- Thanos Vs Asmodel
- Green Lantern. Hal Jordan vs Hourman the Android
- Blade Vs Dimitri Maximoff
- Thanos vs Darkseid
- Thanos vs Spectre
- karate kid v wolverine, black panther and iron fist
- morlun v juggernaut
- Black Panther vs Deadpool
- Lady Deathstrike vs. Elektra
- Lady Deathstrike vs. Mystique
- Atlas vs The Thing
- Firelord vs Martian Manhunter
- Firestorm vs GL (Kyle)
- Human Torch I versus Human Torch II.
- Cat Fight
- Fantastic 4(+2) vs. DC 6
- DC Good vs. Marvel Evil
- Darth Sidious Vs Yoda
- Martian Manhunter vs. Spider-Man & Black Cat
- Firestorm vs The Torch
- Martian Manhunter vs Vision vs Hourman the Adroid vs Iron Man
- Martian Manhunter and Vision vs Ironman and Ghost Rider
- Thanos invades Themyscara...
- Ulric the rog troll v the thing
- Apocalypse vs Magneto
- 3 on3 Teen Titans vs Team Sue Richards
- Hourman The Android vs Vision
- how dark are you?
- Odin (Sky Father) vs. Mr. Majestic
- Odin vs. Gog
- The Sentry vs. Thanos
- In A Screaming Match Who Would Win Banshee Vs Black Bolt
- gladitor vs black bolt
- gladitor vs superman
- How Do U Add Pictures To Your Messages??????
- wolverine vs wendigo
- wendigo vs juggurnaut vs hulk vs thing vs saquach
- iron man (hulk buster armour) vs hulk
- silver centurion vs war machine
- Xena the Warrior Princess vs. Elektra
- Gladiator vs. Thor
- Gladiator vs. She Hulk
- Hercules vs. Titania
- Who can beat more Avengers in the same time: Hulk or Juggernaut ?
- Abomination vs. The Thing
- Marvel..... Forever ! ! !
- Doomsday versus Majib Buu.
- Who is the ultimate Challenge in Marvel... by physical terms ?
- Silver Surfer .... versus.... GALACTUS
- Can the HULK KILLER HUMANOID be beaten by physical strength?
- can anybody of those guys MOVE ... THE PLANET EARTH ?
- MODOK v Rom
- Tyrant vs Mu earth
- what happens, if the following guys fell down from Sears Tower with full speed?
- who can rip Mount Everest in pieces.... only with his physical strength?
- Apocolypse vs Thor
- what can the laser sword of a Jedi do against the following Marvel Heros?
- Juggernaut vs. Hulk and Thing
- Wendigo vs. Juggernaut
- Is Juggernaut really stronger than the Hulk ?
- Beast vs. Spiderman
- Current Thing vs. Current Hercules
- Wendigo Vs Beast And Wolverine And Sabertooth
- Wendigo Vs Hulk
- Batman vs. Yugi Oh in a duel monsters game
- Wonder Woman vs Darkseid
- Bats vs. Bats Team
- You versus a gorilla or Bear
- Batman Vs Hal Jordan
- Batman vs Silver Surfer.
- Ghost Rider VS. Omega Red
- Spike vs. Marrow
- Thanos vs Emperor Joker
- captain america vs bat team
- god like cable,spawn vs superman (pre crisis),flash
- Silver Surfer vs. Morg
- Hercules vs. Spider-Man
- Superman vs. Prime
- savage dragon vs hulk
- superman vs abomination
- Apocolypse vs. Thanos
- Doomsday + Thanos vs Darkseid + Juggernaut
- Super-Heavyweight Tag Team Battle
- Mephisto v. Superman
- Classic Avengers Run The Gauntlet!!!
- Martha and the Vandellas V Thanos
- The Birds of Prey vs. Charlie's Angels
- Darth Maul vs. Captain America
- Current Psylocke vs. Current Sabretooth
- Batman and Robin vs Bluntman and Chronic
- Superman vs NEW supergirl
- Kds TV showdown
- Sesemee Street Battle
- Muppets battle royal
- Classic Juggernaut and Dr. Strange VS. VS. Darkseid
- Sooty vs Sweep
- EMU versus Orville the Duck
- i guess.... you all like ... the HULK KILLER HUMANOID character? ;-)
- Star Wars vs. Marvel
- Hulk and Juggernaut vs. Rhino and Abomination
- Darkseid vs. Juggernaut
- silver surfer & terrax VS. thanos (no IG, no prep)
- Doomsday vs Our Earth...with a twist!
- Godulas versus all of marvel and dc
- wolverine,x23 vs venom,she venom
- Superman vs. Apollo
- Thor vs. Apollo
- Count Nefaria vs. Mr. Majestic
- Mr.Majestic vs. Thanos
- Unicron vs. PC Darkseid
- Heathcliff vS Jerry (tom and Jerry) Who can outwit who?
- Transformers Vs Gundam Wing
- TMNT-Splinter the rat vS Bruce wayne Hand to Hand combat
- STAFF FIGHT! (TMNT)Donatello vS Darth Maul (no force powers) Both has wooden staffs
- (kill bill)The Bride a.k.a. Black Mamba vS Zorro the Legend
- Dr. Doom runs the Wizard gauntlet.
