- Heralds of Galactus vs. The Exemplars of the Octessense
- Superman, Powergirl, Supergirl vs. Black Adam, Wonder Woman, Classic Mary Marvel
- Sentry Vs. Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Hawkman, Powergirl, and HourMan
- Ikaris vs Firestorm
- Sentry vs Despero
- Sentry vs Ikaris
- Sinestro vs Fallen One
- WW Hulk vs.(KC) Superman(no bfr)
- Justice League vs Heralds of Galactus
- Silver surfer w/ uni-power vs JLA
- Shaggy Man I vs Lobo
- Lobo vs Loki
- The Fallen One vs Sentry
- Hulkspawn vs. Red Hulk
- Counterpart
- Thor VS Ironman [thor buster]
- Inperiex vs Anti-moniter vs Abraxas
- Takion vs Dr strange
- Who's the biggest jobber?
- Clark(Smallville) vs Cannonball(Guthrie)
- Mr M vs Jaime Braddock vs Mad Jim Jasper
- Shaggy Man vs Death's Head II(Minion),Death Metal & Deathlok
- Punisher vs Moon Knight
- No powers, H2H only.
- Cassandra Nova and Mr M
- The Top Ten Manipulators at DC
- Team Doom vs team Kang
- Heralds of the Matrix vs. Heralds of Galactus
- 2 man 5 teams fight
- Juggernaut gets upgraded... God help us all!
- Thanos vs Darkseid(not a direct fight)
- All Star Superman vs Tangent Superman
- Namor/Jim Hammond vs. X-Men
- Namor/Jim Hammond vs Rulk
- Namor vs Punisher and Bullseye
- Original Human Torch vs Havok
- PC Superman runs a Gauntlet
- Gladiator vs Shaggy Man I
- Count Nefaria vs Wonder Woman
- Wonder Woman vs Mindless Hulk
- Thanos vs. Tangent Superman
- The Superman Power's Thread
- Ultimate Thor VS super-skrull
- Characters vs. their namesakes
- Sylar vs Smallville Justice League
- Human Torch (ROTSS) vs. Super Skrull
- WW runs the Gauntlet
- Orion vs Wonderwoman
- The Surfer's Powers Thread
- Future Hiro vs. Nightcrawler
- Quasar vs Wonderwoman
- Ultimate Colossus vs Clark(Smallville)
- Gladiator vs Silver Surfer in a Race Across the Galaxy
- The Lizard vs Doc Ock
- Sabretooth vs Puma vs Mongoose vs Lizard
- Future Peter vs. Smallville Clark
- Superman Vs. Peter Petrelli
- Count Nefaria vs Shaggy Man I
- Cpt. Comet vs Cable at fullpower
- Apoc vs classic Karate Kid
- The Green Hulk vs Pinhead (Hellraiser)
- PC Karate Kid vs Sentry H2H
- Thor, Silver Surfer vs. Dr. Strange, Adam Warlock
- Karnack vs. Midnighter
- Sand (JSA) vs. Human Torch
- Magneto vs Cosmic Boy
- Superman Prime vs Super Amazo
- Tangent Superman runs another gauntlet
- Phoenix vs. Team DC
- Colossus & Wolverine vs. Krypto
- Thor-Sentry-FP Gladiator-Silver Surfer vs Thanos
- Tangent Supermans Gauntlet
- Superman vs Thor vs Silver Surfer in contest of fighting skill
- Thor, Silver Surfer, Gladiator, and Sentry vs Superman Prime
- Albion vs Colossus
- Ronan,Gladiator,Superskrull vs. Sentry,WW Hulk
- Superman VS Marvel Earth [Movie battle]
- Wonderman vs Super Skrull
- American Eagle vs Black Tarantula
- League of Champions Week Three: Kandy/id369 Vs. Kfish
- League of Champions Week Three: FanGirl Vs. Scoob/Leo
- League of Champions Week Three: Bdub/Smurph Vs. Charlotte
- Super team vs Galactus
- Cannonball VS Juggernaut
- Hyperion vs Apocalypse
- Vision vs Kang the conqueror
- Ikaris vs Captain Atom
- Hyperion vs Ikaris
- Superman runs the Gauntlet
- Doc Ock vs Blade
- Sun-Eater Vs Ego the Living Planet
- Zha-Vam Vs 8th Day Juggernaut
- Gamora's Gauntlet
- Rouge storm vs Wonder woman
- Jsa vs Avengers.
