- Milkman Man Vs Living Tribunal
- Milkman Man vs Cosmic Armor Superman
- Hyperion (Supreme Power) vs New 52 Supermam
- Obsidian v Silver Surfer (black)
- Nightwing and Flamebird vs Thor and Jane Thor
- Typhoid Mary Vs Firebrand
- Beau Peep vs Beetle Baily
- Emperor Joker vs Molecule Man
- Kingpin Vs Buddy Blank
- Vyndktvx vs Living Tribunal and Beyonders
- Heroes for Hire runs Batman villains gauntlet
- Superman versus Iceman (Bobby)
- Luther Strode VERSUS Captain America:TO THE DEATH
- Maker v Batman
- Thought Robot & World Forger vs Beyonder & Molecule Man
- Annihilators vs Immortal Hulk
- Dark Sentry vs Unlocked Hulk
- Superman God of Strenght vs Herald Thor
- KC Superman vs Damage
- KC Superman vs Current/Rebirth Superman
- Galactus and Franklin Richards vs Phantom Zone God
- Green Lantern Corps vs Thor Corps
- Batman v Ghost (marvel)
- Constantine Drakon Vs Steel Serpent
- Can Superman replicate Cosmic Thor feat
- Guile and Chun Li versus Matt/Elektra
- Firestorm (Jason Rusch) vs Captain Atom
- Xemnu v Despero
- Who's the strongest street lever Harley Quinn can beat
- Sister Superior Vs X-23
- Wolverine/Cap/Spiderman/Batman
- Cheetah, Silver banshee, Silver swan vs Titania, Thundra, Songbird
- The Wall Vs Maverick
- Ninjak & Storm Shadow vs Taskmaster & Deathstroke
- HP Doomsday vs Cosmic King Thor
- Is Removing Surfers board a crippling weakness?
- Dr Doom vs Doomsday
- Miss Martian vs World War Hulk
- Teen Titans vs Immortal Hulk
- WBHulk vs Kingdom Come Superman
- The Silencer Vs Lady Bullseye
- Cosmic Armor Superman vs TOBA Hulk & Thanos W Regulator
- Braniac (New 52) vs kree Empire
- Despero(V&V) VERSUS The Avengers
- Moon Knight v Batman
- Sise-Neg VS Hecate
- Black Canary Vs Typhoid Mary
- Cassandra cain v Ninjak
- Immortal Hulk VERSUS All Star X-Men
- Superman/Flash vs
- Lobo VERSUS All Star X-MEN
- Luther Strode vs Bebop and Rocksteady
- Wolverine Vs Backlash
- Thanos vs Superman: Who Would Win In A Fight?
- The Trans vs Eternity
- True Darkseid vs Fulcrum
- Red Hood Vs Bullseye
- Dr Doom alliases vs Sinestro team
- Superboy (Conner Kent) vs Gladiator
- Lobo vs Silver Surfer
- Zeus (DC) vs Odin
- Wolverine vs Creed| Who wins majority of times
- Superboy vs Kid Gladiator
- Blue Marvel vs Dr.Doom
- Cable v Booster Gold
- Superman Prime One Million vs Exitar the Exterminator
- Imperiex & B13 vs Tiamut the Dreaming Celestial
- Dr.Doom vs Krakoa Council
- Sabretooth v Deathstroke
- Anti Monitor v Hectate and Mordru
- Sabretooth Vs Gotham Ripper
- Hecate vs World Forger
- Omega Red vs Omega Supreme
- Fourth Celestial Host vs Quintessence
- Marvel villains vs DC villains
- Nate (X-Man) vs Paradox Superboy
- Thanos w. THOTI vs. Lucifer Morningstar
- Kismet vs Queen of Nevers
- Fernus vs Shaman Nate Grey
- Manchester Black v Exodus
- Superman Prime/Monarch vs World Forger.
