- Jetstream vs. Gambit
- Magus... Full Power(Sans IG) VS. Solaris
- Despero & Cyborg Superman VS Adam Warlock & Thanos
- Beast vs. Black Panther
- Who would take home the victory flag?
- Multiple Man vs. Spider-man
- Cannonball vs. Human Torch
- Nova Blast Gautlet who can survive?
- Mr. Fantastic vs. Beast
- Fantastic Four vs Cyclops,Havok and Gambit
- Dr. Octopus,Omega Red and Venom vs WonderMan and WonderWoman
- What would happen?
- Vision vs. WW
- thing vs thor vs gambit
- What superheroes/villains can beat...
- Batman runs human gauntlet
- Zauriel vs Black Canary and Hawkman
- Sentry,Rune king thor,Yuga Khan vs The Spectre
- Ssj5,000
- goku ssj5,000
- Battle for it all
- flash prime vs jp
- Goku Ssj5,000 Vs Jtplatenuim [aka Jp] Vs The Single Will
- Lord Graven (Darkseids Son) appears in Green Lantern Issues 70- 75
- thor vs darkseid(strongest version)
- C-master vs. you all
- Avengers vs. Darkseid w/sons
- C-master VS. logic
- C-master VS. galactus
- C-master vs. Me
- Fantastic Four Vs. The Hellions
- Who can stop the awesome power of Yuga Khan!!!!!
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Gladiator
- The Thing vs. Tiger Shark
- Hercules and Savage Hulk vs. Kurse
- Kurse vs. Beta Ray Bill
- Banshee vs. Spider-man
- Sabertooth vs. Dazzler
- Spider-man vs. Centennial
- The Punisher with Spawns power vs. Thor
- Thanos vs. Magus
- Who is Yuga Khan (Lets Find Out)
- batman,lady shiva,batgirl vs dare-devil,elektra,bullseye
- Darkseid,orion,gravyen vs the avengers
- Yuga Khan (Darkseid's Father) vs Darkseid and his sons Orion, Grayven and Kalibak
- Who would win?
- Spawn & Wonder Woman vs Silver Surfer & Juggernaut
- Women of Marvel vs DC Chicks
- The Original ult x men vs the 1960's X men
- Spawn vs. Mephisto
- Loki vs. Steel
- Freedom force vs JSA
- Old School Dr.Fate vs Thanos
- 1 MILLION Wolverines vs Thanos
- Champion with Gem vs Superman,Captain Marvel and Thor
- WonderWoman and Starfire vs Rogue She Hulk and Quicksand
- 12 Marvel/DC vs This JSA
- Thanos vs. God like Ice-man/God like magneto/Wolverine
- Current Genis vs Silver Surfer
- The Thing vs Batman and Slade
- Deadshot and Catman vs Booster gold nad blue Beatle
- Marvel vs. DC
- whos the strongest
- swordmen and hawlkeye vs drizzt and Bruenor
- jp vs grant morrison vs the brothers vs the presence and toaa
- If Batman snapped. Batman brutal
- Jp Vs The Presence Vs The Brothers Vs Toaa
- Can Anyone Do It?
- No powers fight 2
- What are there the most of?
- Strongest Avengers vs Strongest Justice Leaguers
- Mr. Sinister vs. Doctor Doom
- Depowered Tyrant vs. Onslaught
- Rune King Thor and Odin vs Tyrant (full power)
- Japanese Robots Assault Marvel Earth
- Justice League vs this team
- parralax vs darkseid (strongest form) vs spectre
- Sleepwalker vs Ghost Rider
- Voltron versus Galactus
- Count Nefaria vs Thanos
- Benares(neo gensis evangelion) versus Galactus(100%)
- Supreme Power, Hyperion vs Classic Thor
- Pre-Crisis Darkseid Vs. Ion
- Universal War
- Miracle Man vs. Gladiator
- Sailor Galaxia (Manga) vs. Thanos
- TOAA vs. Molecule Man
- Silver surfer vs darkseid (strongest version)
- batman vs green arrow (h2h)
- Strongest Blast?
