- Thor (One arm and axe) runs the gaunlet
- Unlimited Luck vs Unlimited Motoric skills
- How many wins out of ten can spiderman get of each
- Superboy Prime Runs The Gauntlet
- Superman & Mr. Majestic Vs Thor & Beta Ray Bill
- Sovereign vs. Grail
- OWAW Superman Vs Thor & Beta Ray Bill
- video games Beast VS Movie Beast VS Comics Beast
- Angrir Vs Superboy
- Race Zeta Beams
- Superboy Prime Vs Thor & Beta Ray Bill
- Vandal Savage vs Savage Hulk
- Dark Multiverse
- The Cat & Bullseye Vs Nemesis & Colony Prime
- Batman: The Dawnbreaker & Red Death Vs Larfleeze & Zoom
- Doomsday Vs Savage Hulk :Slugfest
- Asmodel Vs World Breaker Hulk
- Who has Superman punched the hardest?
- Lobo & Bizzaro Vs Orion & Solomon Grundy
- Superman Vs Wolverine , Venom, Wonderwoman & Aquaman
- Greatest Chops?
- Batman The Dawnbreaker Vs Sinestro
- Sun God vs gladiator
- Choose one
- Deathstroke & Midnighter vs. Cyborg & Nightwing
- Barakapool (movie) Vs Spiderman (comics)
- Shredder Vs Wolverine
- Man-Thing vs. Flash
- Wonder Woman Vs Wolverine & Sabertooth
- Fist Fight Luke Cage Vs Gorilla Grodd
- Could you do a batter job than wolverine?
- King Thor runs the Superman Gauntlet
- Deathstroke (Nth metal) vs. Puma
- Nightwing vs. Puma
- Immortal Hercules vs Superman rogues
- Immortal Herc vs. Spider-Man, Iron Fist & Wolverine
- What happens to these guys after getting hit by Iron Fist
- Quasar Wendell vs. Black Bolt
- Wonder Woman fights Hulks Enemies
- Arrogance is Bliss
- He-Man vs. Orion
- Sasquatch vs. Blade, Black Panther & Luke Cage
- G.L. Hal vs. Loki
- Who can lift thors hammer by pure physical strength
- Polaris vs. Starfire
- How many Iron Man Armours does it take to beat Thor?
- How Many Out of 10 Against Doomsday
- Team Grifter vs. Team Cable
- 3 Way Fight - Superboy Prime vs King Thor vs Thanos
- The Inbetweener vs GA Superman Prime
- Spiderman Vs Sabertooth: Fist Fight
- Bone Clawed Wolverine Vs Captain America & Batman
- Parker aka Spiderman most deadly villain
- Superman Vs Flash
- Order These Guys By Age
- Captain America Vs Nightcrawler
- Who has punched Supermans the hardest?
- Who smells the worst in order
- Batman Runs the prep gauntlet
- Hulk & Thor Vs Solomon Grundy & Bizzaro
- Master of the World Vs Ray Palmer
- Nightwing Vs Ninjak
- The PUNCHING MACHINE Gauntlet...
- Jane Thor vs. Solomon Grundy
- Quasar & BRB vs. Blue Marvel & Hyperion
- Martian Manhunter & Batman vs. Cyclops, Cable, X-man, Havok & Vulcan
- Waverider & Weird Vs Silver Surfer & Insane Genis
- Batman Vs Elektra
- Thor Vs Magneto, Vulcan & Black Bolt
- Team Thanos vs. Team Sentry
- Insane Genis Vell vs. Silver Surfer
- Shang Chi, Black Panther, Taskmaster vs. Bronze Tiger, Deathstroke, Azrael
- Worldbreaker Hulk vs Thanos
- Superboy Prime Vs Galactus (the one king thor fought)
- Wild Child vs Wildcat
- Tournament of Power KMC Version DOS
- Green Scar Hulk vs. Cho Hulk & Skaar
- Who can lift Supermans Key (Half A Million Tons) to the fortress of solitude
- Winter soldier (Barnes) vs Arsenal (Harper)
- Rate in power
- Battle of the Brainiacs
- Mr. Oz (Jor-El) Vs Brainiac (Convergence)
- Supeman Prime W/Guardian amp Vs 2000 ft Destroyer
- Morlun vs Vulcan
- Thanos Vs Drax & Grail
- Neil gaiman VS Grant morrison!
