star Jammers
- Wolverine and Black Panther vs Captain America and Sabretooth
- Hawkman/QuickSilver/Zealot Vs. Taskmaster/Sabertooth/ManBat
- 300 vs Persian Empire
- silver surfer(upgraded) vs fantastic four with superman.
- Cannonball vs. Kurse
- Captain Atom vs. Lawbringer Qztr
- Hercules vs. Hellion
- Thanos vs. Belasco
- batman vs deadpool
- atum/demogorge runs the gauntlet
- Count Abyss vs. Asmodel
- Sinestro/Despero/Hela Run the Guantlet
- Graviton vs Count Nefaria vs Terrax/w Axe
- Ultimate Marvel team vs Kurse
- Asgardian Destroyer (odin) w/odinsword vs surtur w/twilight sword
- American Eagle,Charlie-27 & Beast vs Black Suit Spider-Man
- Gypsy/Vixen/Artemis vs. Psylock/Spider Woman/Elektra
- Annihilation Silver Surfer vs. Storm
- Classic Hulk vs. Solomon Grundy
- Team vs Darkseid
- black spiderman vs lobo
- Zzzax,Quantum & Graviton run the gauntlet
- 8th day Juggernaut vs Justice League
- superman vs (bad showings)
- aquaman vs carnage
- samurai jack vs wolverine
- lion-o & cheetara vs wolverine & spiderman
- Thor vs Apocalypse (twist)
- Banner/Hulk vs Immortal HerculesThing & Colossus
- Silver Surfer vs (his bad showings)
- In the latest Cable/Deadpool issue
- Storm and Nova vs Superman Red & Blue
- darkseid versus silver surfer
- Silver Surfer vS Dr. Doom
- captain marvel vs blue energy superman
- Hulk vs. Darwin
- Thor vs. Dracula
- Dinobost vs the constucticons
- Ghost Rider vs. Madcap
- Storm, Wolverine & Hulk run the gaunlet.
- Who's the strogest Weapon X Fighter?
- Parallax and Anti-Monitor vs Molecule man and Abraxas
- Galactus vs One Above All
- Bloodstone vs Hawkman
- Lex Luthor vs Magneto
- Steel (in the imperex armor) vs Berserker Thor & War Hulk
- Who could kill the most world leaders and can get away with it?
- Lobo vs Worldwar Hulk
- unicron vs marvel earth
- father's day match
- Could Movie Surfer Change ?
- Thor vs 50 white martians
- Black Adam vs Ghost Rider(Daniel Ketch)
- Batman vs Black Panther with a twist
- Classic Juggs vs 8th day Juggs
- cartoon megatron gen 1 vs beast wars/beast machines megatron
- Puma vs Wildcat III
- Captain America vs Hawkman
- Hour-man vs Sabertooth
- Herald Doom vs Pheonix
- Black Bolt/Gladiator/BetaRayBill vs/Captain Atom/Lightray/Black Adam
- Atum vs. Darkseid
- Beat this Secret Society
- Odin vs Tiamut
- Batman v. The Hulk
- Movie Ghost Rider Vs Movie Wolverine
- Jonah Hex vs Punisher Max
- Omega Red vs Ghost Rider
- movie silver surfer vs movie superman
- Batman Vs Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)
- Nova(Annihilation) v. The Thunderbolts
- can someone please add this to the Wolverine vs Batman thread.
- Doctor Light vs Superman (no speed)
- Exitar vs ????
- Wolverine vs Hawkman
- Loki vs Pluto
- Superman vs BlackBolt & Firelord
- Hawkman vs Spider-man
- One last time Thanos vs Depowered Tyrant
- Rachel Grey vs. Stepford Cuckoos
- Exiles vs Apocalypse
- Classic Ion runs the Marvel Earth gauntlet
- Rediculously overpowered character amped to take those whom he should not be fighting
- Classic Sabretooth vs Carnivore
- Savage Hulk vs Living Tribunal
- Bloodstone vs Daredevil,Captain America & Batman
- Daredevil runs the superstrength gauntlet
- Movie Silver Surfer vs Movie Phoenix
- Dormamu VS Mephisto and Satanish
- Eddie Brock Venom vs Evolved Spider-Man
- Captain America Vs. Batman
- The Spectre vs. All Celestials at once
- doctor doom versus mr potato head
- Despero vs Thanos
- Spider-man and Wolverine run the movie gauntlet
- 616 Colossus VS Ultimate Colossus
- I swear to GOD OWNED THIS!@@OWNED!!
- Gladiator Hulk,Iron Legion & Heavy Metal vs Eradicator
- Beast vs Sabertooth
- Selene vs Apocalypse
- Pre-Crisis Validus versus Thanos
- Colossus vs Thing
- Green Lantern (Kyle) VS Nimrod
- Hulk and Wonder Woman Run the guantlet
- Colossus vs Ironman
- Annihilation Nova VS WW Hulk
- WWH vs colossus & normal savage hulk vs colossus
- House of M Storm vs 616 Storm vs Utlimate Storm
- Black panther VS. Beast
- attack on marvel earth!!!!