- Ironfist vs Spider-Man with no webs.
- Sentry vs. Tangent Superman
- DC Team 1 vs DC Team 2
- Prep B team vs Prep A team
- Invincible vs wonder man
- Morg,Lobo,WWH vs. Superman, Gladiator, Sentry
- Elektra vs Jean Grey
- Amazons Attack vs Shapers Guild
- Thanos's Ultimate Battle.
- Spider-man VS. Cyclops
- The Lizard VS. Wolverine
- Tangent Superman vs. Black Adam
- Apollo, Superman & Majestic VS Doomsday
- Midnight Son vs Gamora
- Wonder Woman vs Monica Rambeau
- Superboy vs Matrix Supergirl
- Gamma or Adamantium?
- Orion w/Astrol Harness vs Sentry
- Dr.Fate vs Odin
- Morg vs Thanos h2h
- Original Human Torch VS. Wolverine, Beast, and Gambit
- Kingdom Come Sentinel VS Sentry
- Super Skull vs Amphibion, Dark-Crawler & Torgo
- Sentry vs Galaxy Master
- Namor vs Sentry
- Silver Surfer , Superman vs Thanos
- Iron Man/Colossus vs Captain Britain/Sasquatch vs Namor/Ares (Marvel)
- Rulk/Sentry vs Current Thor/Thanos
- Kaluu vs Mandarin
- Thing vs Hercules vs Wonderman
- Sabretooth vs Skaar Son of Hulk
- Skaar Son of Hulk vs Wolverine
- Deadpool vs Captain America
- The thing Vs Doc Samson
- Savage Hulk Vs Ares (nearly In Hulk#6)
- Silver Surfer and Gladiator vs Thor and Beta Ray Bill
- Rulk (hulk#5) vs Odin Powered Thor and Darkseid
- New Bad Ass Surfer Runs The DC guantlet
- Reed Richards vs Kang
- Spectre runs the gauntlet
- Hourman w/worlogog&Darksied w/Ale vs Adam warlock w/Ig&Thanos w/Cc
- Ulik vs Wonder Woman in a standard boxing match
- War Machine vs Super Skrull
- gladiator vs the american gladiators
- Namor The Sub-Mariner VS. The Original Human Torch!
- punisher or ghost rider
- Wonder Woman vs Thing
- Rorschach vs The Joker
- 20th Century Mordru (JSA) vs Thanos
- Ghost Rider vs. Martian Manhunter (handicapped)
- Wendigo, Sentry, and Gladiator vs. Red Hulk
- Frank Castle vs. Nick Fury
- Master Prep Competition
- World War Hulk and Rulk Vs Wonder Woman
- Chick Fight!
- Apoc vs Kang the Conqueror
- Hellboy vs Mr Hyde/League of Extraordinary Gentleman
- Wonderwoman versus Thor
- Yuga Khan vs. Thanos
- Batman/w Green Lantern Ring vs Daredevil/w Nega Bands
- Yuga Khan VS Odin
- Daredevil vs Bushmaster
- Kingdom Come Superman Vs Sentry
- Merlyn and Roma vs Celestial Host
- 7 more of DC's best vs. 7 more of Marvel's best
- he man vs 8th day juggernaut
- Rules & debating discussion thread.
- Wonder Woman vs. The Weird
- dr doom vs obi wan kenobi
- gladiator/genis vell/count neferia vs superman/black adam/wonder woman
- Binary vs Wonder woman
- Wonder woman vs Thor
- She-Hulk/Thing vs. Colossus/Titania
- Who's hands move the fastest? Wonder Woman's Or Silver Surfer's?