- Orion Vs Silver Surfer
- Who has hit harder?Cho Hulk
- Ultraman Vs Superboy Prime
- Incredible Splash Art Thread
- Team Replaces Odin in Destroyer Vs 4th Host
- Black Zero vs Maxima
- GA Superman Prime (Sundipped) Vs Galactus (Amped on 4 planets)
- My Hero is best at EVERYTHING!! No fooling man!!!
- Galactus vs GA Superboy Prime
- Captain America vs Elektra
- sun dipped superman vs monarch
- Galactus, Tyrant, Thanos Vs Gog, Monarch, Superman Prime
- If Galactus is 100%
- Starbreaker vs Energy Absorbers gauntlet
- Phoenix 5 vs Sinestro corps members
- The Council of Reeds vs. The Quintessence
- Waverider VS The beyonders
- monarch vs imperiex
- DS Sentry vs. Korvac
- America Chavez vs. Big Barda
- He-man & Majestic vs. Odinson & Hyperion
- Odin vs Nix Uotan
- God Doom vs. Great Evil Beast
- Triton vs. Aquaman
- If so and so is 100% in strength
- Ozymandias Vs Lex Luthor
- Starbreaker vs. Superman Prime
- Kingdom Gog vs. Monarch
- If Colossus is 100% in strength
- Pick A Genius to Do these things for you
- The ALPHA and The OMEGA
- GA Superman Prime vs GDS Darkseid
- Ultimates vs. Crime Syndicate
- Luther Strode/Cain: Tag-Team GAUNTLET
- Superman, Thor, Black Bolt, Etrigan the Demon vs..
- The DEFINITIVE Canon VS Science Thread
- Body Doubles Vs Captain America & Winter Soldier
- Best shoulders in comics
- The Manhunters vs The Sentinels.
- Superman vs Sentry - Strength Test
- Monarch replaces Odin against The Fourth Host of Celestials
- Starbreaker vs. Gorr
- Marvel VERSUS ???????
- J.L.A. vs. Marvel Bad Dudes
- Bruce Wayne vs. Conan
- DCNU Ultraman vs DOS Doomsday
- Rank These Guys Based on.......
- Rune King Thor vs Monarch
- Nekron in the Cancerverse
- Choose A Character As Close To Power As You Can To These Characters
- Monarch vs Team
- Or these planet feats
- Future Aquaman Runs The Gauntlet
- Pick a brain
- Hyperion vs gamma fam
- Vs. Your Father.
- DP Tyrant Vs OWAW Superman, Superboy Prime, & Ultraman (Knite)
- Team Doomsday runs Gauntlet
- Aquaman vs. Mar-Vell
- Thor & Beta Ray Bill Vs Ultraman (High on Knite) and Wonder Man
- Never Queen vs. Current Molecule Man
- OWAW Superman/Doomsday vs WWH Hulk/Sentry
- DCnU Ultraman Vs Mr. Majestic W/blades
- Most popular Marvel character in the DCU?
- Aquaman vs. Future Aquaman
- Metallo vs. Darth Vader
- World War Thing
- Mr. Oz Vs Reed Richards
- Batman and Moondragon vs Val Armorr (Threeboot) and Mantis
- Batman vs Karnak hth
- Martian Manhunter vs. Spectrum, Capt Marvel & Miss America
- General Grievous vs. Colossus
- Hulkverine vs. Aquaman
- Shields against these attacks...