- X-treme Defenders VS. Tyrant(normal/current)
- The Flash vS Wonder Woman
- Storm vS Captain Planet
- -SWORD FIGHT- (kill bill) The Bride vS Obi Wan Kenobi (no force powers)
- Earths Mightiest Mortal vs. The Man Of Steele
- Celestial Texas Hold Em
- Deadpool (Monthly) Vs Deadpool (Mini-Series)
- The Mask Vs Gog
- Who in the DC universe can beat Silver Surfer & Dr. Strange
- Superman vs Xstroke
- Asgardian Tag Team Battle
- The New Gods V The Eternals
- Colossus vs Thing
- New Sun vs. Exodus
- Adamantium Colossus with the speed force W/the Mjlonir and Stormbreaker VS. Thanos
- A more feesible (Yes tottaly cosmic) battle.
- Kid Miracleman as of MM Olympus v Gladiator
- Superman+ vs Silver Surfer
- Batman in Supes body vs Thor and WW.
- DC vs. Marvel: The Real Deal
- Black Panther vs. Luke Cage
- Husk vs. Elektra
- He-Man vs. Gog
- Fernus vs. the Fantastic Four
- The Invisible Woman vs. Classic Thor
- Skeletor vs Hordak.
- Venom vs Darkness vs mephisto.!
- Collosus Versus Strong Guy
- Captain America vs. Captain Canuck
- Wolverine & lady Deathstrike vs. FF
- Thing & Human Torch vs. Batman & Batgirl & Nightwing
- Galactus vs Apocolypsevs Unicron??
- Superman with symbiote vs Thor and Wonder Woman
- Superman vs Wonder Woman
- Wolverine vs Luke Cage
- Morph vs. The Chameleon
- Adam Warlock vs. Gog
- Zod Vs Gog Vs Cyborg Supes
- Silver Surfer vs. Gog
- Odin vs. Galactus vs. Pre crisis superman
- Big Evil will end your curiosity.
- Apocolypse vs. Superman
- Sun wu Kong(Monkey King) vs. Galactus
- Robin(tim)vs Daredevil
- God Fight! XP
- Who is a good match for Yandroth???
- Zod vs. Green Lantern & Wonder Woman
- Shazam vS Green Lantern(Hal)
- Mr.Myxplict versus The Impossible Man!
- Survivor
- Dr. Doom vs. Sasquatch & Sabretooth
- Defenders vs JLA(4 on 4)
- Archangel & Nightcrawler vs. Invisible Woman
- SaberTooth vs. The Big"G"
- hobgolin 4 vs green goblin vs demo goblin
- Wonder Man vs Juggernaut
- Savage Hulk vs Morg
- Powerhouse Team Battle
- Wonder Man vs Colossus
- (Genesis)The Preacher V Infinity
- Colossus vs Wonder Woman
- Morg vs. Lobo
- Galactus Vs Parallax
- Galactus vs Superman
- The Amalgams (from the tournament) V's DC Earth
- The Amalgams (from the tournament) V's Marvel Earth
- Infinity VS. Gog
- Battle of the Blowhards
- Karate Kid VS The X-Team
- Lobo versus Deadpool.
- Superboy vs. the Hulk
- Classic Rogue vs. Emma Frost
- Gog v Gladiator
- Exodus vs. Martian Manhunter
- Spiderman vs. Nightcrawler
- Batman vs the world
- Lancer vs. Max Sterling (from the Robotech comics)
- Flash VS our Earth
- Current Scarlet Witch vs Mr. Mxyzptlk
- 1 Heavyweight vs 5 Middleweights
- Spider-man & Supermanin(the battle to save comics) against them selves?
- Tyrant vs. Gog
- Terrax vs. Wonderwoman
- Batman versus the Ninja Turles
- Spider-Man vs. Omni-Bot 10.0
- Spiderman vs. Glenn Talbot
- Krovac vs hal and Kyle(GL)
- Hal Jordan vs Magneto(new powers)
- Ironman vs Our Earth
- Gog v Galactus
- Gog v Thanos
- spiderman vs toxin
- Silver Surfer Vs Gog
- Mr. Majestic VS. Cyborg Superman and Steel(normal armor)
- Current Magneto VS. Cyborg Superman
- Cannonball VS. Hawkgirl Aerial Battle
- Nova Richard Rider VS. Hawkman Aerial Battle
- Kurse vs. Hercules
- ghost rider vs venom
- Full angry out of control Hulk vs. Kurse
- temujin (new mandarin) v green lantern
- Aquaman VS. Exodus
- -nod to draco- Snake Eyes vs Deathstroke
- Barry vs Wally
- Cable vs. Nate Grey
- Nate Grey vs. Martian Manhunter
- John Stewart GL vs Kyle Rayner GL
- Mongul vs. Dr. Doom
- Storm vs. Warbird
- Green Lantern Battle
- Mysterio vs. Chameleon
- Weapons Clash! (Again)
- THe Flash vs JWangSDC
- Silver Surfer vs Cyborg Supes
- Spawn+Wolverine vs Spidey+Venom+Carnage
- Wonderman vs. Kurse
- Batman vs Lex Luthor
- Rogue Spectre runs the gauntlet!!!(Spite Thread? Maybe)
- thanos v phantom stranger
- Michael Jackson v Powerpack and young A's
- Speed Demon vs Spawn
- Dark Claw vs Dare
- Marvel Universe (regular) v continuity
- Mystique vs. Lady Deathstrike
- Hal Jordan runs the gauntlet!!!
- Nate Grey vs. Aquaman
- mutant all stars v cosmic all stars
- storm VS black lightning
- HKH vs JP
- The Thing vs. Auqaman
- Spidervenom vs. Spidercarnage