- Angry Hulk and Thing vs. Hercules and Thor
- Hercules vs. Thing
- Thor, Hercules, and Wonderman VS. Colossus, Thing, and Hulk
- Green Lantern vS Ironman
- Atlas VS. Iron Man
- Carnage vS Venom and Spiderman
- Ice-Man V's Hydroman
- Deathstroke vs. Storm Shadow
- Team alpha vs Team Omega MU/DCU
- Superman vs. Iceman
- Super Skrull vs Power Skrull
- Hulk vs. Amazo
- Zelda Hyrule vs. Wonder Woman
- Who can Flash lose to? How?
- Havoc vS Cyclops
- vixen VS spiderman
- Anakin Skywalker vs. the Green Lantern
- Iron man vS Wolverine
- Wolverine vS Batman
- storm VS captain emerica
- Apocalypse vS Galactus
- Pyro vS the Human Torch
- Havoc vS Gambit
- Juggernaut and Doomsday vS the Hulk and Thing
- Spiderman vS Green Goblin 1 & 2 (a.k.a.)Norman and Harry Osbourne
- Red Guardian vs. Daredevil
- Juggernaut vs. Doomsday & Sasquatch
- Nightwing vs Puck
- Maxima vs. Wonder Woman
- Mr. Incredible vS Hercules
- Fathom vs. Namor
- Doc Ock vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Wolverine/Deathstrike/Mystique vs. Mr. Fantastic
- Doc OCk VS General Grevious
- Hawkeye vS Green Arrow
- Flash V's Super Skrull
- Human Torch vs. Gambit
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Heroes vs. Captain America & Batman
- UFC Style vs Fight 2 Congradulations Cosmic_Cube
- The Aeons vs. Wonder Woman/Hercules/Rogue/Dr. Strange
- Mr. Incredible without his family vS Syndrome
- MidNighter vs. Captain America
- Batman vs Snake Eyes
- She-Hulk/Sub-Mariner vs. Aquaman/Wonder Woman
- The Atom/Atom Smasher vs. Wasp/Yellowjacket
- Spiderman vS Venom and Carnage
- Ghost Rider vS Spawn
- Scarlet Witch/Hawkeye vs. Zatanna/Green Arrow
- The Uncanny X-men vS The Justice League
- Abomination vs. Sasquatch
- General Zod vs. Thanos
- Flash vs. Comic Supervillains
- Onslaught vs. Marvel/DC
- Batman vs. Elektra & Black Cat
- Bane vs. Clayface
- Kurse vs. Hulk
- Hercules vs. Thing
- Jobbernaut(current Juggernaut) vs. Thing
- The whole Wrecking crew and Masters of Evil IV vs. different opponents
- Spider-man vs. Shatterstar
- Who would win this Arm Wrestling Contest ?
- Asgardian Destroyer vs. The Incredible Hulk
- Colossus vs. Hulk
- Wonderman vs. Hulk
- Staredown Match : Andre the Giant vs. Hulk
- Daredevil vs. Andre the Giant and The Undertaker
- Juggernaut vs. Hercules
- Tyrant/Sentry/Beyonder
- Darkstar vs. Invisible Woman
- Onslaught vs. Superman (pre crisis)
- Batman, Nightqwing, Batgirl, and Catwoman vs. Loki
- Ursa Major vs. Lizard
- parralax vs MU earth
- Thanos vs Gl's
- Sentry vs Hal and kyle (GL)
- doomsday vs Gl (hal jordan)
- Spidey vs Ban.
- Doomsday vs. Marvel
- Black Panther vs. Hercules
- Darkseid vs. Marvel/DC
- Green Lantern vs. Thor
- pre-crisis superman vs King Thor
- Juggernaut and Silver Surfer vs Darksied and Superman
- Superman vs Nimrod
- Seduction Contest!
- vixen VS wolverine
- Raven Vs scarlet witch
- Weather Wizard VS Storm
- The Six vs. The New Avengers
- Tag Team match of Gigantic Proportions
- Freddy Krueger vs. Dr. Strange
- Wolverine vS Spiderman
- Superman vS Goku
- Destroyer vs. Venom, Rhino, and Doc Ock
- U.S. War Machine and Batman vs. Apocalypse
- Sasquatch vs. Doomsday
- 1000 Zion Sentinels vs. 1000 COmic Sentinels
- Lady Deathstrike vs. Batman
- Death's Head II vs. Lobo
- GhostRider vs Doomday!!!
- Mantis VS. Batman
- Bullseye Vs. Spiderman
- Battle of the Super Soldiers
- Thor vs Blackbolt
- JLA vs Galactus contest
- Captain Planet vs. Elric of Melnibone
- Dr. Evil vs. Dr. Doom / Fat Bastard vs. the Blob
- Silver Surfer , Morg with waters of life ,Destroyer vs Thanos
- Batman ,Superman and GL(kyle) vs Spiderman ,Hulk and Thor
- captain america VS lady shiva
- Bullseye vs. Gambit
- Odin vs Marvel Earth
- storm VS gambit
- storm VS havok
- Zod vs. Juggernaut
- New Tourney Register
- Dragon Man V's The Vision
- Jla/avengers Vs. Tyrant,darkseid,aries,general Zod,onslaught,dr. Zoom
- Punisher vs Spawn
- The Exiles vs. The Avengers
- Marvel Odin Vs Dc Cronus(father Of Zeus)
- Onslaught Vs Asmodel (fallen Angel)
- Greatest green lantern of all time
- Thing vs. Kang
- Doc Samson vs. Batman
- Black Panther vs. Deadpool
- DC team V's Rogue..... with add ons
- Punisher vs. Penguin & Joker & Scarecrow
- jason vorhess vs superman
- Catwoman & JasonTodd(Robin) vs. Morlun
- Galactus VS Unicron
- UFC Style VS Tournament Lightheavy Div Please Read rules and regulations
- 3000 Sentinels vs. 10 000 Sentinels in the Matrix movie
- 5,000,000 Sentinels vs. DC Universe
- Marrow vs. Batgirl & Wonder-Girl
- Original X-Men vs. All-New, All-Different X-Men
- MU top fighters vs. DC top fighters
- 100,000 Sentinels vs. Thanos, Onslaugt, and Apocalypse
- Silver sable & punisher VS. The Hulk
- Juggernaut vs. Osama Bin Laden
- Adult Static vs God Like Electro
- Lord Voldemort vs. Dr. Strange vs. Harry Potter
- parralax vs Celestial
- Mystery Inc. vs. Venom
- Joker/Scarecrow/Mr. Freeze vs. Mystique
- Blade & Cap America VS Omega Red & Silver Samurai
- Kraven the Hunter vs. BAtgirl
- 45 sentinels vs. Absorbing Man
- rogue vs storm
- Spawn vs Captain Marvel (SHAZAM!)