- Bengal vs Daredevil
- Nova/Frankie vs Classic Firelord
- Batman vs Daredevil vs Judge Dredd vs Punisher vs Wolverines
- Hulk Vs Crackdown.
- FireLord/Captain Atom/Stardust vs. Thor/Black Bolt/The Ray
- The Punisher vs.Galactus
- Eradicator vs Iron Man
- Hyperion ( Supreme Power) vs. War Hulk
- X-men VS. The Hulk?
- Batman and the Boys vs. Deathstroke and the boys
- True or False: Galactus could do this to every top tier.
- jla vs xmen enemies
- Zauriel vs Black Bolt
- Iceman Vs. Hulk
- Superman Vs Abyss (Nils Styger)
- Black Bolt's Scream vs. Superman
- Alan Scott vs Dr. Strange
- Another X-men vs. Justice League
- 3 Martian Tripods versus Captain America
- Winter Soldier vs Batman
- I'm dead but I aint done
- Miek/Brood vs Mercury/Match
- Since I make way to many thread let me combined a couple into one
- Wonder Woman vs Iceman with a twist
- Omega Red vs Karate Kid
- Blackbolt & Ronan vs Despero
- Classic Karate Kid Vs World War HulK
- War Hulk v WWH
- Battle of the Magical Enchantments
- Wonder Woman/Isis /Maxima vs. Sersi/Phayla Vell/Nova the herald
- Daredevil vs Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
- Street Fighters
- Wolverine vs. Hulk
- Wolverine vs. Human-Torch
- Wolverine vs. Spiderman, Captain America and Daredevil
- War Hulk vs Gladiator Hulk vs Bannerless Hulk
- Mary Marvel and Supergirl vs Donna Troy and Powergirl
- Shuma-Gorath vs. Agamottoo
- Wolverine/Omega Red Gauntlet
- how many GLs
- Da Hulk v.s Wrecker
- Current Beyonder vs. Phoenix
- How many Fantastic 4's does it take...?
- silver surfer vs Hyperion(supreme power)
- Black Bolt & Guardian vs Dr Doom & Mister Sinister vs High Evolutionary
- Team Speed vs ???
- Morg/Firelord/Red Shift/Air-Walker vs Surfer/Stardust/Terrax/Nova
- Wolverine vs Sersi
- Thanos Vs Dr. StrangeFate
- Balder vs Wolverine
- Alfred Vs. Jarvis
- Conan vs Captian america
- Deadpool vs. Sasquatch
- Conan vs Lion-O
- Current Spider-Man vs Current Blue Beetle
- Black Bolt/Iron Man vs WWHulk
- Who's the Smarterst? Rank list
- Cap vs Wonder Woman
- What can survive the Ultimate Nullifier?
- Enraged Savage Hulk,Classic Sasquatch,Thing & Colossus vs This team
- Professor X in the Mobius Chair vs. Despero with the Mind Gem
- Hourman w/Warlogog vs. Time Trapper
- Batkick vs T'Challa Armbar
- Thanos and Pals vs. Infinity Man and Pals
- Walker vs. Surtur
- Binary Vs Thanos
- WW Hulk/Wonder Woman vs He-Man/She-Ra
- Storm(Goddes of ALL!!!) vs. Iceman(Omega)
- Woman Wars!!!!!
- This is a battle I would like to see
- Captain America Vs Namor with a twist.
- Living Tribunal vs Darkseid with ALE
- Sabertooth vs Deathstroke
- Superman vs ???
- Classic Sasquatch vs The Russian
- Thanos vs. Silver Surfer, Superman and Thor
- Live Wire, Black Lightning and Red tornado vs. Storm
- Omega (Alpha Flight Villain) v. Symbiote Team
- Hyperion(Ultimate Power) vs Ultimate Namor
- Powerful obscure Pre-Crisis characters?
- Blue and Red Energy Superman vs Sentry & Vulcan
- Supremastorm Runs the Gauntlet
- Moondragon VS Stryfe
- intestering fight-teams
- Silver Surfer Vs The Eradicator
- Nate Grey vs. Storm
- Brother Eye + Omacs vs Thanos
- Team Thanos vs. Team Despero
- kingpin vs.........
- Cannonball Vs The Black Knight
- Batman(with a twist) v. Silver SurferMorg
- Classic Sasquatch Battle thread
- Beast Boy?
- My team vs Your team
- Green Lantern(Hal)/Big Barda/Sinestro vs Sue Storm/Namor/Thor
- Superman KO'd in ONE Shot!!?!?!?!?!?