- Dumped into the DC Universe II
- How many punches to knock out thanos
- Team Molecule Vs Team Solar Radiation
- Aquaman & Mera vs. Captain Britain & Meggan
- She Hulk vs Storm
- Thor Corps vs. Marvel's Supermen
- Gladiator vs Konvikt
- Galactus (Average) Vs Quantum Superman & Monarch
- Hyperion vs thor
- If Jarvis is a 50
- Nul Vs ThorHulk
- Order These Groups By Power
- Rank these Metas
- Bruce Wayne vs Tyson in his prime AKA Iron Mike in a boxing match
- Galactus (Average) Vs DC Team
- DC Vs Marvel
- Dumped into DC Universe
- Galactus (Average) Vs Team
- Rank these Superman
- Scathan the Approver vs. The Ultimate Ultimates
- Namor vs hulk
- Nova Prime Vs Future Flash
- Batman (W/Gear) Vs Shang-Chi
- Future Aquaman Vs Namor
- 2017 Silver Surfer Vs. 2017 Superman
- Who resists the lasso?
- Superman vs Hyperion and Gladiator 1 vs 2
- If Thor is as Strong as Superman/Hyperion/Gladiator
- Mjolnir and Lantern Rings
- Captain America (Steve Rogers)
- Unlimited Speed vs Unlimited Durability
- If Hulk is 100% in strength
- Superman vs Doomsday
- Order These Guys By Physical Strength (Spiderman Universe)
- Wolverine Vs Shirtless Bear Fighter! Twist!
- Wonder Woman Runs the gaunlet
- Order These Guys By High End Feats
- Black Widow Vs Wasp
- Quicksilver Vs Wolverine
- Superman 1 million vs King Thor
- Surfer catching Lightray
- Flash (Wally) Vs Lightray
- Venomverse Spiderman vs. Omega Red
- Worldbreaker Hulk VERSUS The WORTHY
- Daredevil vs. Wonder Woman
- Captain Atom Vs Martian Manhunter
- Absorbing Man (Worthy) Runs Gauntlet
- Most Intimidating Looking Characters
- Tug Of War DC Vs Marvel
- Battle of Team Wreckers Heroes Version
- Scans of Characters Being Killed By Nukes
- Versatility battle
- Superman 1 Million vs Majestic
- Tug of War
- Ironman vs. Deathstroke & Black Panther
- The Scarecrow Vs Mr ZsasZ
- Captain Cold Vs Juggernaut
- Farewell To Badabing
- Broly(LSSJ) VERSUS Thanos
- Shang Chi vs Shredder
- The First Firmament vs. Peak Volthoom
- Daredevil vs Fantomex
- Nightcrawler vs Nightwing
- B'Wana Beast vs Kraven the Hunter
- Batman Vs Black Panther (suits)
- Team Thanos Vs Team Superman
- Thane vs HP Doomsday
- Marvel Vs DC
- Nightcrawler (no tele) vs. Victor Zsasz
- Bebop and Rocksteady vs Iron Fist
- Team Super Soldier vs Team Spider
- Quantum Mechanics vs. Galactus Engine
- Else-Men vs. Exterminators
- Prowler vs. Nightrasher
- Ben Reilly vs. Black Panther
- Superman throws Aquamans trident as hard as he can
- Predator vs Daredevil
- DS Sentry vs True Legion
- Deathstroke & Hawkman vs. Midnighter & Apollo
- Silver Samurai 1 vs Shredder
- Badabing vs Hulks anus
- She Hulk vs. Deathstroke
- Dominus vs. True Legion
- Kingdom Come Captain Marvel Vs WWH
- Dos Doomsday Vs Juggernaut
- Surfer, Quasar, & Nova Vs Hal, Captain Atom, & Firestorm
- Dharma vs. 238 Mad Jim Jaspers
- Vladimir Kravinoff vs. Old Man Logan
- Deathstroke (no IKON suit) vs. Batman Beyond
- Dr. Doom vs. Cyclops with a twist