- Apocalypse & Destroyer vs. Both Universe
- Juggernaut vs. Karma
- Static Shock vs. Ghost Rider
- Marvel Team vs. DC Team
- Black Bolt (with Ebony sword) VS Zauriel
- Angel & Spike vs. Blade
- Batman vs.Daredevil vs.Darkman
- Darkseid vs. Mystique's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
- Comic Book Villains vs. Onslaught
- James Bond vs. Batman
- Lizard, Kraven the Hunter, and RHino vs. Robin and Batgirl
- Juggernaut vs. Black Panther, Thing, and Firelord
- Deathstroke vs. Nightcrawler
- Clayface vs. Scorpion
- Raven and The Hulk vs. Zod and Doomsday
- Doc Ock VS Green Goblin
- Ra's Al Ghul vs. Shredder
- Rogue (after absorbing Multiple Man, Quicksilver & Havoc) V's Superman & Superboy
- Gl hal vs Superman
- Legolas and Link (from zelda) Vs. Green Arrow and Hawkeye
- Invisible Women vs. Empath
- Brood vs. Spider-man
- Wolfsbane vs. Sabertooth
- Sunspot vs. Wolverine
- Rogue vs. Iceman
- Multiple Man vs. Spider-man
- Darksied vs Jugs
- Daredevil vs Nightwing
- Voldemort and Dumbledore vs Doctor Doom
- Zauriel vs. Wolverine
- The DiVAS vs. Elektra
- Yao Ming vs. Marvel
- Aunt May vs. Hulk
- All of DC adn Marvel vs. Mary Jane
- Osama Bin Laden vs. Saddam Hussein
- George Bush vs. All of the comic book characters
- Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and Master Yoda vs. Dr. Evil
- Sandy from Spongebob vs. Batman, Wonderwoman, Galactus, Onslaught, and Thanos
- Spongebob vs. SUperman
- Harry Potter vs. Dr. Srange
- Rogue V's Captain America
- Marvel Team vs. DC Team part 2
- Batman vs. Captain America
- Marvel Team vs. DC Team
- Venom vs Scoripion
- Lobo VS. Sentry
- Captain Mar-Vell VS. Superman(Post Crisis)
- Arsenal vs. Hawkeye vs. Artemis vs. Connor Hawke
- Batman vs Black Cat
- Sentry vs Darksied , Orion , Barda
- Magneto , Ice Man , Hulk vs Silver Surfer
- Galactus and Eternity vs Parralax and Ion
- Champion of the Universe vs maestro hulk
- Count Nefaria vs. Apocalypse vs. Graviton
- Graviton vs. Magneto
- Count Nefaria vs. Carnage
- Hawkman vs. Venom
- Lobo vs The MU!
- Deadpool VS Bullseye
- Vampire Wolverine vs Hulk
- Black Bolt VS Catpain Marvel
- Buffy vs. John Constantine
- Thanos vs Dr Manhattan
- Nightcrawler vs. Dazzler
- Ultimate 3 on 3 Battle DC vs Marvel
- Hammerhead vs Punisher
- TOmbstone vs. Morbius
- Thanos vs. X-men
- Nightwing vs. Toad & Quicksilver
- Phoenix vs. Wonderwoman
- Big Barda vs. X-men
- Dr. Strange Team VS. Dormammu Team
- Wolverine vs. Wonder Woman
- Vera Black vs. Iron Man
- Superman prime versus Goku-godform(end of gt)
- Captain America & Bucky V's The Tick & Arthur
- Batman & Robin V's The Tick & Arthur
- Dr. Fate vs Dormammu
- Martian Manhunter VS. Aquaman
- Mr. Majestic, Dr. Fayt, and Rachel Summers VS. Superman Prime
- Captain America VS Captain Britain(both are Ultimates)
- Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader vs Blade, Deadpool, Jean Grey
- Parallax vs. Thor
- Parallax vs Dark Phoenix
- Blackpanther vs Shadowhawk
- Question about Magneto and Juggernaut
- Cyclops V's Darkseid
- Superman vs. new sinister Six
- Martian Manhunter vs. Thor
- secret wars battle
- Dr. Strange VS. Magneto
- scarlet witch(curent power levels) VS magneto
- Wolverine vs. deathstroke
- Nightcrawler vs Magneto
- Captain Mar-Vell Team VS. Thanos Team
- eternity(infinity) vs rest of Mu
- Godstalker vs. Superman Prime
- X-team VS. Thanos
- Adult Superboy vs. Thor
- Xman vs Legion (Xavier's son )