- Elektra Vs Carmen Leno
- Infinite Man (Jaxon Rugarth) vs Beyonder
- Batman v Iron Fist pure h2h match
- Order these races by power
- Superboy Prime vs Worthy Silver Surfer
- Life Entity (DC) vs Phoenix Force
- Team Raven v Team spectrum
- H2H: Captain America/Elektra vs Deathstroke/LadyShiva
- best bullet timer in comics? street
- Starfire vs Medusa
- White Canary Vs Colleen Wing
- What Characters Can Match This Page?
- Imperiex vs Galactus of Black Celestial arc
- Earth-8810 Gladiator vs Post Crisis Superman
- Batgirl (Cass Cain) versus Elektra/Daredevil
- Nekron & the Black Lantern Corps vs Cancerverse & the Annihilation Wave
- Thor, Iron man, captain america,vs Wonder woman, Green lantern, Hawkman
- Full Power Hecate vs full power Phoenix Force
- Karate Kid, Captain America vs Iron Fist, Batman.
- Warblade Vs Omega Red
- WW Hulk vs thor and flash
- Darkseid vs King Thor (Reigning)
- Hal Jordan Parallax vs Jean Grey Dark Phoenix
- Jeanette Vs Black Tarantula
- Monica Rambeau vs superman
- Mr Oz(Jor-El) vs Odin (Marvel)
- Kang the conqueror vs Lord Drakkon
- Mera (DC) vs Aspen Matthews (Fathom)
- Mangog vs Darkseid
- Creeper Vs Daken
- Dominus vs Onslaught
- Superman VERSUS The Worthy
- Immortal Hulk VERSUS The Worthy
- Marvels Defenders v Batfamily
- Mutants vs The Marvel Earth
- Weakest character who can survive the Superman's moon busting fist?
- Omega red VS Namor
- He-man (Master of Eternity) vs Thanos (IG)
- Black Widow Vs Cheshire
- Metron with Worlogog vs vs Franklin Richards
- Can Batman beat Punisher
- Mad Jim Jaspers vs Brainiac 13
- Thanos and WB Hulk vs imperiex Probes
- Falcon vs Nightwing
- Majestic vs Silver Surfer
- Psylocke vs Starfire
- Mantis & Gamora Vs Grail & Forerunner
- Justice Society of America VERSUS Thanos(TO THE DEATH)
- TOBA Hulk vs Shuma Gorath
- Larfleeze vs Dormammu
- Cable Vs Dane
- Spectre vs Celestials Race
- Gorr the god butcher vs DC Gods.
- Immortal Hulk & Green Scar vs Johnny Sorrow & Jay Garrick
- First Born vs Herald Thor
- telekinesis versus speed
- Team Hyperion v Team Superman
- Maelstrom w/Anomaly vs Fourth Celestial Host
- Nekron vs Oblivion
- Superboy Prime vs Annihilators and Avengers
- Infected Supergirl vs Cosmic Thor
- White Lantern Kyle vs Classic Ion Kyle
- Sodam Yat (Ion) vs cosmic king Thor
- Nu52 Darkseid vs Death Seed Sentry
- Ozymandias vs Toad
- Moon Knight Vs Michael Lane (Azrael)
- Deathstroke v Bullseye
- Hunter Zolomon (Forever Force) vs annihilators (marvel)
- Grail Vs Mandarin
- The Maestro VERSUS Thanos:SLUGFEST
- Brainiac 13 vs white phoenix of the crown
- Nekron vs Marvel Demons
- Battle of the Organizations: S.T.A.R. Vs A.I.M.
- Ranking these powerful beings
- Sun dipped Superman (owaw) vs The Annihilation Wave
- Molecule Man vs Tim Hunter
- Time Trapper vs oblivion
- Weapon X v Suicide Squad
- Deadpool Vs Grifter
- Happy April Fools
- Supermans chain feat vs Thor feat
- Rent out Bada's anus for tree fiddy
- Essence vs. Elektra
- Battle of the Organizations: H.I.V.E. Vs Hellfire Club
- Wonder Woman (witching hour) vs Dark Phoenix Jean
- Jon Kent (rebirth) vs Jon kent (new 52)
- God Spawn vs Chaos King & Serpent
- Tatsumaki & Flashy Flash vs Thor
- Batroc vs Firefly
- Batroc Vs Ragdoll (Secret Six)
- Who could tank 4,035 Superman's blows?