- Steel vs Beetle or MACH IV
- Captain Marvel and Superman vs Juggernaut
- Marvel vs DC
- Batman on his Batmobile VS Michael Knight on K.I.T.T.
- Marvel Team Evil Runs The Gauntlet!!!
- Defenders vs Yandroth, Cyrus Black, Attuma, & Nebulon the Celestial Man
- Classic Beyonder vs Apocolspe Sentry and Onslaught
- New Avengers vs. New Excalibur
- Abilities - Nate Grey (Xman) VS Franklin Richards
- Savage Hulk & Gladiator run the Home Turf Guantlet
- Beta Ray Bill vs Superman
- angel vs beak(with a twist)
- Morg at full Power vs Lobo and 5 Hunter/Prey Doomsdays vs Mangog & Tyrant
- A Marvel/DC Contest Thanos vs Three DC CHaracters and Superman vs 3 Marvel Characters
- Dr. Doom vs Dr Strange
- Full speed Juggernaut vs ...
- Quicksilver vs Human Torch
- ultimate iceman vs regular venom
- Thing vs. Bishop
- Colossus vs. Random
- thamuz vs. general zod
- JSA vs Alpha Flight
- Punisher vs. Kingpin (prep)
- Powerhouse Team runs the Mole Man Monster Gauntlet
- Domino vs. Sage
- Cannonball vs. Shatterstar
- Marv vs. cletus Kassady & eddie brock (no weapons)
- Marv (sin city) VS the Punisher
- Yulaw vs. Thor
- Black Panther vs. Azrael
- Mask vs. Bruce Almighty
- The JLA vs The Mask
- No powers fight
- Byrnes Superman Vs Jurgens Thor H2h
- WonderWoman & WonderMan vs Ulik & Kalibak
- Hulk & Namor vs Wonder Woman & Lobo
- Supreme Power's Squadron Supreme vs The Ultimates
- Silver Surfer,Terrax and Air Walker vs Current Superman and Darkseid
- Batman runs the 'Beyond' gauntlet!
- Phoenix vs Korvac vs Odin and Zeus
- Thor,Iron Man & Black Knight vs Rogue,Storm and Gambit
- i am sorry
- I don't think Bans will affect this guy
- Thanos vs team Xtreme
- drizz and bruenor vs vampires
- Hawkeye vs. Hulk
- Batman in BtVS Villains Gauntlet
- Golden Age Wildcat vs Golden Age Atom
- shatterstar vs. the silver samurai
- Non-powered JSA vs Minutemen (from the Watchmen)
- Hulk vs. Hellion
- Nimrod vs. Sage
- Shatterstar vs. The Blob
- Neo (Matrix) vs. _________
- Data vs Predator
- Nightwing, batman and batgirl vs deathstrokebat
- Nightwing, batman and batgirl vs deathstroke
- Who can beat pre crisis Superman?
- Nightwing,batman and nightwing vs deathstroke
- combo man vs. thor
- Alpha Flight vs the Thunderbolts
- PITT & Savage Hulk & WonderMan vs Classic Juggernaut & Drax without Power Gem
- Does anybody have the Fight skills of Champion?
- Catwoman vs Blackcat vs Wildcat
- GLADIATOR+Genis+Firelord vs THOR+Surfer+Quasar
- Sersi vs Circe
- Wolverine vs. Stick
- Might & Magic
- Adam Warlock VS. Sentinel Alan Scott
- Marvel Top Tier Heroes VS. DC's Top Tier Heroes
- Photon vs. Dr. Light
- The Most Powerful Female Mutants
- Batman vs. Deadpool
- Ultimate Battle
- Slade versus Deadpool.
- Flash vs. Magneto
- Battle of the Cats. Catwoman, Blackcat, Shadowcat and Wildcat
- Odin,Zeus,and Pluto vs DC Earth
- What team could beats this team?