- Maxam vs Red Hulk with a twist
- Onimar Synn vs Mangog/at his best
- Krypto vs Punisher/Galactus character
- On-Panel Ability vs Inferred Ability
- It seems Savage Hulk is > Odin Powered Thor
- Libra VS Rulk
- Blackbolt and gladiator vs Sentry and Ronan
- Vulcan, Hyperstorm, X-Man, Franklin Richards vs. Tenebrious and Aegis and Galactus
- Zoom vs. Amazo
- Magni vs Drax/w Power Gem face off no weapons
- Hyperstorm vs Korvac
- Royal Rumble
- Majestic vs. Surfer
- DC Team vs Marvel Team
- Wolverine vs. She-Hulk
- Captain Atom and Firestorm vs Silver Surfer and Firelord
- Onslaught vs Mister M from HOM
- Manchester Black Vs Emma Frost
- Adam Warlock vs Sinestro
- Hourman VS Sentry
- Nova(Frankie Raye) runs the gauntlet
- DC Ares vs Onslaught
- Thanos/Eradicator vs Darkseid/Surfer
- Havok w. Uni-power vs Captian Atom
- Atlas vs. Konvikt
- Black Adam, Captain Marvel, and Lobo vs. Pre- C Superman
- Red Hulk vs. Darkseid (slugfest)
- Desak vs Surtur
- Darkoth,Thundra,Luke,Cage & (80s)Doc Samson vs Bi-Beast
- AOA Team vs Ultimate Hulk
- Quasar vs. Vulcan
- Thor (No Odinforce) vs Supergirl
- Silver Surfer(exiles) vs. Trinity Superman
- Annihilation Wave (at its peak) vs Apokolips
- Dr Doom vs The Grandmaster
- Wonder Woman vs Silver Surfer h2h
- This Team vs Pitt
- Last Man Standing: Marvel Earth Edition
- Rank from most to least powerfull
- Ares (DCU) Vs Zeus (MU)
- Glimmer Vs The Runner
- Pre-Crisis Mr. Atom Vs Thanos
- Captain America (with twist) vs Superman
- Flash vs Makkari
- Superman/Gladiator vs. Thor/Stardust
- Thanos Vs Michael Demiguros for 60 seconds.
- HP Doomsday vs 8th day Juggernaut
- Thor vs Team
- Spider-Man with IG vs. Highfather & Zeus
- Red Hulk vs. Titannus
- Silver Surfer vs This X-Men team
- DareDevil vs Bane
- Champion w/power gem vs World War Hulk
- Classic Hulk vs Current Hulk
- Superman vs Ikaris
- Beta ray bill/Silver surfer vs Superman/Black adam (twist)
- Omega Sentinel vs Midnighter
- League of Champions Week Two: Digi Vs. Kfish
- League of Champions Week Two: Kandi/id369 Vs. Scoob/Leo
- League of Champions Week Two: Charlotte Vs. Fangirl
- Thanos vs This X-Men Team
- Morg/Full Power vs Superman 1million with a twist
- Chris Kent vs ION
- Steel (Natasha) vs She-Hulk
- Team War Machine vs Team Cap Britain
- superman vs the hulk
- Red Son Superman vs Ultraman
- Monarch vs Afro Magus
- Cyborg VS Original Human Torch
- Red Hulk Punch Gauntlet
- Superman vs. Superman red son
- Magus afro version vs. Orion
- Monarch vs. Superman Prime rematch
- Champion/drax vs Orion/Doomsday (brawl)
- Summers tournament
- Magus Soul Sucks Thanos...
- Post-Crisis Ultraman vs Black Adam
- who suffers the most ?
- Monarch vs Supreme Intelligence
- Thanos's shields vs Monarch's blast
- Lobo vs Count Nefaria with a twist.