- ZH parallax vs IG adam warlock
- King Thanos vs. Strange Visitor Superman
- Spider-man Villains vs Asgard
- Which mid meta can defeat Gorgon?
- How powerful is J.Thunder's T-Bolt?
- All Celestials vs All Fifth Dimensional Imps
- Marvel team vs Dc team
- GA Superman Prime vs TOBA Hulk
- Ares (With Full Godwave/Genesis) vs Soulfire Darkseid
- Deadpool vs Bane
- Gorgon vs Red Hood
- Karma Vs Taskmaster
- Vulcan vs. Exodus
- Honey Badger vs. Wild Child
- Superman Prime one million vs King Phoenix Thor and Dr Doom
- Battle of the Organizations: Shadow Council Vs Court of Owls
- Aquaman vs Grey Hulk
- Batman/Deathstroke v Heroes for Hire
- Fully Fed Galactus vs Green Lantern (Darkseid War)
- Kal-El (Last Son of Earth) vs Hal Jordan
- Ares (DC) vs King Thor
- Peak Dominus vs Multiversal Living Tribunal
- Speed Steal gauntlet
- Mandrakk and Cosmic armor superman vs Michael and Lucifer
- Battle of the Organizations: Maggia Vs Kobra
- King Thor vs WB Hulk
- Hyperion vs. Speedball
- Hellion vs. Red Ghost
- Snowbird vs. Sabretooth
- Strange Visitor vs Thanos w/IG
- KGBeast Vs Crossbones
- Team Marvel v Team Dc
- DOV Spectre vs Sundipped Superman
- Superman Blue vs Silver Surfer
- COIE Anti-Monitor vs Living Tribunal
- Divine Spawn vs Franklin Richards
- Midnighter vs Yajorobi
- Silver Surfer vs WBHulk
- All Father Hercules vs Rune King Thor
- Peak Photon vs Peak Captain Atom
- Battle of the Organizations: Leviathan Vs Hydra
- Cosmic Adventure Supergirl vs HOM Scarlet Witch
- Daken vs X-23
- Ranking The Endless
- Magneto vs Starscream
- Anti-Life Equation vs Life Equation
- Gorgon Vs Scythe
- Daredevil vs. Night Trashers (both of them)
- Orion (with Anti-Life Equation) vs Thanos (IG)
- DOTNG Darkseid vs Thanos W/regulator
- Mr Majestic vs Thor
- New 52 Darkseid v team marvel
- Red Hood vs Nightwing
- Nightwing vs Daredevil
- Jean-Paul Valley Vs Daredevil
- Could the Penance Stare work on these characters?
- Battle of the Organizations: I.O. Vs Weapon Plus
- World Forger vs Beyonder
- Saitama vs Immortal Hulk
- Martian Manhunter v Shadow King TP
- Universals vs Celestials
- Wolverine vs Han Solo
- Batman family versus Venom
- X-23 vs Cassandra Cain
- Kyle (White Lantern) vs Old King Thor
- Magneto runs the blood bending gauntlet
- Hulk vs Venom
- Which team can solve the coranavirus
- The Quiet Council of Krakoa Vs Justice League Dark
- Elektra vs Spider-Man
- The closest to absolute victory?
- Karate Kid and Iron Fist vs Pre Crisis Superman
- Snowflake and Safespace vs. Deadpool & Logan
- Skeletor Vs Green Goblin
- Classic Ion vs Chaos King
- Franklin Richards vs Jenny Quantum
- Fourth Host Destroyer vs Galactus
- Kung Fu Fighting!: Bronze Tiger Vs Cat