- Carnage+Venom vs Spiderman+Batman
- The Huntress vs. White Tiger
- Black cat vs cat women
- Arsenal vs. Hawkeye
- Catwoman vs. Hellcat
- A speed contest Flash's running speed or Data's calculating Speed
- spawn vs lobo
- Scarlet Witch vs. Parallax
- onslaught vs. superman
- Team Sentry vs. Team Superman
- The Outsiders vs. the New Avengers
- Captain America vs Gambit
- Your Fav vs your least fav
- spongebob squarepants vs superman
- spectre vs god-like spawn vs rune king thor
- Ultimate Captain America VS Deathstroke
- wolverine vs deadpool vs sabertooth vs weapon X
- dr.fate vs dr.strange
- gladitor vs capt.marvel(shazam)
- Greatest fighter in Marvel
- Original Superman vs Original Spiderman
- Antimoniter vs Galatus vs Dr.Strangefate
- Arm-Wrestling Match - Thor w/ Wisdom of the Runes vs Immortal Hercules
- Aku vs...
- apocalypse and galactus
- Mandarin vs. Sauron
- bobba fett vs. deadpool (merc madness)
- skeletor vs. sauron (h2h)
- Silver Surfer vs. Mr. Majestic
- Stryfe VS Cable VS X-Man
- Hulk Juggernaut Kurse VS This team
- Dark Phoenix vs. Pre-crisis Superman
- Quasar (with Power Of Cosmic) vs. Green Lantern -Alan Scott
- The Offending Society vs JLA, Avengers, Titans, X-Men, Fantastic Four, & the Legion.
- Mister Miracle vs. Iron Man
- biggest...
- thunder bird vs thunderbird 2
- Shadowcat vs. Black Rook
- Quicksilver vs. Shadowcat
- Return of the infamous Pizza Party!
- Silver Surfer vs. Wonder Man
- Thanos v THIS Secret Six . . .
- Who can beat the Devil in a battle of Fidel playing?
- Spawn vs. Magneto, Sinister, Superman, Phoenix and Apocalypse
- ultimate wolverine vs ultimate cyclops
- Present vs future
- strongest steel vs. strongest iron man
- Silver Surfer vs. King Thor
- Elemental Mayhem
- 8th day Juggernaut vs. Ironman, Namor, and Sasquatch
- Cyclops vs. Colossus
- Can Ironman, Steel and Guardian must build a suit to beat the Aegis armor
- Thor vs Supermans Villians remake again
- Pre Crisis Superman vs TOAA and The Presence
- Storm vs. Colossus
- Galactus, Apocalypse, Juggernaut, Gladiator, Thanos, Onslaught, Hulk, Thor, Champion
- Nemesis II vs. Taskmaster
- Ironman (Uru armor) vs. Doomsday
- DC bv Marvel Doctors
- hulk buster ironman vs. hulk
- Team Real deal vs Tean fakers
- Black Adams team vs the Evil Brotherhood of mutants
- Professor Xavier vs. Doctor Strange
- JSA vs Doomsday, Shaggyman, Hulk and Abomination
- Thing vs. Annabell the projecting empath
- Superhero I.Q.
- Classic Juggernaut vs. Current Hercules
- Classic Juggernaut vs. the Firepower of the aircraft-carriers Nimitz and Enterprise
- RoboCop (from the movie) vs. Savage Hulk
- Classic Juggernaut vs. The HULK KILLER HUMANOID
- havok vs iceman
- Sig Requests - EVERYONE READ THIS!
- Armed and Dangerous Deadshot, Deathstroke vs Bullseye and Deadpool
- SPIDERman vs. NIGHTcrawler w/swords
- Soccer Match!!
- Dormammu vs JLA
- Deadpool Vs. Carnage
- Venom Vs. Sabretooth
- Batman (my version) vs. Thanos
- Tetsou(akira)vs whoever you got